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Christophe Mougel




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Medicago truncatula genotype drives the plant nutritional strategy and its associated rhizosphere bacterial communities

Anouk Zancarini , Christine Le Signor , Sébastien Terrat , Julie Aubert , Christophe Salon
New Phytologist, 2024, 245 (2), pp.767-784. ⟨10.1111/nph.20272⟩
Journal articles hal-04835437v1
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Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence

S. Soubeyrand , Arnaud Estoup , Astrid Cruaud , Sylvie Malembic-Maher , Christine Meynard
CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2024, 5, pp.72. ⟨10.1186/s43170-024-00273-8⟩
Journal articles hal-04672656v1

A field indicator for rhizosphere effect monitoring in arable soils

Sébastian Mira , Mathieu Emily , Christophe Mougel , Morgane Ourry , Edith Le Cadre-Barthélemy
Plant and Soil, 2022, 478, pp.325-346. ⟨10.1007/s11104-021-05284-2⟩
Journal articles hal-03524069v1
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Influential Insider: Wolbachia, an Intracellular Symbiont, Manipulates Bacterial Diversity in Its Insect Host

Morgane Ourry , Agathe Crosland , Valérie Lopez , Stephane A. P. Derocles , Christophe Mougel
Microorganisms, 2021, 9 (6), ⟨10.3390/microorganisms9061313⟩
Journal articles hal-03285205v1

Les microbiotes associés aux plantes : un enjeu majeur

Lionel Lebreton , Christophe Mougel
Phytoma, 2021, 747, pp.14-18
Journal articles hal-03407614v1
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Soil microbiota influences clubroot disease by modulating Plasmodiophora brassicae and Brassica napus transcriptomes

Stéphanie Daval , Kévin Gazengel , Arnaud Belcour , Juliette Linglin , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt
Microbial Biotechnology, 2020, 13 (5), pp.1648-1672. ⟨10.1111/1751-7915.13634⟩
Journal articles hal-02624824v2
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Long-lasting effects of antibiotics on bacterial communities of adult flies

M. Ourry , V. Lopez , M. Hervé , Lionel Lebreton , Christophe Mougel
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2020, 96 (4), pp.fiaa028. ⟨10.1093/femsec/fiaa028⟩
Journal articles hal-02865290v1
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MinYS: mine your symbiont by targeted genome assembly in symbiotic communities

Cervin Guyomar , Wesley Delage , Fabrice Legeai , Christophe Mougel , Jean-Christophe Simon
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2020, 2 (3), pp.1-11. ⟨10.1093/nargab/lqaa047⟩
Journal articles hal-02891885v1
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Fast computation of genome-metagenome interaction effects

Florent Guinot , Marie Szafranski , Julien Chiquet , Anouk Zancarini , Christine Le Signor
Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 2020, 15 (1), art.13 (21p.). ⟨10.1186/s13015-020-00173-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01906069v3
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A core microbiota of the plant-earthworm interaction conserved across soils

Samuel Jacquiod , Ruben Puga-Freitas , Aymé Spor , Arnaud Mounier , Cécile Monard
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 144, pp.107754. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107754⟩
Journal articles hal-02535174v1
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Hatching of Globodera pallida Induced by Root Exudates Is Not Influenced by Soil Microbiota Composition

Camille Gautier , Lisa Martinez , Sylvain Fournet , Josselin Montarry , Jean-Claude Yvin
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, pp.536932. ⟨10.3389/fmicb.2020.536932⟩
Journal articles hal-03140131v1
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Host-microbiota interactions: from holobiont theory to analysis

Jean-Christophe Simon , Julian R. Marchesi , Christophe Mougel , Marc-André Selosse
Microbiome, 2019, 7 (1), pp.7:5. ⟨10.1186/s40168-019-0619-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01980500v1
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Temporal dynamics of bacterial and fungal communities during the infection of Brassica rapa roots by the protist Plasmodiophora brassicae.

Lionel Lebreton , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Kévin Gazengel , Juliette Linglin , Morgane Ourry
PLoS ONE, 2019, 14 (2), pp.e0204195. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0204195⟩
Journal articles hal-02094715v1
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Computational analysis of the Plasmodiophora brassicae genome: mitochondrial sequence description and metabolic pathway database design

Stéphanie Daval , Arnaud Belcour , Kévin Gazengel , Ludovic Legrand , Jerome Gouzy
Genomics, 2019, 111 (6), pp.1629-1640. ⟨10.1016/j.ygeno.2018.11.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01943250v1
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Optimize the plant microbiota to increase plant growth and health

Matthieu Barret , P. Dufour , Mylène Durand-Tardif , Mahendra Mariadassou , Christophe Mougel
Consortium Biocontrôle et GIS Biotechnologies Vertes , 2019, ⟨10.15454/1fve-e105⟩
Journal articles hal-03297096v1
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Multi-scale characterization of symbiont diversity in the pea aphid complex through metagenomic approaches

Cervin Guyomar , Fabrice Legeai , Emmanuelle Jousselin , Christophe Mougel , Claire Lemaitre
Microbiome, 2018, 6 (1), pp.1-21. ⟨10.1186/s40168-018-0562-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01926402v1
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Influence of Belowground Herbivory on the Dynamics of Root and Rhizosphere Microbial Communities

Morgane Ourry , Lionel Lebreton , Valérie Chaminade , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Maxime Hervé
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 6, pp.1-21. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2018.00091⟩
Journal articles hal-02184354v1

Can soil microbial diversity influence plant metabolites and life history traits of a rhizophagous insect?

Tom Lachaise , Morgane Ourry , Lionel Lebreton , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Juliette Linglin
Insect Science, 2017, 24 (6), pp.1045-1056. ⟨10.1111/1744-7917.12478⟩
Journal articles hal-01661250v1

Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12 type III secretion system impacts mycorrhization of Medicago truncatula and associated microbial communities

Amandine Viollet , Barbara Pivato , Christophe Mougel , Jean Claude Cleyet-Marel , Cécile Gubry-Rangin
Mycorrhiza, 2017, 27 (1), pp.23-33. ⟨10.1007/s00572-016-0730-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01606859v1
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Bacterial community diversity harboured by interacting species

Mikaël Bili , Anne-Marie Cortesero , Christophe Mougel , Jean-Pierre Gauthier , Gwennola Ermel
PLoS ONE, 2016, 11 (6), 23 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0155392⟩
Journal articles hal-02630825v1

Soil conditions and land use intensification effects on soil microbial communities across a range of European field sites

Bruce C. Thomson , Emilie Tisserant , Pierre Plassart , Stéphane Uroz , Rob I. Griffiths
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2015, 88, pp.403-413. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.06.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01269419v1
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Understanding and managing soil biodiversity: a major challenge in agroecology

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Pierre-Alain Maron , Sylvie Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Barbara Pivato
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015, 35 (1), pp.67-81. ⟨10.1007/s13593-014-0247-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01208787v1
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Plant traits related to nitrogen uptake influence plant-microbe competition

Delphine Moreau , Barbara Pivato , David Bru , Hugues Busset , Florence Deau
Ecology, 2015, 96 (8), pp.2300-2310. ⟨10.1890/14-1761.1⟩
Journal articles hal-02637764v1
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Combining ecophysiological and microbial ecological approaches to study the relationship between Medicago truncatula genotypes and their associated rhizosphere bacterial communities

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Sébastien Terrat , Christophe Salon , Nathalie Munier-Jolain
Plant and Soil, 2013, 365 (1-2), pp.183 - 199. ⟨10.1007/s11104-012-1364-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02646573v1

Stimulation of different functional groups of bacteria by various plant residues as a driver of soil priming effect.

