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Daniel Gilbert



Optimal policy for organic farming conversion

Christian At , Daniel Gilbert , Lionel Thomas
Revue d'économie politique, 2023, 133 (1), pp.105-118
Journal articles hal-04526583v1
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The 1949 Atlas of French peat deposits, a starting point for a National Inventory of peatlands

Lise Pinault , Malo Pilloix , Grégory Bernard , Daniel Joly , Sébastien Gogo
Soil Use and Management, 2023, 39 (3), pp.1040-1056. ⟨10.1111/sum.12919⟩
Journal articles hal-04192260v1
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Statistical hydrology for evaluating peatland water table sensitivity to simple environmental variables and climate changes application to the mid-latitude/altitude Frasne peatland (Jura Mountains, France)

Guillaume Bertrand , Alex Ponçot , Benjamin Pohl , Alexandre Lhosmot , Marc Steinmann
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 754, 141931 (55 p.). ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141931⟩
Journal articles insu-02921354v1
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Enhancing air quality forecasts by geomatic downscaling: an application to daily PM10 concentrations in France

Daniel Joly , Daniel Gilbert , Maria Diaz-De-Quijano , Mohamed Hilal , Mathieu Joly
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2021, 143 (1), pp.327-339 (2021). ⟨10.1007/s00704-020-03418-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02973090v1
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From Climatic to Anthropogenic Drivers: A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Vegetation and Peatland Development in the French Jura Mountains

Emilie Gauthier , Vincent E.J. Jassey , Edward A.D. Mitchell , Mariusz Lamentowicz , Richard Payne
Quaternary, 2019, 2 (4), 13 p. ⟨10.3390/quat2040038⟩
Journal articles insu-02415346v1
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Action-orientated research and framework: insights from the French long-term social-ecological research network

Vincent Bretagnolle , Marc Benoît , Mathieu Bonnefond , Vincent Breton , Jon Church
Ecology and Society, 2019, 24 (3), pp.10. ⟨10.5751/ES-10989-240310⟩
Journal articles hal-02413687v1
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RECOTOX, a French initiative in ecotoxicology-toxicology to monitor, understand and mitigate the ecotoxicological impacts of pollutants in socioagroecosystems

Christian Mougin , Véronique Gouy , Vincent Bretagnolle , Julie Berthou , Patrick Andrieux
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (34), ⟨10.1007/s11356-018-2716-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01846379v1
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OZCAR : The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories

Jérôme Gaillardet , Isabelle Braud , Fatim Hankard , Sandrine Anquetin , Olivier Bour
Vadose Zone Journal, 2018, 17 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.2136/vzj2018.04.0067⟩
Journal articles insu-01944414v1

Microbial diversity and ecological networks as indicators of environmental quality

Battle Karimi , Pierre-Alain Maron , Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré , Nadine Bernard , Daniel Gilbert
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2017, 15 (2), pp.265-281. ⟨10.1007/s10311-017-0614-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01516976v1

Origin and diversity of testate amoebae shell composition: Example of Bullinularia indica living in Sphagnum capillifolium

Maxence Delaine , Nadine Bernard , Daniel Gilbert , Philippe Recourt , Eric Armynot Du Châtelet
European Journal of Protistology, 2017, 59, pp.14 - 25. ⟨10.1016/j.ejop.2017.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01516979v1

Impacts of tropospheric ozone exposure on peatland microbial consumers

Daniel Gilbert , Richard Payne , Sylvia Toet , Mike Ashmore , Vincent E.J. Jassey
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 115, pp.124 - 128. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.08.012⟩
Journal articles hal-01660079v1

Vertical micro-distribution of microbial communities living in Sphagnum fallax

L Song , Daniel Gilbert , D Wu
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2016, 77 (1), pp.1 - 10. ⟨10.3354/ame01783⟩
Journal articles hal-01516967v1

Significance testing testate amoeba water table reconstructions

Richard J. Payne , Kirill V. Babeshko , Simon van Bellen , Jeffrey J. Blackford , Robert K. Booth
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2016, 138, pp.131 - 135. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.01.030⟩
Journal articles hal-01516970v1

Air pollution below WHO levels decreases by 40 % the links of terrestrial microbial networks

Battle Karimi , Caroline Meyer , Daniel Gilbert , Nadine Bernard
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2016, 14 (4), pp.467 - 475. ⟨10.1007/s10311-016-0589-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01516963v1

