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Christophe Cruz

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#### Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne **Laboratoire ICB, UMR CNRS 6303** Bâtiment ESIREM, 9, rue Alain Savary 21078, Dijon CEDEX Tél. : +33 (0) **Département Informatique, IUT Dijon/Auxerre** Boulevard Docteur Petitjean, BP 17867, 21078 DIJON CEDEX Bureau : n°5 Tél.: +33 (0)
#### Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne **Laboratoire ICB, UMR CNRS 6303** Bâtiment ESIREM, 9, rue Alain Savary 21078, Dijon CEDEX Tél. : +33 (0) **Département Informatique, IUT Dijon/Auxerre** Boulevard Docteur Petitjean, BP 17867, 21078 DIJON CEDEX Bureau : n°5 Tél.: +33 (0)


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Business text classification with imbalanced data and moderately large label spaces for digital transformation

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz
Applied Network Science, 2024, 9 (1), pp.11. ⟨10.1007/s41109-024-00623-5⟩
Journal articles hal-04862256v1

Interdependencies in Spatial Planning and Well-being in Rural Areas

Christian Wolff , Markus Schaffert , Christophe Cruz , Hocine Cherifi
Sustainable and Equitable Land Management. Legal Framework, Planning Tools, European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD), Sammelband, vdf Hochschulverlag AG, 2024, 1, ⟨10.3218/4172-9⟩
Journal articles hal-04862279v1
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Political-RAG: using generative AI to extract political information from media content

Muhammad Arslan , Saba Munawar , Christophe Cruz
Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 2024, pp.1 - 16. ⟨10.1080/19331681.2024.2417263⟩
Journal articles hal-04862262v1
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An ontology-based framework to formalize and represent 4D printing knowledge in design

Saoussen Dimassi , Frédéric Demoly , Christophe Cruz , H. Jerry Qi , Kyoung-Yun Kim
Computers in Industry, 2021, 126, pp.103374. ⟨10.1016/j.compind.2020.103374⟩
Journal articles hal-03200021v1

Modélisation sémantique et programmation générative pour une simulation multi-agents dans le contexte de gestion de catastrophe

Claire Prudhomme , Ana Roxin , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2021, 30 (1-2), pp.37-65. ⟨10.3166/rig.2020.00102⟩
Journal articles hal-03115210v1
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Semantic trajectory insights for worker safety in dynamic environments

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
Automation in Construction, 2019, 106, pp.102854. ⟨10.1016/j.autcon.2019.102854⟩
Journal articles hal-02354558v1

Interpretation and automatic integration of geospatial data into the Semantic Web

Claire Prudhomme , Timo Homburg , Jean-Jacques Ponciano , Frank Boochs , Christophe Cruz
Computing, 2019, pp.1-27. ⟨10.1007/s00607-019-00701-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02075271v1
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Understanding Occupant Behaviors in Dynamic Environments using OBiDE framework

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
Building and Environment, 2019, 166, pp.106412. ⟨10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106412⟩
Journal articles hal-02354572v1

Semantic and logic modeling of disaster simulation for multi-agent systems

Claire Prudhomme , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, inPress
Journal articles hal-02139526v1
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Visualizing intrusions in dynamic building environments for worker safety

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
Safety Science, 2019, 120, pp.428-446. ⟨10.1016/j.ssci.2019.07.020⟩
Journal articles hal-02397821v1
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Spatio-temporal dataset of building occupants

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
Data in Brief, inPress, 27, pp.104598. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2019.104598⟩
Journal articles hal-02431938v1
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Semantic enrichment of spatio-temporal trajectories for worker safety on construction sites

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2019, 23 (5-6), pp.749-764. ⟨10.1007/s00779-018-01199-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02073566v1

Semantic Enrichment of Spatio-temporal Trajectories for Worker Safety on Construction Sites

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
Procedia Computer Science, 2018, 130, pp.271-278. ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2018.04.039⟩
Journal articles hal-02354534v1
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Word Embeddings for Wine Recommender Systems Using Vocabularies of Experts and Consumers

