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Corinne Parat



### **Situation actuelle** : Ingénieur de Recherche à l'IPREM (UMR 5254 UPPA-CNRS) en chimie analytique appliquée à l'environnement ### **Activités de recherche :** - Développemement d'une méthode d'évaluation rapide de la qualité des eaux dans les Pyrénées : projet PYCALAB - Développement de capteurs électrochimiques pour l'analyse des contaminants, organiques et inorganiques, dans les eaux - Développement d'un capteur industriel pour le suivi in situ et en continu des métaux dans les eaux : projet GREEN SENSOR - Développement de méthodes d'analyses des isotopes du soufre, du carbone et de l'oxygène dans différentes matrices


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Evaluation of the capacity of Ivory Coast clay to depollute water contaminated by Hg, Pb, Cd and As

Lucas M Kouadio , Marie Larregieu , Kessein E N Tillous , Joseph Sei , Yann Tison
saouth african journal of chemistry, inPress, 78, pp.170-177. ⟨10.17159/0379-4350/2024/v78a23⟩
Journal articles hal-04620610v1
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ISIDORE, a Probe for In Situ Trace Metal Speciation Based on the Donnan Membrane Technique and Electrochemical Detection Part 2: Cd and Pb Measurements during the Accumulation Time of the Donnan Membrane Technique

Estelle Ricard , Jose-Paulo Pinheiro , Isabelle Le Hécho , Corinne Parat
Molecules, 2023, 28, pp.846. ⟨10.3390/molecules28020846⟩
Journal articles hal-03951327v1
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Carbon screen-printed electrodes modified by a polycatechol film for Cu and Pb detection in acidified drinking water

Corinne Parat , Estelle Ricard , Wahid Ben Mefteh , Isabelle Le Hécho
Electrochimica Acta, 2023, 461, pp.142666. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2023.142666⟩
Journal articles hal-04142593v1
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Glyphosate–Exonuclease Interactions: Reduced Enzymatic Activity as a Route to Glyphosate Biosensing

Mohamed Amine Berkal , Quentin Palas , Estelle Ricard , Christine Lartigau-Dagron , Luisa Ronga
Macromolecular Bioscience, 2023, 23 (8), pp.2200508. ⟨10.1002/mabi.202200508⟩
Journal articles hal-04055735v1
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Anion-Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Multicollector ICPMS

Mathieu Martinez , Jose Ignacio Garcia-Alonso , Corinne Parat , Jorge Ruiz Encinar , Isabelle Le Hécho
Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91 (15), pp.10088-10094. ⟨10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02038⟩
Journal articles hal-02272891v1

Evidence of multiple evaporite recycling processes in a salt-tectonic context, Sivas Basin, Turkey

A. Pichat , Guilhem Hoareau , Jean-Paul Callot , E. Legeay , K.S. Kavak
Terra Nova, 2018, 30 (1), pp.40-49. ⟨10.1111/ter.12306⟩
Journal articles hal-01710448v1
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Towards field trace metal speciation using electroanalytical techniques and tangential ultrafiltration

Adnívia Santos Costa Monteiro , Corinne Parat , André Henrique Rosa , José Paulo Pinheiro
Talanta, 2016, 152, pp.112-118. ⟨10.1016/j.talanta.2016.01.053⟩
Journal articles hal-01444580v1

ISIDORE, a probe for in situ trace metal speciation based on Donnan membrane technique with related electrochemical detection part 1: Equilibrium measurements

Corinne Parat , J.P. Pinheiro
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 896, pp.1-10. ⟨10.1016/j.aca.2015.07.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01248660v1
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Free Zn2+ determination in natural freshwater of the Pyrenees: towards on-site measurements with AGNES

Corinne Parat , L. Authier , Alain Castetbon , D. Aguilar , E. Companys
Environmental Chemistry, 2015, 12, pp.329-337. ⟨10.1071/EN14184⟩
Journal articles hal-01444581v1
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Determination of free metal ion concentrations with AGNES in low ionic strength media

D. Aguilar , Corinne Parat , J. Galceran , E. Companys , J. Puy
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2013, 689, pp.276-283. ⟨10.1016/j.jelechem.2012.11.010⟩
Journal articles hal-01444582v1

Non-purged voltammetry explored with AGNES

D. Aguilar , J. Galceran , E. Companys , J. Puy , Corinne Parat
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15, pp.17510-17521 ⟨10.1039/C3CP52836G⟩
Journal articles hal-01496558v1

