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Christophe Nicolle



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Compact Implementation of a 1-Bit Adder by Coherent 2-Beam Excitation of a Single Plasmonic Cavity

Florian Dell’ova , Yoann Brûlé , Nicolas Gros , Justin Bizouard , Diana Shakirova
ACS photonics, 2024, 11 (2), pp.752-761. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01624⟩
Journal articles hal-04736128v1
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Une ontologie de la culture de la vigne : des savoirs académiques aux savoirs d'expérience

Clémentine Hugol-Gential , Marie Simon , Aurélie Bertaux , Ouassila Labbani Narsis , Rami Belkaroui
Recherches en communication, 2019, 48, ⟨10.14428/rec.v48i48.45493⟩
Journal articles halshs-02115309v1

WiseNET: An indoor multi-camera multi-space dataset with contextual information and annotations for people detection and tracking

Roberto Marroquin , Julien Dubois , Christophe Nicolle
Data in Brief, 2019, 27, pp.104654. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2019.104654⟩
Journal articles hal-02470552v1
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Causal reasoning and symbolic relationships in Medieval Illuminations

Djibril Diarra , Martine Clouzot , Christophe Nicolle
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, 2019, Special Issue on Data Science and Digital Humanities @ EGC 2018, ⟨10.46298/jdmdh.4459⟩
Journal articles hal-01762730v5
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Agent-based simulation of unmanned aerial vehicles in civilian applications: A systematic literature review and research directions

Yazan Mualla , Amro Najjar , Alaa Daoud , Stéphane Galland , Christophe Nicolle
Future Generation Computer Systems, inPress, 100, pp.344-364. ⟨10.1016/j.future.2019.04.051⟩
Journal articles hal-02120738v1

WINECLOUD: Une ontologie d'événements pour la modélisation sémantique des données de capteurs hétérogènes

Rami Belkaroui , Amira Mouakher , Aurélie Bertaux , Ouassila Labbani , Clémentine Hugol-Gential
Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 2019, Extraction et Gestion des connaissances, RNTI-E-35, pp.379-380
Journal articles hal-02140304v1

A rule-based methodology to extract building model views

Tarcisio Mendes De Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
Automation in Construction, 2018, 92, pp.214 - 229. ⟨10.1016/j.autcon.2018.03.035⟩
Journal articles hal-01809100v1

Ontology for a Panoptes building: exploiting contextual information and smart camera network

Roberto Marroquin , Julien Dubois , Christophe Nicolle
Open Journal Of Semantic Web, 2018, Special issue, 9 (6), pp.803 - 828. ⟨10.3233/SW-180298⟩
Journal articles hal-02749817v1

Scenario analysis, from BigData to black swan

Marwan Batrouni , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle
Computer Science Review, 2018, 28, pp.131 - 139. ⟨10.1016/j.cosrev.2018.02.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01860747v1

A performance benchmark over semantic rule checking approaches in construction industry

Pieter Pauwels , Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Chi Zhang , Ana Roxin , Jakob Beetz
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2017, 33, pp.68 - 88. ⟨10.1016/j.aei.2017.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01564987v1

An Ontology-Based Approach for the Reconstruction and Analysis of Digital Incidents Timelines

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle , Tahar Kechadi
Digital Investigation, 2015, Digital Investigation, Special Issue on Big Data and Intelligent Data Analysis, pp.18
Journal articles hal-01176091v1

Understandable Big Data: A survey

Cheikh Kacfah Emani , Nadine Cullot , Christophe Nicolle
Computer Science Review, 2015, 17, pp.70 - 81. ⟨10.1016/j.cosrev.2015.05.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01196380v1

SWRL Rule-selection Methodology for Ontology Interoperability

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2015, ⟨10.1016/j.datak.2015.09.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01202760v1

Semantic User Profiling for Digital Advertising

Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
Journal articles hal-01202762v1

Ontology-based Integration of Web Navigation for Dynamic User Profiling

Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
Informatica Economică, 2015, Business Ontologies, 19 (01/2015), pp.15
Journal articles hal-01165191v1

An ontology change management approach for facility management

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
Computers in Industry, 2014, Special Issue on The Role of Ontologies in Future Web-based Industrial Enterprises, 65 (9), pp.1301-1315. ⟨10.1016/j.compind.2014.07.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01274522v1