Christophe Cruz , Cyril Nguyen Van , Laurent Gautier
Open Journal of Web Technologies, 2018, Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 5 (1), pp.23-30
Journal articles halshs-01872273v1
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Spatio-temporal analysis of trajectories for safer construction sites

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Ana-Maria Roxin , Dominique Ginhac
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 2018, 7 (1), pp.80-100. ⟨10.1108/SASBE-10-2017-0047⟩
Journal articles hal-01874491v1
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Integration, quality assurance and usage of geospatial data with semantic tools

Timo Homburg , Claire Prudhomme , Frank Boochs , Ana Roxin , Christophe Cruz
gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik, 2017
Journal articles hal-01684684v1

A Framework to Improve the Disaster Response Through a Knowledge-Based Multi-Agent System

Claire Prudhomme , Christophe Cruz , Ana Roxin , Frank Boochs
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2017, 9 (3), pp.96-109
Journal articles hal-01975716v1

Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification Using Web Reasoning for Large Datasets

Rafael Peixoto , Thomas Hassan , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
Open Journal Of Semantic Web, 2016, ⟨10.19210/1006.3.1.1⟩
Journal articles hal-01356375v1
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LC3: A spatio-temporal and semantic model for knowledge discovery from geospatial datasets

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
Journal of Web Semantics, 2015
Journal articles hal-01207389v1

Transforming XML documents to OWL ontologies: A survey

Hacherouf Mokhtaria , Safia Nait Bahloul , Christophe Cruz
Journal of Information Science, 2015, 41 (2), pp.Pages 242-259 ⟨10.1177/0165551514565972⟩
Journal articles hal-01253351v1

Reasoning with Vague Spatial Information from Upper Mesopotamia (2000BC)

Helbert Arenas , Benjamin Harbelot , Christophe Cruz
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2015, Spatial Statistics conference 2015, 27, pp.Pages 58-65. ⟨10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.104⟩
Journal articles hal-01274246v1

An ontology change management approach for facility management

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
Computers in Industry, 2014, Special Issue on The Role of Ontologies in Future Web-based Industrial Enterprises, 65 (9), pp.1301-1315. ⟨10.1016/j.compind.2014.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01274522v1
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Semantics - Supportive Element for the Cooperative Evaluation of Geographical and Historical Information

Ashish Karmacharya , Tobias Kohr , Christophe Cruz , Kai-Christian Bruhn , Frank Boochs
zfv - Journal of Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management, 2013, 138, pp 362-370
Journal articles hal-00878481v1
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Identifying Objective True/False from Subjective Yes/No Semantic based on OWA and CWA

Duan Yucong , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
Journal of Computers (JCP), 2013, Vol 8 (No 7 (2013)), pp.1847-1852. ⟨10.4304/jcp.8.7.1847-1852⟩
Journal articles hal-00927476v1
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Precision difference management using a common sub-vector to extend the extended VSM method

David Werner , Christophe Cruz
Procedia Computer Science, 2013, Volume 18, pp.1179 - 1188. ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2013.05.284⟩
Journal articles hal-00842953v1
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Automatic Detection and Classi cation of Objects in Point Clouds using multi-stage Semantics

Hung Truong , Helmi Ben Hmida , Frank Boochs , Adlane Habed , Christophe Cruz
Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation, 2013, 2013 (3), pp. 221-237(17). ⟨10.1127/1432-8364/2013/01721432-8364/13/0172⟩
Journal articles hal-00875794v1
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Spatialization of the Semantic Web

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Semantics - Advances in Theories and Mathematical Models, 2012, pp.Muhammad Tanvir Afzal, ISBN 978-953-51-0535-0. ⟨10.5772/37633⟩
Journal articles hal-00778534v1
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From Unstructured 3D Point Clouds to Structured Knowledge - A Semantics Approach

Christophe Cruz , Helmi Ben Hmida , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
Semantics - Advances in Theories and Mathematical Models, 2012, pp.Muhammad Tanvir Afzal, ISBN 978-953-51-0535-0. ⟨10.5772/37633⟩
Journal articles hal-00778533v1
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Knowledge Base Approach for 3D Objects Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Processing and Specialists Knowledge