Noémie Pascault , Lionel Ranjard , Aurore Kaisermann , Dipankar Bachar , Richard Christen
Ecosystems, 2013, 16 (5), pp.810-822. ⟨10.1007/s10021-013-9650-7⟩
Journal articles hal-00847889v1
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Les légumineuses dans l'Europe du XXIè siècle : Quelle place dans les systèmes agricoles et alimentaires actuels et futurs ? Quels nouveaux défis pour la recherche ?

Anne-Sophie Voisin , Jacques Guéguen , Christian Huyghe , Marie-Helene Jeuffroy , Marie-Benoît Magrini
Innovations Agronomiques, 2013, 30, pp.283-312. ⟨10.17180/767p-n553⟩
Journal articles hal-01005055v1
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Legumes for feed, food, biomaterials and bioenergy in Europe : a review

Anne-Sophie Voisin , Jacques J. Guéguen , Christian C. Huyghe , Marie-Helene M.-H. Jeuffroy , Marie-Benoît Magrini
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2013, décembre (Online), pp.1-20. ⟨10.1007/s13593-013-0189-y⟩
Journal articles hal-00956058v1

Molecular biomass and MetaTaxogenomic assessment of soil microbial communities as influenced by soil DNA extraction procedure

Sebastien Terrat , Richard Christen , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Virginie Nowak
Microbial Biotechnology, 2012, 5 (1), pp.135-141. ⟨10.1111/j.1751-7915.2011.00307.x⟩
Journal articles hal-01546177v1
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Soil Nitrogen Availability and Plant Genotype Modify the Nutrition Strategies of M. truncatula and the Associated Rhizosphere Microbial Communities

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Anne-Sophie Voisin , Marion Prudent , Christophe Salon
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (10), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0047096⟩
Journal articles hal-02646215v1
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Interaction between Medicago truncatula and Pseudomonas fluorescens: evaluation of costs and benefits across an elevated atmospheric CO2.

Clémentine Lepinay , Thierry Rigaud , Christophe Salon , Philippe P. Lemanceau , Christophe Mougel
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (9), pp.e45740. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0045740⟩
Journal articles hal-00736637v1
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Evaluation of the ISO standard 11063 DNA extraction procedure for assessing soil microbial abundance and community structure

Pierre Plassart , Sébastien Terrat , Bruce Thomson , Robert Griffiths , Samuel S. Dequiedt
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (9), 8 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0044279⟩
Journal articles hal-01190636v1

Translation of metagenomics agroecosystems in ecological services

Christophe Mougel , Pierre-Alain Maron , Laurent L. Philippot , Lionel Ranjard , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Biofutur, 2011, 319, pp.44 - 47
Journal articles hal-02644706v1

Fluorescent pseudomonads harboring type III secretion genes are enriched in the mycorrhizosphere of Medicago truncatula

Amandine Viollet , Thérèse Corberand , Christophe Mougel , Agnès Robin , Philippe P. Lemanceau
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2011, 75 (3), pp.457-467. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2010.01021.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02644346v1

Soil microbial diversity: Methodological strategy, spatial overview and functional interest

Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Lionel Ranjard
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2011, 334 (5-6), pp.403-411. ⟨10.1016/j.crvi.2010.12.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02644731v1

Traduction de la métagenomique des agrosystemes en services écologiques

Christophe Mougel , Pierre-Alain Maron , Laurent L. Philippot , Lionel Ranjard , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Biofutur, 2011, 30 (319), pp.44-47
Journal articles hal-02645538v1
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Validation and Application of a PCR Primer Set to Quantify Fungal Communities in the Soil Environment by Real-Time Quantitative PCR

Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré , Richard Christen , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Christophe Mougel , Mélanie M. Lelievre
PLoS ONE, 2011, 6 (9), pp.e24166. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0024166⟩
Journal articles hal-01254016v1
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Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative

Lionel Ranjard , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Claudy C. Jolivet , Nicolas P.A. Saby , Jean Thioulouse
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2010, 30 (2), pp.359-365. ⟨10.1051/agro/2009033⟩
Journal articles hal-00886549v1

Platform GenoSol: a new tool for conserving and exploring soil microbial diversity

Lionel Ranjard , Samuel Dequiedt , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel
Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2009, 1 (2), pp.97 - 99. ⟨10.1111/j.1758-2229.2009.00023.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02668342v1

Contamination of soil by copper affects the dynamics, diversity, and activity of soil bacterial communities involved in wheat decomposition and carbon storage.

Laetitia Bernard , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Virginie Nowak , Jean Lévêque
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2009, 75 (23), pp.7565-7569. ⟨10.1128/AEM.00616-09⟩
Journal articles hal-00434100v1

Plant-microbe-soil interactions in the rhizosphere: an evolutionary perspective

Hans Lambers , Christophe Mougel , Benoît Jaillard , Philippe Hinsinger
Plant and Soil, 2009, 321 (1-2), pp.83-115. ⟨10.1007/s11104-009-0042-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02665203v1
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ECOMIC-RMQS : biogéographie microbienne à l’échelle de la France. Etat d’avancement et premiers résultats

Samuel Dequiedt , Maud Lelièvre , Claudy C. Jolivet , Nicolas N. Saby , Manuel Pascal Martin
Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2009, 16 (3-4), pp.219-231
Journal articles hal-02656049v1

Impact of inoculation with the phytostimulatory PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 on the genetic structure of the rhizobacterial community of field-grown maize

Ezekiel Baudoin , Sylvie Nazaret , Christophe Mougel , Lionel Ranjard , Yvan Moenne-Loccoz
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2009, 41 (2), pp.409-413. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2008.10.015⟩
Journal articles halsde-00525716v1

Bacterial effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhiza development as influenced by the bacteria, fungi, and host plant