Modelling and mapping trace element accumulation in Sphagnum peatlands at the European scale using a geomatic model of pollutant emissions dispersion

Maria Diaz-De-Quijano , Daniel Joly , Daniel Gilbert , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Marielle Franchi
Environmental Pollution, 2016, 214, pp.8-16. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2016.03.036⟩
Journal articles hal-01313641v1
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An unexpected role for mixotrophs in the response of peatland carbon cycling to climate warming

Vincent E.J. Jassey , Constant Signarbieux , Stephan Hättenschwiler , Luca Bragazza , Alexandre Buttler
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5 (Article number: 16931), pp.1-10. ⟨10.1038/srep16931⟩
Journal articles insu-01240013v1

The mineral composition of the tests of 'testate amoebae' (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida): the relative importance of grain availability and grain selection

Eric Armynot Du Chatelet , Nadine Bernard , Maxence Delaine , Jean-Luc Potdevin , Daniel Gilbert
Revue de Micropaléontologie, 2015, 58, pp.141-154. ⟨10.1016/j.revmic.2015.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01272243v1
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Hydrological dynamics and fire history of the last 1300years in western Siberia reconstructed from a high-resolution, ombrotrophic peat archive

Mariusz Lamentowicz , Michał Słowiński , Katarzyna Marcisz , Małgorzata Zielińska , Karolina Kaliszan
Quaternary Research, 2015, 84, pp.312-325. ⟨10.1016/j.yqres.2015.09.002⟩
Journal articles insu-01240109v1

Diversity and complexity of microbial communities from a chlor-alkali tailings dump

Cyril Zappelini , Battle Karimi , Julie Foulon , Laurence Didier Lacercat-Didier , Francois Maillard
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2015, 90, pp.101-110. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.08.008⟩
Journal articles hal-02372435v1

A more cost-effective geomatic approach to modelling PM10 dispersion across Europe

Maria Diaz-De-Quijano , Daniel Joly , Daniel Gilbert , Nadine Bernard
Applied Geography, 2014, 55, pp.108-116. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.09.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01069750v1

Using testate amoeba as potential biointegrators of atmospheric deposition of phenanthrene (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) on "moss/soil interface-testate amoeba community" microecosystems

Caroline Meyer , Dorine Desalme , Nadine Bernard , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Ecotoxicology, 2013, 22 (2), pp 287-294
Journal articles hal-01061490v1

Exposure Chambers for Studying the Partitioning of Atmospheric PAHs in Environmental Compartments: Validation and Calibration Using Experimental and Computational Approaches

Dorine Desalme , Jc Roy , Philippe Binet , Genevieve Chiapusio , Daniel Gilbert
Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 47 (15), pp.8399-8407. ⟨10.1021/es4016266⟩
Journal articles hal-01061489v1
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Above- and belowground linkages in Sphagnum peatland: climate warming affects plant-microbial interactions

Vincent Jassey , Geneviève Chiapuso , Philippe Binet , Alexandre Buttler , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
Global Change Biology, 2013, 19 (3), pp.811-823. ⟨10.1111/gcb.12075⟩
Journal articles insu-00766326v1

Ammonia exposure promotes algal biomass in an ombrotrophic peatland

Richard Payne , Vincent E. J. Jassey , Ian Leith , Lucy Sheppard , Nancy B. Dise
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 57, pp.937-938. ⟨10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.09.012⟩
Journal articles hal-00820346v1
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To What Extent Do Food Preferences Explain the Trophic Position of Heterotrophic and Mixotrophic Microbial Consumers in a Sphagnum Peatland?

Vincent P Jassey , Caroline Meyer , Christine Dupuy , Nadine Bernard , Edward Ad Mitchell
Microbial ecology, 2013, 66 (3), pp.571 - 580. ⟨10.1007/s00248-013-0262-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01420339v1
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Using "bryophytes and their associated testate amoeba" microsystems as indicators of atmospheric pollution

Caroline Meyer , Daniel Gilbert , François Gillet , M. Moskura , M. Franchi
Ecological Indicators, 2012, 13 (1), pp.144-151. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.05.020⟩
Journal articles hal-00654500v1

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Infectivity in Two Soils as Affected by Atmospheric Phenanthrene Pollution

Dorine Desalme , Genevieve Chiapusio , Nadine Bernard , Daniel Gilbert , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2012, 223 (6), pp.3295 - 3305
Journal articles hal-00707063v1
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Phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities in Sphagnum-dominated peatland in a warming climate

Vincent E. J. Jassey , Geneviève Chiapusio , Daniel Gilbert , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Philippe Binet
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2012, 46, pp.49-52
Journal articles hal-00682547v1
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Characterizing the Feeding Habits of the Testate Amoebae Hyalosphenia papilio and Nebela tincta along a Narrow "Fen-Bog" Gradient Using Digestive Vacuole Content and (13)C and (15)N Isotopic Analyses.

