Christian Wolf
Christian WOLF a obtenu un "Diplom Ingenieur der Informatik" de l'Université de Technologie de Vienne en 2000, puis un doctorat en informatique de l'INSA de Lyon en 2003, et l'habilitation à diriger des recherches en 2012, également de l'INSA de Lyon . De septembre 2004 à août 2005, il était Mâitre de Conférences à l'Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg et membre du Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Images, de l'Informatique et de la Télédétection (LSIIT). Depuis 2005 il est Maître de Conférences à l'INSA de Lyon et membre du Laboratoire d'Informatique en Images et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS). Ses activités de recherche portent sur la vision par ordinateur et sur l'apprentissage automatique, particulièrement sur les modèles graphiques, le deep learning, l'interprétation de scènes complexes, la reconnaissance de gestes et d'activités humaines, et sur la vision par ordinateur pour la robotique.
Christian WOLF a obtenu un "Diplom Ingenieur der Informatik" de l'Université de Technologie de Vienne en 2000, puis un doctorat en informatique de l'INSA de Lyon en 2003, et l'habilitation à diriger des recherches en 2012, également de l'INSA de Lyon . De septembre 2004 à août 2005, il était Mâitre de Conférences à l'Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg et membre du Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Images, de l'Informatique et de la Télédétection (LSIIT). Depuis 2005 il est Maître de Conférences à l'INSA de Lyon et membre du Laboratoire d'Informatique en Images et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS). Ses activités de recherche portent sur la vision par ordinateur et sur l'apprentissage automatique, particulièrement sur les modèles graphiques, le deep learning, l'interprétation de scènes complexes, la reconnaissance de gestes et d'activités humaines, et sur la vision par ordinateur pour la robotique.
Space and time continuous physics simulation from partial observationsInternational Conference on Learning Representation, May 2024, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Learning whom to trust in navigation: dynamically switching between classical and neural planningInternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct 2023, Detroit, United States
Conference papers
Filtered-CoPhy: Unsupervised Learning of Counterfactual Physics in Pixel SpaceInternational Conference on Learning Representations, Apr 2022, Virtuel, United States
Conference papers
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue... but Should Vqa Expect Them To?Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, Jun 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers
Deep Reinforcement Learning on a Budget: 3D Control and Reasoning Without a SupercomputerICPR 2020 - 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Dec 2020, Milan, Italy. pp.1-16, ⟨10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412212⟩
Conference papers
EgoMap: Projective mapping and structured egocentric memory for Deep RLECML-PKDD 2020 - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Sep 2020, ghent, Belgium. pp.1-12, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-67661-2_31⟩
Conference papers
Learning to plan with uncertain topological mapsECCV 2020 - 16th European Conference on Computer Vision, Aug 2020, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.1-24, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-58580-8_28⟩
Conference papers
COPHY: Counterfactual Learning of Physical DynamicsInternational Conference on Learning Representations, Apr 2020, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia
Conference papers
Théo GuesserWorkshop on Visualization for AI explainability (VISxAI), Oct 2020, Salt-lake city, United States
Conference papers
What if we Reduce the Memory of an Artificial Doom Player?Workshop on Visualization for AI explainability (VISxAI), Oct 2019, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers
Attentional PointNet for 3D-Object Detection in Point CloudsCVPR 2019 - Workshop on Autonomous driving, Jun 2019, Long Beach, California, United States. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1109/CVPRW.2019.00169⟩
Conference papers
Learning 3D Navigation Protocols on Touch Interfaces with Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement LearningECML PKDD 2019 - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Sep 2019, Würzburg, Germany. pp.1-16, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-46133-1_3⟩
Conference papers
RLMViz: Interpreting Deep Reinforcement Learning MemoryJournée Visu 2019, May 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Object Level Visual Reasoning in VideosECCV 2018 - European Conference on Computer Vision, Sep 2018, Munich, Germany. pp.1-17
Conference papers
Semantic Grid Estimation with Occupancy Grids and Semantic Segmentation NetworksICARCV 2018 - 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Nov 2018, Singapore, Singapore. pp.1-6
Conference papers
Glimpse Clouds: Human Activity Recognition from Unstructured Feature PointsCVPR 2018 - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Jun 2018, Salt Lake City, United States. pp.1-10
Conference papers
Learning to Recognize Touch Gestures: Recurrent vs. Convolutional Features and Dynamic SamplingFG'2018 - 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, May 2018, Xi'An, China. pp.114-121, ⟨10.1109/FG.2018.00026⟩
Conference papers
Semantic Grid Estimation with a Hybrid Bayesian and Deep Neural Network ApproachIROS 2018 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2018, Madrid, Spain. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Context Aware Robot Architecture, Application to the RoboCup@Home ChallengeRoboCup symposium, Jun 2018, Montreal, Canada. pp.1-12, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-27544-0_17⟩
Conference papers
Human Activity Recognition with Pose-driven Attention to RGBBMVC 2018 - 29th British Machine Vision Conference, Sep 2018, Newcastle, United Kingdom. pp.1-14
