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Clémentine Chirol



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Creek systems in restored coastal wetlands: Morphological evolution and design implications

Clémentine Chirol , N. Pontee , S.L. Gallop , C.E.L. Thompson , H. Kassem
Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921, pp.171067. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171067⟩
Journal articles hal-04676464v1
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Vegetation interactions with geotechnical properties and erodibility of salt marsh sediments

B.R. Evans , H. Brooks , C. Chirol , M.K. Kirkham , I. Möller
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022, 265, pp.107713. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107713⟩
Journal articles hal-04290290v1
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Morphological evolution of creek networks in 10 restored coastal wetlands in the UK

Clementine Chirol , I D Haigh , N. Pontee , C E L Thompson , S L Gallop
Scientific Data , 2022, 9 (1), pp.144. ⟨10.1038/s41597-022-01199-4⟩
Journal articles hal-04276319v1
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Effect of vegetation cover and sediment type on 3D subsurface structure and shear strength in saltmarshes

Clementine Chirol , Kate Spencer , Simon Carr , Iris Möller , Ben Evans
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021, 46 (11), pp.2279-2297. ⟨10.1002/esp.5174⟩
Journal articles hal-04004284v1
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Pore, live root and necromass quantification in complex heterogeneous wetland soils using X-ray computed tomography

Clementine Chirol , Simon Carr , Kate Spencer , Iris Moeller
Geoderma, 2021, 387, pp.114898. ⟨10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114898⟩
Journal articles hal-04166737v1
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Resistance of salt marsh substrates to near‐instantaneous hydrodynamic forcing

Helen Brooks , Iris Möller , Simon Carr , Clementine Chirol , Elizabeth Christie
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2020, 46 (1), pp.67-88. ⟨10.1002/esp.4912⟩
Journal articles hal-04290300v1
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Parametrizing tidal creek morphology in mature saltmarshes using semi-automated extraction from lidar

Clémentine Chirol , I.D. Haigh , N. Pontee , S.L. Gallop , C.E. Thompson
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 209, pp.291-311. ⟨10.1016/j.rse.2017.11.012⟩
Journal articles hal-04290272v1
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The Influence of Bed Roughness on Turbulence: Cabras Lagoon, Sardinia, Italy

Clémentine Chirol , Carl Amos , Hachem Kassem , Alice Lefebvre , Andrea Cucco
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2015, 3 (3), pp.935-956. ⟨10.3390/jmse3030935⟩
Journal articles hal-04290259v1

The interplay of soil spatial heterogeneity and water in stabilizing and destabilizing soil organic matter

Claire Chenu , Charlotte Védère , Israel Kpemoua , Naoise Nunan , Valérie Pot
EGU General Assembly 2024, European Geosciences Union, Apr 2024, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU24-14399, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14399⟩
Conference papers hal-04612056v1

Quantifying the relationship between soil organic matter decomposition and soil structure

Clémentine Chirol , Valérie Pot , Patricia Garnier , Claire Chenu , Cédric Plessis
MicroSoil 2023 : Feedback between Soil Microstructures / the Microhabitat and Soil Biota, Jul 2023, Saint Loup Lamairé, France
Conference papers hal-04321216v1

Effet des pratiques de gestion agricole sur la stabilité structurale du sol et la déprotection des matières organiques lors des cycles de dessication-réhumectation

Clémentine Chirol , Valérie Pot , Patricia Garnier , Claire Chenu , Cédric Plessis
12èmes Journées Scientifiques et Techniques du réseau des microscopistes INRAE, Nov 2023, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-04321237v1

Mapping spatial and vertical repartitions of soil carbon stocks, additional storage potential and storage dynamics at the regional scale

Delphine Derrien , Clémentine Chirol , Laurent Saint-André , Geoffroy Séré
EGU 2023, Apr 2023, Vienna (AUSTRIA), Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11518⟩
Conference papers hal-04311202v1

Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services

Clémentine Chirol , Delphine Derrien , Laurent Saint-André , Geoffroy Séré
EGU 2023, European Geosciences Union, Apr 2023, Vienna, Austria. pp.EGU23-8020, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8020⟩
Conference papers hal-04290378v1

Mapping carbon stocks and storage capacity for different soil types and land uses over full soil profiles

Clémentine Chirol , Geoffroy Séré , Laurent Saint‐andré , Paul-Olivier Redon , Delphine Derrien
DEEPSURF 2022 : Energy and ecological transition conference, Oct 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04321085v1

Semi-quantitative evaluation and mapping of bundles of soil ecosystem services in agricultural and forested lands at the regional scale

Clémentine Chirol , Delphine Derrien , Laurent Saint‐andré , Paul-Olivier Redon , Geoffroy Séré
22nd World Congress of Soil Science, Jul 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04311224v1

Soil ecosystem services and prospective as drivers for regional land planning: an interdisciplinary approach

Antoine Feraux , Clémentine Chirol , Delphine Derrien , Laurent Saint‐andré , Geoffroy Séré
DEEPSURF 2022 : Energy and ecological transition conference., Oct 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04321098v1

Mapping bundles of soil ecosystem services in agricultural and forested lands at the regional scale

Clémentine Chirol , Paul Olivier Redon , Delphine Derrien , Laurent Saint Andre , Catherine Galy
DeepSurf Conference 2021, Oct 2021, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03657002v1

Soil ecosystem services in terrestrial and coastal settings: how can we exchange knowledge across disciplines?

