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Christine LANGE


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Life Sciences [q-bio]



Use of sensory food imagery to drive children to choose smaller portions of healthy and unhealthy snacks

Sophie Nicklaus , Camille Schwartz , Christine Lange , Yann Cornil , Pierre Chandon
Annual conference of the association for consumer research (ACR), Association for Consumer Research, Oct 2019, Atlanta, Texas, United States
Conference papers hal-02936593v1

Snack portion size choice, expectations and actual experiences in children: the interplay of healthiness, hunger, and sensory food imagery

Pierre Chandon , Célia Hachefa , Yann Cornil , Sophie Nicklaus , Camille Schwartz
Annual conference of the association for consumer research (ACR), Oct 2018, Dallas Texas, United States. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02788158v1
Image document

How to measure food liking in a dynamic way in 8-10 year-old children? A new method

Christine Lange , Claire Chabanet , Michel Visalli , Sophie Nicklaus , Camille Schwartz
Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), Jul 2017, Montreal, Canada. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01577107v1

Development of a new home testing method to assess infant’s food liking by mothers

Jérôme Madrelle , Christine Lange , Isabelle Boutrolle , O. Valade , Hugo Weenen
11. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Aug 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01594702v1

Should I use touchscreen tablets rather than computers and mice in TDS trials?

Michel Visalli , Christine Lange , Loïc Mallet Loge , Sylvie Cordelle , Pascal Schlich
11. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Aug 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01165728v1

Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort

Wen Lun Yuan , Christine Lange , Camille Schwartz , Christophe Martin , Claire Chabanet
39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group, Apr 2015, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01595454v1

Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children

Camille Divert , Claire Chabanet , Rachel Schoumacker , Christophe Martin , Christine Lange
39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group, Apr 2015, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01580685v1

Development of a questionnaire to measure attraction toward sweet, salty, and fatty foods in children

Christine Lange , Rachel Schoumacker , Wen Lun Yuan , Claire Chabanet , Sophie Nicklaus
6. european conference on sensory and consumer research: a sense of life, Sep 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01165731v1

Development of a questionnaire to measure attraction toward sweet, salty, and fatty foods in children

Christine Lange , Rachel Schoumacker , Claire Chabanet , Sophie Nicklaus
Séminaire final du projet européen HabEat, Mar 2014, Dijon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01580647v1

A path analysis model: how liking for vegetables emerges in children

Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Caroline Laval , Camille Schwartz
13. journées européennes agro-industrie et méthodes statistiques - Agrostat 2014, Mar 2014, Rabat, Maroc. pp.97-102
Conference papers hal-01578874v1

Unravelling some early determinants of liking for vegetables at 2 years: a longitudinal study from pregnancy to 2 years

Sophie Nicklaus , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich , Sandrine Monnery Patris
Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB) 2014, 2014, Seattle, WA, United States. 25 p
Conference papers hal-02795180v1

Développement des préférences pour les légumes dans la cohorte OPALINE : un modèle SEM pour intégrer les différents déterminants des préférences de la période intra utérine à l'âge de 2 ans (SESSION 1 : Comportement du consommateur : analyse et modélisation)

Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Caroline Laval , Camille Schwartz
Séminaire DID'IT "modélisation et alimentation", Jan 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00823175v1

Can improving a biscuit's nutritional characteristics be compatible with maintaining it sensory quality?

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Marine Spiteri , Pascal Schlich
The 10th Pangborn Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-00865737v1

Could a sensory education improve taste identification, willingness to taste vegetables and food memory in 5 to 7 years-oldchildren?

Christine Lange , Marine Pouyfaucon , Cindy Desbois , Mino Randriamalala , Pascal Schlich
The 10th Pangborn Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-00865833v1

Are hedonic responses to food odours linked to food liking in infants at 12 and 22 months?

Sandra Wagner , Sylvie Issanchou , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery-Patris
The 10th Pangborn Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-00865386v1

Are hedonic responses to food odours linked to food liking in infants at 12 and 22 months?