Conference papers
Human Action Recognition: Pose-based Attention draws focus to HandsICCV Workshop on Hands in Action, Oct 2017, Venice, Italy
Conference papers
Full-Page Text Recognition: Learning Where to Start and When to Stop14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Nov 2017, Kyoto, France. pp.871-876, ⟨10.1109/ICDAR.2017.147⟩
Conference papers
Residual Conv-Deconv Grid Network for Semantic SegmentationBMVC 2017, Sep 2017, Londre, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Modout: Learning to Fuse Face and Gesture Modalities with Stochastic RegularizationInternational Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, May 2017, Washington D.C., United States
Conference papers
Full-Page Text Recognition: Learning Where to Start and When to StopInternational Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Nov 2017, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Mixed Pooling Neural Networks for Color ConstancyIEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Sep 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Avancées méthodologiques pour mobiliser les technologies d'eye-tracking dans le cadre de recherches sur les perceptions environnementalesEye-tracking day 2016, Jun 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers
Learning text-line localization with shared and local regression neural networksInternational Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Oct 2016, Shenzhen, China
Conference papers
Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task, Multi-domain LearningS+SSPR 2016 The joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2016) and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2016) , Nov 2016, Merida, Mexico
Conference papers
Space Displacement Localization Neural Networks to locate origin points of handwritten text lines in historical documentsICDAR 2015 Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, Aug 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Learning joint multimodal behaviors for face-to-face interaction: performance & properties of statistical modelsHuman-Robot Interaction. Workshop on Behavior Coordination between Animals, Humans, and Robots, Mar 2015, Portland, United States
Conference papers
Activity Recognition with Volume Motion Templates and Histograms of 3D GradientsInternational Conference on Image Processing, Sep 2015, Quebec City, Canada
Conference papers
Paragraph text segmentation into lines with Recurrent Neural NetworksInternational Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Aug 2015, Tunisia, Tunisia
Conference papers
Multi-scale deep learning for gesture detection and localizationECCV Workshop on Looking at People, Oct 2014, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Hand segmentation with structured convolutional learningACCV, Jan 2014, Singapour, Singapore
Conference papers
Autonomous object modeling based on affordances for spatial organization of behaviorInternational joint conference on development and learning and on epigenetic robotics, Oct 2014, Gênes, Italy. pp.94-99
Conference papers
Modeling Perception-Action Loops: Comparing Sequential Models with Frame-Based ClassifiersHAI 2014 - 2nd International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Oct 2014, Tsukuba, Japan. pp.309-314
Conference papers
Modeling sensory-motor behaviors for social robotsWACAI 2014 - Workshop Affect, Compagnon Artificiel, Interaction, Jun 2014, Rouen, France
Conference papers
Graph-Based Analysis of Physical Exercise ActionsACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Indexing and Information Retrieval for Healthcare, Oct 2013, Barcelona, Spain. pp.23-32
Conference papers
An Enactive Approach to Autonomous Agent and Robot LearningJoint International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Aug 2013, Osaka, Japan. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/DevLrn.2013.6652527⟩
Conference papers
Integrating spatial layout of object parts into classification without pairwise terms: application to fast body parts estimation from depth imagesVISAPP, Feb 2013, Barcelona, Spain. pp.626-631
Conference papers
A multi-scale approach to gesture detection and recognitionICCV Workshop on Understanding Human Activities: Context and Interactions (HACI 2013), Dec 2013, Sydney, Australia. pp.484-491, ⟨10.1109/ICCVW.2013.69⟩
Conference papers
Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Sparse Auto-Encoder for Sequence ClassificationBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Sep 2012, Guildford, United Kingdom. pp.124.1-124.12, ⟨10.5244/C.26.124⟩
Conference papers
Real-Time Exact Graph Matching with Application in Human Action RecognitionInternational Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, Oct 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal. pp.17-28, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-34014-7_2⟩
Conference papers
Appariement de points spatio-temporels par hyper-graphes et optimisation discrète exacteCOmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), May 2012, Lille, France. pp.56-61
Conference papers
Action recognition in videosInternational Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Oct 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. ⟨10.1109/IPTA.2012.6469480⟩
Conference papers
Sparse Shift-Invariant Representation of Local 2D Patterns and Sequence Learning for Human Action Recognition21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Nov 2012, Tsukuba Science City, Japan. pp.3823-3826
Conference papers
Supervised learning and codebook optimization with neural networkCOmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA 2012), May 2012, Lille, France. pp.50-55
Conference papers
Maintien des personnes âgées à domicile - enjeux scientifiques et technologiques liés à la vision par ordinateurEcole d'été "Intelligence ambiante", Lille; Session Enjeux sociétaux, scientifiques et technologiques du maintien des personnes âgées à domicile. , Jul 2011, Lille, France. pp.1-60
Conference papers