Barbara Pivato , Pierre Offre , Sara Marchelli , Bruno Barbonaglia , Christophe Mougel
Mycorrhiza, 2009, 19 (2), pp.81-90. ⟨10.1007/s00572-008-0205-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02665834v1

Biologie des communautés dans la rhizosphère : analyse des interactions plantes - champignons mycorhizogènes à arbuscules - bactéries

Barbara Pivato , Pierre Offre , Christophe Mougel , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Diederik D. van Tuinen
uB Sciences, 2008, 3, pp.116-125
Journal articles hal-02669103v1

Response of soil bacterial community structure to successive perturbations of different types and intensities

Melanie Bressan , Christophe Mougel , Samuel Dequiedt , Pierre-Alain Maron , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Environmental Microbiology, 2008, 10 (8), pp.2184-2187. ⟨10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01641.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02665170v1

Microdiversity of Burkholderiales associated with mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal roots of Medicago truncatula

Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Séverine S. Siblot , Graziella Berta
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2008, 65 (2), pp.180-192. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2008.00504.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02661182v1

Identification of cellulolytic bacteria in soil by stable isotope probing.

Feth El Zahar Haichar , Wafa Achouak , Richard Christen , Thierry Heulin , Christine Marol
Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 9 (3), pp.625-34. ⟨10.1111/j.1462-2920.2006.01182.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00318792v1

Medicago species affect the community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with roots

Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Philippe P. Lemanceau , Séverine S. Siblot , Graziella Berta
New Phytologist, 2007, 176 (1), pp.197-210. ⟨10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02151.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02664961v1

Identification of bacterial groups preferentially associated with mycorrhizal roots of Medicago truncatula

Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato , Séverine S. Siblot , E. Gamalero , Thérèse Corberand
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 73 (3), pp.913-921. ⟨10.1128/aem.02042-06⟩
Journal articles hal-02665197v1
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Fingerprinting and diversity of bacterial copA genes in response to soil types, soil organic status and copper contamination

David P. H. Lejon , Virginie Nowak , Sabrina Bouko , Noemie Pascault , Christophe Mougel
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2007, 61 (3), pp.424 à 437. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2007.00365.x⟩
Journal articles insu-00386976v1

Diversity of root-associated fluorescent pseudomonads as affected by ferritin overexpression in tobacco.

Agnès Robin , Sylvie Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Gérard Vansuyt , Thérèse Corberand
Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 9 (7), pp.1724-37. ⟨10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01290.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00185892v1

Metaproteomics : a new approach for studying functional microbial ecology

Pierre-Alain Maron , Lionel Ranjard , Christophe Mougel , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Microbial ecology, 2007, 53 (3), pp.486-493. ⟨10.1007/s00248-006-9196-8⟩
Journal articles hal-02658508v1

Protein extraction and fingerprinting optimization of bacterial communities in natural environment

Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Séverine S. Siblot , Houria Abbas , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Microbial ecology, 2007, 53 (3), pp.426-434. ⟨10.1007/s00248-006-9121-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02661837v1

Dynamics and identification of soil microbial populations actively assimilating carbon from 13C-labelled wheat residue as estimated by DNA- and RNA-SIP techniques.

Laetitia Bernard , Christophe Mougel , Pierre-Alain Maron , Virginie Nowak , Jean Lévêque
Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 9 (3), pp.752-764. ⟨10.1111/j.1462-2920.2006.01197.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00294737v1
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Identification of Genomic Species in Agrobacterium Biovar 1 by AFLP Genomic Markers

Perrine Portier , Marion Fischer-Le Saux , Christophe Mougel , Catherine Lerondelle , David Chapulliot
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2006, 72 (11), pp.7123-7131. ⟨10.1128/AEM.00018-06⟩
Journal articles hal-00128068v1

Dynamic of the genetic structure of bacterial and fungal communities at different developmental stages of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. cv. Jemalong line J5

Christophe Mougel , Pierre Offre , Lionel Ranjard , Thérèse Corberand , E. Gamalero
New Phytologist, 2006, 170 (1), pp.165-175. ⟨10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01650.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02668733v1

Effect of ferritin over-expression in tobacco on the structure of bacterial and pseudomonad communities associated with the roots

Agnès Robin , Christophe Mougel , Séverine S. Siblot , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Sylvie S. Mazurier
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2006, 58 (3), pp.492 - 502. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00174.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02661715v1

Temporal variability of airborne bacterial community structure in an urban area

Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , David Lejon , Esmeralda Carvalho , Karine Bizet
Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40 (40), pp.8074-8080. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.08.047⟩
Journal articles hal-02662697v1

Assessing genetic structure and diversity of airborne bacterial communities by DNA fingerprinting and 16S rDNA clone library

Pierre-Alain Maron , David Lejon , Esmeralda Carvalho , Karine Bizet , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Atmospheric Environment, 2005, 39 (20), pp.3687-3695. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02683032v1

Distribution and diversity of type III secretion system-like genes in saprophytic and phytopathogenic fluorescent pseudomonads

Sylvie S. Mazurier , M. Lemunier , Séverine Siblot , Christophe Mougel , Philippe P. Lemanceau
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2004, 49, pp.455-467
Journal articles hal-02672136v1

A Highly Selectable and Highly Transferable Ti Plasmid to Study Conjugal Host Range and Ti Plasmid Dissemination in Complex Ecosystems

S. Teyssier-Cuvelle , Phil M. Oger , Christophe Mougel , K. Groud , S. Farrand
Microbial ecology, 2004, 48 (1), pp.10-18. ⟨10.1007/s00248-003-2023-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02123026v1

Sampling strategy in molecular microbial ecology : influence of soil sample size on DNA fingerprinting analysis of fungal and bacterial communities

Lionel Ranjard , D.P. Lejon , Christophe Mougel , Loik Scherer , Didier Merdinoglu
Environmental Microbiology, 2003, 5 (11), pp.1111-1120
Journal articles hal-02679013v1

Comparative genetic diversity of the narG, nosZ, and 16S rRNA genes in fluorescent Pseudomonads

S. Delorme , Laurent L. Philippot , Véronique Edel-Hermann , Chrystel Deulvot , Christophe Mougel
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2003, 69 (2), pp.1004-1012
Journal articles hal-02674671v1

Direct conjugal transfers of Ti plasmid to soil microflora

S. Teyssier-Cuvelle , Christophe Mougel , Xavier Nesme
Molecular Ecology, 2002, 8 (8), pp.1273-1284. ⟨10.1046/j.1365-294X.1999.00689.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02573551v1

Seasonal fluctuations and long-term persistence of pathogenic populations of Agrobacterium spp. in soils

Z. Krimi , A. Petit , Christophe Mougel , Yves Dessaux , Xavier Nesme
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002, 68, pp.3358-3365
Journal articles hal-02669536v1

Seasonal fluctuations and long-term persistence of pathogenic populations of Agrobacterium spp. in soils.

