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Christophe Blanc
Christophe Blanc (CNRS/L2C/UM Researcher)
### ![mes émulsions](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/squelettes/css/charte-2/img/bandeau/une/bandeau06.jpg)
### Qui je suis?
Je suis un spécialiste des liquides et des fluides complexes avec une prédilection pour les phénomènes interfaciaux, les cristaux liquides et les notions d'ordre/désordre que l'on peut trouver autour des défauts topologiques. Mon directeur de thèse, Maurice Kléman, était un spécialiste reconnu des défauts topologiques (y compris dans les cristaux liquides). Ce premier travail de recherche portait à la fois sur des phases de membranes, sur des problèmes interfaciaux, sur des instabilités de croissance, et m'a également permis de revisiter plusieurs aspects de la physique des défauts de la matière Molle. Après cette formation initiale où j'ai découvert cette physique complexe, multi-échelle et passionnante de la Matière Molle, je ne l'ai plus quittée même si j'adore explorer les territoires de recherche que je ne maîtrise pas encore.
Chercheur [CNRS](http:/www.cnrs.fr) depuis 2001, j'ai donc abordé de nombreux thèmes de recherches autour de ces thématiques.
### Où je suis?
Je travaille actuellement au**[ Laboratoire Charles Coulomb](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/)** sur le campus de l'Université Montpellier. Ce laboratoire se présente ainsi:
Le L2C se distingue par la particularité, relativement unique au niveau national, de posséder au sein d’une même unité un large éventail de compétences allant de la physique théorique la plus mathématiques à la physico-chimie et la biophysique, avec une grande part de ses activités théoriques et expérimentales tournées vers la physique de la matière condensée et les nanosciences. Du fait de l’étendue de son champ de compétences, qui va de la synthèse de matériaux nouveaux, incluant les nanomatériaux, à la modélisation ultime de ses propriétés, le L2C sera le pivot de collaborations et d’interactions fortes aux interfaces avec la chimie, la biologie et la médecine, collaborations déjà existantes au sein des trois départements. Le L2C a aussi la caractéristique de disposer d’un ensemble de techniques expérimentales, en particulier une plateforme de spectroscopies optiques, uniques en termes de performances dans le contexte national. Malgré son positionnement en recherche fondamentale, il est important de souligner que le L2C est régulièrement sollicité par des grands groupes industriels pour établir avec eux des collaborations actives et il a également déposé une dizaine de brevets au cours des dernières années.
### Ce que je fais?
Je suis rattaché à l'axe [**MATIERE MOLLE ET VERRES** (MMV)](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/-Presentation-131-) du laboratoire qui est focalisé sur les matériaux mal organisés. Mes activités actuelles (2015) portent ainsi sur la physique des particules aux interfaces, sur les interfaces de cristal liquide et les particules actives. De par sa diversité thématique, le laboratoire se prête également bien à des collaborations entre spécialistes des diverses branches de la matière condensée. Ces dernières années, j'ai ainsi pu collaborer fortement avec plusieurs membres de l'axe [**NANOSTRUCTURES ET SPECTROSCOPIES** (NANO). ](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/-Equipe-Nanomateriaux-)C'est ainsi que je me suis intéressé aux dispersions et aux cristaux liquides de nanotubes de carbone et de graphène, ainsi qu'à leurs propriétés optiques (Raman, photoluminescence etc...).
### Vous souhaitez me contacter ?
Le plus simple est de m'envoyer un message: <christophe.blanc@umontpellier.fr>
### ![Smectic Double Emulsions](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/squelettes/css/charte-2/img/bandeau/une/bandeau06.jpg)
### Who am I?
I am a specialist of liquids and comples fluids especially of interfacial phenomena, of liquid crystal of partial order/disorder transitions and related topological defects. My PhD supervisor, Maurice Kleman, was a recognized theoretician specialist of topological defects and liquid crystals. My first research work already focused on membranes phases, interfacial phenomnea, growth instabilities. It allowed me to revisit several features of the physics of defects in Soft Matter systems. After this first training where i discovered this complex but exciting field of Soft Matter i mostly worked in this domain even if i like to explore any new question in condensed matter .
As a [CNRS](http:/www.cnrs.fr) researcher since 2001, I developped many topics about these thematics.
### Where am I?
I currently work at **[ Laboratoire Charles Coulomb](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/)** in University of Montpellier. This lab presents itself as follows:
The L2C covers a wide range of fields, from the most mathematical theoretical Physics to Chemical Physics and Biophysics, with a solid background of theoretical and experimental research devoted to Condensed Matter and Nanosciences. The investigations performed at the L2C are often at the interface with Chemistry, Life Sciences and Electronics.
The L2C posesses an ensemble of high-level experimental techniques, in particular, a unique set of optical spectroscopy facilities.