Sandra Wagner , Sylvie Issanchou , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery Patris
10. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02806955v1

Comparaison des préférences déclarées et mesurées vis-à-vis du gras, du salé et du sucré, entre adultes et enfant

Sophie Nicklaus , Christine Lange
Journée d'information et d'échange sur les préférences vis-à-vis du gras, du salé, du sucré. Restitution du projet ANR 08-ALIA-006 EPIPREF, Nov 2013, Paris, France. 44 diapositives
Conference papers hal-01249022v1

Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres

M.C. Marcuz , Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
Journées qualiment, Sep 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-02809946v1

Complementary feeding: what, when and how in OPALINE mothers? Consequences on infant's food acceptance.

Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Sandrine Jacob , Claire Chabanet , Pascal Schlich
Workshop Opaline: Understanding the early development of food preferences and eating behaviour in children. Abstract session 1: Experiental and environmental factors of early eating behaviour, Oct 2012, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00824638v1

Taste acceptance: evolution in the 1st year and influence on food acceptance

Camille Schwartz , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Caroline Laval , Sylvie Issanchou
Workshop OPALINE: Understanding the early development of food preferences and eating behaviour in children, Université de Bourgogne (UB). FRA.; Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. FRA.; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). FRA.; AgroParisTech. FRA.; Université Paris Sud - Paris 11 (UP11). FRA., Oct 2012, Dijon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01591734v1

Modelling the early determinants of food preferences in the OPALINE cohort

Sophie Nicklaus , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Caroline Laval
Workshop OPALINE: Understanding the early development of food preferences and eating behaviour in children, Oct 2012, Dijon, France. 35 p
Conference papers hal-01123199v1

L'amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle est-elle compatible avec le maintien de la qualité sensorielle ? L'exemple des biscuits

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
2ème colloque Oqali, Dec 2012, Paris, France. 29 p
Conference papers hal-00787961v1

Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres

M.C. Marcuz , Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
Journée Qualiment, Sep 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-00746938v1

Reducing Fat or Sugar Content in Biscuits: Does it Impact Liking? Should Nutritional Claims Be Added to Packagings?

Marine Deck , Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
5th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research 'A Sense of Inspiration', Sep 2012, Bern, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-00746924v1

Taste acceptance: evolution in the 1st year and influence on food acceptance.

Camille Schwartz , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Caroline Laval , Sylvie Issanchou
Workshop Opaline: Understanding the early development of food preferences and eating behaviour in children. Abstract session 2: Role of chemosensory reactivity in orientation eating behaviour, Oct 2012, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00824630v1

Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
Journée Qualiment, Sep 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-00755611v1

EveilSens: an ongoing project to investigate the effects of a sensory education in 5-6 year-old children

Marine Pouyfaucon , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery-Patris , Stephanie Chambaron , Aude Gaignaire
Workshop OPALINE, Oct 2012, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00746945v1

Can we increase liking of fat or sugar reduced biscuits by either a progressive or a direct exposure?

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
5th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Sep 2012, Bern, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-00745896v1

The effect of Fat and Sweetness Perception on Biscuit Liking

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
9th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Sep 2011, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers hal-00745736v1

Effet de la perception en gras/sucré sur l’appréciation des biscuits

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
17. Forum des jeunes chercheurs « Jeunes chercheurs, explorons la bulle professionnelle », Jun 2011, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02806428v1

Comprendre la formation précoce des préférences alimentaires : l'étude OPALINE.

Sophie Nicklaus , Sylvie Issanchou , Sandrine Monnery-Patris , Claire Chabanet , Camille Schwartz
Colloque Régional Nutrition et Santé Publique, May 2011, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00824648v1

Les pratiques éducatives parentales en matière d’alimentation évaluées par les enfants : validation d’une échelle de mesure

Sandrine Monnery-Patris , Natalie Rigal , Claire Chabanet , Vincent Boggio , Christine Lange
9. Journées francophones de nutrition (JFN), Dec 2011, Reims, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01519324v1

Effet d'une éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et les comportements alimentaires d'enfants âgés de 8 à 10 ans

Pascal Schlich , Christine Lange , Aude Gaignaire , Caroline Reverdy , Nathalie Politzer
FunFood 2010, Apr 2010, Angoulème, France. pp. 20
Conference papers hal-00709323v1

Maternal weaning practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new food

Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Claire Chabanet , Pascal Schlich
Conference on Feeding and Eating in Infancy and Early Childhood, Mar 2010, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00709331v1