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2012, 5 (1 et 2), pp.1-14, ISSN: 1942-2679
Journal articles hal-00778694v1
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Semantic Building Information Model and Multimedia for Facility Management

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
Web Information Systems and Technologies Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2011, 75 (1), pp. 14-29, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-22810-0_2⟩
Journal articles hal-00625003v1
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ArchaeoKM: Managing Data through Knowledge in Industrial Archaeological Sites

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck Marzani
Industrial Heritage - Ecology & Economy XIV. International TICCIH Congress 2009 in Freiberg, Germany ; 2009 Selected Papers, 2011, pp.344-349
Journal articles hal-00778727v1
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Formalizing Semantic of Natural Language through Conceptualization from Existence

Duan Yucong , Christophe Cruz
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2011, 2 (1), p. 37-42, ISSN: 2010-0248
Journal articles hal-00625002v1
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Formal Ontology for Knowledge Management in Archaeology

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Industrial Heritage - Ecology & Economy XIV. International TICCIH Congress 2009 in Freiberg, Germany ; 2009 Selected Papers, 2011, pp.338-343
Journal articles hal-00778724v1
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TourismKM: a new Web Semantic based approach for E-Tourism

Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal of Trade, Economics, and Finance (IJTEF), 2010, 1 (1), pp.108-113 ISSN: 2010-023X
Journal articles hal-00612525v1
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Spatial Rules through Spatial Rule built-ins in SWRL

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck S. Marzani
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 2010, 1 (2), pp.1-4
Journal articles hal-00623844v1
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Propose Semantic Formalization for 3D Reconstruction of Architectural

Christophe Cruz , Duan Yucong , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences / International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, 2010, 11 (1), pp. 1-10, ISSN 1525-9293
Journal articles hal-00639545v1
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IFC and Buildings Lifecycle Management

Renaud Vanlande , Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
Automation in Construction, 2008, 18, pp.70-78. ⟨10.1016/j.autcon.2008.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00639553v1
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Impact of textual data augmentation on linguistic pattern extraction to improve the idiomaticity of extractive summaries

Abdelghani Laifa , Laurent Gautier , Christophe Cruz
Matteo Golfarelli; Robert Wrembel. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, inPress, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Book sections hal-03271380v1
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Extraire des patterns pour améliorer l'idiomaticité de résumés semi-automatiques en finances : le cas du lexique support

Abdelghani Laifa , Laurent Gautier , Christophe Cruz
Christophe Roche. ToTh2020 - Terminologie & Ontologie : théories et applications, Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont-Blanc, pp.113-135, 2021, ToTh2020 - Terminologie & Ontologie : théories et applications, 9782377410651
Book sections hal-03261533v1

Ontology Views for Ontology Change Management

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
IGI Global. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), pp.5180-5187, 2015, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, 978-1-4666-5888-2. ⟨10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch512⟩
Book sections hal-01460770v1

LC3 A Spatial-temporal Data Model to Study Qualified Land Cover Changes

Helbert Arenas , Benjamin Harbelot , Christophe Cruz
Land Use and Land Cover Semantics, Principles, Best Practices and Prospects, 2015
Book sections hal-01086886v1

An Ontology-Based Recommender System using Hierarchical Multiclassification for Economical e-News

David Werner , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer book series, 2014
Book sections hal-01199485v1
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Using Semantic Web Technologies to Follow the Evolution of Entities in Time and Space

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, Freimut Bodendorf, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, pp.256 to 265, 2013
Book sections hal-00930176v1

Assessing Comparability with Tertium Comparationis: A linguistical and semantical Approach

Sarah Theroine , Christophe Cruz , Laurent Gautier
TOTh 2024, Jun 2024, Chambéry, France
Conference papers hal-04862242v1
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Fine-Tuning LLMs Or Zero/Few-Shot Prompting for Knowledge Graph Construction?

