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Christine Mosrin-Huaman



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An Atypical Mechanism of SUMOylation of Neurofibromin SecPH Domain Provides New Insights into SUMOylation Site Selection

Mohammed Bergoug , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Amandine Serrano , Fabienne Godin , Michel Doudeau
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2024, 436 (22), pp.168768. ⟨10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168768⟩
Journal articles hal-04771131v1
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Tho2 is critical for the recruitment of Rrp6 to chromatin in response to perturbed mRNP biogenesis

Valentin Beauvais , Kevin Moreau , Bojan Žunar , Nadège Hervouet-Coste , Ana Novačić
RNA, 2024, 30 (1), pp.rna.079707.123. ⟨10.1261/rna.079707.123⟩
Journal articles hal-04286417v1
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LIM Kinases, LIMK1 and LIMK2, Are Crucial Node Actors of the Cell Fate: Molecular to Pathological Features

Elodie Villalonga , Christine Mosrin , Thierry Normand , Caroline Girardin , Amandine Serrano
Cells, 2023, 12 (5), pp.805. ⟨10.3390/cells12050805⟩
Journal articles hal-04208405v1
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Re-engineering of CUP1 promoter and Cup2/Ace1 transactivator to convert Saccharomyces cerevisiae into a whole-cell eukaryotic biosensor capable of detecting 10 nM of bioavailable copper

Bojan Žunar , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Hélène Bénédetti , Béatrice Vallée
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 214, pp.114502. ⟨10.1016/j.bios.2022.114502⟩
Journal articles hal-03820214v1
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Neurofibromin Structure, Functions and Regulation

Mohammed Bergoug , Michel Doudeau , Fabienne Godin , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Béatrice Vallée
Journal articles hal-03070759v2
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Perturbation of mRNP biogenesis reveals a dynamic landscape of the Rrp6-dependent surveillance machinery trafficking along the yeast genome

Kévin Moreau , Aurélia Le Dantec , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Yves Bigot , Benoit Piegu
RNA Biology, 2019, 16 (7), pp.879-889. ⟨10.1080/15476286.2019.1593745⟩
Journal articles hal-02117640v1

Recombinant yeast and human cells as screening tools to search for antibacterial agents targeting the transcription termination factor Rho

Kévin Moreau , Justine Surand , Aurélia Le Dantec , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Alain Legrand
Journal of Antibiotics, 2018, 71 (4), pp.447-455
Journal articles hal-01966171v1

Co-transcriptional degradation by the 5′-3′ exonuclease Rat1p mediates quality control of HXK1 mRNP biogenesis in S. cerevisiae

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Nadège Hervouet-Coste , A. Rachid Rahmouni
RNA Biology, 2016, 13 (6), pp.582 - 592. ⟨10.1080/15476286.2016.1181255⟩
Journal articles hal-01407513v1

In Situ Footprinting of E. coli Transcription Elongation Complex with Chloroacetaldehyde

Rachid A. Rahmouni , Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2015, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1276, pp.229-240. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-2392-2_13⟩
Journal articles hal-01171857v1

Bacterial Rho helicase: a new tool to dissect mRNP biogenesis and quality control in yeast

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Nadege Hervouet-Coste , Aurélia Le Dantec , Igor Stuparevic , A. Rachid Rahmouni
Trends in cell and molecular biology, 2014, 9, pp.79 - 93
Journal articles hal-01179495v1

Co-transcriptional recruitment of the RNA exosome cofactors Rrp47p, Mpp6p and two distinct TRAMP complexes assists the exonuclease Rrp6p in the targeting and degradation of an aberrant mRNP in yeast

Igor Stuparevic , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Nadège Hervouet-Coste , Mateja Remenaric , A. Rachid Rahmouni
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, ⟨10.1074/jbc.M113.491290⟩
Journal articles hal-00874892v1