Qualité et représentation nutritionnelles, perception sensorielle et acceptabilité des biscuits

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
16e Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2010, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-00745684v1

Maternal weaning practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new food

Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Claire Chabanet , Pascal Schlich
Conference on feeding and eating in infancy and early childhood, Mar 2010, Londres, United Kingdom. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02820588v1

Déterminants précoces de la formation des préférences alimentaires : rôle des facteurs expérientiels, sensoriels et éducatifs

Caroline Laval , Sophie Nicklaus , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery-Patris
Rencontres d’Arôme, Dec 2010, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01577101v1

Effect of sensory education on categorisation of unknown odors in children

Caroline Reverdy , Christine Lange , Adeline Thibaut , Pascal Schlich , Egon P. Koster
20. Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2010, Avignon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02747672v1

Are reactions to new foods at weaning related to infants’ taste reactivity at the age of 6 months?

Camille Schwartz , Christine Lange , Claire Chabanet , Sylvie Issanchou , Sophie Nicklaus
3. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense), Sep 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01579322v1

Effect of sensory education on food preferences in children

Caroline Reverdy , Pascal Schlich , Egon Peter Köster , Emilie E. Ginon , Christine Lange
The 3rd European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: A Sense of Innovation, Sep 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-02819674v1

Effect of sensory education on food preferences in children

C. Reverdy , Pascal Schlich , E. P. Köster , Emilie Ginon , Christine Lange
Third European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: A Sense of Innovation, Sep 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-00323906v1

Relationship between olfactory reactivity and food rejections in infant

Sandrine Monnery , Annabelle Vincent , Luc Marlier , Christine Lange , Benoist Schaal
17th Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation, 2006, Grenada, Spain
Conference papers hal-00094997v1

Effet d'une éducation sensorielle sur les préférences et comportements alimentaires d'enfants (8-10 ans)

Christine Lange
Approche sensorielle de l'alimentation chez l'enfant, Sep 2006, Sion, France
Conference papers hal-00125067v1

Relationship between olfactory reactivity and food rejections in infants

Sandrine Monnery , Annabelle Vincent , Luc Marlier , Christine Lange , Benoist Schaal
17. Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2006, Grenade, Spain
Conference papers hal-01189288v1

Impact of the information provided to the consumers on their preference and purchase behaviour for burgundy red wines

Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou
10. Food choice conference, Jun 2002, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02762726v1

Impact of the information provided to the consumers on their willingness to pay : comparison of two methods applied on Champagne

Christine Lange , C. Martin , Claire Chabanet , O. Brun , Sylvie Issanchou
4. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Jul 2001, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02762671v1

Trade-off perceived quality and price

Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou
3. Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Aug 1998, Alesund, Norway. pp.142
Conference papers hal-02841327v1

Développement et validation de l'application COD-Appro pour collecter des données sur les approvisionnements alimentaires

Fanny Teil , Christine Lange , Valentin Bellassen , Lucile Marty , Michel Visalli
Journées francophones de nutrition (JFN), Dec 2023, Marseille, France
Conference poster hal-04668238v1

Effects of portion size on expected and experienced eating enjoyment, hunger, and healthiness ratings among children

Christine Lange , Célia Hachefa , Sophie Nicklaus , Yann Cornil , Pierre Chandon
British Feeding and Drinking Group meeting: Scientific conference on eating & drinking, institut Paul Bocuse, Apr 2018, Lyon, France. , 1 p., 2018
Conference poster hal-02788046v1

Can sensory food imagery lead children to choose and eat smaller portions of healthy and unhealthy snacks?

Christine Lange , Célia Hachefa , Yann Cornil , Sophie Nicklaus , Camille Schwartz
8. european conference on sensory and consumer research (eurosense), May 2018, Verona, Italy. , 1 p., 2018
Conference poster hal-02785767v1

Déterminants de l’apport en glucides au cours la 1ère année de vie dans la cohorte mère-enfant EDEN

Wen Lun Yuan , Sophie Nicklaus , Christine Lange , Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain
12. Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), 2014, NA, France. Elsevier Masson SAS Editeur, Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 28 (Supplément 1, December 2014), 2014, Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme. ⟨10.1016/S0985-0562(14)70871-4⟩
Conference poster hal-01264937v1

Creation of a food taste database using an in-home profile method

Christophe Martin , Michel Visalli , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich , Sylvie Issanchou
The 10th Pangborn Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference poster hal-00865743v1

Can improving a biscuit's nutritional characteristics be compatible with maintaining it sensory quality?