A Complete Formalized Knowledge Representation Model for Advanced Digital Forensics Timeline Analysis

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle , Tahar Kechadi
Digital Investigation, 2014, 11 (2), pp.S95-S105. ⟨10.1016/j.diin.2014.05.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01025291v1
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Identifying Objective True/False from Subjective Yes/No Semantic based on OWA and CWA

Duan Yucong , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
Journal of Computers (JCP), 2013, Vol 8 (No 7 (2013)), pp.1847-1852. ⟨10.4304/jcp.8.7.1847-1852⟩
Journal articles hal-00927476v1

Bringing Building Data on Construction Site for Virtual Renovation Works

Jeremie Landrieu , Yudi Nugraha , Christian Père , Frédéric Merienne , Samir Garbaya
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems, 2013, 1 (14), pp.737-747
Journal articles hal-00829204v1

A Thermal Simulation Tool for Building and Its Interoperability through the Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform

Yudi Nugraha Bahar , Christian Pere , Jeremie Landrieu , Christophe Nicolle
Buildings, 2013, 3 (2), pp.380-398. ⟨10.3390/buildings3020380⟩
Journal articles hal-00861490v1
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A Context-Based Adaptation In Mobile Learning

Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Florence Mendes , Christophe Nicolle
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT), 2013, 15 (4), 5 p
Journal articles hal-00910239v1
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Automatic Detection and Classi cation of Objects in Point Clouds using multi-stage Semantics

Hung Truong , Helmi Ben Hmida , Frank Boochs , Adlane Habed , Christophe Cruz
Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation, 2013, 2013 (3), pp. 221-237(17). ⟨10.1127/1432-8364/2013/01721432-8364/13/0172⟩
Journal articles hal-00875794v1

CAD data workflow toward the thermal simulation and visualization in virtual reality

Yudi Nugraha Bahar , Jeremie Landrieu , Christian Père , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2013, pp.1. ⟨10.1007/s12008-013-0200-5⟩
Journal articles hal-00926987v1
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Temporal Logic To Query Semantic Graphs Using The Model Checking Method

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
Journal of Software, 2012, 7 (7),
Journal articles hal-00783744v1
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Knowledge Base Approach for 3D Objects Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Processing and Specialists Knowledge

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2012, 5 (1 et 2), pp.1-14, ISSN: 1942-2679
Journal articles hal-00778694v1
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Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Christophe Nicolle , Florence Mendes
ΙΕΕΕ Learning Technology Newsletter, 2012, 14 (Issue 2), pp.33
Journal articles hal-00743126v1
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From Unstructured 3D Point Clouds to Structured Knowledge - A Semantics Approach

Christophe Cruz , Helmi Ben Hmida , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
Semantics - Advances in Theories and Mathematical Models, 2012, pp.Muhammad Tanvir Afzal, ISBN 978-953-51-0535-0. ⟨10.5772/37633⟩
Journal articles hal-00778533v1
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Mapping SPARQL Query to temporal logic query based on NμSMV Model Checker to Query Semantic Graphs

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
International journal of digital information and wireless communications (IJDIWC), 2012, 1 (2), pp.366-380
Journal articles hal-00639255v1
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Semantic Building Information Model and Multimedia for Facility Management

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
Web Information Systems and Technologies Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2011, 75 (1), pp. 14-29, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-22810-0_2⟩
Journal articles hal-00625003v1
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Verifying Semantic Graphs With the Model Checker SPIN

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
International journal of digital information and wireless communications (IJDIWC), 2011, 1 (1), pp.64-74
Journal articles hal-00639247v1
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Propose Semantic Formalization for 3D Reconstruction of Architectural

Christophe Cruz , Duan Yucong , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences / International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, 2010, 11 (1), pp. 1-10, ISSN 1525-9293
Journal articles hal-00639545v1
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TourismKM: a new Web Semantic based approach for E-Tourism

Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
International Journal of Trade, Economics, and Finance (IJTEF), 2010, 1 (1), pp.108-113 ISSN: 2010-023X
Journal articles hal-00612525v1
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IFC and Buildings Lifecycle Management

Renaud Vanlande , Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
Automation in Construction, 2008, 18, pp.70-78. ⟨10.1016/j.autcon.2008.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00639553v1