Mainly concerned with Basic Physics, the L2C is nevertheless at the center of numerous collaborations with industrial partners, and of applied research leading to the filing of several patents and to the creation of start-ups.
### Wat do I do?
Je suis rattaché à l'axe [**MATIERE MOLLE ET VERRES** (MMV)](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/-Presentation-131-) du laboratoire qui est focalisé sur les matériaux mal organisés. Mes activités actuelles (2015) portent ainsi sur la physique des particules aux interfaces, sur les interfaces de cristal liquide et les particules actives. De par sa diversité thématique, le laboratoire se prête également bien à des collaborations entre spécialistes des diverses branches de la matière condensée. Ces dernières années, j'ai ainsi pu collaborer fortement avec plusieurs membres de l'axe [**NANOSTRUCTURES ET SPECTROSCOPIES** (NANO). ](https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/-Equipe-Nanomateriaux-)C'est ainsi que je me suis intéressé aux dispersions et aux cristaux liquides de nanotubes de carbone et de graphène, ainsi qu'à leurs propriétés optiques (Raman, photoluminescence etc...).
### Vous souhaitez me contacter ?
Le plus simple est de m'envoyer un message: <christophe.blanc@umontpellier.fr>
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Volume phase transition in PNIPAM/SWNTs hybrid microgels triggered by near infrared photo-thermal excitationChemontubes 2022, Apr 2022, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference papers
Rôle de la force d’ancrage sur le bon alignement planaire de la phase NTBCFCL2021, Aug 2021, Calais, France
Conference papers
Nanomaterials in solutions: colloidal synthesis and characterizationsADVANCED FUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS SCHOOL YACHAY TECH 2020, Feb 2020, Yachay, Ecuador
Conference papers
Ordering, Instabilities and Textures in Graphene Based Liquid Crystalline phasesNanoscience Summer School (NSSY) @ Yachay 2019 International Edition, May 2019, Puerto Ayora, Ecuador
Conference papers
Propriétés des mélanges binaires d’un nématique twist-bend (CB7CB) et de smectogènes19eme Colloque Francophone sur les cristaux liquides (CFCL2019), Sep 2019, Sète, France
Conference papers
Influence of anchoring conditions on the stripe patterns of the NTB phase15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Jun 2019, Wroclaw, Poland
Conference papers
Passive and active microrheology of a lyotropic chromonic nematic liquid crystal disodium cromoglycate19eme Colloque Francophone sur les cristaux liquides (CFCL2019), Sep 2019, Sete, France
Conference papers
Microrhéologies du cromoglycate de sodium, un cristal liquide chromonique.54ème Congrès du GFR, Oct 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Mucus rheology and cilia beating coordinationGDR CellTiss 2018 in Honor of Françoise Brochard Wyart, GDR CellTiss, Oct 2018, La Chapelle-Gauthier, France
Conference papers
Graphene Oxide/Nanoparticles Composite Thin LayersGraphene & Co GDR-i 2018 Annual Meeting, Oct 2018, Sete, France
Conference papers
Microparticles hydrodynamics close to an Air-Water Interface71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov 2018, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationWorkshop "From Active Matter to Complex Fluids", COST MP1305 Flowing Mater, Jan 2018, Nice, France
Conference papers
Orientations and periodic textures in graphene liquid crystals27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018), Jul 2018, kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationGRISBI meeting "Biophysics: Today and Beyond", EPIGENMED and Labex NUMEV, Apr 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Large scale conductive films and patterns based on carbon nanotubes and graphene liquid crystalsNT17:18th International conference on the science and application of nanotubes, Jun 2017, BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil
Conference papers
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationWorkshop “Bio-mechanics of living systems from cells to organisms”, Sep 2017, Oslo, Norway
Conference papers
Particules colloïdales confinées dans des films libres nématiques : nature des interactions18e Colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés, Sep 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Rhéologie du mucus à partir d'un modèle d'épithélium bronchique Humain18ème colloque français des jeunes chercheurs pour Vaincre la Mucoviscidose, Vaincre la Mucoviscidose, Feb 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Etudes Raman d’encres de nanotubes et de graphene monofeuilletsColloque Annuel de la Société Francophone d’Etude des Carbones, May 2017, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France
Conference papers
Structuration de nano-composites à l'aide de fluides complexes4eme Atelier du GDRI-NMC France Canada, Jun 2017, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Aggregation dynamics of elongated particles confined at liquid surfaces or in nematic phases, a numerical model developmentIC1208 COST MEETING, Prof. Robertas Grigalaitis and Prof. Juras Banys, Apr 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers
Particles at Nematic Liquid Crystal InterfacesIC1208 COST MEETING, Apr 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers
Colloidal particles embedded in thin nematic liquid crystal filmsECIS 2016 : 30th Conference of the European Colloid and interface Society, Sep 2016, Rome, France