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Marine Spiteri , Pascal Schlich
10. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. , 1 p., 2013
Conference poster hal-02807602v1

Creation of a food taste database using an in-home profile method

Christophe Martin , Michel Visalli , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich , Sylvie Issanchou
10. Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. , 1 p., 2013
Conference poster hal-02809159v1

Description of maternal feeding practices and their impact on infant’s acceptance of new foods

Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Sandrine Jacob , Pascal Schlich , Sophie Nicklaus
FP7 VIVA international congress “V is for vegetable: applying learning theory to liking and intake of vegetables - how can science contribute to healthy eating habits in the youngest and beyond?“, Mar 2013, Saint Andrews, United Kingdom. 2013
Conference poster hal-02806460v1

EveilSens: an ongoing project to investigate the effects of a sensory education in 5-6 year-old children

Marine Pouyfaucon , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery Patris , Stephanie Chambaron , Aude Gaignaire-Paté
Workshop OPALINE, Oct 2012, Dijon, France. , 2012
Conference poster hal-02809191v1

Reducing fat or sugar content in biscuits: does it impact liking? Should nutritional claims be added to packagings?

Marine Deck , Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
5. European conference on sensory consumer science of foods and beverages. A sense of inspiration, Sep 2012, Bern, Switzerland. , 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02806474v1

Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
Journées qualiment, Sep 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France. 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02809982v1

The effect of Fat and Sweetness Perception on Biscuit Liking

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
9. Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Sep 2011, Toronto, Canada. 1 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02806431v1

Description of maternal feeding practices and their impact on infant's acceptance of new foods

Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Sandrine Jacob , Pascal Schlich , Sophie Nicklaus
9. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Sep 2011, Toronto, Canada. 1 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02806534v1

Effect of sensory education on categorization of unknown odors in children

Caroline Reverdy , Adeline Thibaud , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich , Egon P. Köster
The 32nd Annual Meeting - Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS), Apr 2010, St Pete Beach, Florida, United States
Conference poster hal-00709986v1

Qualité et représentation nutritionnelles, perception sensorielle et acceptabilité des biscuits

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
16. Forum des jeunes chercheurs, Jun 2010, Besançon, France. , 1 p., 2010
Conference poster hal-02821551v1

Effect of sensory education on categorization of unknown odors in children

Caroline Reverdy , Christine Lange , Adeline Thibaud , Pascal Schlich , Egon P. Köster
The 20th Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO), Sep 2010, Avignon, France. 36, pp.E37, 2011
Conference poster hal-00816431v1

Effect of sensory education on categorization of unknown odors in children

Caroline Reverdy , Adeline Thibaut , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich , Egon Peter Köster
32. Annual Meeting - association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS), Apr 2010, Saint Pete Beach, Floride, United States. , 1 p., 2010
Conference poster hal-02820638v1

The impact of hedonic versus ethical values of a food product on the willingness to pay. The effect of earlier sensory exposure and/or knowledge of fair trade principle

Christine Lange , E. Carré , Pascal Schlich
2002, 2002
Conference poster hal-02828525v1
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Development and validation of a web application to collect food supply data associated with their nutritional composition and environmental impacts

Lucile Marty , Fanny Teil , Christine Lange , Valentin Bellassen , Michel Visalli
MethodsX, 2024, 13, pp.102891. ⟨10.1016/j.mex.2024.102891⟩
Journal articles hal-04676601v1
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Associations between infant dietary intakes and liking for sweetness and fattiness sensations in 8-to-12-year-old children

Wen Lun Yuan , Sophie Nicklaus , Anne Forhan , Claire Chabanet , Barbara Heude
Nutrients, 2021, 13 (8), pp.1-13. ⟨10.3390/nu13082659⟩
Journal articles hal-03342697v1
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Importance of additional information, as a complement to information coming from packaging, to promote meat substitutes: A case study on a sausage based on vegetable proteins

Christophe Martin , Christine Lange , Stephan Marette
Food Quality and Preference, 2021, 87, pp.104058. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104058⟩
Journal articles hal-03022070v1

