Peatlands methane origin and fluxes to the atmosphere: towards an integrative conceptual model of a temperate French peatland
Alexandre Lhosmot
Jean-Sébastien Moquet
Adrien Jacotot
Marc Steinmann
L. Gandois
Conference papers
Restoration peatland and eLTER, case of France
Sébastien Gogo
Daniel Gilbert
Geneviève Magnon
Laurent André
Guillaume Bertrand
12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (SERE), University of Alicante, Sep 2021, Online, France
Conference papers
Effects of experimental climate warming on C sink function in a temperate peatland
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Alexandre Buttler
Frédéric Delarue
Daniel D. Epron
Daniel Gilbert
15th International Peat Congress, Aug 2016, Kuching, Malaysia
Conference papers
A multiproxy approach of environmental changes in the last millennia reconstructed from an ombrotrophic peat archive (Frasne mire, France)
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Arnaud Huguet
Frédéric Delarue
Vincent E. J. Jassey
Edward A.D. Mitchell
27th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Combination of branched GDGTs and testate amoebae for the reconstruction of past climate change in a French peatland
Arnaud Huguet
Vincent E. J. Jassey
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Sylvie Derenne
Daniel Gilbert
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2013, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Atmospheric phenanthrene exposure of micro-ecosystems in experimental chambers
Dorine Desalme
Philippe Binet
Geneviève Chiapusio
Daniel Gilbert
Jean-Claude Roy
SETAC Europe : 20th Annual Meeting Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, May 2010, SEVILLE, Spain. pp.102
Conference papers
Various litter species and high water-table levels hamper type II methanotrophs in a bare peatland regeneration experiment.
Andy Siegenthaler
Andreas Gattinger
Andre-Jean Francez
Daniel Gilbert
Alexandre Buttler
Peatnet International Congress ‘Carbon in Peatlands', Oct 2009, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Ecologie actuelle des Thécamoebiens des lacs
Adeline A. J. Wall
Daniel Gilbert
Michel Magny
XVème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2009, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Contrasted relationships between type I and type II methanotrophs, the conditions found in typical regeneration stages across European peatlands and the elapsed time since abandonment of the peat cutting.
Andy Siegenthaler
A. Artz
Andre-Jean Francez
Alexandre Buttler
Emanuela Samaritani
Peatnet International Congress ‘Carbon in Peatlands', Sep 2009, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Response of testate amoeba assemblages to environmental and climatic changes during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition at Lake Lautrey (Jura Mountains, eastern France)
Adeline A.J. Wall
Michel Magny
Edward A. D. Mitchell
Boris Vannière
Daniel Gilbert
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2009, MONTBELIARD, France
Conference papers
Testate amoeba analysis of lake sediments: impact of filter size and total count on estimates of density, species richness and assemblage structure
Adeline A.J. Wall
Daniel Gilbert
Michel Magny
Edward P. Mitchell
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2009, MONTBELIARD, France
Conference papers
Pollution atmosphérique en phénanthrène sur un système sol-plante-microorganismes symbiotiques
Dorine Desalme
Geneviève Chiapusio
Philippe Binet
Daniel Gilbert
Marie-Laure Toussaint
10e Journées d'Etude des Sols (JES), May 2009, Strasbourg, France. pp.123-124
Conference papers
Effect of Atmospheric Particulate Pollution (PM10) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) on Testate Amoebae Communities Living in Microsystems "Bryophytes-Microorganisms"
Caroline Meyer
Daniel Gilbert
André Gaudry
Marielle Franchi
Franck Denayer
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae ISTA-5, Sep 2009, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers
Impact d'une hausse de la température sur le système sphaigne-microorganismes
Vincent Jassey
Geneviève Chiapusio
Philippe Binet
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Daniel Gilbert
Impact d'une hausse de la température sur le système sphaigne-microorganismes, May 2009, France. pp.63-64
Conference papers
Impact of elevated temperature on Testate Amoebae in Sphagnum fallax peatland: a microcosm study and perspectives in situ.
Vincent Jassey
Geneviève Chiapusio
Philippe Binet
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Daniel Gilbert
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2009, France. pp.18
Conference papers
Testate amoeba analysis of lake sediments: impact of filter size and total count on estimates of density, species richness and assemblage structure.
Adeline A. J. Wall
Daniel Gilbert
Michel Magny
Edward A.D. Mitchell
5th ISTA: International Symposium on Testate Amoeba, Sep 2009, Montbeliard, France
Conference papers
Contrasted Relationships Between Type I and Type II Methanotrophs, The Conditions Found in Typical Regeneration Stages Across European Peatlands and the Elapsed Time Since Abandonment of the Peat Cutting
Andy Siegenthaler
Rebekka R.E. Artz
Andre-Jean Francez
Alexandre Buttler
Emanuela Samaritani
2nd International Symposium on “Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle”, Sep 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Using Bryophyte/associated microorganism microsystems to characterize the impact of contaminants on ecosystems: are testate amoebae the best microbial group for disturbance bioindication ?
Daniel Gilbert
Nadine Bernard
5th International Symposium on Testate amoebae, Sep 2009, MONTBELIARD, France
Conference papers
Various Litter Species and High Water-Table Levels Hamper Type II Methanotrophs in a Bare Peatland Regeneration Experiment
Andy Siegenthaler
Andreas Gattinger
Andre-Jean Francez
Daniel Gilbert
Alexandre Buttler
2nd International Symposium on “Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle” will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 25 - 30 September 2009, Sep 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Environmental and climatic changes during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition as reflected by variations in testate amoeba assemblages at Lake Lautrey (Jura Mountains, eastern France)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Edward A.D. Mitchell
Boris Vannière
Daniel Gilbert
5th ISTA: International Symposium on Testate Amoeba, Sep 2009, Montbeliard, France
Conference papers
Les Thécamoebiens des lacs : écologie actuelle et paléoenvironnement.
