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Corinne Chadéneau



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Euphol from Tapinanthus sp. Induces Apoptosis and Affects Signaling Proteins in Glioblastoma and Prostate Cancer Cells

Isaac Silvère Gade , Corinne Chadéneau , Richard Tagne Simo , Emmanuel Talla , Alex de Theodore Atchade
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2022, 23 (12), pp.4205-4212. ⟨10.31557/APJCP.2022.23.12.4205⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04312883v1
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A new phenyl alkyl ester and a new combretin triterpene derivative from Combretum fragrans F. Hoffm (Combretaceae) and antiproliferative activity

Isaac Silvère Gade , Corinne Chadéneau , Richard Tagne Simo , Emmanuel Talla , Alex de Theodore Atchade
Open Chemistry, 2020, 18 (1), pp.1523-1531. ⟨10.1515/chem-2020-0167⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03196380v1
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PKA at a Cross-Road of Signaling Pathways Involved in the Regulation of Glioblastoma Migration and Invasion by the Neuropeptides VIP and PACAP

Souheyla Bensalma , Soumaya Turpault , Annie-Claire Balandre , Madryssa de Boisvilliers , Afsaneh Gaillard
Cancers, 2019, 11 (1), pp.123. ⟨10.3390/cancers11010123⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02559248v1

VIP and PACAP analogs regulate therapeutic targets in high-risk neuroblastoma cells.

Madryssa de Boisvilliers , Florian Perrin , Salima Hebache , Annie-Claire Balandre , Souheyla Bensalma
Peptides, 2016, 78, pp.30-41. ⟨10.1016/j.peptides.2016.01.014⟩
Article dans une revue pasteur-01351076v1

Neuropeptides of the VIP family inhibit glioblastoma cell invasion

Stéphanie Cochaud , Annie-Claire Meunier , Arnaud Monvoisin , Souheyla Bensalma , Jean-Marc Muller
Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 2015, 122 (1), pp.63-73. ⟨10.1007/s11060-014-1697-6⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04033517v1

Evaluation of Cytotoxic Properties of a Cyclopamine Glucuronide Prodrug in Rat Glioblastoma Cells and Tumors

Souheyla Bensalma , Corinne Chadéneau , Thibaut Legigan , Brigitte Renoux , Afsaneh Gaillard
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2015, 55 (1), pp.51-61. ⟨10.1007/s12031-014-0395-3⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01328060v1

Cytotoxic Activity of a Cyclopamine Glucuronide Prodrug Against Glioblastoma Cells

S. Bensalma , Corinne Chadéneau , B. Renoux , C. Charvet , S. Papot
European Journal of Cancer, 2012, 48 (5), pp.S49-S49. ⟨10.1016/S0959-8049(12)70896-1⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00825332v1

Study of a cyclopamine glucuronide prodrug for the selective chemotherapy of glioblastoma.

Florian Hamon , Brigitte Renoux , Corinne Chadéneau , Jean-Marc Muller , Sébastien Papot
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 45 (4), pp.1678-82. ⟨10.1016/j.ejmech.2009.12.067⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00582528v1

The vasoactive intestinal peptide-receptor system is involved in human glioblastoma cell migration.

Stéphanie Cochaud , Lucie Chevrier , Annie-Claire Meunier , Thomas Brillet , Corinne Chadéneau
Neuropeptides, 2010, 44 (5), pp.373-83. ⟨10.1016/j.npep.2010.06.003⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00582747v1

Vasoactive intestinal peptide decreases MYCN expression and synergizes with retinoic acid in a human MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cell line.

Lucie Chevrier , Annie-Claire Meunier , Stéphanie Cochaud , Jean Marc Muller , Corinne Chadéneau
International Journal of Oncology, 2008, 33 (5), pp.1081-1089. ⟨10.3892/ijo_00000097⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00425047v1

Vasoactive intestinal peptide-induced neuritogenesis in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells involves SNAP-25.

Céline Heraud , Lucie Chevrier , Annie-Claire Meunier , Jean-Marc Muller , Corinne Chadéneau
Neuropeptides, 2008, 42, pp.611-621. ⟨10.1016/j.npep.2008.05.005⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00422624v1

Hedgehog, Notch and Wnt developmental pathways as targets for anti-cancer drugs

Jean-Marc Muller , Lucie Chevrier , Stéphanie Cochaud , Annie-Claire Meunier , Corinne Chadéneau
Drug Discovery Today: Disease Mechanisms, 2008, 4 (4), pp.285-291. ⟨10.1016/j.ddmec.2008.05.009⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00424121v1