Z. Krimi , A. Petit , Christophe Mougel , Y. Dessaux , X. Nesme
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002, 68 (7), pp.3358-65. ⟨10.1128/AEM.68.7.3358-3365.2002⟩
Journal articles hal-00145324v1

Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background virulence factors agr groups (alleles) and human disease.

S. Jarraud , Christophe Mougel , J. Thioulouse , G. Lina , H. Meugnier
Infection and Immunity, 2002, 70, pp.631-641. ⟨10.1128/IAI.70.2.631-641.2002⟩
Journal articles hal-00427274v1

Relationships between Staphylococcus aureus genetic background, virulence factors, agr groups (alleles), and human disease

S. Jarraud , Christophe Mougel , Jean Thioulouse , Gérard Lina , H. Meugnier
Infection and Immunity, 2002, 70 (2), pp.631-641
Journal articles hal-02681316v1

A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP

Christophe Mougel , Jean Thioulouse , Guy Perrière , Xavier Nesme
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2002, 52, pp.573-586
Journal articles hal-02673208v1

A mathematical method for determining genome divergence and species delineation using AFLP

Christophe Mougel , J. Thioulouse , G. Perrière , X. Nesme
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2002, 52, pp.573-586. ⟨10.1099/00207713-52-2-573⟩
Journal articles hal-00427290v1
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Experimental and theoretical evaluation of typing methods based upon random amplification of genomic restriction fragments (AFLP) for bacterial population genetics

Christophe Mougel , Sabrina Teyssier , C. d'Angelo , K. Groud , M. Neyra
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33 (1), pp.319-338
Journal articles hal-02670077v1

CHASE : an extracellular sensing domain common to transmembrane receptors from prokariotes, lower eukaryotes and plants

Christophe Mougel , I.B. Zhulin
Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2001, 26 (10), pp.582-584
Journal articles hal-02671662v1

Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fingerprints : biological and methodological variability

Lionel Ranjard , F. Poly , J.C. Lata , Christophe Mougel , Jean Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001, 67 (10), pp.4479-4487
Journal articles hal-02674586v1

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of typing methods based upon random amplification of genomic restriction fragments (AFLP) for bacterial population genetics

Christophe Mougel , S. Teyssier , C. d'Angelo , K. Groud , M. Neyra
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33, pp.S319-S338
Journal articles hal-00427187v1

Characterization of bacterial and fungal soil communities by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis fingerprints: biological and methodological variability.

L. Ranjard , F. Poly , J. C. Lata , Christophe Mougel , J. Thioulouse
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001, 67 (10), pp.4479-87. ⟨10.1128/AEM.67.10.4479–4487.2001⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00353796v1

Novel tellurite-amended media and specific chromosomal and Ti plasmid probes for direct analysis of soil populations of Agrobacterium biovars 1 and 2

Christophe Mougel , Benoît Cournoyer , Xavier Nesme
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2001, 67, pp.65-74. ⟨10.1128/AEM.67.1.65-74.2001⟩
Journal articles hal-02669542v1

egc, a hyfhly prevalent operon of enterotixin gene, forms a putative nursery of superantigens in Staphylococcus aureus

S. Jarraud , M.A. Peyrat , A. Lim , A. Tristan , M. Bes
Journal of Immunology, 2001, 166, pp.669-677
Journal articles hal-02679012v1

Biological, serological and molecular variability suggest three distinct polerovirus species infecting beet or rape

S. Hauser , M. Stevens , Christophe Mougel , H.G. Smith , C. Fritsch
Phytopathology, 2000, 90 (5), pp.460-466
Journal articles hal-02698195v1

Direct conjugal transfers of Ti plasmid to soil microflora

S. Teyssier-Cuvelle , Christophe Mougel , Xavier Nesme
Molecular Ecology, 1999, 8, pp.1273-1284
Journal articles hal-02692194v1

Etude phylogénétique des luteoviridae pathogènes pour la betterave sucrière

S. Hauser , M. Stevens , Christophe Mougel , Etienne E. Herrbach , H. Smith
Virologie, 1999, 3 (2), pp.165
Journal articles hal-02690064v1

Role of the fixGHI region of Azorhizobium caulinodans in free-living and symbiotic nitrogen fixation

Karine Mandon , Pierre-Alexandre Kaminski , Christophe Mougel , Nicole Desnoues , Bernard Dreyfus
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1993, 114 (2), pp.185-190. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6968.1993.tb06571.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02714131v1
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Reference-guided genome assembly in metagenomic samples

Cervin Guyomar , Wesley Delage , Fabrice Legeai , Christophe Mougel , Jean-Christophe Simon
JOBIM 2019 - Journées Ouvertes Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques, Jul 2019, Nantes, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-02308257v1

Holobionte : concept et enjeux pour la biologie des plantes et la génétique

Virginie Bourion , Christophe Mougel
Journées Scientifiques du Département de Biologie et Amélioration des Plantes INRA, Sep 2019, Presqu'île de Giens, France
Conference papers hal-03225437v1

Plant genotype: a lever in the interactions between plant and its associated rhizosphere microbiome

Anouk Zancarini , Christine Le Signor , Julie J. Aubert , Sébastien Terrat , Joëlle Ronfort
2nd Plant Microbiome Symposium, Feb 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04081016v1

Multi-scale characterization of symbiont diversity in the pea aphid complex through metagenomic approaches

Cervin Guyomar , Fabrice Legeai , Christophe Mougel , Claire Lemaitre , Jean-Christophe Simon
International Conference on Holobionts, Apr 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01638839v1

Le phytobiome: concept et potentiel d'utilisation en amélioration des plantes

Corinne Vacher , Christophe Mougel , Marc Buée , Matthieu Barret
Conseil scientifique du Département BAP, Feb 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01605029v1

Microbial metacommunity: a METABAR coding approach

Marc Buée , Matthieu Barret , Maria Bernard , Didier Debroas , Isabelle Domaizon
2017 Scientific MEM days: Journées scientifiques MEM (Métaomiques et écosystèmes microbiens), Jan 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01607836v1

A core microbiota of plant and earthworm interaction? Phylogenetic and functional aspects

Manuel Blouin , Samuel Jacquiod , Arnaud Mounier , Aymé Spor , Ruben Puga Freitas
International Conference on Holobionts, Apr 2017, paris, France
Conference papers hal-02953650v1
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Digital Autoradiography technique an efficient tool for sampling procedure

P. Fichet , R. Haudebourg , Christophe Mougel
D&RS conference 2016 - Decommissioning and Remote Systems Conference, Jul 2016, Pittsburg, United States
Conference papers cea-02509795v1

Quels effets la diversité microbienne du sol a-t-elle sur la croissance et la santé des plantes ?