Robust feature line extraction on CAD triangular meshesInternational Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Mar 2011, Algarve, Portugal
Conference papers
Sequential Deep Learning for Human Action Recognition2nd International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU), Nov 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.29-39, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-25446-8_4⟩
Conference papers
Pairwise features for human action recognitionInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Aug 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.3224-3227, ⟨10.1109/ICPR.2010.788⟩
Conference papers
Une approche neuronale pour la classification d’actions de sport par la prise en compte du contenu visuel et du mouvement dominantCOmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), Oct 2010, Lyon, France. pp.25-30
Conference papers
Interactive Content-Aware ZoomingGraphics Interface 2010 Conference, May 2010, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. pp.79--87
Conference papers
Integrating a discrete motion model into GMM based background subtractionInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Aug 2010, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.9-12, ⟨10.1109/ICPR.2010.11⟩
Conference papers
Action Classification in Soccer Videos with Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks20th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Sep 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece. pp.154-159, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15822-3_20⟩
Conference papers
Recognizing and localizing individual activities through graph matchingInternational Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (BEST PAPER), Aug 2010, Boston, United States. pp.196-203, ⟨10.1109/AVSS.2010.81⟩
Conference papers
Séparation recto/verso d'un document par modélisation markovienne à double coucheCORESA'09 : COdage et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, Mar 2009, Toulouse, France. pp.6
Conference papers
3D Object detection and viewpoint selection in sketch images using local patch-based Zernike moments7th International conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Jun 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece. pp.189-194, ⟨10.1109/CBMI.2009.29⟩
Conference papers
Families of Markov models for document image segmentationMachine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop, Sep 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.6, ⟨10.1109/MLSP.2009.5306241⟩
Conference papers
Classification of images based on Hidden Markov ModelsIEEE Workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, Jun 2009, Chania, Crète, Greece. pp.169-174, ⟨10.1109/CBMI.2009.22⟩
Conference papers
Inference and parameter estimation on belief networks for image segmentationJournées Francophone sur les Réseaux Bayésiens, May 2008, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Improving recto document side restoration with an estimation of the verso side from a singled scanned pageInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition, Dec 2008, Tampa, United States. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Markov Random Fields for Improving 3D Mesh Analysis and SegmentationEurographics 2008 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, Apr 2008, Crete, Greece. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Quality, quantity and generality in the evaluation of object detection algorithmsImage Eval 2007, Jun 2007, Amsterdam, NL, Netherlands
Conference papers
Utilisation de connaissances a priori pour le paramétrage d'un algorithme de détection de textes dans les documents audiovisuels : application à un corpus de journaux télévisésRFIA, Jan 2004, Toulouse, France. pp.0
Conference papers
Reinforcement Learnig For Parameter Control of Text Detection in Images and Video SequencesInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies : From Theory to Applications, Apr 2004, Damascus, Syria. ⟨10.1109/ICTTA.2004.1307859⟩
Conference papers
Détection de textes de scenes dans des images issues d'un flux vidéoJournée de COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), Jan 2003, Lyon, France. pp.63-66
Conference papers
Attentional PointNet for 3D-Object Detection in Point CloudsCVPR 2019 - Workshop on Autonomous Driving, Jun 2019, Long Beach, California, United States. pp.1
Conference poster
Mesh Segmentation and Global 3D Model ExtractionSymposium on Geometry Processing, Jul 2012, Tallinn, Estonia. 2012
Conference poster
Global triangular mesh regularization using conditional Markov random fieldsSymposium on Geometry Processing, Jul 2009, Berlin, Germany. EUROGRAPHICS, 2009
Conference poster
Artificial Intelligence. What is it, exactly?Sébastien Konieczny; Henri Prade. College Publication, 2021, 9781848903388
L’intelligence Artificielle: De quoi s’agit-il vraiment ?Sébastien Konieczny; Henri Prade. Cepadues, 2020, 9782364938502
Gaze and face-to-face interactionGeert Brône & Bert Oben. Eye-tracking in Interaction. Studies on the role of eye gaze in dialogue, Benjamins, pp.139 - 168, 2018, ⟨10.1075/ais.10.07bai⟩
Book sections
Extraction d'informations textuelles contenues dans les images et les séquences audio-visuelles par une approche de type machine à vecteurs supportsFrance, Patent n° : FR 03 11918,. 1201. 2003
SIM2REALVIZ: Visualizing the Sim2Real Gap in Robot Ego-Pose Estimation2021
Other publications
Learning to detect and localize many objects from few examples[Research Report] INSA-Lyon; LIRIS; A2IA. 2016
Activity recognition from videos with parallel hypergraph matching on GPUs[Research Report] INSA Lyon. 2015
Hand Pose Estimation through Weakly-Supervised Learning of a Rich Intermediate Representation[Research Report] INSA Lyon. 2015
Rivière : Renaturer la VillE : facteur de RisquE ou de bien-être social aux yeux des habitants et des usagers ? L’apport d’une médiation paysagère[Rapport de recherche] labex IMU. 2015
Mechanical Mesh Segmentation and Global 3D Shape Extraction[Research Report] 6936, Université Lyon 1 - Claude Bernard; INSA Lyon. 2014