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Cyril Cohen



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Trocq: Proof Transfer for Free, With or Without Univalence

Cyril Cohen , Enzo Crance , Assia Mahboubi
ESOP 2024 - 33rd European Symposium on Programming, Apr 2024, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.239-268
Conference papers hal-04177913v5
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Artifact Report: Trocq: Proof Transfer for Free, With or Without Univalence

Cyril Cohen , Enzo Crance , Assia Mahboubi
ESOP 2024 - 33rd European Symposium on Programming, Apr 2024, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.269-274, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-57262-3_11⟩
Conference papers hal-04623207v1
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Semantics of Probabilistic Programs using s-Finite Kernels in Coq

Reynald Affeldt , Cyril Cohen , Ayumu Saito
CPP 2023 - Certified Programs and Proofs, Jan 2023, Boston, United States. ⟨10.1145/3573105.3575691⟩
Conference papers hal-03917948v1
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Porting the Mathematical Components library to Hierarchy Builder

Reynald Affeldt , Xavier Allamigeon , Yves Bertot , Quentin Canu , Cyril Cohen
the COQ Workshop 2021, Jul 2021, virtuel- Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-03463762v1
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Unsolvability of the Quintic Formalized in Dependent Type Theory

Sophie Bernard , Cyril Cohen , Assia Mahboubi , Pierre-Yves Strub
ITP 2021 - 12th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, Jun 2021, Rome / Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-03136002v4
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Competing inheritance paths in dependent type theory: a case study in functional analysis

Reynald Affeldt , Cyril Cohen , Marie Kerjean , Assia Mahboubi , Damien Rouhling
IJCAR 2020 - International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Jun 2020, Paris, France. pp.1-19, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-51054-1_1⟩
Conference papers hal-02463336v2
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Hierarchy Builder: algebraic hierarchies made easy in Coq with Elpi

Cyril Cohen , Kazuhiko Sakaguchi , Enrico Tassi
FSCD 2020 - 5th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction, Jun 2020, Paris, France. pp.34:1--34:21, ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.FSCD.2020.34⟩
Conference papers hal-02478907v6
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Formal Proofs of Tarjan's Strongly Connected Components Algorithm in Why3, Coq and Isabelle

Ran Chen , Cyril Cohen , Jean-Jacques Levy , Stephan Merz , Laurent Théry
ITP 2019 - 10th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, Sep 2019, Portland, United States. pp.13:1 - 13:19, ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.ITP.2019.13⟩
Conference papers hal-02303987v1
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Towards Certified Meta-Programming with Typed Template-Coq

Abhishek Anand , Simon Boulier , Cyril Cohen , Matthieu Sozeau , Nicolas Tabareau
ITP 2018 - 9th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, Jul 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom. pp.20-39, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-94821-8_2⟩
Conference papers hal-01809681v1
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A refinement-based approach to large scale reflection for algebra

Cyril Cohen , Damien Rouhling
JFLA 2017 - Vingt-huitième Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Jan 2017, Gourette, France
Conference papers hal-01414881v1
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Formal Foundations of 3D Geometry to Model Robot Manipulators

Reynald Affeldt , Cyril Cohen
Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs 2017, Jan 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01414753v1
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A Formal Proof in Coq of LaSalle's Invariance Principle

Cyril Cohen , Damien Rouhling
Interactive Theorem Proving, Sep 2017, Brasilia, Brazil. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-66107-0_10⟩
Conference papers hal-01612293v1
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Formalization of a Newton Series Representation of Polynomials

Cyril Cohen , Boris Djalal
Certified Programs and Proofs, Jan 2016, St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
Conference papers hal-01240469v1
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Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom

Cyril Cohen , Thierry Coquand , Simon Huber , Anders Mörtberg
21st International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, May 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.262, ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.TYPES.2015.5⟩
Conference papers hal-01378906v2
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A Coq Formalization of Finitely Presented Modules

Cyril Cohen , Anders Mörtberg
5th International Conference, ITP 2014, Jul 2014, Vienna, Austria. pp.193 - 208, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-08970-6_13⟩
Conference papers hal-01378905v1
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A Machine-Checked Proof of the Odd Order Theorem

Georges Gonthier , Andrea Asperti , Jeremy Avigad , Yves Bertot , Cyril Cohen
ITP 2013, 4th Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, Jul 2013, Rennes, France. pp.163-179, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-39634-2_14⟩
Conference papers hal-00816699v1
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Pragmatic Quotient Types in Coq

Cyril Cohen
International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, Jul 2013, Rennes, France. pp.16
Conference papers hal-01966714v1
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Refinements for Free!

Cyril Cohen , Maxime Dénès , Anders Mörtberg
Certified Programs and Proofs, Dec 2013, Melbourne, Australia. pp.147 - 162, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-03545-1_10⟩
Conference papers hal-01113453v1
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Construction des nombres algébriques réels en Coq

Cyril Cohen
JFLA - Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs - 2012, Feb 2012, Carnac, France
Conference papers hal-00665965v1
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Construction of real algebraic numbers in Coq

Cyril Cohen
ITP - 3rd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving - 2012, Aug 2012, Princeton, United States
Conference papers hal-00671809v2
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A formal quantifier elimination for algebraically closed fields

Cyril Cohen , Assia Mahboubi
Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning, Calculemus, Jul 2010, Paris, France. pp.189-203, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-14128-7_17⟩
Conference papers inria-00464237v3
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A Nix toolbox for reproducible Coq environments, Continuous Integration and artifact reuse

Cyril Cohen , Théo Zimmermann
The Coq Workshop, Jul 2021, Virtual, France
Documents associated with scientific events hal-03366644v1
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Formalized algebraic numbers: construction and first-order theory.

Cyril Cohen
Logic in Computer Science [cs.LO]. Ecole Polytechnique X, 2012. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses pastel-00780446v1