Christophe Mougel , Julie Aubert , Lydia Bousset , Anne-Marie Cortesero , Stéphanie Daval
Colloque de Génomique Environnementale, Oct 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03349078v1

Latent Block Model for ecological abundance data

Julie Aubert , Sophie Schbath , Christophe Mougel , Stephane Robin
30. European Meeting of Statisticians, Jul 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01661254v1

Strategies for analyzing interactions between arbuscular mycorrhiza and bacteria

Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Pierre Offre , Amandine Viollet
Conférences Jacques-Monod, Dec 2013, Roscoff, France
Conference papers hal-02747379v1
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Optimisation du pyroséquençage haut-débit pour caractériser la diversité taxonomique des communautés bactériennes des sols

Sébastien Terrat , Pierre Plassart , Richard Christen , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Tiffanie Regnier
Workshop"Interactions des Microorganismes avec leurs Environnements : Circulation, Adaptation", Jun 2012, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-01208716v1

Apport des nouvelles générations de séquençage pour accéder à la diversité des communautés microbiennes du sol : nécessité d’un ‘pipeline’ bio-informatique pour les biologistes

Sébastien Terrat , Samuel Dequiedt , Richard Christen , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Tiffanie Regnier
Journées d'animation "MEM Days" organisées par l'INRA, Jan 2012, Ecully, France
Conference papers hal-02809171v1

Connecting soil biodiversity to functions and ecosystem services: presentation of case studies and of the EU FP7 project EcoFINDERS

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Mark Bailey , Jack H. Faber , Bryan Griffiths , Pierre-Alain Maron
4. International Congress Eurosoil 2012 - Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, Jul 2012, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-01268038v1

Monitoring microbial diversity in European soils: ongoing projects and challenges

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Dominique Arrouays , Mark J. Bailey , Antonio Bispo , Marc Buée
6. SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)World Congress, SETAC Europe 22nd annual meeting, Securing a sustainable future: Integrating science, policy and people, May 2012, Berlin, Germany. 119 p
Conference papers hal-01268308v1
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Apport des nouvelles générations de séquençage pour accéder à la diversité et la richesse des communautés microbiennes de sols issus d'échantillonnage de grande ampleur

Sébastien Terrat , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Richard Christen , Dipankar Bachar , Mélanie M. Lelievre
Ecole Thématique Expert Génomique Environnementale ETEGE, Apr 2012, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-01208719v1
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Evaluation of the ISO standard 11063 “Soil DNA Extraction Procedure” for Assessing Microbial Abundance and Community Structure

Pierre Plassart , Sébastien Terrat , Bruce Thomson , Robert Griffiths , Samuel S. Dequiedt
14. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 14), Aug 2012, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers hal-01208715v1

Maîtrise et gestion de la biodiversité dans les sols: quelles perspectives ?

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Laurent L. Philippot , Barbara Pivato
Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique (CIAG) 2012. Évaluer et gérer la fertilité des sols, Apr 2012, Orléans, France
Conference papers hal-02807825v1
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Influence of Soil DNA Extraction Procedure to Assess Bacterial Diversity using Pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA

Sébastien Terrat , Richard Christen , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Christophe Mougel , Mélanie M. Lelievre
NENUN ISME-Workshop: Extraction of Microbial DNA & RNA in Environmental Samples, Aug 2012, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers hal-01208718v1

Diversité et activités microbiennes dans la rhizosphère: des atouts majeurs en agroécologie

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Barbara Pivato , Christophe Mougel , Laure L. Avoscan , Sylvie S. Mazurier
Alliances au pays des racines - 14e Colloque Scientifique de la Société d'Horticulture de France, May 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02747709v1

Apport des nouvelles générations de séquençage pour accéder à la diversité des communautés microbiennes du sol : nécessité d’un ‘pipeline’ bio-informatique pour les biologistes

Sébastien Terrat , Richard Christen , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel
1ères Rencontres bioinformaticiens et statisticiens de l’INRA, Mar 2011, Versailles, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01137014v1

Combining ecophysiological and microbial ecological approaches to assess interaction between genotypes of Medicago truncatula and the soil bacterial communities

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Christophe Salon , Nathalie Munier-Jolain
Rhizosphere 3 International Conference, Sep 2011, Perth, Australia
Conference papers hal-02744462v1

Quel renouvellement des questions de recherches sur les légumineuses ?

Anne-Sophie Voisin , Jacques Guéguen , Christian Huyghe , Marie-Helene Jeuffroy , Marie-Benoît Magrini
Atelier de réflexion pour un renouvellement des questions de recherche sur les légumineuses : du gène à la filière, Sep 2011, Dijon, France. 4 p
Conference papers hal-01003340v1

Quel renouvellement des questions de recherche sur les légumineuses ?

Anne-Sophie Voisin , Julie Gueguen , Christian Huyghe , Marie-Helene Jeuffroy , Marie-Benoît Magrini
Workshop légumineuses: Atelier de réflexion pour un renouvellement des questions de recherche sur les Légumineuses : du gène à la filière, Sep 2011, Dijon, France. 4 p
Conference papers hal-02804480v1
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Vers une optimisation de la procédure d'extraction d'ADN des sols pour caractériser la diversité microbienne tellurique par le pyroséquençage des gènes ribosomiques

Pierre Plassart , Sébastien Terrat , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Tiffanie Regnier , Samuel S. Dequiedt
5ième colloque de l’Association Francophone Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM), Ville service., Nov 2011, Hammamet, Tunisie. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01231285v1

Costs-benfits trade-off in the intercation between Medicago truncatula and Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12 across atmospheric carbon dioxide modulation

Clémentine C. Lepinay , Thierry Rigaud , Christophe Salon , Philippe P. Lemanceau , Christophe Mougel
Rhizosphere 3, University of Western Australia. Saisissez le nom du laboratoire, du service ou du département., Perth, AUS., Sep 2011, Perth, Australia. 1 p
Conference papers hal-00999982v1
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Influence of Soil DNA Extraction Procedure to Assess Bacterial Diversity using Pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA

Sébastien Terrat , Richard Christen , Samuel Dequiedt , Christophe Mougel , Mélanie M. Lelievre
6. ISMOM: International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals withOrganic Components and Microorganisms.3. InterCongress of Commission 2.5 IUSSSoil chemical, physical and biological interfacial reactions, Labo/service de l'auteur, Ville service, Pays service., Jun 2011, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02746836v1

Crosstalks between soil microbial communities and a nitrogen fixing legume species (medicago truncatula) during its Vegetative Stage

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Christophe Salon , Nathalie Munier-Jolain
5. International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC V) and 7. European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEPVII) ; Legumes for Global Health Legume Crops and Products for Food, Feed and Environmental Benefits, Apr 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02753416v1