Adeline A. J. Wall
Daniel Gilbert
Michel Magny
JFR'08 : Journée Francophone de la Recherche 2008, Nov 2008, Tokyo, Japon
Conference papers
Impact du phénanthrène sur les microorganismes symbiotiques du trèfle violet (Trifolium pratense)
Dorine Desalme
Philippe Binet
Geneviève Chiapusio
Nadine Bernard
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Journées Francophones Mycorrhizes, Sep 2008, Dijon, France. p 32
Conference papers
Effects of experimental warming on carbon sink function of a temperate pristine mire : the PEATWARM project.
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Daniel Gilbert
Alexandre Buttler
Daniel Epron
Andre-Jean Francez
International Peat Society Congress, Jun 2008, Tullamore, Ireland
Conference papers
Les Thécamoebiens » : Un nouveau marqueur paléoenvironnemental des changements du climat et de l'environnement.
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Laurent Millet
Daniel Gilbert
Séminaire Interuniversitaire 2008 : « Assemblages », Mar 2008, Mandeure, France
Conference papers
Subfossil thecamoebians response to climate variations during the transition Lateglacial / Holocene : a case study from Lake Lautrey (Jura, France)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Daniel Gilbert
Laurent Millet
Boris Vannière
EGU General Assembly 2008. Session: Climate: Past, Present, Future - Natural and anthropogenic environmental change as evidenced in high-resolution continental archives, Apr 2008, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Réponse des Thécamoebiens subfossiles (Protistes, Rhizopodes) aux variations du climat : Exemple de l'enregistrement Tardiglaciaire / Holocène du lac du Lautrey (Jura)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Daniel Gilbert
XIVème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2008, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Interactions between particulate air pollution and environmental variables on microbial communities living in bryophytes: in situ and experimental studies
Caroline Meyer
Daniel Gilbert
Marielle Franchi
André Gaudry
Franck Denayer
SETAC Europe 18th, May 2008, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers
Les Thécamoebiens : marqueur des changements du climat et de l'environnement. Exemple de l'enregistrement Tardiglaciaire / Holocène du lac du Lautrey (Jura, France)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Daniel Gilbert
Laurent Millet
Boris Vannière
Colloque International Q6 : Biodiversité au Quaternaire : Climats, Environnements et Peuplements, Feb 2008, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Distribution des amibes à thèque dans 3 lacs français.
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Jean-François Carrias
Daniel Gilbert
7ème CILO - Congrès International de Limnologie-Océanographie, Oct 2008, Rouen, France
Conference papers
Effects of experimental warming on Carbon sink function of a temperate pristine mire : The project PEATWARM
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Daniel Gilbert
Alexandre Buttler
Daniel Epron
Andre-Jean Francez
Proceedings of the 13th International Peat Congress, Ireland, Tullamore, 8-13 June 2008, IPS (Finland), 2008, Tulamore, Finland. pp.599-602
Conference papers
Impact of temperature increase on Sphagnum / microorganisms system : a microcosm study
Vincent Jassey
Geneviève Chiapusio
Philippe Binet
Marie-Laure Toussaint
Daniel Gilbert
Interaction entre les processus physico-chimiques et microbiologiques dans l'environnement, Oct 2008, France
Conference papers
The role of Testate Amoebae in benthic microbial communities in lakes (Jura, France): ecological and paleo-ecological studies
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Daniel Gilbert
5th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Jul 2007, Palerme, Italy
Conference papers
Structure des communautés microbiennes benthiques lacustres : comparaison entre un lac eutrophe et un lac mésotrophe (Jura, France)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Daniel Gilbert
Michel Magny
50ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Limnologie (AFL), Nov 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Testate Amoebae: an example of Non-Pollen-Polymorphs in lacustrine sediments from Lateglacial and Holocene (Jura, France)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
Daniel Gilbert
2nd International Workshop on Non-Pollen-Polymorphs (NPP), Aug 2006, Innsbrück, Austria
Conference papers
Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems (RECIPE).
Rebekka R.E. Artz
John L. Campbell
Alexandre Buttler
Andre-Jean Francez
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
European Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting, 2006, Bangor, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Sub-fossils Testate Amoebae in sediments from lake Lautrey (Jura, France) during the transition between the Lateglacial and the Holocene (12 800-9 000 yrs BP)
Adeline A. J. Wall
Daniel Gilbert
Michel Magny
International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2006, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers
The role of Testate Amoebae in benthic microbial communities in lakes.
Daniel Gilbert
Adeline A. J. Wall
Michel Magny
International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2006, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers
Ecologie microbienne de tourbières en régénération
A.J. Francez
Daniel Gilbert
Origines, dynamique et conservation des tourbieres, Oct 2005, Saint-Etienne, France. n.p
Conference papers
Biochemical characteristics of peat organic matter and distribution of testate amoebae patterns in two naturally regenerating cutover Sphagnum peatlands of the Jura Mountains.
Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Edward P. Mitchell
Daniel Gilbert
Barry Warner
Laure Comont
12th International Peat Congress "Wise Use of Peatlands", 2004, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Economic and sociological approaches of french peatlands.
Carine Maitre
Daniel Gilbert
Alexandre Buttler
Daniel Epron
Andre-Jean Francez
12th International Peat Congress: Wise Use of Peatlands, 2004, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems (EU Project RECIPE)
E. Mitchell
Steve Chapman
Alexandre Buttler
Jean Combe
Andre-Jean Francez
7th INTECOL International, Wetlands Conference, 2004, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers