Fouille du mois. Bellegarde. Un voyage à travers les âges
Marilyne Bovagne
Marie Bouchet
Vianney Forest
Christophe Fourloubey
Oscar Fuentes
Archéologia, 2024, 627, pp.46-53
Journal articles
Un retard à l’allumage ?
Grégor Marchand
Claire Manen
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2024, 121 (3), pp.543-569
Journal articles
The shaping of social and symbolic capital during the transition to farming in the Western Mediterranean: Archaeological network analyses of pottery decorations and personal ornaments
Daniel Pereira
Claire Manen
Solange Rigaud
Journal articles
4500 years of morphological diversification in Western Europe wild boars (Sus scrofa) and the consequences of the Neolithic transition
Thomas Cucchi
H. Harbers
D. Neaux
Marie Balasse
L. Garbé
Journal articles
What relations between North Africa and Europe in the Early Holocne?
Thomas Perrin
Tiphaine Dachy
Esther López-Montalvo
Claire Manen
Grégor Marchand
Journal articles
Retour à Combe-Grèze (La Cresse, Aveyron) : nouvelles données sur la néolithisation des Grands Causses
Elsa Defranould
Ingrid Bertin
Laurent Bouby
Stéphanie Bréhard
Joséphine Caro
Journal articles
Quelles relations entre l'Afrique du Nord et l'Europe au début de l'Holocène ?
Thomas Perrin
Tiphaine Dachy
Esther López-Montalvo
Claire Manen
Grégor Marchand
Journal articles
The Spread of Farming Economy in the Western Mediterranean : A short Reply to Ammerman (2021)
Claire Manen
Thomas Perrin
Jean Guilaine
Laurent Bouby
S Bréhard
Journal articles
Figurative graphic expressions and the first Western Mediterranean farmers: A new zoomorphic contribution from Southern France
Esther López-Montalvo
Claire Manen
Jean Guilaine
François Baleux
Fabien Convertini
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2021, 118 (3), pp.453-473
Journal articles
Heterogeneous Hunter-Gatherer and Steppe-Related Ancestries in Late Neolithic and Bell Beaker Genomes from Present-Day France
Andaine Seguin-Orlando
Richard Donat
Clio Der Sarkissian
John Southon
Catherine Thèves
Journal articles
Territoriality and Settlement in Southern France in the Early Neolithic: Diversity as a Strategy?
Claire Manen
Thomas Perrin
Laurent Bouby
Stéphanie Bréhard
Elsa Defranould
Journal articles
The Mechanisms of Neolithisation of Western Europe: Beyond a South/North Approach
Caroline Hamon
Claire Manen
Journal articles
Potential interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers in the Western Mediterranean: The geochronological data revisited
Thomas Perrin
Claire Manen
Journal articles
Direct dating reveals the early history of opium poppy in Western Europe
Aurélie Salavert
Antoine Zazzo
Lucie Martin
Ferran Antolín
Caroline Gauthier
Journal articles
Village néolithique de Klimonas (Ayios Tychonas) - 2018
François Briois
Jean-Denis Vigne
Laurence Astruc
Pierre-Antoine Beauvais
Thomas Cucchi
Journal articles
Early evidence of sheep lambing de-seasoning in the Western Mediterranean in the sixth millennium BCE
Carlos Tornero
Marie Balasse
Stéphanie Bréhard
Isabelle Carrère
Denis Fiorillo
Journal articles
Early Neolithic (ca. 5850-4500 cal BC) agricultural diffusion in the Western Mediterranean: An update of archaeobotanical data in SW France
Laurent Bouby
Philippe Marinval
Frédérique Durand
Isabel Figueiral
François Briois
Journal articles
Le sommet de l’iceberg ? Colonisation pionnière et néolithisation de la France méditerranéenne
Claire Manen
Thomas Perrin
André Raux
Didier Binder
François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec
Journal articles
Long-distance mobility in the North-Western Mediterranean during the Neolithic transition using high resolution pottery sourcing
Marzia Gabriele
Fabien Convertini
Chrystèle Vérati
Bernard Gratuze
Suzanne Jacomet
Journal articles
The Neolithic transition in the western Mediterranean: a complex and non-linear diffusion process—The radiocarbon record revisited
Claire Manen
Thomas Perrin
Jean Guilaine
Laurent Bouby
Stéphanie Bréhard
Journal articles
Humans and their environment on the Médoc coastline from the Mesolithic to the Roman period
Florence Verdin
Frédérique Eynaud
Pierre Stéphan
Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta
Mathieu Bosq
Quaternaire, 2019, Evolution de l'environnement et archéologie du littoral lord-médocain (Gironde, France), 30 (1), pp.77-95. ⟨10.4000/quaternaire.11201⟩
Journal articles
Early farming economy in Mediterranean France: fruit and seed remains from the Early to Late Neolithic levels of the site of Taï (ca 5300–3500 cal bc)
Laurent Bouby
Frédérique Durand
Oriane Rousselet
Claire Manen
Journal articles
Symbols in motion: Flexible cultural boundaries and the fast spread of the Neolithic in the western Mediterranean
Solange Rigaud
Claire Manen
Inigo García Martínez de Lagrán
Journal articles
The Neolithisation of the Western Mediterranean: new debates about an old issue
Claire Manen
Inigo García Martínez de Lagrán
Esther López-Montalvo
Journal articles
Beyond the sea… The Neolithic transition in the southwest of France
Thomas Perrin
Claire Manen
Nicolas Valdeyron
Jean Guilaine
Journal articles
Modelling the earliest north-western dispersal of Mediterranean Impressed Wares: new dates and Bayesian chronological model
Didier Binder
Philippe Lanos
Lucia Angeli
Louise Gomart
Jean Guilaine
Journal articles
Persisting technological boundaries: social interactions, cognitive correlation and polarization
Valentine Roux
Blandine Bril
Jessie Cauliez
Anne-Lise Goujon
Catherine Lara
Journal articles
Mesolithic and Neolithic material productions in Aveyron (France) during the 6th millennium BC: Originality or adaptability?
Elsa Defranould
Joséphine Caro
Marc Boboeuf
Claire Manen
Thomas Perrin
Journal articles
Regional asynchronicity in dairy production and processing in early farming communities of the northern Mediterranean
Cynthianne Debono Spiteri
Rosalind Gillis
Mélanie Roffet-Salque
Laura Castells Navarro
Jean Guilaine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113 (48), pp.13594 - 13599. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1607810113⟩
Journal articles
Geomorphological evolution of Mediterranean enclosed depressions in the Late glacial and Holocene: The example of Canohès (Roussillon, SE France)
Jean-Michel Carozza
Muriel Llubes
Mihaela Danu
Élodie Faure
Laurent Carozza
Journal articles
Widespread exploitation of the honeybee by Early Neolithic farmers
Mélanie Roffet-Salque
Martine Regert
Richard P. Evershed
Alan K. Outram
Lucy J. E. Cramp
Journal articles
La néolithisation de la Corse
Claire Manen
Thomas Perrin
Jean Guilaine
Dossiers d'Archéologie, 2015, 370, pp.12-15
Journal articles
Nouveaux résultats sur l’origine des obsidiennes de Peiro Signado à Portiragnes (Hérault)
François Briois
Claire Manen
Bernard Gratuze
Journal articles
Chronique radiocarbone de la néolithisation en Méditerranée nord-occidentale
Claire Manen
Philippe Sabatier
Journal articles
Structure et identité des styles céramiques du Néolithique ancien entre Rhône et Èbre
Claire Manen
Journal articles
L'Aspre del Paradis à Corneilla-del-Vercol (Pyrénées-Orientales) : contribution à l'étude du Néolithique ancien et final roussillonnais
Claire Manen
Jean-Denis Vigne
Denis Loirat
Laurent Bouby
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 2001, 98 (3), pp.505-528
Journal articles
L'habitat néolithique pré-céramique de Shillourokambos (Parekklisha, Chypre)
Jean Guilaine
François Briois
Isabelle Carrère
Jacques Coularou
E. Crubezy
Journal articles