Nuclear mRNA quality control in yeast is mediated by Nrd1 co-transcriptional recruitment, as revealed by the targeting of Rho-induced aberrant transcripts

Romy Honorine , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Nadege Hervouet-Coste , Domenico Libri , Rachid A. Rahmouni
Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 39 (7), pp.2809-2820. ⟨10.1093/nar/gkq1192⟩
Journal articles hal-00602376v1

Expression of Bacterial Rho Factor in Yeast Identifies New Factors Involved in the Functional Interplay between Transcription and mRNP Biogenesis

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Romy Honorine , A. Rachid Rahmouni
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2009, 29 (15), pp.4033-4044. ⟨10.1128/MCB.00272-09⟩
Journal articles hal-00525149v1

Transcriptional pausing in vivo: a nascent RNA hairpin restricts lateral movements of RNA polymerase in both forward and reverse directions

F. Toulmé , C. Mosrin-Huaman , I. Artsimovitch , A.R. Rahmouni
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2005, 351, pp.39-51
Journal articles hal-00088714v1

Translocation of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase against a protein roadblock in vivo highlights a passive sliding mechanism for transcript elongation

C. Mosrin-Huaman , C.L. Turnbough , A.R. Rahmouni
Molecular Microbiology, 2004, 51, pp.1471-1481
Journal articles hal-00113075v1

HMG boxes of DSP1 protein interact with the Rel homology domain of transcription factors

M. Decoville , M Giraud-Panis , M Mosrin-Huaman , M. Leng , D. Locker
Nucleic Acids Research, 2000, 28 (2), pp.454-462. ⟨10.1093/nar/28.2.454⟩
Journal articles hal-02119310v1

GreA and GreB proteins revive backtracked RNA polymerase in vivo by promoting transcript trimming

F Toulmé , M Mosrin-Huaman , J Sparkowski , A. Das , M. Leng
EMBO Journal, 2000, 19 (24), pp.6853-6859. ⟨10.1093/emboj/19.24.6853⟩
Journal articles hal-02127250v1

DSP1Gene ofDrosophila melanogaster encodes an HMG-domain protein that plays multiple roles in development

M Mosrin-Huaman , L. Canaple , D. Locker , M. Decoville
Developmental Genetics, 1998, 23 (4), pp.324-334. ⟨10.1002/(SICI)1520-6408(1998)23:4<324::AID-DVG7>3.0.CO;2-T⟩
Journal articles hal-02119315v1

Conjugative transfer and autonomous replication of a promiscuous IncQ plasmid in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803

Sabine Kreps , Fabrice Ferino , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Jozef Gerits , Max Mergeay
Molecular and General Genetics MGG, 1990, 221 (1), pp.129-133. ⟨10.1007/BF00280378⟩
Journal articles hal-02266473v1

The genetics of RNA polymerases in yeasts.

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , P Thuriaux
Current Genetics, 1990, 17 (5), pp.367-373
Journal articles hal-02266470v1

The RPC31 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a subunit of RNA polymerase C (III) with an acidic tail.

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , M. Riva , M Beltrame , E Cassar , A. Sentenac
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 1990, 10 (9), pp.4737-4743. ⟨10.1128/mcb.10.9.4737⟩
Journal articles hal-02266468v1
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Characterization of a new Post Translational Modification of Neurofibromin: atypical structural requirements for its SUMOylation

Mohammed Bergoug , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Amandine Serrano , Fabienne Godin , Michel Doudeau
2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels, Belgium
Conference poster hal-03679991v1
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Characterization of a new Post Translational Modification of Neurofibromin: atypical structural requirements for its SUMOylation

Mohammed Bergoug , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Amandine Serrano , Fabienne Godin , Michel Doudeau
2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels, Belgium
Conference poster hal-04778711v1
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Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of Pathogenicity in Destabilized variants of Neurofibromin mutated in its SecPH domain