Portion size selection in children: Effect of sensory imagery for snacks varying in energy density

Christine Lange , Camille Schwartz , Célia Hachefa , Yann Cornil , Sophie Nicklaus
Appetite, 2020, 150, pp.104656. ⟨10.1016/j.appet.2020.104656⟩
Journal articles hal-02866474v1

Effects of snack portion size on anticipated and experienced hunger, eating enjoyment, and perceived healthiness among children

Camille Schwartz , Christine Lange , Célia Hachefa , Yann Cornil , Sophie Nicklaus
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2020, 17 (1), pp.70. ⟨10.1186/s12966-020-00974-z⟩
Journal articles hal-02869626v1

Weanling Infants Prefer the Odors of Green Vegetables, Cheese, and Fish When Their Mothers Consumed These Foods During Pregnancy and/or Lactation

Sandra Wagner , Sylvie Issanchou , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Benoist Schaal
Chemical Senses, 2019, 44 (4), pp.257-265. ⟨10.1093/chemse/bjz011⟩
Journal articles hal-02413994v1

A dynamic method to measure the evolution of liking during food consumption in 8- to 10-year-old children

Christine Lange , Claire Chabanet , Sophie Nicklaus , Michel Visalli , Camille Schwartz
Food Quality and Preference, 2019, 71, pp.510-516. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.07.012⟩
Journal articles hal-02617712v1

Assessment of liking for saltiness, sweetness and fattiness sensations in children: Validation of a questionnaire

Christine Lange , Wen Lun Yuan , Rachel Schoumacker , Amélie Deglaire , Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain
Food Quality and Preference, 2018, 65, ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2017.11.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01691368v1

Development of a new in-home testing method to assess infant food liking

Jérôme Madrelle , Christine Lange , Isabelle Boutrolle , O. Valade , Hugo Weenen
Appetite, 2017, 113, pp.274-283. ⟨10.1016/j.appet.2017.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01512122v1

Relation between sweet food consumption and liking for sweet taste in French children

Camille Divert , Claire Chabanet , Rachel Schoumacker , Chantal Martin , Christine Lange
Food Quality and Preference, 2017, 56 (Part A), pp.18 - 27. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.09.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01437950v1

Early factors related to carbohydrate and fat intake at 8 and 12 months: results from the EDEN mother–child cohort

W L Yuan , Sophie Nicklaus , S Lioret , Christine Lange , A Forhan
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017, 71 (2), pp.219 - 226. ⟨10.1038/ejcn.2016.216⟩
Journal articles hal-01565190v1

Should I use touchscreen tablets rather than computers and mice in TDS trials?

Michel Visalli , Christine Lange , Loic Mallet-Logé , Sylvie Cordelle , Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2016, 52, pp.11 - 16. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.03.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01399984v1

Infant Dietary Exposures to Sweetness and Fattiness Increase during the First Year of Life and Are Associated with Feeding Practices

Wen Lun Yuan , Christine Lange , Camille Schwartz , Christophe Martin , Claire Chabanet
Journal of Nutrition, 2016, 146 (11), pp.2334 - 2342. ⟨10.3945/jn.116.234005⟩
Journal articles hal-01412616v1

Effect of sensory exposure on liking for fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits

Coralie Biguzzi , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
Appetite, 2015, 95, pp.317-323. ⟨10.1016/j.appet.2015.07.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01221370v1

Impact of information and in-home sensory exposure on liking and willingness to pay: the beginning of Fairtrade labeled coffee in France

Christine Lange , Pierre Combris , Sylvie Issanchou , Pascal Schlich
Food Research International, 2015, 76 (Part 3), pp.317-324. ⟨10.1016/j.foodres.2015.06.017⟩
Journal articles hal-01207462v1

Liking the odour, liking the food. Toddlers' liking of strongly flavoured foods correlates with liking of their odour

Sandra Wagner , Sylvie Issanchou , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Benoist Schaal
Appetite, 2014, 81, pp.60-66. ⟨10.1016/j.appet.2014.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01211995v1
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The impact of sugar and fat reduction on perception and liking of biscuits

Coralie Biguzzi , Pascal Schlich , Christine Lange
Food Quality and Preference, 2014, 35, pp.41 - 47. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.02.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01185042v1

Creation of a food taste database using an in-home "taste" profile method

Christophe Martin , Michel Visalli , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich , Sylvie Issanchou
Food Quality and Preference, 2014, 36, pp.70-80. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.03.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02635080v1

Effect of preterm birth and birth weight on eating behavior at 2 y of age.