Interoperability of B2B applications: Methods and tools

Christophe Nicolle , Kokou Yetongnon , Jean-Claude Simon
Advanced Topics in Database Research, inPress, 4, pp.28. ⟨10.4018/978-1-59140-471-2.ch014⟩
Journal articles hal-01875637v1
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Identifying Logical Patterns in Text for Reasoning

Pauline Armary , Cheikh-Brahim El-Vaigh , Antoine Spicher , Ouassila Labbani Narsis , Christophe Nicolle
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Oct 2024, Herndon, United States
Conference papers hal-04811164v1
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Towards A Hybrid Approach for Medieval Illuminations Analysis

Cheikh Brahim El Vaigh , Martine Clouzot , Christophe Nicolle
17th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS, Nov 2023, BANGKOK, France
Conference papers hal-04455810v1

Hybrid AI for Medieval Illuminations Analysis

Djibril Diarra , Martine Clouzot , Christophe Nicolle
workshop FAIR Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing,and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage, Jun 2020, Online, France
Conference papers hal-03483536v1

Enterprise Knowledge Modeling, UML vs Ontology: Formal Evaluation

Meriem Mejhed Mkhinini , Ouassila Labbani , Christophe Nicolle
2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), IEEE, Sep 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. pp.127-134, ⟨10.1109/ICCP48234.2019.8959686⟩
Conference papers hal-02753707v1

An Ontology-Based Monitoring System in Vineyards of the Burgundy Region

Amira Mouakher , Rami Belkaroui , Aurélie Bertaux , Ouassila Labbani , Clémentine Hugol-Gential
2019 IEEE 28th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE), Jun 2019, Capri (Napoli), Italy. ⟨10.1109/WETICE.2019.00070⟩
Conference papers hal-02334040v1
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Illumination3.0: A Semantic Annotation Platform Based on Ontology for Medieval Illuminations

Djibril Diarra , Rami Belkaroui , Martine Clouzot , Christophe Nicolle
30es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, IC 2019, AFIA, Jul 2019, Toulouse, France. pp.231-234
Conference papers hal-02329636v1

De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies

Clémentine Hugol-Gential , Marie Simon , Aurélie Bertaux , Ouassila Labbani , Rami Belkaroui
Univigne, Jan 2019, Reims, France
Conference papers halshs-02010471v1

Between the Megalopolis and the Deep Blue Sky: Challenges of Transport with UAVs in Future Smart Cities

Yazan Mualla , Amro Najjar , Stéphane Galland , Christophe Nicolle , Igor Tchappi Haman
18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS), Assoc Comp Machinery; Int Fdn Autonomous Agents & MultiAgent Syst; NSF; Artificial Intelligence Journal; Tourisme Montreal; J P Morgan; DeepMind; ACM SIGAI; Concordia Univ, May 2019, Montreal, Canada. pp.1649-1653
Conference papers hal-02337621v1

Towards events ontology based on data sensors network for viticulture domain

Rami Belkaroui , Aurélie Bertaux , Ouassila Labbani , Clémentine Hugol-Gential , Christophe Nicolle
the 8th International Conference, Oct 2018, Santa Barbara, France. ⟨10.1145/3277593.3277619⟩
Conference papers halshs-01898016v1

Know Beyond Seeing: Combining Computer Vision with Semantic Reasoning

Roberto Marroquin , Julien Dubois , Christophe Nicolle
2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), Jan 2018, Laguna Hills, California, United States. pp.310-311
Conference papers hal-01998679v1

Towards the Agent-Based Simulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a 3d Environment

Stéphane Galland , Andre Matsushita , Christophe Nicolle
FUTURMOB17 Workshop, 2017, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers hal-01677276v1
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A Federated Approach for Interoperating AEC/FM Ontologies

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
LDAC2016 - 4th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop , Jun 2016, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-01329726v1

A Semantic Web Approach for Building View Definitions

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
buildingSMART International Standards Summit , Apr 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01329736v1


Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
The 15th International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2016), Jun 2016, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Conference papers hal-01329418v1

WiseEye: A Platform to Manage and Experiment on Smart Camera Networks

Julien Dubois , Axel Moinet , Serge Bobbia , Roberto Marroquin , Barthélémy Heyrman
5th Workshop on Architecture of Smart Cameras (WASC), Jul 2016, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-01342808v1
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WiseNET: smart camera network combined with ontological reasoning for smart building management

