Damien Huyghe
**Articles :**
\[21\] **Huyghe, D.**, Daëron, M., de Rafelis, M., Blamart, D., Sébilo, M., Paulet, Y.-M., Lartaud, F., 2022. Clumped isotopes in modern marine bivalves. **Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 316, 41-58.**
\[20\] Larrey, M., Mouthereau, F., Masini, E., **Huyghe, D.**, Gaucher, E., Virgone, A., Miegebielle, V., **2020**. Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain). **Journal of the Geological Society 177, 939-954.**
\[19\] **Huyghe, D**., Emmanuel, L., de Rafelis, M., Renard, M., Ropert, M., Labourdette, N., Lartaud, F, **2020**. Stable isotope disequilibrium in the juvenile portion of bivalve shells biases the seawater temperatures reconstructions. **Estuarine and Coastal Schelf Science 240, 106777.**
\[18\] **Huyghe, D.**, Mouthereau, F., Ségalen, L., Furiò, M, **2020**. Long-term dynamic topographic support during post-orogenic crustal thinning revealed by stable isotope (d18O) paleo-altimetry in eastern Pyrenees. **Scientific Reports 10, 2267.**
\[17\] Nivière, B., **Huyghe, D.**, Bonnel, C., Lacan, P., **2019**. Neogene sedimentation and tectonics in the Collón Curà Basin (Patagonian Andes of Argentina). **Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 96, 102244.**
\[16\] **Huyghe, D**., de Rafelis, M., Ropert, M., Mouchi, V., Emmanuel, L., Renard, M., Lartaud, F., **2019**. New insights into oyster shell growth patterns: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. **Marine Biology 166(4), 48.**
\[15\] Daëron, M., Drysdale, R.N., Peral, M., **Huyghe, D**., Blamart, D., Coplen, T.B., Lartaud, F., Zanchetta, G., **2019.** Most Earth-surface Calcites Precipitate Out of Isotopic Equilibrium. **Nature Communication 10(1), 429.**
\[14\] Wildman, M., Webster, D., Brown, R., Chardon, D., Rouby, D., Ye, J., **Huyghe, D.**, Dall’Asta, M., **2018.** Long-term landscape evolution of the West African Transform margin: Estimates of denudation from Benin using apatite thermochronology. **Journal of the Geological Society 176, 97-114.**
\[13\] **Huyghe, D.**, Mouthereau, F., Sébilo, M., Vacherat, A., Ségalen, L., Richard, P., Biron, P., Bariac, T, **2018**. Impact of topography, climate and moisture sources on isotopic composition (d18O & dD) of rivers in the Pyrenees: implications for topographic reconstructions in small orogens. **Earth and Planetary Science Letters 484, 370-384.**
\[12\]Vacherat, A., Mouthereau, F., Pik, R., **Huyghe, D.**, Paquette, J.-L., Christophoul, F., Loget, N., Tibari, B, **2017**. Rift-to-collision sediment routing in the Pyrenees: a synthesis from sedimentological, geochronological and kinematic constraints. **Earth-Science Reviews,172, 43-74.**
\[11\] **Huyghe, D**., Emmanuel, L., Renard, M, Lartaud, F., Génot, P., Riveline, J., Merle, D., **2017**. Significance of shallow-marine and non-marine algae stable isotope (d18O) compositions over long periods: Example from the Palaeogene of the Paris Basin. **Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 247-259.**
\[10\] Nivière, B., Lacan, P., Regard, V., Delmas, M., Calvet, M., **Huyghe, D.**, Roddaz, B., **2016**. Chronology of the late Pleistocene Aspe river in the Foothills of the western Pyrenees (France). Signature of climatic events and active tectonics. **Comptes Rendus de Geoscience, 348, 203-212.**
\[9\] **Huyghe, D.**, Nivière, B., Bonnel, C., **2015**. Geomorphologic evidence for Plio-Quaternary shortening in the southern Neuquén basin (40°S, Argentina). **Terra Nova, 27, 426-432.**
\[8\] **Huyghe, D**., Lartaud, F. Emmanuel, L., Merle, D., Renard, M, **2015**. Paleogene climate evolution during the Paleogene in the Paris Basin from marine molluscs oxygen stable isotope (d18O) compositions. **Journal of the Geological Society, 172, 576-587**.