Hélène Bénédetti , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Mohammed Bergoug , Amandine Serrano , Fabienne Godin
2024 Global NF Conference, Jun 2024, Brussels (Belgium), Belgium
Conference poster hal-04779581v1

Stressed by hydrogel? Physiological response of yeast cells embedded in thermoresponsive Pluronic F127: a prerequisite for bioreactor development

Bojan Zunar , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Hélène Bénédetti , Régis Guégan , Béatrice Vallée
FEBS 2021, the 45th FEBS Congress, Jul 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference poster hal-03679975v1

Life in the bioink: Physiology and energetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae embedded in polymerized Pluronic F127-DMA, a “smart” thermoresponsive hydrogel

Bojan Zunar , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Hélène Bénédetti , Régis Guégan , Béatrice Vallée
ICY15 meets 30ICYGMB, The spirit of Yeast, Aug 2021, Vienne, virtual, Austria
Conference poster hal-03679966v1

Sumoylation of Neurofibromin and its SecPH Domain Plays a Role in Their Functions and Implies Unexpected Structural Requirements

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Mohammed Bergoug , Fabienne Godin , Michel Doudeau , Iva Sosic
2021 NF1 virtual conference, Jun 2021, Virtual, France
Conference poster hal-03680001v1

Yeast biosensors to detect environmental pollutants into effluent waters

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , B. Handelaoui , H. Bénédetti , Béatrice Vallée
ICYGMB XXIX International Congress on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Aug 2019, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster hal-02924111v1

High resolution maps of the nuclear RNA surveillance components trafficking along the yeast genome

K. Moreau , A. Le Dantec , C. Mosrin-Huaman , Benoit Piegu , Y. Bigot
EMBL Symposium: Transcription and Chromatin 2018, Aug 2018, Heidelberg, Germany
Conference poster hal-02920318v1

Metagenomic analysis of Nuclear Quality Control & Degradation mechanisms of Eukaryotic RNA

Kevin Moreau , Aurélia Le Dantec , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Benoit Piegu , Y. Bigot
Colloque international du Studium : Messenger RNA therapeutics: advances and perspectives, Mar 2017, Orléans, France
Conference poster hal-02920331v1

Etude métagénomique des mécanismes nucléaires de contrôle qualité et dégradation de l’ARN

K. Moreau , A. Le Dantec , C. Mosrin-Huaman , Benoit Piegu , Y. Bigot
30e Colloque Biotechnocentre, Oct 2017, Seillac, France
Conference poster hal-02934894v1

Co-transcriptional degradation by the 5’-3’ exonuclease Rat1p mediates quality control of HXK1 mRNP biogenesis in S. cerevisiae

A. Rachid Rahmouni , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Nadege Hervouet-Coste
EMBO EMBL Symposium: The Complex Life of mRNA, Oct 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
Conference poster hal-02453485v1

Analyse métagénomique du mécanisme de discrimination entre les transcrits codants et non-codants par la machinerie de dégradation de l’ARN

Kévin Moreau , Aurélia Le Dantec , Christine Mosrin-Huaman , Benoit Piegu , Yves Bigot
29e colloque Biotechnocentre, Oct 2016, Seillac, France
Conference poster hal-02453482v1

The YPT-Branch of the ras Superfamily of GTP-Binding Proteins in Yeast: Functional Importance of the Putative Effector Region

D. Gallwitz , J. Becker , M. Benli , L. Hengst , C. Mosrin-Huaman
The Superfamily of ras-Related Genes, Springer US, pp.121-128, 1991, 978-1-4684-6020-9
Book sections hal-02181563v1

Les outils du génie génétique

Christine Mosrin-Huaman , P. Thuriaux
Biotechnologies des levures, Masson, pp.81-96, 1991
Book sections hal-02266466v1

La génétique moléculaire des levures

P. Thuriaux , Christine Mosrin-Huaman
Biotechnologie des levures, elsevier masson, pp.49-80, 1991
Book sections hal-02181574v1