The interplay of soil spatial heterogeneity and water in stabilizing and destabilizing soil organic matter
Claire Chenu
Charlotte Védère
Israel Kpemoua
Naoise Nunan
Valérie Pot
Conference papers
Quantifying the relationship between soil organic matter decomposition and soil structure
Clémentine Chirol
Valérie Pot
Patricia Garnier
Claire Chenu
Cédric Plessis
MicroSoil 2023 : Feedback between Soil Microstructures / the Microhabitat and Soil Biota, Jul 2023, Saint Loup Lamairé, France
Conference papers
Effet des pratiques de gestion agricole sur la stabilité structurale du sol et la déprotection des matières organiques lors des cycles de dessication-réhumectation
Clémentine Chirol
Valérie Pot
Patricia Garnier
Claire Chenu
Cédric Plessis
12èmes Journées Scientifiques et Techniques du réseau des microscopistes INRAE, Nov 2023, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Mapping spatial and vertical repartitions of soil carbon stocks, additional storage potential and storage dynamics at the regional scale
Delphine Derrien
Clémentine Chirol
Laurent Saint-André
Geoffroy Séré
Conference papers
Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services
Clémentine Chirol
Delphine Derrien
Laurent Saint-André
Geoffroy Séré
Conference papers
Mapping carbon stocks and storage capacity for different soil types and land uses over full soil profiles
Clémentine Chirol
Geoffroy Séré
Laurent Saint‐andré
Paul-Olivier Redon
Delphine Derrien
DEEPSURF 2022 : Energy and ecological transition conference, Oct 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Semi-quantitative evaluation and mapping of bundles of soil ecosystem services in agricultural and forested lands at the regional scale
Clémentine Chirol
Delphine Derrien
Laurent Saint‐andré
Paul-Olivier Redon
Geoffroy Séré
22nd World Congress of Soil Science, Jul 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Soil ecosystem services and prospective as drivers for regional land planning: an interdisciplinary approach
Antoine Feraux
Clémentine Chirol
Delphine Derrien
Laurent Saint‐andré
Geoffroy Séré
DEEPSURF 2022 : Energy and ecological transition conference., Oct 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Mapping bundles of soil ecosystem services in agricultural and forested lands at the regional scale
Clémentine Chirol
Paul Olivier Redon
Delphine Derrien
Laurent Saint Andre
Catherine Galy
DeepSurf Conference 2021, Oct 2021, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Soil ecosystem services in terrestrial and coastal settings: how can we exchange knowledge across disciplines?
Clémentine Chirol
Geography Seminar Series, Trinity College Dublin, 2021, En ligne, Ireland
Conference papers
Application de la tomographie RX à l’analyse structurale des composantes d’un sol : macroporosité, réseau racinaire et nécromasse
Clémentine Chirol
Kate L. Spencer
Iris Moeller
Simon Carr
Ben Evans
Workshop Imagerie des Sols, INRAE Département AgroEcosystem, Oct 2021, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France
Conference papers
Saltmarsh biogeomorphology across scales: implications for conservation, habitat restoration and ecosystem services delivery
Clementine Chirol
International Symposium of COastal Resources and Environment (CORE21), ZHOU, Zeng, Hohai University, China; MUDD, Simon, University of Edinburgh, UK; HU, Zhan, Sun Yat-Sen University, China; MÖLLER, Iris, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; GONG, Zheng, Hohai University, China, Oct 2021, En ligne, China
Conference papers
Effect of belowground structure on coastal wetland erosion resistance using X-Ray Computed Tomography
Clementine Chirol
Helen Brooks
Simon Carr
Elizabeth Christie
Ben Evans
Conference papers
Applications of Computed Tomography to the topological analysis of roots and voids in wetland sediment
Clémentine Chirol
Kate L Spencer
Iris Moeller
Simon Carr
Ben Evans
7th annual Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA) symposium, 2019, Southampton, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Improving the science base: design and evolution of creek networks in restored coastal wetlands
Clémentine Chirol
Ivan Haigh
Nigel Pontee
Shari Gallop
C E L Thompson
Restoring Estuarine and Coastal Habitats in the North East Atlantic (REACH North East Atlantic), 2019, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Application of LiDAR to the Systematic Monitoring of Creek Networks in Natural & Restored Saltmarshes
Clémentine Chirol
Ivan Haigh
Nigel Pontee
Shari Gallop
C E L Thompson
International LiDAR Mapping Forum, 2017, Denver, United States
Conference papers
Morphological evolution of managed realignment schemes
Clémentine Chirol
Ivan Haigh
Nigel Pontee
Shari Gallop
C E L Thompson
International Coastal Symposium, 2016, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers
Creek networks: natural evolution and design choices for intertidal habitat recreation
Clémentine Chirol
Shari Gallop
Charlotte Thompson
Nigel Pontee
Ivan Haigh
SMMPG annual conference “Sealines of Communication", 2015, Southampton, United Kingdom
Conference papers