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Damien Eveillard



I try to represent the behavior of living systems on different scales by various modeling approaches based on constraint programming. In my opinion, a living system should be formalized as an hybrid automaton under constraints. My biological studies concern biological systems from molecular to ecological scales, with a special emphasis on marine systems.
I try to represent the behavior of living systems on different scales by various modeling approaches based on constraint programming. In my opinion, a living system should be formalized as an hybrid automaton under constraints. My biological studies concern biological systems from molecular to ecological scales, with a special emphasis on marine systems.



Ecologie prédictive & changement planétaire

Frédéric Austerlitz , Michael Blum , Sarah Calba , Jérôme Chave , Marc Choisy
Thiébault; Stéphanie and Hadi; Halima. Prospective de l'Institut écologie & environnement du CNRS, hors s\'{e}rie, Institut écologie & environnement du CNRS, pp.9-44, 2013
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01911607v1