Audrey Migraine , Sophie Nicklaus , Patricia Parnet , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery-Patris
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2013, 97 (6), pp.1270-7. ⟨10.3945/ajcn.112.051151⟩
Journal articles hal-00863880v1

Comment faire aimer les légumes aux enfants ?

Sophie Nicklaus , Christine Lange , Sandrine Monnery Patris , Caroline Laval
Lettre Opaline, 2013, n° 19 (1er janvier 2013)
Journal articles hal-02642874v1

Maternal feeding practices during the first year and their impact on infants' acceptance of complementary food.

Christine Lange , Michel Visalli , Sandrine Jacob , Claire Chabanet , Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2013, 29, pp.89-98. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2013.03.005⟩
Journal articles hal-00823192v1

Parental practices perceived by children using a French version of the Kids' Child Feeding Questionnaire.

Sandrine Monnery-Patris , Natalie Rigal , Claire Chabanet , Vincent Boggio , Christine Lange
Appetite, 2011, 57 (1), pp.161-6. ⟨10.1016/j.appet.2011.04.014⟩
Journal articles hal-00824659v1

The role of taste in food acceptance at the beginning of complementary feeding.

Camille Schwartz , Claire Chabanet , Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou , Sophie Nicklaus
Physiology & behavior, 2011, 104 (4), pp.646-52. ⟨10.1016/j.physbeh.2011.04.061⟩
Journal articles hal-00788036v1

A quelles saveurs les nourrissons sont-ils exposés dans la première année de vie ?

Camille Schwartz , Claire Chabanet , Vincent Boggio , Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou
Archives de Pédiatrie, 2010, 17 (7), pp.1026-1034. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2010.04.021⟩
Journal articles hal-00832395v1

Effect of sensory education on food preferences in children

Caroline Reverdy , Pascal Schlich , Egon Peter Köster , Emilie Ginon , Christine Lange
Food Quality and Preference, 2010, 21 (7), pp.794-804. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.03.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00816450v1

Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children

Caroline Reverdy , F. Chesnel , Pascal Schlich , Egon P. Koster , Christine Lange
Appetite, 2008, 51 (1), pp.156-165
Journal articles hal-02666710v1

Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children.

C. Reverdy , F. Chesnel , P. Schlich , E. P. Köster , Christine Lange
Appetite, 2008, 51 (1), pp.156-65. ⟨10.1016/j.appet.2008.01.010⟩
Journal articles hal-00277787v1

Product information, hedonic evaluation, and purchase decision: an experimental study of orange juice

Pierre P. Combris , Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou
Journal of Wine Economics, 2007, 2 (1), pp.40-54
Journal articles hal-02656466v1

Assessing the effect of information on the reservation price for Champagne: what are consumers actually paying for?

Pierre P. Combris , Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou
Journal of Wine Economics, 2006, 1 (1), pp.75-88
Journal articles hal-02664545v1

On the consistency of liking scores : insights from a study including 917 consumers from 10 to 80 years old

Sylvie Cordelle , Christine Lange , Pascal Schlich
Food Quality and Preference, 2004, 15, pp.831-841
Journal articles hal-02673468v1

Impact of the information provided to consumers on their willingness to pay for Champagne : comparison with hedonic scores

Christine Lange , Christophe Martin , Claire Chabanet , Pierre P. Combris , Sylvie Issanchou
Food Quality and Preference, 2002, 13 (7-8), pp.597-608
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Expected versus experienced quality : trade-off with price

Christine Lange , Sylvie Issanchou , Pierre P. Combris
Food Quality and Preference, 2000, 11 (4), pp.289-297
Journal articles hal-02694875v1

Expectation, liking and purchase behaviour under economical constraint

Christine Lange , François Rousseau , Sylvie Issanchou
Food Quality and Preference, 1999, 10, pp.31-39
Journal articles hal-02694964v1