Etude de l’interaction « Plante x Communauté microbienne du sol » chez l’espèce modèle Medicago truncatula

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Christophe Salon , Nathalie Munier-Jolain
16eme Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2010, Besançon, France. 16 p
Conference papers hal-02822520v1
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Platform GenoSol: a new tool for conserving and exploring soil microbial diversity

Samuel S. Dequiedt , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré
4ème Colloque de l'Association Francophone d'Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM), Aug 2009, Lyon, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01137004v1

Iron dynamics in the rhizosphere as a case study for analysing interactions among soils, plants and microbes

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Laure L. Avoscan , Eric E. Bernaud , Thérèse Corberand
8. International PGPR Workshop, May 2009, Portland, United States. n.p
Conference papers hal-02820723v1

Implication of pyoverdines in the interactions of fluorescent pseudomonads with soil microflora and plant in the rhizosphere

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Agnès Robin , Laure L. Avoscan , Sylvie S. Mazurier
9. International Congress of Plant Pathology ICPP 2008, Aug 2008, Turin, Italy
Conference papers hal-02819512v1
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Association préférentielle entre les mycorhizes à arbuscules et les pseudomonas saprophytes présentant des systèmes de sécrétion de type III

Amandine Viollet , Thérèse Corberand , Agnès Robin , Christophe Mougel , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Journées Francophones Mycorhizes, Sep 2008, Dijon, France. 47 p
Conference papers hal-02757118v1

Reciprocal interactions between plants and fluorescent pseudomonads in relation with iron in the rhizosphere

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Agnès Robin , Laure L. Avoscan , Sylvie S. Mazurier
12. International Symposium on Micropial Ecology - ISME 12, International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME). Saisissez le nom du laboratoire, du service ou du département., Cairns, INT., Aug 2008, Cairns, Australia
Conference papers hal-01001210v1

Assessment of the impact of the cultivation of different cultivars of maize, including Bt-maize varieties, on soil- and plant-associated microbial and fungal functional communities

Amadou A. Sarr , Laurent L. Philippot , Lionel Ranjard , Christophe Mougel , Véronique Edel-Hermann
Monsanto Bt Maize Symposium, Saisissez le nom du laboratoire, du service ou du département., Ville service., Mar 2008, La Hulpe, Belgium. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01001208v1

Proteomes of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis : past and present achievements

Eliane Dumas-Gaudot , Ghislaine Recorbet , Franck Robert , Nardjis Amiour , Pierre Offre
Proteomlux 2008 : Proteomics in Plants, Microorganisms and Environment, 2008, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers hal-03746917v1
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How genetic pressure of [i]Medicago trunculata[/i] acts on the molecular selection and population pattern of its favourite symbiotic bacteria, [i]Sinorhizobium[/i] sp.?

Cécile Rangin , Gilles Béna , Brigitte Brunel , Marie-Mathilde Perrineau , Lucette Mauré
International Conference Rhizosphere 2, Aug 2007, Montpellier, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-01190292v1

Reciprocal interactions between plants and fluorescent pseudomonads in relation with iron in the rhizosphere

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Agnès Robin , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel
XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Jul 2007, Sorrento, Italy
Conference papers hal-02815878v1

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza establishment on the genetic structure and diversity of bacteria in the rhizosphere of Medicago truncatula

Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Séverine S. Siblot , Thérèse Corberand
Buffon Legacy Conference, Sep 2007, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02753073v1

Populations bactériennes associées aux racines mycorhizées de Medicago truncatula: de la communauté à la souche bactérienne

Pierre P. Offre , Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Séverine S. Siblot , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables (REID), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). Saisissez le nom du laboratoire, du service ou du département., Ville service, FRA., Jan 2007, Brest, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-00956065v1

Reciprocal interactions between plants and fluorescent pseudomonads in relation with iron in the rhizosphere

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Gérard G. Vansuyt , Agnès Robin , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel
In Buffon Legacy Conference, Sep 2007, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02754879v1

Medicago species affect the community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with roots

Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Philippe P. Lemanceau , Séverine S. Siblot , Graziella Berta
International Conference "Rhizosphere 2", Aug 2007, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02758002v1

Toward an integrated approach for studying plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere: from genomic to proteomic

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato
2nd annual meeting of the Dutch Ecogenomics Research Program ‘Assessing the living soil’ Royal Sciences Academy of The Netherlands, Apr 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-02819016v1

Interactions durables entre plantes et microorganismes dans les sols

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato
Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables (REID), Jan 2006, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02823861v1

La variabilité biologique, sérologique et moléculaire des lutéovirus pathogènes vis-à-vis de la betterave, permet la caractérisation de trois espèces virales distinctes

S. Hauser , M. Stevens , Christophe Mougel , Etienne E. Herrbach , H. Smith
7. Rencontres de virologie végétale, Mar 1999, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-02771425v1

Etude phylogénétique des luteoviridae pathogènes pour la betterave sucrière

S. Hauser , M. Stevens , Christophe Mougel , Etienne E. Herrbach , H. Smith
1. Journées francophones de virologie, Apr 1999, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02837857v1

Serological and genomic variability of sugar beet-infecting beet mild yellowing luteovirus (BMYV) isolates and discrimination with another related luteovirus

Olivier O. Lemaire , Etienne E. Herrbach , Christophe Mougel , Catherine Reinbold , Yves Bouchery
2. Colmar symposium for biological sciences, May 1996, Colmar, France. pp.92
Conference papers hal-02837519v1

Evidence of a core microbiota shaped by plant and earthworm interactions across soils

Samuel Jacquiod , Ruben Puga Freitas , Aymé Spor , Arnaud Mounier , Cécile Monard
17. International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME17), Aug 2018, Leipzig, Germany. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02785624v1
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Reference guided genome assembly in metagenomic samples

Cervin Guyomar , Wesley Delage , Fabrice Legeai , Christophe Mougel , Jean-Christophe Simon
RECOMB 2018 - 22nd International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Apr 2018, Paris, France. pp.1
Conference poster hal-01934823v1

The soil microbiota diversity influences clubroot disease by modulation of Brassica napus and Plasmodiophora brassicae transcriptomes

Stéphanie Daval , Kévin Gazengel , Arnaud Belcour , Juliette Linglin , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt
International Phytobiomes Conference, Dec 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-03348616v1
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Does crop diversification impact plant-soil interactions?

Mira Sébastian , Christophe Mougel , Edith Le Cadre-Barthélemy
15th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy ESA 2018, Aug 2018, Genève, Switzerland. 2018
Conference poster hal-03160798v1
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Does the soil microbiota diversity influence the interactions between Brassica napus and its bioagressors ?

