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Christelle Lacroix

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  • 1002066
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I am a researcher in the Plant Pathology unit of the INRAE-PACA center (Avignon, France). My research focuses on the role of **biotic and abiotic parameters** on the emergence, the dissemination, and the severity of plant **Emerging Infectious Diseases** (EIDs). My research spans multiple disciplines including disease ecology and plant pathology and is based on field and experimental approaches. The overall goal of my main research projects is to contribute to design **better management and surveillance strategies of plant EIDS**. My activities aims at producing **fundamental knowledge** on the ecology of plant diseases**,** while contributing to the development of **field applications** through the transfer to and collaboration with field partners, and include the implementation of necessary tools to study **complex ecological interactions**. I base my research on various model systems corresponding to two identically named diseases, i.e. bacterial canker, caused by several strains from the ***Pseudomonas syringae*** complex on perennial fruit trees (e.g. kiwifruit and apricot) and by ***Clavibacter michiganensis susbp. michiganensis*** strains in tomato crops. I am also currently (2021-present) part of the scientific council of the INRAE Plant and Environment Health (SPE) scientific department.


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Pervasive reservoirs, long distance aerial spread, variable host range: integrating the challenges of anticipating disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae

Cindy E. Morris , Odile Berge , Christelle Lacroix , Ghislain Geniaux , A.S. Eddine
14. International conference on plant pathogenic bacteria, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia (Italy), Jul 2022, Assise, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-03791633v1