Hussam Ghanem , Christophe Cruz
French Regional Conference on Complex Systems, May 2024, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-04862214v1
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Une étude comparative des modèles de langage génératifs à partir de graphes de connaissances dans le contexte des agents conversationnels

Hussam Ghanem , Christophe Cruz
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, EGC’2024, Jan 2024, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-04862284v1
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Internal Migration in Rhineland-Palatinate -The evolution of the migration network

Christian Wolff , Markus Schaffert , Christophe Cruz , Hocine Cherifi
French Regional Conference on Complex Systems, May 2024, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-04552373v1
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Fine-Tuning vs. Prompting: Evaluating the Knowledge Graph Construction with LLMs

Hussam Ghanem , Christophe Cruz
3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation from Text (Text2KG) Co-located with the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2024), May 2024, Hersonissos, Greece. pp.7
Conference papers hal-04862235v1
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Powering Complex Business Signals' Classification using Enriched Taxonomy by Existing Data Sources

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz
Conference papers hal-03813888v1

National Migration in rural Germany -A complex network perspective on interdependencies for elderly migration and well-being

Christian Wolff , Markus Schaffert , Christophe Cruz , Hocine Cherifi
French regional Conference on Complex Systems, Jun 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03671836v1
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From Dispersed Knowledge to Ontology: A Proposal for Formalizing and Integrating 4D Printing in Design

Saoussen Dimassi , Frédéric Demoly , Christophe Cruz , Samuel Gomes
18th IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Jul 2021, Curitiba, Brazil. pp.80-95, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-94399-8_7⟩
Conference papers hal-04195244v1
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Extraire des patterns pour améliorer l'idiomaticité de résumés semiautomatiques en finances : le cas du lexique support

Abdelghani Laifa , Laurent Gautier , Christophe Cruz
ToTh 2020 - Terminologie et Ontologie, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, Nov 2020, Chambéry (en ligne), France
Conference papers halshs-03027283v1
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Understanding the human behaviors in dynamic urban areas of interest

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
A Workshop Satellite of the Conference on Complex Systems 2020 December 09 - 10, 2020, Dec 2020, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-03110002v1
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An Agent based model for the transmission and control of the COVID-19 in Dijon

Claire Prudhomme , Christophe Cruz , Hocine Cherifi
MARAMI 2020 - Modèles & Analyse des Réseaux : Approches Mathématiques & Informatiques - The 11th Conference on Network Modeling and Analysis, Oct 2020, Montpellier ( Virtual Conference ), France
Conference papers hal-03115147v1
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Movement Behavior Analysis of Workers using Spatio-temporal Trajectories for Safety Management

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
MARAMI 2019 Modèles & Analyse des Réseaux : Approches Mathématiques & Informatiques, Nov 2019, DIJON, France
Conference papers hal-02440417v1

Modélisation sémantique et logique pour une simulation multi-agent dans le contexte de gestion de catastrophe

Claire Prudhomme , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Conférence internationale francophone SAGEO (Spatial Analysis and Geomatics) 2019, Nov 2019, Clermont Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-02326829v1

DNAS-STriDE Framework for Human Behavior Modeling in Dynamic Environments

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
19th International Conference on Computational Science– ICCS 2019, Jun 2019, Faro, Portugal. pp.787-793, ⟨10.007/978-3-030-22750-0_79⟩
Conference papers hal-02354300v1
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Map Change Prediction for Quality Assurance Map Change Prediction for Quality Assurance

Timo Homburg , Frank Boochs , Christophe Cruz , Ana-Maria Roxin
14th International Conference on Location Based Services, Jan 2018, Zurich, Switzerland. ⟨10.3929/ethz-b-000225617⟩
Conference papers hal-02289169v1

Modélisation des terminologies sensorielles du discours expert et non expert pour une plateforme de recommandation hybride (SmartAd)

Christophe Cruz , Laurent Gautier , Cyril Nguyen Van
ToTh 2018, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Jun 2018, Chambéry, France
Conference papers halshs-01810890v1

Vers la conception d'une action de réponse pour la gestion de catastrophe, utilisant la modélisation de connaissances

Claire Prudhomme , Ana Roxin , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO) 2018, Nov 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01975877v1
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A Review on Applications of Big Data for Disaster Management