Lionel Lebreton , Valérie Chaminade , Anne Marie Cortesero , Stéphanie Daval , Sylvain Fournet
Phytobiome, Dec 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-03232457v1

The soil microbiota diversity influences clubroot disease by modulation of host plant and pathogen transcriptomes

Stéphanie Daval , Kévin Gazengel , Arnaud Belcour , Juliette Linglin , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt
Pathobiome, Mar 2018, Ajaccio, France
Conference poster hal-03348609v1

Influence of soil microbial diversity and host plant genotype on the structure and diversity of root microbiota of Brassica napus infected with Plasmodiophora brassicae

Alain Sarniguet , Lionel Lebreton , Kévin Gazengel , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Juliette Linglin
International Phytobiomes Conference, Dec 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-03348615v1

Does the soil microbiota modulate the interactions between Brassica napus and its bioagressors?

Lionel Lebreton , Anne-Marie Cortesero , Stéphanie Daval , Sylvain Fournet , Kévin Gazengel
Pathobiome, Mar 2018, Ajaccio, France
Conference poster hal-03348613v1
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Multi-scale characterization of symbiont diversity in the pea aphid complex through metagenomic approaches

Cervin Guyomar , Fabrice Legeai , Christophe Mougel , Claire Lemaitre , Jean-Christophe Simon
JOBIM 2017 - Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques, Jul 2017, Lille, France
Conference poster hal-01638884v1

Influence de la diversité du microbiome du sol sur l'agent pathogène tellurique responsable de la hernie des crucifères

Arnaud Belcour , Kévin Gazengel , Lionel Lebreton , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Juliette Linglin
Journées d'animation du réseau PhytoMic, Nov 2017, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03348606v1

Dynamique des communautés bactériennes et fongiques de la rhizosphère au cours de l’infection de racines de Brassica rapa par le protiste obligatoire, agent de la hernie des crucifères, Plasmodiophora brassicae.

Lionel Lebreton , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Kévin Gazengel , Stéphanie Daval , Alain Sarniguet
9e Colloque de la Société Française de Phytopathologie., Jun 2015, Colmar, France
Conference poster hal-03348604v1

A new conceptual framework shows that plant genotype and soil nitrogen availability modify both plant nutritional strategies and diversity of their associated rhizosphere microbiome

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Anne-Sophie Voisin , Marion Prudent , Christophe Salon
Rhizosphere 4, Jun 2015, Maastricht, Netherlands
Conference poster hal-04080970v1
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Dynamics of bacterial and fungal rhizosphere communities during the infection of Brassica rapa roots by the protist Plasmodiophora brassicae

Lionel Lebreton , Anne-Yvonne Guillerm-Erckelboudt , Kévin Gazengel , Stéphanie Daval , Alain Sarniguet
Pathobiome, Jun 2015, Maison-Alfort, France
Conference poster hal-03231661v1
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Optimized and standardized 192-plex solution for 16S rDNA gene sequencing on Illumina Miseq platform to assess soil biodiversity

J. Denonfoux , C. Wahl , Jean-Pierre Gauthier , Y. Laurent , Lionel Lebreton
1. Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative Conference (GSBI), Dec 2014, Dijon, France. 703 p., 2014
Conference poster hal-01208772v1

Soil microbial diversity effects on primary production and symbiotic interactions

Clémentine Lepinay , Céline Faivre-Primot , Florence Deau , Julie Aubert , Sébastien Terrat
32. New Phytologist Symposium. Plant interactions with other organisms: molecules, ecology and evolution, Nov 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. , 2013
Conference poster hal-01197630v1

Plateforme GenoSol : une structure logistique d'appui à la recherche sur la microbiologie des sols et de l'environnement

Samuel S. Dequiedt , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Fabien Morin
Workshop Interactions des Microorganismes avec leurs Environnements: Circulation, Adaptation, Jun 2012, Dijon, France. , 2012, Interactions des microorganismes avec leurs environements : circulation, adaptation
Conference poster hal-01208689v1
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Vers une optimisation de la procédure d’extraction d’ADN des sols pour caractériser la diversité microbienne tellurique par le pyroséquençage des gènes ribosomiques

Pierre Plassart , Sébastien Terrat , Rob I. Griffiths , Bruce Thomson , Mélanie M. Lelievre
Workshop Interactions des microorganismes avec leurs environnements: circulation, adaptation, Jun 2012, Dijon, France. 2012
Conference poster hal-01208712v1

Influence du système de sécrétion de type III bactérien dans les intéractions plantes-Pseudomonas spp. fluorescents non pathogènes

Amandine Viollet , Thérèse Corberand , Christophe Mougel , Laure Avoscan , Gérard Vansuyt
Workshop Interactions des Microorganismes avec leurs Environnements : Circulation, Adaptation, Jun 2012, Dijon, France, 6-7 juin 2012, France. , 2012
Conference poster hal-01208713v1
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Deep sequencing of 16S rRNA gene to efficiently assess bacterial richness and the rare biosphere in soils

Sébastien Terrat , Samuel Dequiedt , Dipankar Bachar , Richard Christen , Christophe Mougel
14. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 14), Aug 2012, Copenhague, Danemark, Netherlands. 1 p., 2012
Conference poster hal-02806957v1

Optimisation du pyroséquençage haut-débit pour caractériser la diversité taxonomique des communautés bactériennes des sols

Sébastien Terrat , Pierre Plassart , Richard Christen , Samuel S. Dequiedt , Mélanie M. Lelievre
Ecole Thématique Expert Génomique Environnementale ETEGE, Apr 2012, Aussois, France. 2012
Conference poster hal-01208717v1

Optimisation du pyroséquençage haut-débit pour caractériser la diversité taxonomique des communautés bactériennes des sols

Sébastien Terrat , Pierre Plassart , R. Christen , Samuel Dequiedt , Tiffanie Régnier
5ième colloque de l’Association Francophone Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM), Nov 2011, Hammamet, Tunisie. , 1 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02808211v1

Optimisation du pyroséquençage haut-débit pour caractériser la diversité taxonomique des communautés bactériennes des sols

Sébastien Terrat , Pierre Plassart , R. Christen , Samuel Dequiedt , Tiffanie Régnier
Colloque Génomique Environnementale, Nov 2011, Ecully, France. , 1 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02807955v1

Combining ecophysiological and microbial ecological approaches to assess interaction between genotypes of Medicago truncatula and the soil bacterial communities

Anouk Zancarini , Christophe Mougel , Christophe Salon , Nathalie Munier-Jolain
17eme Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs "Jeunes chercheurs, explorons la bulle professionnelle", Jun 2011, Dijon, France. 155 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02749671v1
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Description of a strategy for analyzing the feedback loop of the interactions between plants, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms Conference, Apr 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. , 121 p., 2011
Conference poster hal-02747493v1
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Platform GenoSol: a new tool for conserving and exploring soil microbial diversity

Samuel Dequiedt , Mélanie M. Lelievre , Pierre-Alain Maron , Christophe Mougel , Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré
10. Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology - Coexisting on a Changing Planet (BAGECO 10), Jun 2009, Uppsala, Sweden. 18 p., 2009
Conference poster hal-02752945v1
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Arbuscular mycorrhizae influence the occurence of soil fluorescent pseudomonads harbouring type III secretion systems

Amandine Viollet , Thérèse Corberand , Adeline Robin , Christophe Mougel , Philippe P. Lemanceau
Bageco 10 - Bacterial genetics and ecology, Jun 2009, Uppsala, Sweden. , 1p., 2009
Conference poster hal-02755399v1

Studying the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis from axenic system to soilborne interactions by proteomics: which challenges to face?