Determination of Free Metal Ion Concentrations Using Screen-Printed Electrodes and AGNES with the Charge as Response Function

Corinne Parat , D. Aguilar , L. Authier , M. Potin-Gautier , E. Companys
Electroanalysis, 2011, 23 (3), pp.619-627. ⟨10.1002/elan.201000566⟩
Journal articles hal-01561639v1

Determination of trace metal speciation parameters by using screen-printed electrodes in stripping chronopotentiometry without deaerating

Corinne Parat , A. Schneider , Alain Castetbon , Martine Potin-Gautier
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 688 (2), pp.156-162. ⟨10.1016/j.aca.2010.12.034⟩
Journal articles hal-01444585v1

Determination of free metal concentrations using screen-printed electrodes and AGNES with the charge as response function

Corinne Parat , D. Aguilar , L. Authier , M. Potin-Gautier , E. Companys
Electroanalysis, 2011, 23, pp.619-627
Journal articles hal-01444583v1
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Direct determination of free metal concentration by implementing stripping chronopotentiometry as the second stage of AGNES

Corinne Parat , Laurent Authier , D. Aguilar , E. Companys , J. Puy
Analyst, 2011, 136 (20), pp.4337-4343. ⟨10.1039/c1an15481h⟩
Journal articles hal-01444584v1
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Mesure des flux d’éléments traces (Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Zn) dans les sols, végétaux, porcs et lisiers des exploitations porcines du Sud-Ouest

S. Dauguet , Laurence Denaix , Christophe Nguyen , E. Royer , P. Levasseur
Innovations Agronomiques, 2011, 17, pp.175-190. ⟨10.17180/3nkf-j195⟩
Journal articles hal-02648011v1

Development of a fast method of mineralization for routine analysis of matrix of the agricultural production

J. Heroult , Corinne Parat , Sylvie Bussiere , Cécile Coriou , Laurence Denaix
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74 (12), pp.A402. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.033⟩
Journal articles hal-02659633v1

Comparison of two experimental speciation methods with a theoretical approach to monitor free and labile Cd fractions in soil solutions

Corinne Parat , Jean-Yves Cornu , Andre Schneider , L. Authier , Valerie V. Sappin-Didier
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009, 648 (2), pp.157-161. ⟨10.1016/j.aca.2009.06.052⟩
Journal articles hal-02659683v1

Cadmium speciation assessed by voltammetry, ion exchange and geochemical calculation in soil solutions collected after soil rewetting

J. Y. Cornu , Corinne Parat , A. Schneider , Laurent Authier , M. Dauthieu
Chemosphere, 2009, 76 (4), pp.502-508. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.03.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01444586v1

Comparison of two experimental speciation methods with a theoretical approach to monitor free and labile Cd fractions in soil solutions

Corinne Parat , J. Y. Cornu , A. Schneider , L. Authier , V. Sapin-Didier
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009, 648 (2), pp.157-161
Journal articles hal-01444587v1

Determination of labile cadmium using a screen-printed electrode modified by a microwell

Corinne Parat , L. Authier , S. Betelu , N. Petrucciani , M. Potin-Gautier
Electroanalysis, 2007, 19, pp.403-406
Journal articles hal-01444589v1

Sludge-derived organic carbon in an agricultural soil estimated by 13C abundance measurements.

Corinne Parat , Jean Lévêque , R. Chaussod , Francis Andreux
European Journal of Soil Science, 2007, 58 (1), pp.166-173. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2389.2006.00821.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00293091v1

The organic carbon derived from sewage sludge as a key parameter determining the fate of trace metals.

Corinne Parat , Laurence Denaix , Jean Lévêque , R. Chaussod , Francis Andreux
Chemosphere, 2007, 69 (4), pp.636-643. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.02.069⟩
Journal articles hal-00292924v1

Semicontinuous monitoring of cadmium and lead with a screen-printed sensor modified by a membrane

S. Betelu , Corinne Parat , N. Petrucciani , Alain Castetbon , L. Authier
Electroanalysis, 2007, 19 (2-3), pp.399-402. ⟨10.1002/elan.200603722⟩
Journal articles hal-01444588v1

Determination of labile trace metals with screen-printed electrode modified by a crown-ether based membrane