\[7\] **Huyghe, D.**, Bonnel, C., Nivière, B., Fasentieux, B., Hervouët, Y, **2015**. Neogene tectonostratigraphic history of the southern Neuquén basin (39°-40°30’S, Argentina): implications for foreland basin evolution. **Basin Research 27, 613-635.**
\[6\]Beaudoin, N., **Huyghe, D.**,Bellahsen, N., Lacombe, O., Emmanuel, L., Mouthereau, F., Ouahnon, L., **2015.** Fluid-deformation interactions during syn-sedimentary growth of fold: example from the Pico del Aguilla Anticline, Sierras Marginales, Southern Pyrenees, Spain. **Journal of Structural Geology, 70, 23-38.**
\[5\] **Huyghe, D.**,Mouthereau, F., Emmanuel, L., **2012**. Oxygen isotopes of marine mollusc shells record Eocene elevation change in the Pyrenees. **Earth and Planetary Science Letters 345-348, 131-141.**
\[4\]Guernet, C., **Huyghe,D.**, Lartaud, F., Merle, D., Emmanuel, L., Gély, J.-P., Michel, F., Pilet, O., **2012**. La faune d’Ostracodes de la falunière de Grignon (Lutétien du bassin de Paris) : implications stratigraphiques et paléogéographiques, **Geodiversitas, 34 (4), 909-959.**
\[3\] **Huyghe**, **D.**,Merle, D., Lartaud, F., Cheype, E., Emmanuel, L., **2012**. Middle Lutetian climate in the Paris basin: implications for a marine hotspot of paleobiodiversity. **Facies 58, 587-604.**
\[2\] **Huyghe**, **D.**,Castelltort, S., Mouthereau, F., Serra-Kiel, J., Filleaudeau, P.-Y., Berthier, B., Emmanuel, L., Renard, M., **2012**. Large scale facies change in the middle Eocene South-Pyrenean foreland basin: The role of tectonics and prelude to Cenozoic ice-age. **Sedimentary Geology 253-254, 25-46.**
\[1\] **Huyghe**, **D.**, Mouthereau, F., Castelltort, S., Filleaudeau, P-Y., Emmanuel, L., **2009**. Paleogene propagation of the southern Pyrenean thrust wedgerevealed by finite strain analysis in frontal thrust sheets: implications for mountain building, **Earth and Planetary Science Letters 288, 421-433**.
Corrélations stratigraphiques des dépôts Bartonien du Bassin de Paris grâce à l’outil géochimique (d18O - d13C)ASF 2022 - Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Sep 2022, Brest, France
Conference poster
Neogene-to-Quaternary post-orogenic tectonic evolution and CaCO3-rich fluids from the Tabernas basin (eastern Betics, Spain) reveal control by deep-seated processes in the mantleEGU, 2020, Vienne (Austria), Austria. 2020, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9221⟩
Conference poster
Croissance et signal géochimique chez les bivalves : quels enseignements pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales ?ASF, 2019, Beauvais, France
Conference poster
Mesozoic Source-to-Sink of the African margin of the Equatorial AtlanticEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Apr 2016, Vienne, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, pp.EGU2016-4904, 2016
Conference poster
Balade géologique à Paris XVIIIebiotope, 2021, Balade géologiques, Isabelle Rouget, 978-2-36662-241-6
Évolution des paysages dans la plaine alluviale de la Petite-Seine depuis le Néolithique, restitution des tracés fluviatiles et contexte paléoenvironnemental[Rapport de recherche] PIREN Seine phase 8. 2021
Dynamique d’abandon de chenaux dans le territoire de la Petite-Seine[Rapport de recherche] PIREN Seine. 2020
Changements climatiques globaux et forçage tectonique au Paléogène. Exemples du Bassin de Paris et des PyrénéesStratigraphie. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2010. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Les facteurs de contrôle de la sédimentation au CénozoïqueSciences de la Terre. Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2022
Accreditation to supervise research