Vincent E. J. Jassey , Shimano Satoshi , Christine Dupuy , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Daniel Gilbert
Protist, 2012, 163, pp.451-464
Journal articles hal-00682531v1

Can pollution bias peatland paleoclimate reconstruction?

Richard Payne , Edward Ad Mitchell , Hung Nguyen-Viet , Daniel Gilbert
Quaternary Research, 2012, 78 (2), pp.170-173. ⟨10.1016/j.yqres.2012.05.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00820341v1
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Effect of a temperature gradient on Sphagnum fallax and its associated living microbial communities: a study under controlled conditions.

Vincent E. J. Jassey , Daniel Gilbert , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Geneviève Chiapusio
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2011, 57 (3), pp.226-235
Journal articles hal-00682501v2

Atmospheric phenanthrene transfer and effects on two grassland species and their root symbionts: A microcosm study

Dorine Desalme , Philippe Binet , Nadine Bernard , Daniel Gilbert , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2011, 71, pp.146-151
Journal articles hal-00695268v1
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Fine-scale horizontal and vertical micro-distribution patterns of testate amoebae along a narrow Fen/Bog gradient.

Vincent E. J. Jassey , Genevieve Chiapusio , Edward A. D. Mitchell , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Microbial ecology, 2011, 61 (2), pp.374-385. ⟨10.1007/s00248-010-9756-9⟩
Journal articles hal-00682493v2

Atmospheric phenanthrene pollution modulates carbon allocation in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)

Dorine Desalme , Philippe Binet , Daniel D. Epron , Nadine Bernard , Daniel Gilbert
Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159 (10), pp.2759-2765. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2011.05.015⟩
Journal articles hal-02649829v1

Effect of a temperature gradient on Sphagnum fallax and its associated living microbial communities: a study under controlled conditions

Vincent E. J. Jassey , Daniel Gilbert , Philippe Binet , Marie Toussaint , Genevieve Chiapusio
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2011, 57 (3), pp.226 - 235. ⟨10.1139/W10-116⟩
Journal articles hal-02651676v1
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Experimental climate effect on seasonal variability of polyphenol/phenoloxidase interplay along a narrow fen-bog ecological gradient in Sphagnum fallax

Vincent E. J. Jassey , Geneviève Chiapusio , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Global Change Biology, 2011, 17 (9), pp.2945-2957. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02437.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00682513v1

Response of testate amoeba assemblages to environmental and climatic changes during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition at Lake Lautrey (Jura Mountains, eastern France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Edward A.D. Mitchell , Boris Vannière , Daniel Gilbert
Journal of Quaternary Science, 2010, pp.000. ⟨10.1002/jqs.1377⟩
Journal articles hal-00432529v1

Les changements climatiques et les variations d'assemblages de Thécamoebiens au lac du Lautrey (Jura, France) au cours de la transition Tardiglaciaire-Holocène. Climatic changes during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition as reflected by variations in testate amoeba assemblages at Lake Lautrey (Jura Mountains, eastern France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Laurent Millet , Daniel Gilbert
Quaternaire, 2010, pp.000
Journal articles hal-00432547v1

Meeting Report: 5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae (ISTA-5), Montbéliard, France 14-17 September 2009 - Present status of testate amoeba research, knowledge gaps and research priorities

Edward A. D. Mitchell , Daniel Gilbert
Protist, 2010, in press, pp.00
Journal articles hal-00457015v1

Accumulation Capacities of Particulate Matter in an Acrocarpous and a Pleurocarpous Moss Exposed at Three Differently Polluted Sites (Industrial, Urban and Rural)

Juliette Fabure , Caroline Meyer , F.-O. Denayer , André Gaudry , Daniel Gilbert
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2010, 212, pp.205-217. ⟨10.1007/s11270-010-0333-0⟩
Journal articles hal-00451897v1

Relationship of Atmospheric Pollution Characterized by gas (NO2) and particles (PM10) to Microbial Communities Living in Bryophytes at Three Differently Polluted Sites (Rural, Urban and Industrial).

Caroline Meyer , Daniel Gilbert , André Gaudry , Marielle Franchi , Hung Nguyen-Viet
Microbial ecology, 2010, 59 (2), pp.324-334. ⟨10.1007//s00248-009-9580-2⟩
Journal articles hal-00413828v1

Testate amoeba analysis of lake sediments: impact of filter size and total count on estimates of diversity, species richness and assemblage structure.

Adeline A.J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny , Edward A.D. Mitchell
Journal of Paleolimnology, 2010, 43, pp.689-704. ⟨10.1007/s10933-009-9360-5⟩
Journal articles hal-00401808v1

Do parafluvial zones have an impact in regulating river pollution? Spatial and temporal dynamics of nutrients, carbon, and bacteria in a large gravel bar of the Doubs River (France)

Thomas Deforet , Pierre Marmonier , Dominique Rieffel , Nadia Crini , Patrick Giraudoux
Hydrobiologia, 2009, 623 (1), pp.235-250. ⟨10.1007/s10750-008-9661-0⟩
Journal articles halsde-01072139v1

Functional microbial diversity in regenerating cutover peatlands responds to vegetation succession

Rebekka R.E. Artz , Stephen J. Chapman , Andy Siegenthaler , Edward A. D. Mitchell , Alexandre Buttler
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2008, 45 (6), pp.1799-1809. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01573.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00337379v1
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Cut-over peatland regeneration assessment using organic matter and microbial indicators (bacteria and testate amoebae).

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Edward P. Mitchell , Daniel Gilbert , Jean-Robert Disnar , Laure Comont
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2008, 45 (2), pp.716-727. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01436.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00142062v1

Effect of lead pollution on testate amoebae communities living in Sphagnum fallax: An experimental study

Hung Nguyen-Viet , Nadine Bernard , Edward P. Mitchell , Pierre-Marie Badot , Daniel Gilbert
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2007, 69 (1), pp.130-138. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoenv.2007.02.007⟩
Journal articles hal-00382579v1

Relationship Between Testate Amoeba (Protist) Communities and Atmospheric Heavy Metals Accumulated in Barbula indica (Bryophyta) in Vietnam

Nguyen-Viet Hung , Nadine Bernard , Edward P. Mitchell , Jérôme Cortet , Pierre-Marie Badot
Microbial ecology, 2007, 53 (1), pp.53-65. ⟨10.1007/s00248-006-9108-y⟩
Journal articles hal-00382582v1

Effects of Experimental Lead Pollution on the Microbial Communities Associated with Sphagnum fallax (Bryophyta)

Nguyen-Viet Hung , Daniel Gilbert , E. Mitchell , Pierre-Marie Badot , Nadine Bernard
Microbial ecology, 2007, 54 (2), pp.232-241. ⟨10.1007/s00248-006-9192-z⟩
Journal articles hal-00382580v1

Dynamics and estimates of growth and loss rates of bacterioplankton in a temperate freshwater system

Louis-Bertin Jugnia , Télesphore Sime-Ngando , Daniel Gilbert
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2006, 58 (1), pp.23-32. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00145.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00382586v1

Carbon balance of a European mountain bog at contrasting stages of regeneration

Estelle Bortoluzzi , Daniel Epron , Andy Siegenthaler , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler
New Phytologist, 2006, 172 (4), pp.708-718. ⟨10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01859.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00382587v1

Dynamics and estimates of growth and loss rates of bacterioplankton in a temperate freshwater system

Louis-B Jugnia , Télesphore Sime-Ngando , Daniel Gilbert
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2006, 58 (1), pp.23-32. ⟨10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00145.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00525947v1

Vertical micro-distribution and response to nitrogen deposition of testate amoebae in Sphagnum

Edward Mitchell , Daniel Gilbert
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2004, 51 (4), pp.480-490. ⟨10.1111/j.1550-7408.2004.tb00400.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02683464v1
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Relationship between atmospheric pollution characterized by NO2 concentrations and testate amoebae density and diversity

Hung Nguyen-Viet , Daniel Gilbert , Nadine Bernard , Edward Mitchell , Pierre-Marie Badot
Acta Protozoologica, 2004, 43 (3), pp.233-239
Journal articles hal-02675671v1
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Exploitation of northern peatlands and biodiversity maintenance: a conflict between economy and ecology.

Steve Chapman , Alexandre Buttler , Andre-Jean Francez , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Harri Vasander
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2003, 1 (10), pp.525-532
Journal articles hal-00069337v1
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Population dynamics and food preferences of the testate amoeba Nebela tincta major-bohemica-collaris complex (Protozoa) in a Sphagnum peatland

Daniel Gilbert , Edward Mitchell , Christian Amblard , Gilles Bourdier , André-Jean Francez
Acta Protozoologica, 2003, 42 (2), pp.99-104
Journal articles hal-02677116v1

Structure of microbial communities in Sphagnum peatlands and effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment

E.A.D. Mitchell , Daniel Gilbert , A. Buttler , C. Amblard , P. Grosvernier
Microbial ecology, 2003, 46 (2), pp.187-199. ⟨10.1007/s00248-002-0008-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02678346v1

Peatlands methane origin and fluxes to the atmosphere: towards an integrative conceptual model of a temperate French peatland

Alexandre Lhosmot , Jean-Sébastien Moquet , Adrien Jacotot , Marc Steinmann , L. Gandois
EGU23, Apr 2023, Vienne (AUT), Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13093⟩
Conference papers insu-04182733v1

Restoration peatland and eLTER, case of France

Sébastien Gogo , Daniel Gilbert , Geneviève Magnon , Laurent André , Guillaume Bertrand
12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (SERE), University of Alicante, Sep 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-03462883v1

Effects of experimental climate warming on C sink function in a temperate peatland

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Alexandre Buttler , Frédéric Delarue , Daniel D. Epron , Daniel Gilbert
15th International Peat Congress, Aug 2016, Kuching, Malaysia
Conference papers insu-01384716v1
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A multiproxy approach of environmental changes in the last millennia reconstructed from an ombrotrophic peat archive (Frasne mire, France)

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Arnaud Huguet , Frédéric Delarue , Vincent E. J. Jassey , Edward A.D. Mitchell
27th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers insu-01291170v1

Combination of branched GDGTs and testate amoebae for the reconstruction of past climate change in a French peatland

Arnaud Huguet , Vincent E. J. Jassey , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Sylvie Derenne , Daniel Gilbert
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2013, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers insu-00839567v1

Atmospheric phenanthrene exposure of micro-ecosystems in experimental chambers

Dorine Desalme , Philippe Binet , Geneviève Chiapusio , Daniel Gilbert , Jean-Claude Roy
SETAC Europe : 20th Annual Meeting Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, May 2010, SEVILLE, Spain. pp.102
Conference papers hal-00488111v1

Various litter species and high water-table levels hamper type II methanotrophs in a bare peatland regeneration experiment.

Andy Siegenthaler , Andreas Gattinger , Andre-Jean Francez , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler
Peatnet International Congress ‘Carbon in Peatlands', Oct 2009, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-00448341v1

Ecologie actuelle des Thécamoebiens des lacs

Adeline A. J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny
XVème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2009, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00480375v1

Contrasted relationships between type I and type II methanotrophs, the conditions found in typical regeneration stages across European peatlands and the elapsed time since abandonment of the peat cutting.

Andy Siegenthaler , A. Artz , Andre-Jean Francez , Alexandre Buttler , Emanuela Samaritani
Peatnet International Congress ‘Carbon in Peatlands', Sep 2009, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-00448351v1

Response of testate amoeba assemblages to environmental and climatic changes during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition at Lake Lautrey (Jura Mountains, eastern France)

Adeline A.J. Wall , Michel Magny , Edward A. D. Mitchell , Boris Vannière , Daniel Gilbert
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2009, MONTBELIARD, France
Conference papers hal-00421407v1

Testate amoeba analysis of lake sediments: impact of filter size and total count on estimates of density, species richness and assemblage structure

Adeline A.J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny , Edward P. Mitchell
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2009, MONTBELIARD, France
Conference papers hal-00421409v1

Pollution atmosphérique en phénanthrène sur un système sol-plante-microorganismes symbiotiques

Dorine Desalme , Geneviève Chiapusio , Philippe Binet , Daniel Gilbert , Marie-Laure Toussaint
10e Journées d'Etude des Sols (JES), May 2009, Strasbourg, France. pp.123-124
Conference papers hal-00413915v1

Effect of Atmospheric Particulate Pollution (PM10) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) on Testate Amoebae Communities Living in Microsystems "Bryophytes-Microorganisms"

Caroline Meyer , Daniel Gilbert , André Gaudry , Marielle Franchi , Franck Denayer
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae ISTA-5, Sep 2009, Montbéliard, France
Conference papers hal-00413823v1

Impact d'une hausse de la température sur le système sphaigne-microorganismes

Vincent Jassey , Geneviève Chiapusio , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Daniel Gilbert
Impact d'une hausse de la température sur le système sphaigne-microorganismes, May 2009, France. pp.63-64
Conference papers hal-00413910v1

Impact of elevated temperature on Testate Amoebae in Sphagnum fallax peatland: a microcosm study and perspectives in situ.

