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Christophe Parisse
INSERM Full time reseacher
Head of MoDyCo, UMR CNRS 7114 Laboratory
Research themes: corpus linguistics, language acquisition, spoken language developmental disorders
Language development is a very interesting subject because it is yet not fully understood and it has enormous consequences on the everyday life of all human beings. For me, any valid linguistic theory has to integrate fully the notion of language development and language change because language is an ever changing behavior, at any age of an human being, and for all types of languages, including written languages.
Current projects
1\. Ortolang: see [www.ortolang.fr](http://www.ortolang.fr) and the thematic website <http://ct3.ortolang.fr>
I am vice-director is this EQUIPEX.
2\. Linguistic Huma-Num consortium : CORLI
I am the coordinator of this consortium (in tandem with Céline Poudat, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
TEI tools : <http://ct3.ortolang.fr/#tools>
3\. Corpus linguistics, langage acquisition.
I am a PI in the ANR DINLANG project (Multimodal LANGuage practices in French family DINners).
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Building participation frameworks: the role of gaze in signing and speaking family dinnersIASCL Intenational Congress for the Study of Child Language, Jul 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Interlanguaging and dining in signing and speaking family mealsIASCL 2024, Charles University, Jul 2024, Prague (République Tchèque), Czech Republic
Conference papers
Méthodologie(s) de segmentation des transcriptions de l’oral en vue de la création d’une mesure d’évaluation des productions verbales enfantinesLa linguistique de l’oral spontané à travers les langues : création, annotation et analyse de corpus, segmentation du discours, May 2024, Paris, France
Conference papers
CORLI : Un corpus ouvert du français -ou comment travailler à rassembler les briques existantes ?Journées de Linguistique de Corpus, Jul 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Multimodal interactional competence in the early years18th International Pragmatics Conference, Jul 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
CLARIN K Centre: Development and PerspectivesCLARIN Annual Conference 2023, CLARIN, Oct 2023, Leuven, Belgium
Conference papers
Multimodal approaches to meaning-making in family dinners18th International Pragmatics Conference, Jul 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
(Inter)languaging: an integrative approach to language in its communicative habitat18th International Pragmatics Conference, Jul 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
Création et codage d'un corpus multimodal de repas familiauxJournées de Linguistique de Corpus, Jul 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
The choreography of dining and interacting in family dinnersLanguage, Culture and Mind, Jul 2022, Almeira, Spain
Conference papers
Projet CITATION : CORPUCIT. Fournir des outils pour faciliter la citation de corpus ou d'extraits de corpus.Journée d'information et de réflexion sur l'éthique de la recherche, Atelier "Ethique dans les Humanités Numériques : la citation des données de recherche (pratiques, formats, outils)", Comité d'Ethique de la Recherche de l'Université Paris Nanterre, Dec 2022, Nanterre (92), France
Conference papers
Partage des connaissances à travers CLARIN : le Centre de connaissance français CORLIInternational conference Humanistica 2022. Association francophone des humanités numériques, May 2022, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers
Mise en place d’un centre Clarin de type K (knowledge)Rencontres Huma-Num, May 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Dix ans avec CORLIAssemblée générale du consortium CAHIER, Nov 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Utiliser les outils CORLI de conversion TEI pour l’analyse de corpus de langage oral6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 4 : Démonstrations et résumés d'articles internationaux, Jun 2020, Nancy, France. pp.64-65
Conference papers
Children’s development of Time, Modality and Aspect : Constructing a world within languageBeyond Time 2, University of Antwerp; Ghent University, Feb 2020, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
CORLI: The French Knowledge-CentreCLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings. ISSN 2773-2177, Oct 2020, Virtual event, France. pp.19-23
Conference papers
Construire en langage des mondes de langageSéminaire doctoral de MoDyCo, MoDyCo, UMR7114 (Université Paris-Nanterre), Dec 2019, Nanterre, France
Conference papers
Atelier "Réutilisation des corpus oraux par la pratique"10èmes Journées Internationales de Linguistique de Corpus - JLC 2019, Marie-Paule Jacques (présidente du comité d'organisation), Nov 2019, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Children’s acquisition of the notion of reference time: Constructing a world within languageInternational Cognitive Linguistics Conference 15, Aug 2019, Nishinomiya, Japan. ⟨10.34847/nkl.f74f4435⟩
Conference papers
“Building community” at the national and/or international level in the context of the Digital HumanitiesDigital Humanities, 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers
Workshop "Spoken Language : Tools and Workflow for Creating and Editing Data and Metadata"Spoken Language : Tools and Workflow for Creating and Editing Data and Metadata, 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Construction interactive de la temporalité chez l’enfantSéminaire doctoral de MoDyCo, MoDyCo, UMR7114 (Université Paris-Nanterre), Feb 2018, Nanterre, France
Conference papers
Tei-Meta: a Tool for Editing Metadata in TEI - Application to Oral Language Research PurposesTEI 2018, Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
FAIR en linguistique de la langue orale : objectifs, méthode et outilsJournée "Interopérabilité et pérennisation des données : comment FAIR En pratique?", Nov 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Atelier "Interopérabilité Pratiques et outils d’exploration de corpus : Métadonnées et conversions de format6ième Congrès Mondial de Lingusitique Française, Jul 2018, Mons, Belgique
Conference papers
Workshop "Spoken Language : Tools and Workflow for Creating and Editing Data and Metadata"TEI 2018, Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
CORLI : diffuser, exploiter, et partager les corpus et les outils de linguistique de l’écrit et de l’oralRencontres de la TGIR Huma-Num 2018, Jun 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Agrégation automatisée de corpus de français parléJournées de Linguistique de Corpus, Jul 2017, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Metadata in French spoken language corporaFrench-German colloquium on standards for corpora of computer-mediated communication,, Jun 2017, Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Conference papers
Vers un format pivot commun pour la mutualisation, l'échange et l'analyse des corpus orauxFLORAL, Mar 2017, Orléans, France
Conference papers
Connecting Resources: Which Issues Have to be Solved to Integrate CMC Corpora from Heterogeneous Sources and for Different Languages?5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora17), Oct 2017, Bolzano, Italy. pp.52-55
Conference papers
Liaison and input: corpus studies of child-parent interactionsInternational Association for the Study of Child Language, Jul 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Atelier Métadonnées9e Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de Corpus JLC2017, Laboratoire LIDILEM, Jul 2017, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
CORLI: A Linguistic Consortium for Corpus, Language and InteractionCLARIN Annual Conference 2017, Sep 2017, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
La liaison dans l’environnement langagier des enfants : Vers une annotation commune ?FLORAL 2017 : Accessibilité, représentations et analyses des données, Mar 2017, Orléans, France
Conference papers
Utilisation d'un format commun pour structurer les métadonnées de corpus oraux : objectifs, enjeux et méthodeDonnées, métadonnées des corpus et catalogage des objets en sciences humaines et sociales, Jun 2016, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
ORTOLANG: a French infrastructure for Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage5th CLARIN Annual Conference, CLARIN ERIC, LPL (CNRS-AMU) & LSIS (CNRS-AMU), Oct 2016, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Displaced speech and cognitive development: How children acquire state verbs in the past tenseAEAL - VIIIth International Conference of Language Acquisition, Sep 2016, Mallorca, Spain
Conference papers
Do the first uses of the imparfait in young French-speaking children correspond to the emergence of abstract knowledge of time ?AFLiCo 6, May 2015, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Using the TEI as a pivot format for oral and multimodal language corporaText Encoding Initiative Conference and Member's meeting 2015, Oct 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Evénements langagiers rares et acquisition du langageCongrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Jul 2014, Berlin, Allemagne. pp.1551-1562, ⟨10.1051/shsconf/20140801339⟩
Conference papers
Real words and non-words learning under or without attention by children with SLI15th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference, Jun 2014, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Multiword sequences and variants in the lexicon: What can we learn from the acquisition of prenominal liaison in French?19th biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Jul 2014, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
ORTOLANG : une infrastructure de mutualisation de ressources linguistiques écrites et oralesActes de CMLF 2014, Berlin juillet 2014, 2014, Berlin, Allemagne
Conference papers
Développement des relations entre forms et fonctions dans le système verbal de l’enfantAflico 2013, Maarten Lemmens, May 2013, Lille, France
Conference papers
Atelier de deux heures sur « Rectifications et co-construction du langage : Richesse du stimulus dans l’interaction. »12ème colloque de logopédie "La parole reprise", Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines de l'Université de Neuchâtel, Nov 2012, Neuchâtel, Suisse
Conference papers
Retrieving the meaning of words from syntactic cues: A comprehension study of 2 to 4 yrs old French-speaking children.IASCL 2011, International Conference on the Study of Child Language, 2011, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers
Early Verb Morphology in French: Assessing the Contribution of Child-Directed Speech and of Conversation.XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Mar 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Conference papers
The acquisition of early verbs in French: Assessing the role of conversation and of child-directed speechInternational Conference on Infant Studies 2010, Mar 2010, Baltimore, France
Conference papers
The emergence of Noun-Verb categories in the acquisition of French : Evidence from production and comprehension.International Conference "How flexible are lexical categories?", Oct 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Can French acquiring children use noun and verb grammatical cues to understand the meaning of words?Child Language Seminar, Jun 2010, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
The Early Comprehension of Noun-Verb Distinction in French: An Experimental Method.XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Mar 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Conference papers
The Early Comprehension of Noun-Verb Distinction in FrenchInternational Conference on Infant Studies 2010, Mar 2010, France
Conference papers
A multi-software integration platform and support for multimedia transcripts of languageLREC 2010 : Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality, May 2010, La Valette, Malta. pp.106-110
Conference papers
Etudes longitudinales du développement de la production des "Fillers".Grammaticalization and language acquisition, Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Early Verb Morphology in French: Assessing the Contribution of Child-Directed Speech and of ConversationXVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Baltimore, Maryland, March 10-14, Mar 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Conference papers
The construction of a language system: Putting together fragments of language knowledgeGrammaticalization and language acquisition, 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
The comprehension of noun and verb grammatical cues in 2 to 4 years old.Grammaticalization and language acquisition, 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
The comprehension of noun and verb grammatical cues in 2 to 4 years old childrenGrammaticalization and language acquisition, Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Early Verb Morphology in French: Assessing the Contribution of Child-Directed Speech and of Conversation.XVIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, 2010, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers
Verb inflections in the single-form verb period: The role of the input and of conversational contingencies.Grammaticalization and language acquisition, Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Procedural memory in oral and visual modalities: an experiment with typical developing children, children with SLI and adults12th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Jun 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Le déficit de mémoire de travail chez les enfants dysphasiques est-il ou non spécifique du langage ?Congrès mondial de linguistique française, Jun 2008, Paris, France. pp.1819-1830, ⟨10.1051/cmlf08220⟩
Conference papers
Variability of precocious phonological processes in French children with normal or abnormal language developmentIASCL, Jul 2008, Edinburg, Royaume-Uni
Conference papers
The emergence of nominal and verbal categories in childrenLes Noms et les Verbes en Acquisition inter-langues, Dec 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers
Fast mapping between grammatical constructions and meaning: An experiment in French children aged 3 to 412th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Jun 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Fast mapping between grammatical constructions and meaning: Two experiments in French children aged 3 to 4IASCL, Jul 2008, Edinburg, France
Conference papers
Remediation of specific language impairment using PLAYON12th Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA), Jun 2008, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Multidimensional aspects of morpho-syntactic and phonological development: A corpus based longitudinal case-studyChild language seminar, 2007, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Children's early prepositions in French: a social-interactional deviceChild language seminar, 2007, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Unreliability of precocious phonological processes in French children with normal or abnormal language developmentChild Language Seminar, 2007, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Language acquisition and the static vs. dynamic debateWorkshop on Language Complexity as an Evolving Variable, 2007, Leipzig, Germany
Conference papers
Rethinking the syntactic burst in young children.Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition, ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), 2007, Prague, France. pp.65-72
Conference papers
Elicited imitation of grammatical and ungrammatical utterances in children with SLISymposium on Research in Child Language Disorders 2007, 2007, Madison, United States
Conference papers
Dislocations as a developmental marker in French languageICPLA 2006 (Dubrovnik), 2006
Conference papers
Phonology and syntax in French children with SLI: a longitudinal studyICPLA 2006 (Dubrovnik), 2006