Conference papers
Ordering nanocarbons using Liquid Crystalline phases4th International Soft Matter Conference, Sep 2016, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Wetting and orientation of catalytic Janus colloids at the surface of waterNanoparticles with Morphological and Functional Anisotropy: Faraday Discussion, Jul 2016, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationSoftcomp annual meeting, May 2016, Venice, Italy
Conference papers
Brownian diffusion and active motion of partially wetted colloids15èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, Aug 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Enhanced active motion of Janus Colloids at the water surface23e Congres general de la Societe Francaise de Physique, Aug 2015, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Dipôles élastiques géants dans les films nématiques17e Colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés, Sep 2015, Autrans, France
Conference papers
Nanomaterials and solutions: examples and scattering methods for characterizationENANO2015, Jun 2015, Altos de Pipe, Venezuela
Conference papers
Electric-field induced twist-bend to splay-bend nematic phase transition?The 13th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Sep 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Enhanced active motion of Janus Colloids at the water surfaceMICROSWIMMERS - FROM BULK TO INTERFACES, Apr 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Optical spectroscopic studies of dispersion and processing of aqueous inks of single-wall carbon nanotubesGDR-I Graphene and Nanotubes, 2015 Annual Meeting, Nov 2015, Aussois, France
Conference papers
Spectroscopic studies of aqueous inks of nanotubes and grapheneEUROMAT2015, Sep 2015, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers
Inkjet printing of singlewalled carbon nanotubes-based inksNanoCuba, Sep 2015, La Havane, Cuba
Conference papers
Inkjet printing of orientated arrays of singlewall carbon nanotubesMatériaux 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Brownian motion of spherical colloidal particles at the air-water interfaceSoftComp & ESMI Annual Meeting, May 2014, Heraklion, Greece
Conference papers
Electric Birefringence and Electric Dichroism of Goethite Colloidal Suspensions25th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jun 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Investigation of electro-optical properties of gold colloidal suspensions.Condensed Matter in Paris 2014- CMD25- JMC14, Aug 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
Brownian motion of a partially wetted colloid.9th Liquid Matter Conference, Jul 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers
Dispersion and individualization of SWNT in hydrosoluble polymer solutionsMatériaux 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Inkjet printing of orientated arrays of single-wall carbon nanotubesChemontubes 2014, Mar 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy
Conference papers
Colloïdes dans des films minces de cristal liquide nématiqueLe 11eme Colloque National de la Recherche en Physique, Dec 2014, Sousse, Tunisie
Conference papers
Behavior of particles trapped on liquid crystal interfacesOrganization and Dynamics of colloids at liquid surfaces and interfaces, Oct 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Nanoparticles, colloids and liquid crystals.Escuela de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, Enano 2013, Jan 2013, Choroni, Venezuela
Conference papers
Carbon nanotubes and liquid crystalsCOST Action IC1208 Integrating devices and materials: A challenge for new instrumentation in ICT, Oct 2013, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Dispersion and alignment of individual Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in a chromonic liquid crystalChemontubes, Apr 2012, Arcachon, France
Conference papers
Behavior of colloidal particles trapped at liquid crystal interfacesConference europeenne des cristaux liquides, Feb 2011, Slovenia
Conference papers
Orientational quenched disorder in nematics: model and experimentsEuropean Liquid Crystal Conference 2011, Feb 2011, Maribor, Slovenia
Conference papers
Particules piégées aux interfaces de cristaux liquidesCFCL2011, Sep 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Carbon nanotube-based aligned lyotropic nematic suspensions and anisotropic thin filmsCNANO2009-Carbon-based nanostructured materials, Oct 2009, Santorin, Greece
Conference papers
Single wall carbon nanotubes-based materials and their orientational orderELCC 2009, Apr 2009, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Orientational order of single-wall carbon nanotubes in stretch-aligned photoluminescent composite filmsCNANO2009-Carbon-based nanostructured materials, Oct 2009, France
Conference papers
Chiral Free-standing Film MicromotorThe 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jul 2006, Keystone, United States. pp.866
Conference papers
Mechanisms controlling the microplasticity of smectics resolved by optical microscopyThe 20th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jul 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference papers
Phénomènes de piégeage-dépiégeage d’orientation d’un nématique sur une interfaceColloque d'Expression Française sur les Cristaux Liquides 2003, Sep 2003, Dunkerque, France
Conference papers
Dynamique de type "creep" de défauts topologiques dans un cristal liquideTROISIEME RENCONTRE DU GDR 2284: SYSTEMES ELASTIQUES - DU DESORDRE A LA PLASTICITE, Oct 2003, Asnelles-Sur-Mer, France