Muhammad Arslan , Ana Roxin , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
The 13th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS, Dec 2017, Jaipur, India
Conference papers hal-01678238v1

Big Data Applications for Disaster Management

Muhammad Arslan , Ana-Maria Roxin , Christophe Cruz , Dominique Ginhac
16th International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2017): Education, Research and Business Technologies, May 2017, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01858265v1

Ontology-based approach for unsupervised and adaptive focused crawling

Hassan Thomas , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
MOD International Conference on Management of Data , May 2017, Chicago, United States. ⟨10.1145/3066911.3066912⟩
Conference papers hal-01564206v1

Automatic Integration of Spatial Data into the Semantic Web

Claire Prudhomme , Timo Homburg , Ponciano Jean-Jacques , Frank Boochs , Ana Roxin
WebIST 2017 , Apr 2017, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01493390v1

Towards the Design of Respond Action in Disaster Management Using Knowledge Modeling

Claire Prudhomme , Ana Roxin , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries, Oct 2017, Xanthi, Greece
Conference papers hal-01684617v1

Using Spatio-temporal Trajectories to Monitor Construction Sites for Safety Management

Muhammad Arslan , Christophe Cruz , Ana-Maria Roxin , Dominique Ginhac
the 9th International Conference, Oct 2017, Barcelona, Spain. ⟨10.1145/3149572.3149600⟩
Conference papers hal-01809206v1

Semantic Trajectory Modeling for Dynamic Built Environments

Christophe Cruz
Special Session on Environmental and Geo-spatial Data Analytics (EnGeoData 2017), The 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Oct 2017, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers hal-01677073v1

How to Enrich Description Logics with Fuzziness

Martin Unold , Christophe Cruz
SAI Computing Conference London 2017, Jul 2017, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01689809v1

Predictive and Evolutive Cross-Referencing for Web Textual Sources

Hassan Thomas , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
Computing Conference, Sci & Information Org; IEEE; Nat Res, Jul 2017, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.1114-1122
Conference papers hal-01858785v1

Semantic Catalogue to Manage Data Sources in Disaster Management System

Claire Prudhomme, , Ana Roxin , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
15th International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2016), Education, Research & Business Technologies, Jun 2016, Cluj Napoca, Romania. pp.225-230
Conference papers hal-01438584v1

Adaptive Learning Process for the Evolution of Ontology-Described Classification Model in Big Data Context

Rafael Peixoto , Christophe Cruz , Nuno Silva
SAI Computing Conference (SAI), Jul 2016, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.532-540
Conference papers hal-01442678v1

An unsupervised classification process for large datasets using web reasoning

Rafael Peixoto , Hassan Thomas , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
International Workshop on Semantic Big Data, Jun 2016, New York, United States. pp.9:1--9:6, ⟨10.1145/2928294.2928301⟩
Conference papers hal-01418148v1

A Meta-Conceptual Modeling Approach for Change Modeling in Applied Ontology

Christophe Cruz , Perrine Pittet
15th International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2016), Education, Research & Business Technologies, Jun 2016, Cluj Napoca, Romania. pp.442-447
Conference papers hal-01438571v1

Semantic HMC for Business Intelligence using Cross-Referencing

Rafael Peixoto , Hassan Thomas , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
14th International Conference on Informatics in Economy, Apr 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01198942v1

Analyse Sémantique du Big Data par Classification Hiérarchique Multi-Label

Hassan Thomas , Rafael Peixoto , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers hal-01199512v1
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LC3: un modèle spatial et sémantique pour découvrir la connaissance dans les jeux de données géospatiaux

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
Extraction et Gestion de la Connaissance, Jan 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers hal-01207393v1

Multi-Domain Retrieval of Geospatial Data Sources Implementing a Semantic Catalogue

Julio Romeo Vizcarra , Christophe Cruz
The 14th International Conference on Informatics in Economy, Apr 2015, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01274310v1

Semantic HMC: Ontology-Described Hierarchy Maintenance in Big Data Context

Rafael Peixoto , Christophe Cruz , Nuno Silva
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Workshops, Oct 2015, Rhodes, Greece. pp 492-501, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-26138-6_53⟩
Conference papers hal-01273809v1
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A Survey on Ontology Evaluation Methods