Conference papers
The emergence of grammaticality in French : evidence from bound verbal morphology and protomorphological fillersX IASCL (Berlin), 2005
Conference papers
Three phonological theories at test about language impairment in French-speaking childrenX th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Jul 2005
Conference papers
Apports de l'évaluation de corpus de langage oral chez l'enfantFaculté de Logopédie, Université de Psychologie, Genève, 2005
Conference papers
Mise à l'épreuve de trois théories phonologiques par l'analyse du langage spontané d'enfants dyslexiques francophones.DECOLAGE 2005, Reims, Juin., 2005
Conference papers
Three phonological theories at test about language impairment in French-speaking childrenChild Language Seminar, Bristol, UK, Juillet, 2004
Conference papers
Subject dislocations: A construction typical of young French-speaking children?Child Language Seminar, Bristol, UK, Juillet, 2004
Conference papers
Dysphasie & phonologie : analyse de langage spontanéSéminaire UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 2003
Conference papers
Le langage de l’enfant : de l’éclosion à l’explosionPresses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2017
Acquisition of Inflection in Romance LanguagesOxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, 2023, ⟨10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.728⟩
Book sections
Children’s development of time, modality and aspect. Constructing a world within languageOxford University Press, inPress
Book sections
Les grammaires de constructions comme un système dynamique : le cas de l'acquisition de la déconnexion chez l'enfantJacques François. L’expansion pluridisciplinaire des grammaires de constructions, Presses universitaires de Caen, pp.153-190, 2021, Bibliothèque de Syntaxe & Sémantique
Book sections
Agrégation automatisée de corpus de français parléDes corpus numériques à l’analyse linguistique en langues de spécialité, UGA Éditions, pp.61-86, 2021, ⟨10.4000/books.ugaeditions.24220⟩
Book sections
Retrieving the meaning of words from noun and verb grammatical contexts: Interindividual variation in a comprehension study of 2- to 4-year- old French-acquiring childrenMaya Hickmann, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa. Sources of Variations in First Language Acquisition: Languages, Contexts, and Learner, John Benjamins, pp.81-102, 2018, ⟨10.1075/tilar.22.05ven⟩
Book sections
L’émergence de la temporalité dans le langage de l’enfantAliyah Morgenstern; Christophe Parisse. Le langage de l’enfant : de l’éclosion à l’explosion, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp.134-147, 2017
Book sections
Semantic discrimination of Noun/Verb categories in French children aged 1;6 to 2;11Valentina Vapnarsky and Edy Veneziano. Lexical Polycategoriality Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches, John Benjamins, pp. 413-442, 2017, 9789027265951. ⟨10.1075/slcs.182.14par⟩
Book sections
Développement et stabilisation de l’expression de la temporalitéAliyah Morgenstern; Christophe Parisse. Le langage de l’enfant : de l’éclosion à l’explosion, Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp.148-160, 2017
Book sections
"On pourrait mettre des ailes à moi". Premiers usages du conditionnel chez l'enfant : des constructions empruntées à la créativité.Foued Laroussi et Marie-Claude Penloup. Identités langagières. Mélanges offerts à Régine Delamotte., PURH, pp.191-198, 2013
Book sections
F-LARSP: A Computerized Tool for Measuring Morphosyntactic Abilities in FrenchMartin Ball, David Crystal, Paul Fletcher. Assessing Grammar: The Languages of LARSP, Multilingual Matters, pp.230-244, 2012
Book sections
Constructing "basic" verbal constructions: a longitudinal study of the blossoming of constructions with six frequent verbsMyriam Bouveret & Dominique Le Gallois. Constructions in French, John Benjamins Publishing, pp.127-153, 2012
Book sections
Transcrire et analyser les corpus d'interactions adulte‐enfantEdy Veneziano, Anne Salazar Orvig, Josie Bernicot. Acquisition du langage et interaction, L'Harmattan, pp.201-222, 2010
Book sections
Nouvelles propositions pour la recherche et l'évaluation du langage chez les enfants dysphasiquesAutour du mot : pratiques et compétences, Lambert-Lucas, pp.201-222, 2010
Book sections
Left-dislocated subjects: A construction typical of young French-speaking children?Guijarro-Fuentes, P., Larrañaga, P. and Clibbens, J. First Language Acquisition of Morphology and Syntax: Perspectives across Languages and Learners, John Benjamins, pp.13-30, 2008
Book sections
Bilan morphosyntaxiqueLes bilans de langage et de voix - fondements théoriques et diagnostiques, Masson, pp.66-87, 2006
Book sections
PERCEPTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DU LANGAGESciences de l'Homme et Société. Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2003
Habilitation à diriger des recherches
ELAN-DATA-ANALYSISSoftware halshs-04452090v1 |
TEICORPOSoftware halshs-04450205v1 |
TEIMETASoftware halshs-04450210v1 |
Coordinating eating and languaging: the choreography of speech, sign, gesture and action in family dinnersGeSpIn 2023: 8th Gesture and Speech in Interaction conference, 2023, ⟨10.17617/2.3527183⟩
Multidimensional Coding of Multimodal Languaging in Multi-Party Settings13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), pp.2781-2787, 2022