Scattering in a partially open waveguide: the forward problem
Laurent Bourgeois
Sonia Fliss
Jean-François Fritsch
Christophe Hazard
Arnaud Recoquillay
Journal articles
The Complex-Scaled Half-Space Matching Method
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Simon N. Chandler-Wilde
Sonia Fliss
Christophe Hazard
Karl-Mikael Perfekt
Journal articles
Spectral theory for Maxwell's equations at the interface of a metamaterial. Part II: Limiting absorption, limiting amplitude principles and interface resonance
Maxence Cassier
Christophe Hazard
Patrick Joly
Journal articles
Complex-scaling method for the complex plasmonic resonances of planar subwavelength particles with corners
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Christophe Hazard
Florian Monteghetti
Journal articles
Spectral analysis of polygonal cavities containing a negative-index material
Christophe Hazard
Sandrine Paolantoni
Journal articles
On well-posedness of scattering problems in a Kirchhoff-Love infinite plate
Laurent Bourgeois
Christophe Hazard
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2020, 80 (3), pp.1546-1566
Journal articles
Spectral theory for Maxwell's equations at the interface of a metamaterial. Part I: Generalized Fourier transform
Maxence Cassier
Christophe Hazard
Patrick Joly
Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2017, 42 (11), pp.1707-1748
Journal articles
A Rellich type theorem for the Helmholtz equation in a conical domain
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Sonia Fliss
Christophe Hazard
Antoine Tonnoir
Journal articles
Space-time focusing of acoustic waves on unknown scatterers
Maxence Cassier
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
On the absence of trapped modes in locally perturbed open waveguides
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
Finite element computation of trapped and leaky elastic waves in open stratified waveguides
Fabien Treyssede
Khac-Long Nguyen
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
Multiple scattering of acoustic waves by small sound-soft obstacles in two dimensions: Mathematical justification of the Foldy-Lax model
Maxence Cassier
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
Mathematical analysis of the junction of two acoustic open waveguides
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Benjamin Goursaud
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
Time reversal and scattering theory for time-dependent acoustic waves in a homogeneous medium
Chokri Ben-Amar
Christophe Hazard
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2011, 76, pp.938-955
Journal articles
Diffraction by a defect in an open waveguide: A Mathematical analysis based on a modal radiation condition
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Ghania Dakhia
Christophe Hazard
Lahcène Chorfi
Journal articles
An improved multimodal approach for non-uniform acoustic waveguides
Christophe Hazard
Éric Lunéville
Journal articles
The singularity expansion method applied to the transient motions of a floating elastic plate
Christophe Hazard
François Loret
Journal articles
Generalized eigenfunction expansions for conservative scattering problems with an application to water waves
Christophe Hazard
François Loret
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A, Mathematics, 2007, 137 (5), pp.995-1035
Journal articles
Spectral theory for an elastic thin plate floating on water of finite depth
Christophe Hazard
Michael H. Meylan
Journal articles
Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Time Reversal Mirrors
Chokri Ben-Amar
Nabil Gmati
Christophe Hazard
Karim Ramdani
Journal articles
Selective Acoustic Focusing Using Time-Harmonic Reversal Mirrors
Christophe Hazard
Karim Ramdani
Journal articles
A singular field method for Maxwell's equations: numerical aspects for 2D magnetostatics
Stephanie Lohrengel
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
Numerical simulation of corner singularities: a paradox in Maxwell-like problems
Christophe Hazard
Journal articles
Perturbation of low-frequency underwater acoustics by gravity waves
Isabelle Champy-Doutreleau
Daniel Euvrard
Christophe Hazard
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2000, 411, pp.305-324
Journal articles
A singular field method for the solution of Maxwell's equations
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Christophe Hazard
Stéphanie Lohrengel
Journal articles
Existence, uniqueness and analyticity properties for electromagnetic scattering in a two-layered medium
Christophe Hazard
Pierre-Marie Cutzach
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 1998, 21, pp.433-461
Journal articles
Les équations de Maxwell dans un polyèdre : un résultat de densité
Patrick Ciarlet
Christophe Hazard
Stéphanie Lohrengel
Journal articles
On the solution of time-harmonic scattering problems for Maxwell's equations
Christophe Hazard
Marc Lenoir
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1996, 27, pp.1597-1630
Journal articles
Determination of scattering frequencies for an elastic floating body
Christophe Hazard
Marc Lenoir
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1993, 24, pp.1458-1514
Journal articles
Variational formulations for the determination of resonant states in scattering problems
Marc Lenoir
M. Vullierme-Ledard
Christophe Hazard
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1992, 23, pp.579-608
Journal articles