Eliane Dumas-Gaudot , Ghislaine Recorbet , Franck Robert , Nardjis Amiour , Pierre Offre
Congrès SMAP (Spectrométrie de masse et analyse protéomique), Sep 2009, Dijon, France
Conference poster hal-03746880v1
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Comparison of the genetic structure and diversity of bacteria associated with mycorrhized and non-mycorrhized roots of Medicago truncatula

Pierre Offre , Barbara Pivato , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Séverine S. Siblot , Thérèse Corberand
International Conference Rhizosphere 2, Aug 2007, Dijon, France. , 1 p., 2007
Conference poster hal-02751762v1
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Effects of mycorrhization and nodulation on the structure and diversity of fluorescent pseudomonads associated with Medicago truncatula roots

Agnès Robin , Thérèse Corberand , Christophe Robin , Emile Benizri , Philippe Lemanceau
1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists, Jun 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference poster hal-04475569v1
Image document

Influence des associations symbiotiques de Medicago truncatula sur la microflore rhizosphérique et les transferts de carbone vers la rhizosphère

Christophe Mougel , Agnès Robin , Aurélie Talon , Emile Benizri , Thérèse Corberand
5èmes journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2003, Nancy, France
Conference poster hal-04521390v1

Effects of mycorhization and nodulation on the structure and diversity of fluorescent pseudomonads associated with Medicago truncatula roots

Agnès Robin , Thérèse Corberand , Christophe Robin , Émile Benizri , Philippe Lemanceau
First meeting of the COST 631 Action, Oct 2002, Vienne, Austria
Conference poster hal-04490859v1

Influence of symbiotic status of roots on carbon allocation to roots and rhizosphere of Medicago truncatula

Aurélie Talon , Christophe Robin , Christophe Mougel , Emile Benizri
First meeting of the COST 631 Action, Oct 2002, Vienne (AUT), Austria
Conference poster hal-04490914v1

Comment les bactéries perçoivent et répondent aux modifications de leur environnement ? Génomique comparative des systèmes à deux composantes bactériens : organisation, distribution et fonction

Christophe Mougel , I.B. Zhulin
3. Colloque Rhizosphère, Nov 2001, Dijon, France. 1 p., 2001
Conference poster hal-02826749v1

Plant Microbiota: Diversity, Transmission and Function

Matthieu Barret , Marc Buée , Christophe Mougel , Corinne Vacher
Extended Biocontrol, Springer Netherlands, pp.111-117, 2022, ⟨10.1007/978-94-024-2150-7_9⟩
Book sections hal-04059155v1

Agroecological Protection to Support Plant Health: Where the Microbiota Fits In

Claudia Bartoli , Jean-Noël Aubertot , Isabelle Litrico , Christophe Mougel
Xavier Fauvergue; Adrien Rusch; Matthieu Barret; Marc Bardin; Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly; Thibaut Malausa; Christian Lannou. Extended Biocontrol, Springer Netherlands, pp.119-125, 2022, 978-94-024-2150-7. ⟨10.1007/978-94-024-2150-7_10⟩
Book sections hal-04181895v1

Le microbiote des plantes : diversité, transmission et fonction

Matthieu Barret , Marc Buée , Christophe Mougel , Corinne Vacher
Biocontrôle. Éléments pour une protection agroécologique des cultures., Editions Quae, 2020, Savoir Faire, 978-2-7592-3076-1
Book sections hal-03319624v1

Protection agroécologique pour le maintien de la santé des plantes

Claudia Bartoli , Jean-Noël Aubertot , Isabelle Litrico-Chiarelli , Christophe Mougel
Biocontrôle. Éléments pour une protection agroécologique des cultures., Éditions Quae, 376p., 2020, Savoir faire, 978-2-7592-3076-1
Book sections hal-04204459v1

Métagénomique et métatranscriptome

Christophe Mougel
Principes des techniques de biologie moléculaire et génomique : 3e édition revue et augmentée, Quae, 2018, Savoir Faire, 978-2-7592-2389-3
Book sections hal-03318972v1

Qu’attendre des recherches en microbiologie du sol ?

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Pierre-Alain Maron , Sylvie S. Mazurier , Christophe Mougel , Laurent L. Philippot
Fertilisation et environnement. Quelles pistes pour l'aide à la décision ?, Chapitre 10, Editions Quae ACTA, le réseau des instituts des filières animales et végétales, pp.288, 2014, Matière à Débattre et Décider, 978-2-7592-2055-7 978-2-85794-280-1
Book sections hal-02797138v1

Combining molecular microbial ecology with ecophysiology and plant genetics for a better understanding of plant-microbial communities' interactions in the rhizosphere.

Anouk Zancarini , Clémentine Lépinay , Judith Burstin , Gérard Duc , Philippe P. Lemanceau
F.J. de Bruijn. Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere, 1, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.69-86, 2013, 978-1-118-29617-2. ⟨10.1002/9781118297674.ch7⟩
Book sections hal-01119954v1

Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative

Lionel Ranjard , Samuel Dequiedt , Claudy Jolivet , Nicolas Saby , Jean Thioulouse
Eric Lichtfouse; Marjolaine Hamelin; Mireille Navarrete; Philippe Debaeke. Sustainable Agriculture Volume 2, Springer, pp.857-865, 2011, 978-94-007-0393-3. ⟨10.1007/978-94-007-0394-0_37⟩
Book sections hal-00860770v1

Microbial ecology of the rhizosphere

P. Lemanceau , P. Offre , Christophe Mougel , E. Gamalero , Y. Dessaux
Microbiological methods for assessing soil quality, CABI Publishing, pp.228-230, 2006
Book sections hal-00119328v1

Microbial ecology of the rhizosphere

Philippe P. Lemanceau , Pierre Offre , Christophe Mougel , Elisa Gamalero , Yves Dessaux
Microbiological methods for assessing soil quality, 2005
Book sections hal-02832084v1