Conference papers
Topologic and geometric features related to the confinement of smectic materialInternational Workshop and seminar on Topology In Condensed Matter Physics, May 2002, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Dynamique des dislocations coins dans un matériau lamellaireRENCONTRE DU GDR 2284: SYSTEMES ELASTIQUES - DU DESORDRE A LA PLASTICITE, Sep 2002, Carcassonne, France
Conference papers
The confinement of smectics : some geometrical features19th International Liquid Crystal Conference 30 June- 5 july 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland., Jun 2002, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Therapeutic targeting of CDK4 kinase in pancreatic cancer using functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubesChemontubes 2022, Apr 2022, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference poster
Volume phase transition in SWNT/PNIPAM hybrid microgels triggered by photo-thermal conversion under NIR-laser irradiationJMC17, Aug 2021, Rennes, France. 2021
Conference poster
Photo-induced volume phase transition in SWNT/PNIPAM smart hybrid microgelsNT21, Jun 2021, Houston, United States
Conference poster
SWNT/SDS aqueous dispersions as photoluminescent nanothermometersNT21, Jun 2021, Houston, United States
Conference poster
Role of anchoring on the typical textures of the NTB phase19eme Colloque Francophone sur les cristaux liquides (CFCL2019), Sep 2019, Sète, France
Conference poster
Mixtures of NTB and smectogenic liquid crystals15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Jun 2019, Wroclaw, Poland
Conference poster
Behaviour of a colloid close to an air-water interface: Interactions and dynamics9th international colloids conference, Jun 2019, Sitges, Spain
Conference poster
Elastocapillary interactions between colloidal particles in thin nematic films19eme Colloque Francophone sur les cristaux liquides (CFCL2019), Sep 2019, Sète, France. 2019
Conference poster
Elastocapillarity in thin nematic liquid crystal films: the interactions between colloidal particles27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018), Jul 2018, Kyoto, Japan
Conference poster
Mucus rheology and ciliary beating coordinationEuropean Respiratory Society (ERS) international congress 2018, Sep 2018, Paris, France
Conference poster
Orientations and texture instabilities in graphene oxide liquid crystalsChemontubes2018, Apr 2018, Biarritz, France
Conference poster
Graphene/AuNps SERS thin filmsChemontubes2018, Apr 2018, Biarritz, France
Conference poster
Graphene Oxide/ Gold Nanoparticles Thin Layers As Adhesion Promoters For Copper Deposition On GlassGraphene & Co GDR-i 2018 Annual Meeting, Oct 2018, Sete, France
Conference poster
Macro and Micro rheological characterization of Human bronchial mucusWorkshop: Physics of integrated biological systems, Sep 2018, Cargèse, France
Conference poster
Dynamics of a colloidal Particle near a Gas-Liquid InterfaceLiquids 2017 10TH LIQUID MATTER CONFERENCE, Jul 2017, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia
Conference poster
Orientations et textures périodiques dans des cristaux liquides de graphène18e Colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés, Sep 2017, Lyon, France
Conference poster
Nematic Twist Bend Textures under different anchoringconditions18e Colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés, Sep 2017, Lyon, France
Conference poster
Macro and Micro rheological characterization of Human bronchial mucusAnnual European Rheology Conference (AERC) 2017, Apr 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference poster
Nematic liquid crystals of graphene flakesGraphene and Nanotubes. Annual meeting of the GDR-I GNT, Oct 2016, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France
Conference poster
Dynamics of an ellipsoid at a fluid interface4th International Soft Matter Conference, Sep 2016, Grenoble, France
Conference poster
Elastocapillarity in thin nematic films4th International Soft Matter Conference, Sep 2016, Grenoble, France. 2016
Conference poster
Influence of sonication time on dispersion and photoluminescence intensity of SWNT aqueous dispersionsGraphene and Nanotubes. Annual meeting of the GDR-I GNT, Oct 2016, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France
Conference poster
Dispersion and individualization of SWNT in hydrosoluble polymer solutionsChemontubes 2014, Mar 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy
Conference poster
Nematic liquid crystals of carbon nanotubes and grapheneNT13 Fourteenth International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes, Jun 2013, Espoo, Finland
Conference poster
Electrical and optical properties of SWNTs-based compositesNT13 Fourteenth International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes, Jun 2013, Espoo, Finland
Conference poster
Etude d'un système mixte Thermotrope-LyotropeColloque d'Expression Française sur les Cristaux Liquides 2003, Sep 2003, Dunkerque, France
Conference poster
Role of the microscopic defects in the plasticity of smectic materials19th International Liquid Crystal Conference 30 June- 5 july 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland., Jun 2002, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference poster
Dynamics and nucleation of edge dislocations in a stressed Smectic Grandjean-Cano WedgeColloque Plasticité 2002, May 2002, Lyon, France
Conference poster