Roberto Marroquin , Julien Dubois , Christophe Nicolle
5th Workshop on Architecture of Smart Cameras (WASC), Jul 2016, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-01342886v1

Querying and reasoning over large scale building data sets: an outline of a performance benchmark

Pauwels Pieter , Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Zhang Chi , Ana Roxin , Beetz Jakob
The International Workshop on Semantic Big Data (SBD '16) ACM in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD 2016, Jul 2016, San Francisco United States. ⟨10.1145/2928294.2928303⟩
Conference papers hal-01329400v1

A comparative Study of the mobile learning approaches

Sameh Baccari , Florence Mendes , Christophe Nicolle , Neji Mahmoud
Second International Conference, MSPN 2016, Jun 2016, Paris, France. pp.76-85, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-50463-6_7⟩
Conference papers hal-01484127v1

Comparative Study of the Mobile Learning Architectures

Sameh Baccari , Florence Mendes , Christophe Nicolle , Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Neji Mahmoud
Third International Conference, eLEOT 2016 August 31 – September 2, 2016, Aug 2016, Dublin, Ireland. pp.191-200, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-49625-2_23⟩
Conference papers hal-01484151v1

Représentation sémantiquement riche d'évènements pour le domaine de la criminalistique informatique

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle , Tahar Kechadi
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers hal-01199518v1

FOWLA, A Federated Architecture for Ontologies.

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2015), Aug 2015, Berlin, Germany. pp.97-111
Conference papers hal-01174510v1

Automatic User Profile Mapping To Marketing Segments In A Big Data Context

Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
14th International Conference on Informatics in Economy, Apr 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01165211v1

Semantically Adapting IFC Model Relations into OWL Properties

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
3rd International Workshop on Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC), Jul 2015, Eindhoven, France
Conference papers hal-01202808v1

De la scène de crime aux connaissances : représentation d'évènements et peuplement d'ontologie appliqués au domaine de la criminalistique informatique

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle , Tahar Kechadi
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances 2015, Jan 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Conference papers hal-01099652v1


Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
The 14th International Conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2015), Apr 2015, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01174498v1

COBieOWL, an OWL ontology based on COBie standard

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
In Proceedings of On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Conferences, Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, ODBASE, and C&TC 2015, Oct 2015, Rhodes, Greece
Conference papers hal-01202742v1
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IfcWoD, Semantically Adapting IFC Model Relations into OWL Properties

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
In proceedings of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference on Information Technology in Construction, Oct 2015, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01174524v1
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A New Development Framework for Multi-Core Processor based Smart-Camera Implementations

Serge Bobbia , Julien Dubois , Christophe Nicolle , Axel Moinet , Benoit Darties
Workshop on Architecture of Smart Cameras (WASC), Jun 2015, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Conference papers hal-01231821v1
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Comparative Study of the Mobile Learning Architectures

Sameh Baccari , Florence Mendes , Christophe Nicolle , Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Neji Mahmoud
e-LEOT 2nd EAI International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training, Sep 2015, Novedrate, Italy
Conference papers hal-01238370v1

Automatic Timeline Construction and Analysis For Computer Forensics Purposes

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle , Tahar Kechadi
IEEE Joint Intelligence & Security Informatics Conference 2014 (IEEE JISIC2014), Sep 2014, La Haye, Netherlands. pp.4
Conference papers hal-01017212v1
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Reconstruction et analyse sémantique de chronologies cybercriminelles

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Tahar Kechadi , Christophe Nicolle
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances 2014, Jan 2014, Rennes, France. pp.521-524
Conference papers hal-00941150v1

Enrichissement sémantique d'un IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle , Thomas Durif , Florian Orpelière
Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique, Jun 2014, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.à venir
Conference papers hal-00978429v1

A Complete Formalized Knowledge Representation Model for Advanced Digital Forensics Timeline Analysis

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Christophe Nicolle , Tahar Kechadi
Fourteenth Annual DFRWS Conference, Aug 2014, Denver, United States. pp.S95-S105, ⟨10.1016/j.diin.2014.05.009⟩
Conference papers hal-01199449v1
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A Rule Based System for Semantical Enrichment of Building Information Exchange

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
RuleML 2014, Aug 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.2
Conference papers hal-01068809v1
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Une approche Web sémantique et combinatoire pour un système de recommandation sensible au contexte appliqué à l'apprentissage mobile

Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Christophe Nicolle , Florence Mendes
11 ème édition de l'atelier Fouille de Données Complexes, 14 èmes Journées Francophones, Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2014, Rennes, France, France
Conference papers hal-01238293v1

Customizing Semantic Profiling for Digital Advertising

Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
OTM 2014 Workshops, Oct 2014, Amantea, Italy
Conference papers hal-01070592v1


Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
13th International Conference on Informatics in Economy, May 2014, Bucarest, Romania. pp.ISSN: 2247 - 1480
Conference papers hal-00978436v1
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Context-Aware Adaptive System For M- Learning Personalization

Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Christophe Nicolle , Florence Mendes
IE14 13 th International Conference on Informatics in Economy Education, Apr 2014, Bucharest, Romania
Conference papers hal-01238330v1
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A Structural SHOIN(D) Ontology Model for Change Modelling

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
2nd International Workshop on Methods, Evaluation, Tools and Applications for the Creation and Consumption of Structured Data for the e-Society (META4eS'13), Sep 2013, Graz, Austria. pp 442-446, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-41033-8_56⟩
Conference papers hal-00869761v1

Experiment of Indoor Thermal Optimization of an Old Historic Building of Cluny through Digital Mock-up Simulation

Yudi Nugraha Bahar , Jeremie Landrieu , Christian Pere , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference ICT for Sustainability, Feb 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-00862155v1
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Semantic oriented data structuration for MABS Application to BIM

Thomas Durif , Christophe Nicolle , Nicolas Gaud , Stéphane Galland
2nd International Workshop on Methods, Evaluation, Tools and Applications for the Creation and Consumption of Structured Data for the e-Society (META4eS'13), Sep 2013, Graz, Austria
Conference papers hal-00840605v2

Dynamic, Behavior-Based User Profiling Using Semantic Web Technologies in a Big Data Context

Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Workshops, Sep 2013, Graz, Austria., ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-41033-8_46⟩
Conference papers hal-00850608v1
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Recommandation de parcours de formation dans un contexte mobile

Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Christophe Nicolle , Florence Mendes
14 ème conférence ROADEF de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, Feb 2013, Troyes, France. 2 p
Conference papers hal-00778651v1
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Modeling Changes for SHOIN(D) Ontologies: An Exhaustive Structural Model

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
ICSC 2013, Seventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Sep 2013, Irvine, United States. pp.Perrine Pittet
Conference papers hal-00869750v1


Yudi Nugraha Bahar , Jeremie Landrieu , Christian Pere , Christophe Christophe Nicolle
CONFERE 2013, Jul 2013, BIARRITZ, France
Conference papers hal-00861506v1
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Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Florence Mendes , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning, Mar 2012, Berlin, Germany. pp.309-314
Conference papers hal-00742907v2
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Knowledge-Driven Method for Object Qualification in 3D Point Cloud Data

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle , Frank Boochs
16th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Sep 2012, San Sebastian, Spain. pp.258 - 267, ⟨10.3233/978-1-61499-105-2-258⟩
Conference papers hal-00778529v1
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Ontology-based multiagent systems using Inductive Recommendations - A new approach to qualify building use during the Design phase

Florian Béhé , Thomas Durif , Christophe Nicolle , Stéphane Galland , Nicolas Gaud
12th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Aug 2012, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00742904v1
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From 9-IM Topological Operators to Qualitative Spatial Relations using 3D Selective Nef Complexes and Logic Rules for bodies

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2012, Barcelone, Spain. pp.208-213, ISBN 978-989-8565-30-3
Conference papers hal-00778715v1
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From Quantitative Spatial Operator to Qualitative Spatial Relation Using Constructive Solid Geometry, Logic Rules and Optimized 9-IM Model, A Semantic Based Approach

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE),, May 2012, Zhangjiajie, China. pp.453 - 458, ⟨10.1109/CSAE.2012.6272992⟩
Conference papers hal-00778527v1
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Mahdi Gueffaz , Perrine Pittet , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
The 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2012, Porto, Portugal. pp.418-421
Conference papers hal-00704586v1
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TOURISM-KM, A variant of MMKP applied to the tourism domain

Romain Picot-Clémente , Florence Mendes , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
ICORES 2012, Feb 2012, Portugal. pp.421-426
Conference papers hal-00783660v1