Joe Raad , Christophe Cruz
Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, part of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management , Nov 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal. ⟨10.5220/0005591001790186⟩
Conference papers hal-01274199v1
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A Survey on how to Cross-Reference Web Information Sources

Joe Raad , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Cruz
Science and Information Conference, Jul 2015, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.609 - 618, ⟨10.1109/SAI.2015.7237206⟩
Conference papers hal-01199440v1

Semantic HMC: A Predictive Model Using Multi-label Classification for Big Data

Rafael Peixoto , Thomas Hassan , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 2015 IEEE, Aug 2015, Helsinki, France. ⟨10.1109/Trustcom.2015.578⟩
Conference papers hal-01356367v1
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un modèle sémantique spatio-temporel pour capturer la dynamique des environnements

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
14 ème conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2014, Rennes, France. pp.39 à 54
Conference papers hal-00941773v1

Evaluation de la pertinence dans un système de recommandation sémantique de nouvelles économiques

David Werner , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
EGC - Fouille de données complexes, May 2014, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-01086195v1


Hassan Thomas , David Werner , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Cruz
IE, The 14th International Conference on Informatics in Economy, May 2014, Bucharrest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01086191v1

An Ontology-Based Recommender System using Hierarchical Multiclassification for Economical e-News

David Werner , Nuno Silva , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
Science and Information Conference, Aug 2014, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01199458v1

Implementing a Semantic Catalogue of Geospatial Data.

Helbert Arenas , Benjamin Harbelot , Christophe Cruz
the Tenth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-01086894v1


David Werner , Nuno Silva , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
IE, The 14th International Conference on Informatics in Economy,, May 2014, Bucharest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01086189v1

Using DL-Reasoner for Hierarchical Multilabel Classification applied to Economical e-News

Werner David , Hassan Thomas , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
SAI, Science and Information Conference, 2014, Aug 2014, london, United Kingdom. pp.313 - 320, ⟨10.1109/SAI.2014.6918205⟩
Conference papers hal-01086188v1

A Semantic analysis of moving objects, using as a case study maritime voyages from eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Helbert Arenas , Benjamin Harbelot , Christophe Cruz
the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Mar 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-01086889v1
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Semantics for Spatio-temporal "Smart Queries"

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), May 2013, Auchen, Germany
Conference papers hal-00860794v1
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Continuum: A spatiotemporal data model to represent and qualify filiation relationships

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS) 2013, Oct 2013, Orlando, United States
Conference papers hal-00869861v1

A Method to Manage the Precision Difference between Items and Profiles

David Werner , Christophe Cruz
SITIS, International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, 2013, Dec 2013, kyoto, Japan. pp.337 - 344, ⟨10.1109/SITIS.2013.62⟩
Conference papers hal-01086196v1
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A Semantic Web Approach for Geodata Discovery

Helbert Arenas , Benjamin Harbelot , Christophe Cruz
7th International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in GIS (SeCoGIS 2013), Nov 2013, Hong Kong, France
Conference papers hal-00861230v1
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Modeling Changes for SHOIN(D) Ontologies: An Exhaustive Structural Model

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
ICSC 2013, Seventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Sep 2013, Irvine, United States. pp.Perrine Pittet
Conference papers hal-00869750v1
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A Semantic Model to Query Spatial-Temporal Data

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
The 6th International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems: Environmental and Urban Challenges, May 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia
Conference papers hal-00779463v1
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A Method to Manage the Difference of Precision between Profiles and Items for Recommender System. The methode is applied Upon a News Recommender System using VSM Approach

David Werner , Christophe Cruz
Webist 2013, the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, May 2013, aachen, Germany. pp.465-470, ⟨10.5220/0004373404650470⟩
Conference papers hal-00856747v1
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A Structural SHOIN(D) Ontology Model for Change Modelling

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
2nd International Workshop on Methods, Evaluation, Tools and Applications for the Creation and Consumption of Structured Data for the e-Society (META4eS'13), Sep 2013, Graz, Austria. pp 442-446, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-41033-8_56⟩
Conference papers hal-00869761v1
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The spatio-temporal semantics from a perdurantism perspective

Benjamin Harbelot , Helbert Arenas , Christophe Cruz
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services GEOProcessing, Feb 2013, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-00772866v1

HiGeoMes: Distributed Geodatabases in an archaeological joint research project

Frank Boochs , Kai-Christian Bruhn , Christophe Cruz , Ashish Karmacharya , Tobias Kohr
International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Mar 2013, Parth, Australia
Conference papers hal-00878235v1
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An SDI for archaeological data with a RESTful interface to semantically modeled information

Tobias Kohr , Kai-Christian Bruhn , Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs
Geoinformatiks, Mar 2013, Heildeberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-00878217v1
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Modeling Value Evaluation of Semantics Aided Secondary Language Acquisition as Model Driven Knowledge Management

Yucong Duan , Christophe Cruz , Abdelrahman Elfaki , Yang Bai , Wencai Du
12th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Sep 2013, Niigata, Japan. pp 259-265, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-00804-2_20⟩
Conference papers hal-00878526v1
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Ontology-based Recommender System of Economic Articles

David Werner , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2012, Porto, Portugal. pp.ISBN 978-989-8565-08-2
Conference papers hal-00778528v1
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TOURISM-KM, A variant of MMKP applied to the tourism domain

Romain Picot-Clémente , Florence Mendes , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
ICORES 2012, Feb 2012, Portugal. pp.421-426
Conference papers hal-00783660v1
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Mahdi Gueffaz , Perrine Pittet , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
The 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2012, Porto, Portugal. pp.418-421
Conference papers hal-00704586v1
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From Quantitative Spatial Operator to Qualitative Spatial Relation Using Constructive Solid Geometry, Logic Rules and Optimized 9-IM Model, A Semantic Based Approach

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE),, May 2012, Zhangjiajie, China. pp.453 - 458, ⟨10.1109/CSAE.2012.6272992⟩
Conference papers hal-00778527v1
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From 9-IM Topological Operators to Qualitative Spatial Relations using 3D Selective Nef Complexes and Logic Rules for bodies

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2012, Barcelone, Spain. pp.208-213, ISBN 978-989-8565-30-3
Conference papers hal-00778715v1
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Knowledge-Driven Method for Object Qualification in 3D Point Cloud Data

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle , Frank Boochs
16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Sep 2012, San Sebastian, Spain. pp.258 - 267, ⟨10.3233/978-1-61499-105-2-258⟩
Conference papers hal-00778529v1
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Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Florence Mendes , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, Mar 2012, Berlin, Germany. pp.309-314
Conference papers hal-00742907v2

A Graph-based Tool for the Translation of XML Data to OWL-DL Ontologies

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
International conference on knowledge engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2011, Paris, France. pp.4
Conference papers hal-00612490v1
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Integration of Spatial processing and knowledge Processing through the Semantic Web Stack

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck S. Marzani
International Conference on Geospatial Semantics, May 2011, Brest, France. pp. 200-216
Conference papers hal-00625080v1
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Guidelines for a Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versioning in Ontology

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing is part of 3rd International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management., Oct 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00722926v1
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Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
WEBIST Special Session on Semantic Web Applications and Tools (SWAT 2011), May 2011, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-00612564v1
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Toward the Automatic Generation of a Semantic VRML Model from Unorganized 3D Point Clouds

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle , Frank Boochs
The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Nov 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.35-41, 978-1-61208-175-5
Conference papers hal-00778531v1
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From 3D Point Clouds To Semantic Objects An Ontology-Based Detection Approach

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2011, Paris, France. pp.255-260
Conference papers hal-00778530v1
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Integration of knowledge to support automatic object reconstruction from images and 3D data

Frank Boochs , Andreas Marbs , Hung Truong , Helmi Ben Hmida , Ashish Karmacharya
Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2011 8th International Multi-Conference on, Mar 2011, Chemnitz, Germany. pp.1-13, ⟨10.1109/SSD.2011.5993558⟩
Conference papers hal-00778709v1
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Contribution of Semantic Web on Customer Relationship Management in E-Tourism

Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control, Feb 2010, Singapour, Singapore. pp.1-5
Conference papers hal-00612519v1
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A Semantic-based Recommender System Using A Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SEMAPRO 2010, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Oct 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.ISBN: 978-1-61208-104-5
Conference papers hal-00612545v1
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ArchaeoKM: Realizing Knowledge of the Archaeologists

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck S. Marzani
Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech III, BTU Cottbus, Feb 2010, Cottbus, Germany
Conference papers hal-00639608v1


Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2010, Valencia, Spain. pp.4
Conference papers hal-00612511v1

Semantics knowledge management for the 3D architectural reconstruction of building objects

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz , Duan Yucong
10th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning., Jul 2010, Netherlands. pp.15
Conference papers hal-00612497v1

Managing semantics knowledge for 3D architectural reconstruction

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz , Duan Yucong
11th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Jun 2010, London, United Kingdom. pp.8
Conference papers hal-00612509v1
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Integration of Spatial Technologies and Semantic Web Technologies for Industrial Archaeology

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck S. Marzani
WEBIST 2010, Apr 2010, Valencia, Spain. pp.75-80, ISBN: 978-989-674-025
Conference papers hal-00639565v1
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ArchaeoKM: Managing Archaeological data through Archaeological Knowledge

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck S. Marzani
Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Apr 2010, Granada, Spain. pp.Francisco Contreras & Fc0. Javier Melero (Editors)
Conference papers hal-00639597v1
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Use of Geospatial Analyses for Semantic Reasoning

Ashish Karmacharya , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Franck S. Marzani
14th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Sep 2010, Cardiff, United Kingdom. pp.576-586, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15387-7_61⟩
Conference papers hal-00639534v1


Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
6th International conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2010, Valencioa, Spain. pp.8
Conference papers hal-00612520v1
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Semantic-based Technique for the Automation the 3D Reconstruction Process

Helmi Ben Hmida , Frank Boochs , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SEMAPRO 2010 : The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Oct 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.Pages: 191 to 198, ISBN: 978-1-61208-104-5
Conference papers hal-00623889v1
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Towards Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versionning in Ontology

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SEMAPRO 2010, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Oct 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.978-1-61208-104-5
Conference papers hal-00612493v1
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Architectural Reconstruction of 3D Building Objects through Semantic Knowledge Management

Duan Yucong , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SNDP 2010, Jun 2010, Londre, United Kingdom. pp.261-266, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4088-7
Conference papers hal-00639579v1
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Graphe-Based Rules For XML Data Conversion to OWL Ontology

Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
WEBIST 2010, Apr 2010, Valencia, Spain. pp.175-178, isbn: 978-989-674-025-2
Conference papers hal-00639558v1
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ACTIVe3D-WS: a Web-services based multimedia platform

Jean-Claude Simon , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, Dec 2002, Newport Beach, United States. ⟨10.1109/MMSE.2002.1181597⟩
Conference papers hal-01875662v1

Multidimensional Land Cover Change Analysis using Vector Change and Land Cover Taxonomies

Helbert Arenas , Benjamin Harbelot , Christophe Cruz
Spatial Statistics: Emerging Patterns, Jun 2015, Avignon, France
Conference poster hal-01274266v1

Extraction de la Valeur des données du Big Data par classification multi-label hiérarchique sémantique

David Werner , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
Extraction et Gestion de la Connaissance - Atelier Fouille de Données Complexes, Jan 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference poster hal-01274335v1

Evaluation de la pertinence dans un système de recommandation sémantique de nouvelles économiques

David Werner , Christophe Cruz , Aurélie Bertaux
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2014, Rennes, France. , RNTI-E-26, pp.549 - 552, 2014
Conference poster hal-01086193v1
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Semantic HMC for Big Data Analysis

Thomas Hassan , Rafael Peixoto , Christophe Cruz , Aurlie Bertaux , Nuno Silva
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Oct 2014, Washington, United States.
Conference poster hal-01089741v1