Vincent Jassey , Geneviève Chiapusio , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Daniel Gilbert
5th International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2009, France. pp.18
Conference papers hal-00413914v1

Testate amoeba analysis of lake sediments: impact of filter size and total count on estimates of density, species richness and assemblage structure.

Adeline A. J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny , Edward A.D. Mitchell
5th ISTA: International Symposium on Testate Amoeba, Sep 2009, Montbeliard, France
Conference papers hal-00432640v1

Contrasted Relationships Between Type I and Type II Methanotrophs, The Conditions Found in Typical Regeneration Stages Across European Peatlands and the Elapsed Time Since Abandonment of the Peat Cutting

Andy Siegenthaler , Rebekka R.E. Artz , Andre-Jean Francez , Alexandre Buttler , Emanuela Samaritani
2nd International Symposium on “Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle”, Sep 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-00421406v1

Using Bryophyte/associated microorganism microsystems to characterize the impact of contaminants on ecosystems: are testate amoebae the best microbial group for disturbance bioindication ?

Daniel Gilbert , Nadine Bernard
5th International Symposium on Testate amoebae, Sep 2009, MONTBELIARD, France
Conference papers hal-00421408v1
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Various Litter Species and High Water-Table Levels Hamper Type II Methanotrophs in a Bare Peatland Regeneration Experiment

Andy Siegenthaler , Andreas Gattinger , Andre-Jean Francez , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler
2nd International Symposium on “Peatlands in the Global Carbon Cycle” will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 25 - 30 September 2009, Sep 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-00421405v1

Environmental and climatic changes during the Lateglacial-Holocene transition as reflected by variations in testate amoeba assemblages at Lake Lautrey (Jura Mountains, eastern France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Edward A.D. Mitchell , Boris Vannière , Daniel Gilbert
5th ISTA: International Symposium on Testate Amoeba, Sep 2009, Montbeliard, France
Conference papers hal-00432638v1

Les Thécamoebiens des lacs : écologie actuelle et paléoenvironnement.

Adeline A. J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny
JFR'08 : Journée Francophone de la Recherche 2008, Nov 2008, Tokyo, Japon
Conference papers hal-00432653v1

Impact du phénanthrène sur les microorganismes symbiotiques du trèfle violet (Trifolium pratense)

Dorine Desalme , Philippe Binet , Geneviève Chiapusio , Nadine Bernard , Marie-Laure Toussaint
Journées Francophones Mycorrhizes, Sep 2008, Dijon, France. p 32
Conference papers hal-00413917v1
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Effects of experimental warming on carbon sink function of a temperate pristine mire : the PEATWARM project.

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler , Daniel Epron , Andre-Jean Francez
International Peat Society Congress, Jun 2008, Tullamore, Ireland
Conference papers hal-00448378v1

Les Thécamoebiens » : Un nouveau marqueur paléoenvironnemental des changements du climat et de l'environnement.

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Laurent Millet , Daniel Gilbert
Séminaire Interuniversitaire 2008 : « Assemblages », Mar 2008, Mandeure, France
Conference papers hal-00432657v1

Subfossil thecamoebians response to climate variations during the transition Lateglacial / Holocene : a case study from Lake Lautrey (Jura, France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Daniel Gilbert , Laurent Millet , Boris Vannière
EGU General Assembly 2008. Session: Climate: Past, Present, Future - Natural and anthropogenic environmental change as evidenced in high-resolution continental archives, Apr 2008, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-00432644v1

Réponse des Thécamoebiens subfossiles (Protistes, Rhizopodes) aux variations du climat : Exemple de l'enregistrement Tardiglaciaire / Holocène du lac du Lautrey (Jura)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Daniel Gilbert
XIVème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2008, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-00432654v1

Interactions between particulate air pollution and environmental variables on microbial communities living in bryophytes: in situ and experimental studies

Caroline Meyer , Daniel Gilbert , Marielle Franchi , André Gaudry , Franck Denayer
SETAC Europe 18th, May 2008, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers hal-00413817v1

Les Thécamoebiens : marqueur des changements du climat et de l'environnement. Exemple de l'enregistrement Tardiglaciaire / Holocène du lac du Lautrey (Jura, France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Daniel Gilbert , Laurent Millet , Boris Vannière
Colloque International Q6 : Biodiversité au Quaternaire : Climats, Environnements et Peuplements, Feb 2008, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-00432645v1

Distribution des amibes à thèque dans 3 lacs français.

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Jean-François Carrias , Daniel Gilbert
7ème CILO - Congrès International de Limnologie-Océanographie, Oct 2008, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-00432655v1
Image document

Effects of experimental warming on Carbon sink function of a temperate pristine mire : The project PEATWARM

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler , Daniel Epron , Andre-Jean Francez
Proceedings of the 13th International Peat Congress, Ireland, Tullamore, 8-13 June 2008, IPS (Finland), 2008, Tulamore, Finland. pp.599-602
Conference papers insu-00321910v1

Impact of temperature increase on Sphagnum / microorganisms system : a microcosm study

Vincent Jassey , Geneviève Chiapusio , Philippe Binet , Marie-Laure Toussaint , Daniel Gilbert
Interaction entre les processus physico-chimiques et microbiologiques dans l'environnement, Oct 2008, France
Conference papers hal-00413911v1

The role of Testate Amoebae in benthic microbial communities in lakes (Jura, France): ecological and paleo-ecological studies

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Daniel Gilbert
5th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Jul 2007, Palerme, Italy
Conference papers hal-00432646v1

Structure des communautés microbiennes benthiques lacustres : comparaison entre un lac eutrophe et un lac mésotrophe (Jura, France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny
50ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Limnologie (AFL), Nov 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00432659v1

Testate Amoebae: an example of Non-Pollen-Polymorphs in lacustrine sediments from Lateglacial and Holocene (Jura, France)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny , Daniel Gilbert
2nd International Workshop on Non-Pollen-Polymorphs (NPP), Aug 2006, Innsbrück, Austria
Conference papers hal-00432651v1

Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems (RECIPE).

Rebekka R.E. Artz , John L. Campbell , Alexandre Buttler , Andre-Jean Francez , Fatima Laggoun-Défarge
European Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting, 2006, Bangor, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00090548v1

Sub-fossils Testate Amoebae in sediments from lake Lautrey (Jura, France) during the transition between the Lateglacial and the Holocene (12 800-9 000 yrs BP)

Adeline A. J. Wall , Daniel Gilbert , Michel Magny
International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2006, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00432647v1

The role of Testate Amoebae in benthic microbial communities in lakes.

Daniel Gilbert , Adeline A. J. Wall , Michel Magny
International Symposium on Testate Amoebae, Sep 2006, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00432648v1

Ecologie microbienne de tourbières en régénération

A.J. Francez , Daniel Gilbert
Origines, dynamique et conservation des tourbieres, Oct 2005, Saint-Etienne, France. n.p
Conference papers hal-02832371v1

Biochemical characteristics of peat organic matter and distribution of testate amoebae patterns in two naturally regenerating cutover Sphagnum peatlands of the Jura Mountains.

Fatima Laggoun-Défarge , Edward P. Mitchell , Daniel Gilbert , Barry Warner , Laure Comont
12th International Peat Congress "Wise Use of Peatlands", 2004, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers hal-00084946v1

Economic and sociological approaches of french peatlands.

Carine Maitre , Daniel Gilbert , Alexandre Buttler , Daniel Epron , Andre-Jean Francez
12th International Peat Congress: Wise Use of Peatlands, 2004, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers hal-00090535v1

Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems (EU Project RECIPE)

E. Mitchell , Steve Chapman , Alexandre Buttler , Jean Combe , Andre-Jean Francez
7th INTECOL International, Wetlands Conference, 2004, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00090538v1

Microbial diversity in Sphagnum peatlands

Daniel Gilbert , Edward Mitchell
Peatlands: evolution and records of environmental and climatic changes, 9, Elsevier, 2006, Developments in Earth Surface Processes, 0-444-52883-0 978-0-444-52883-4
Book sections hal-02816238v1