Pertinence d'une Representation 3d d'un Projet de Renovation de Batiment en Realite Augmentee Mobile

Jeremie Landrieu , Yudi Nugraha Bahar , Christian Père , Frédéric Merienne , Christophe Nicolle
CONFERE 2012, Jul 2012, Venice, Italy. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00871831v1
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Ontology-based Recommender System of Economic Articles

David Werner , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2012, Porto, Portugal. pp.ISBN 978-989-8565-08-2
Conference papers hal-00778528v1
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From 3D Point Clouds To Semantic Objects An Ontology-Based Detection Approach

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Frank Boochs , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2011, Paris, France. pp.255-260
Conference papers hal-00778530v1
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Integration of knowledge to support automatic object reconstruction from images and 3D data

Frank Boochs , Andreas Marbs , Hung Truong , Helmi Ben Hmida , Ashish Karmacharya
Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2011 8th International Multi-Conference on, Mar 2011, Chemnitz, Germany. pp.1-13, ⟨10.1109/SSD.2011.5993558⟩
Conference papers hal-00778709v1
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Toward the Automatic Generation of a Semantic VRML Model from Unorganized 3D Point Clouds

Helmi Ben Hmida , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle , Frank Boochs
The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Nov 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.35-41, 978-1-61208-175-5
Conference papers hal-00778531v1
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RDF2NμSMV: Mapping Semantic Graphs to NμSMV Model Checker

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Advances in Future Internet (AFIN 2011), Aug 2011, Nice/Saint Laurent du Var, France. pp.5
Conference papers hal-00617722v1
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RDF2SPIN: Mapping Semantic Graphs to SPIN Model Checker

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications, Jun 2011, France. pp.519-598
Conference papers hal-00617983v1

Qualifying Building Information Models with Multi-Agent System

Florian Béhé , Christophe Nicolle , Stéphane Galland , Abderrafiaa Koukam
Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Semantics, Oct 2011, Delft, Netherlands. pp.1-6
Conference papers hal-00612482v1
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Guidelines for a Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versioning in Ontology

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing is part of 3rd International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management., Oct 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00722926v1
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SCALESEM : Evaluation of Semantic Graph based on Model Checking

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2011), May 2011, Netherlands. pp.395-398
Conference papers hal-00617998v1
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A new approach based on NμSMV Model to query semantic graph

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications, Jul 2011, Ostrava, Czech Republic. pp.510-524
Conference papers hal-00617975v1

INTEROPERABILITY BETWEEN GIS AND BIM - A Semantic-based Multi-Representation Approach

Christophe Nicolle , Mignard Clement , Gilles Gesquière
International conference on knowledge Management and information Sharing, Oct 2011, Paris, France. pp.4
Conference papers hal-00612484v1

A Graph-based Tool for the Translation of XML Data to OWL-DL Ontologies

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
International conference on knowledge engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2011, Paris, France. pp.4
Conference papers hal-00612490v1


Florian Béhé , Christophe Nicolle , Stéphane Galland , Abder Koukam
International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, Oct 2011, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00612354v1

Qualification de graphes sémantiques à l'aide du Model Checking

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
17eme Forum des jeunes chercheurs (FJC 2011), Jun 2011, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00636774v1
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Qualifying Semantic graphs using Model Checking

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
International Conference On Innovations In Information Technology 2011, Apr 2011, United Arab Emirates. pp.1569402529
Conference papers hal-00618006v1
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Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
WEBIST Special Session on Semantic Web Applications and Tools (SWAT 2011), May 2011, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-00612564v1
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Des outils pour la vérification des Graphes Sémantiques

Mahdi Gueffaz , Sylvain Rampacek , Christophe Nicolle
JMFB (la Jeunesse Musulmane de France en Bourgogne), Jun 2010, Dijon, France. pp.24
Conference papers hal-00620997v1


Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
6th International conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2010, Valencioa, Spain. pp.8
Conference papers hal-00612520v1
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Architectural Reconstruction of 3D Building Objects through Semantic Knowledge Management

Duan Yucong , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SNDP 2010, Jun 2010, Londre, United Kingdom. pp.261-266, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4088-7
Conference papers hal-00639579v1
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Graphe-Based Rules For XML Data Conversion to OWL Ontology

Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
WEBIST 2010, Apr 2010, Valencia, Spain. pp.175-178, isbn: 978-989-674-025-2
Conference papers hal-00639558v1

Semantics knowledge management for the 3D architectural reconstruction of building objects

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz , Duan Yucong
10th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning., Jul 2010, Netherlands. pp.15
Conference papers hal-00612497v1

Managing semantics knowledge for 3D architectural reconstruction

Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz , Duan Yucong
11th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Jun 2010, London, United Kingdom. pp.8
Conference papers hal-00612509v1


Christophe Nicolle , Christophe Cruz
6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2010, Valencia, Spain. pp.4
Conference papers hal-00612511v1
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Contribution of Semantic Web on Customer Relationship Management in E-Tourism

Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control, Feb 2010, Singapour, Singapore. pp.1-5
Conference papers hal-00612519v1
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A Semantic-based Recommender System Using A Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Romain Picot-Clemente , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SEMAPRO 2010, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Oct 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.ISBN: 978-1-61208-104-5
Conference papers hal-00612545v1
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Semantic-based Technique for the Automation the 3D Reconstruction Process

Helmi Ben Hmida , Frank Boochs , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SEMAPRO 2010 : The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Oct 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.Pages: 191 to 198, ISBN: 978-1-61208-104-5
Conference papers hal-00623889v1
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Towards Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versionning in Ontology

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
SEMAPRO 2010, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing, Oct 2010, Florence, Italy. pp.978-1-61208-104-5
Conference papers hal-00612493v1
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ACTIVe3D-WS: a Web-services based multimedia platform

Jean-Claude Simon , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
Fourth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, Dec 2002, Newport Beach, United States. ⟨10.1109/MMSE.2002.1181597⟩
Conference papers hal-01875662v1

Building Web-Services from RDBMS

Jean-Claude Simon , Christophe Nicolle
2nd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Dec 2002, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-01875938v1

Modeling Cooperation of Information Systems

Christophe Nicolle , Jean-Claude Simon
Proceedings of the ISCA 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Aug 2001, Richardson, United States
Conference papers hal-01875688v1

De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies.

Clémentine Hugol-Gential , Marie Simon , Aurélie Bertaux , Ouassila Labbani Narsis , Rami Belkaroui
La vigne et le vin. Transformation des filières et des acteurs, 2020
Book sections hal-03121021v1

Ontology Views for Ontology Change Management

Perrine Pittet , Christophe Cruz , Christophe Nicolle
IGI Global. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), pp.5180-5187, 2015, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, 978-1-4666-5888-2. ⟨10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch512⟩
Book sections hal-01460770v1

Semantic Measures: A State of the Art

Yoan Chabot , Christophe Nicolle
The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, IGI Global, pp.10, 2014
Book sections hal-00955578v1

Event Reconstruction: A State of the Art

Yoan Chabot , Aurélie Bertaux , Tahar Kechadi , Christophe Nicolle
Handbook of Research on Digital Crime, Cyberspace Security, and Information Assurance, IGI Global, pp.15, 2014
Book sections hal-00955527v1

Customizing Semantic Profiling for Digital Advertising

Anett Hoppe , Ana Roxin , Christophe Nicolle
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Workshops, 8842 (0302-9743), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 469-478, 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-662-45549-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-45550-0_47⟩
Book sections hal-01094420v1

Enrichissement sémantique d'un fichier IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique

Tarcisio Mendes de Farias , Ana Roxin , Thomas Durif , Florian Orpelière , Christophe Nicolle
Édité par Jean-Claude Bignon, Gilles Halin, Sylvain Kubicki. Interaction(s) des maquettes numériques, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 334 p., 2014, Actes du 6ème Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique, 9782814301719
Book sections hal-01072014v1
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Towards a methodology for semantic and context-aware mobile learning

Fayrouz Soualah-Alila , Christophe Nicolle , Florence Mendes
The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, IGI Global, 10 p., 2013
Book sections hal-00876023v1

SIGA3D: Semantic Combination of IFC and GIS to support Urban Facilities Management

Christophe Nicolle , Mignard Clement
Frank Dietter-Dorloff, Ivan Bedini and Ejub Kajan. Handbook on Reserach of E-Business Standards and Protocols: Documents, Data and Advanced Web Technologies, IGI Group, pp.23, 2011
Book sections hal-00612352v1