Corinne Parat , S. Betelu , Laurent Authier , Martine Potin-Gautier
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 573-574, pp.14-19. ⟨10.1016/j.aca.2006.04.081⟩
Journal articles hal-01445846v1

Long-term effects of metal-containing farmyard manure and sewage sludge on soil organic matter in a fluvisol

Corinne Parat , Rémi Chaussod , Jean J. Lévêque , Francis Andreux
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2005, 37 (4), pp.673-679. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.08.025⟩
Journal articles hal-01444106v1

Long-term effects of metal-containing farmyard manure and sewage sludge on soil organic matter in a fluvisol

Corinne Parat , Rémi Chaussod , J. Leveque , F. Andreux
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2004, 37, pp.673-679
Journal articles hal-02669333v1

Comparison of three sequential extraction procedures used to study trace metal distribution in an acidic sandy soil

Corinne Parat , J. Lévêque , S. Dousset , R. Chaussod , F. Andreux
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003, 376 (2), pp.243-247. ⟨10.1007/s00216-003-1864-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01445847v1

The relationship between copper accumulated in vineyard calcareous soils and soil organic matter and iron

Corinne Parat , R. Chaussot , J. Leveque , S. Dousset , F. Andreux
European Journal of Soil Science, 2002, 53 (4), pp.663 - 670. ⟨10.1046/j.1365-2389.2002.00478.x⟩
Journal articles hal-01505976v1

The relationship between copper accumulated in vineyard calcareous soils and soil organic matter and iron

Corinne Parat , Rémi Chaussod , J. Leveque , Sylvie Dousset , F. Andreux
European Journal of Soil Science, 2002, 53, pp.663-669
Journal articles hal-02680703v1

Détection du glyphosate par inhibition enzymatique

Mohamed Amine Berkal , Jean-Jacques Toulmé , Corinne Parat , Corinne Nardin
Journées de la Société Chimique de France dans le Grand Sud-Ouest, Université de Toulouse, Jul 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03814667v1

Spéciation, quantification et isotopie des formes inorganiques du soufre en milieu aqueux

Mathieu Martinez , Corinne Parat , Isabelle Le Hécho
Spectr'Atom 2017, Jun 2017, Québec, Canada
Conference papers hal-01561231v1

Which is the best approach for on site trace metal speciation determination?

Corinne Parat , Isabelle Le Hécho
10th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Modern Trends and Applications (IMA 2017), Sep 2017, Heraklion, Greece
Conference papers hal-01608982v1
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ISIDORE probe for trace metal speciation: from equilibrium to dynamic approach

Corinne Parat , Estelle Ricard , José-Paulo F Pinheiro , Rute F Domingos , Marc F Benedetti
9th International Conference on Intefaces Against Pollution (IAP), Univesitat de Lleida, Sep 2016, Lleida, Spain. pp.ISBN 978-84-608-9990-7
Conference papers hal-01506344v1
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Quantification of Trace Elements fluxes (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) into agricultural fields amended with pig slurry

Laurence Denaix , Christophe Nguyen , Julien Heroult , Corinne Parat , Gaetane Lespes
15. International Conference RAMIRAN - Recycling of organic residues for agriculture: from waste management to ecosystem services, Jun 2013, Versailles, France
Conference papers hal-02748828v1

Development of a fast method of mineralization for routine analysis of matrix of the agricultural production

J. Heroult , Corinne Parat , Sylvie Bussiere , Cécile Coriou , Laurence Denaix
Conference on Goldschmidt 2010 - Earth, Energy, and the Environment, Jun 2010, Knoxville, United States
Conference papers hal-02820510v1

Trace metal speciation parameters determined by using screen-printed sensors in stripping chronopotentiometry

Corinne Parat , Andre Schneider , A. Castetbon , L. Authier , Potin-Gautier Martine
11. Workshop on Progress in Analytical Methodologies in Trace Metal Speciation, TraceSpec 2007, Sep 2007, Münster, Germany. 19 p
Conference papers hal-02820327v1

Determination of labile cadmium in soil solutions using two different approaches: electrochemistry and ion exchange

Corinne Parat , Jean-Yves Cornu , S. Betelu , Andre Schneider , Laurent Authier
6. International Symposium on Speciation of Elements in Biological and Toxicological Sciences, Jun 2006, Bialowieza, Poland. , 1 p., 2006
Conference poster hal-02821909v1