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Claire Bergaentzlé



French – Date of birth : Nov. 1985 **Lecturer, University of Grenoble-Alpes** <> **[Lien vers le CV complet](** **Research interests** ![-]( Power systems economics ![-]( Organization of network industries ![-]( Regulation of natural monopolies ![-]( Smart grid technologies **Education** ![-]( Nov. 2011 -June 2015 Ph.D. in Energy Economics, Summa Cum Laude, University of Grenoble-Alpes, France. Scholarship from the Energy Academic Research Community (ARC-Energy) Ph.D. adviser : C. Clastres Jury members : P. Criqui ; P. Geoffron ; J. Percebois ; C. Staropoli Dissertation : ***Smart grids and power systems efficiency : regulatory frameworks and demand-side management impacts*** ![-]( 2009 Master’s Degree in Energy Economics and Law. University of Montpellier, France, under supervision of Prof. J. Percebois. - Plus one full semester at the University of Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA), Mexico (2008). ![-]( 2007 Bachelor’s Degree in International Trade. University of Le Havre, France. Bilingual English-French Diploma - Obtained with Honours ![-]( 2006 International Bachelor’s Degree in International Business. Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT), Ireland. - Obtained with Distinctions **Academic positions** ![-]( 2015-2016 Lecturer in Economics, University of Grenoble-Alpes. - Economics Analysis (tutorials) ; 142h - Contemporary Economics (tutorials) ; 54h ![-]( 2015-2016 P\_ reparation and correction of examination topics for the European Federation of Schools (FEDE) - Business English (Levels B3 and B2 of CEFR) ![-]( 2011-2012 Lecturer, Grenoble School of Management, France. *Mastère* in the « Energy Management and Marketing » Department, 5th+ year. - Organization of Network Industries Applied to Electricity Networks (Lectures) ; 16h - Introduction to Power Markets (Lectures) ; 8h ![-]( 2010-2012 Lecturer, Grenoble Polytechnic National Institute (Grenoble-INP), France. 2nd and 3rd year classes in the « Markets and Energy Systems » Department, ENSE3 . - Introduction to Power Markets (Lectures) ; 8h - Organization of Network Industries Applied to Electricity Networks (lectures and tutorials) ; 22h - Supervised projects “Energy and Building : an Economics Analysis” ; 15h **Other professional and research activities** ![-]( 2009-2010 Study associate for the professional association “French Power Union” (Union Française de l’Electricité) Paris, France. Development of the former version of the “Power Industry Observatory” website that centralizes data relative to the French and European power system <> ![-]( 2009 Research field study (May-Aug). “Thai power sector : between liberalization reforms, regulation and energy policies” (Master thesis). Thai-French Innovation Institute (TFII). Bangkok, Thailand. ![-]( 2008 Work experience (Apr-Aug) at the Economic Promotion Secretary of the Government of Mexico (SEPROE), Europe Department. Guadalajara, Mexico. **Personal skills** ***Languages*** French (native) ; English (proficient user, TOEFL test Oct. 2014, 106/120 pts) ; Spanish (independent user ) ***Activities*** ![-]( Elected representative of Ph.D. students (2011-2013) at the Grenoble Economics School Council. ![-]( Treasurer and founding member of the Grenoble Economics Ph.D. Association (ADGE), 2011. ![-]( Active member since 2011, in the organization of yearly Economics Doctoral Day in Grenoble, []( ***Computer Skills*** MS Office ; GAMS


Demand side management: Measuring efficiencies and missing money in a European Context

Claire Bergaentzlé
Regulation and Energy Markets : Beyond Failures - Energy conference 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01886141v1

Le Smart Grid comme outil d'efficacité : quels outils de régulation pour quelle organisation ?

Claire Bergaentzlé
Quels modèles économiques et outils de régulation pour les Smart Grids, Chaire european electricity market, Université Paris Dauphine, Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01886117v1

Smart grid and demand response: a generators-centered approach in the current european context

Claire Bergaentzlé
Sustainable energy policy and strategies for Europe, 14th IAEE European Energy Conference, Oct 2014, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-01886135v1
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Demand side management in an integrated electricity market: what are the impacts on generation and environmental concerns ?

Claire Bergaentzlé , Cédric Clastres
10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2013), May 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.1-8
Conference papers halshs-00839116v1
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From smart technology to smart consumers: for better system reliability and improved market efficiency

Claire Bergaentzlé
32nd IAEE/USAEE North American Conference, Jul 2013, Anchorage, United States
Conference papers halshs-01011169v1

Liberalization of Metering Activities and Competition in a Smart Meters Deployment Context : The Cases of Germany and the UK

Claire Bergaentzlé
12th IAEE European Energy Conference, Sep 2012, Venice, Italy
Conference papers halshs-00793327v1

Liberalization of metering activities and competition in a smart grids context : the case of Germany

Claire Bergaentzlé
Second International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and exhibition (IRENEC 2012), Jun 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers halshs-00793330v1
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Particularités d'adoption des compteurs intelligents au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne : entre marchés de comptage libéralisé et règles à mettre en place pour un réel smart grid intégré

Claire Bergaentzlé
Conférence Annuelle 2012 de l'Association des Economistes de l'Energie (AEE), séminaire étudiants, Dec 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers halshs-00793322v1