Clémentine Chirol
Geography Seminar Series, Trinity College Dublin, 2021, En ligne, Ireland
Conference papers hal-04321276v1

Application de la tomographie RX à l’analyse structurale des composantes d’un sol : macroporosité, réseau racinaire et nécromasse

Clémentine Chirol , Kate L. Spencer , Iris Moeller , Simon Carr , Ben Evans
Workshop Imagerie des Sols, INRAE Département AgroEcosystem, Oct 2021, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France
Conference papers hal-04311273v1
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Saltmarsh biogeomorphology across scales: implications for conservation, habitat restoration and ecosystem services delivery

Clementine Chirol
International Symposium of COastal Resources and Environment (CORE21), ZHOU, Zeng, Hohai University, China; MUDD, Simon, University of Edinburgh, UK; HU, Zhan, Sun Yat-Sen University, China; MÖLLER, Iris, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; GONG, Zheng, Hohai University, China, Oct 2021, En ligne, China
Conference papers hal-04311191v1

Effect of belowground structure on coastal wetland erosion resistance using X-Ray Computed Tomography

Clementine Chirol , Helen Brooks , Simon Carr , Elizabeth Christie , Ben Evans
EGU General Assembly 2020, May 2020, online, Germany. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-10298⟩
Conference papers hal-04290368v1

Applications of Computed Tomography to the topological analysis of roots and voids in wetland sediment

Clémentine Chirol , Kate L Spencer , Iris Moeller , Simon Carr , Ben Evans
7th annual Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA) symposium, 2019, Southampton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04311344v1
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Improving the science base: design and evolution of creek networks in restored coastal wetlands

Clémentine Chirol , Ivan Haigh , Nigel Pontee , Shari Gallop , C E L Thompson
Restoring Estuarine and Coastal Habitats in the North East Atlantic (REACH North East Atlantic), 2019, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04311321v1

Application of LiDAR to the Systematic Monitoring of Creek Networks in Natural & Restored Saltmarshes

Clémentine Chirol , Ivan Haigh , Nigel Pontee , Shari Gallop , C E L Thompson
International LiDAR Mapping Forum, 2017, Denver, United States
Conference papers hal-04311375v1

Morphological evolution of managed realignment schemes

Clémentine Chirol , Ivan Haigh , Nigel Pontee , Shari Gallop , C E L Thompson
International Coastal Symposium, 2016, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers hal-04311383v1

Creek networks: natural evolution and design choices for intertidal habitat recreation

Clémentine Chirol , Shari Gallop , Charlotte Thompson , Nigel Pontee , Ivan Haigh
SMMPG annual conference “Sealines of Communication", 2015, Southampton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04321192v1

Estimating the carbon storage capacity of full soil profiles over 50 years for different soil types and land uses

Clémentine Chirol , Geoffroy Séré , Laurent Saint‐andré , Delphine Derrien
22nd World Congress of Soil Science, Jul 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-04311235v1

Weak and wobbly or strong and stable?: Determining the resistance of coastal salt marshes to extreme storms

Iris Möller , Ben Evans , Clémentine Chirol , Kate L Spencer
Earth Photo 2019 exhibition, Jul 2019, London, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-04320966v1
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3D visualisation of soil structure in UK saltmarshes under di erent sediment and vegetation types using X-Ray CT

Clémentine Chirol , Kate L Spencer , Iris Moeller , Simon Carr , Ben Evans
15th Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-04311356v1

The Influence of Bed Roughness on Turbulence: Cabras Lagoon, Sardinia, Italy

Clémentine Chirol , Shari Gallop , Nigel Pontee , Ivan Haigh , Charlotte Thompson
11th Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-04321045v1

Natural evolution of creek networks and design choices for intertidal habitat recreation

Clémentine Chirol , Shari Gallop , Nigel Pontee , Ivan Haigh , Charlotte Thompson
BSG Annual Meeting, 2015, Southampton, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-04321149v1

Morphological evolution of managed realignment schemes: the Steart Peninsula

Clémentine Chirol , Shari Gallop , Nigel Pontee , Ivan Haigh , Charlotte Thompson
Interdisciplinarity to face climate change in coastal areas, 2014, Santa Marta, Colombia
Conference poster hal-04321034v1