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Dany Lang



Dany Lang, maître de conférences habilité à diriger des recherches Animateur de l'axe 1, « Mondialisation, finance et inégalités »et du groupe de travail « Macroéconomie internationale et analyses post-keynésiennes » CEPN (Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord), UMR CNRS 7234 ( Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, F - 93430 Villetaneuse


Is the market really a good teacher ? Market selection, collective adaptation and financial instability

Pascal Seppecher , Isabelle Salle , Dany Lang
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2019, The alternative canon: agent-based macroeconomics, 29 (1), pp.299-335. ⟨10.1007/s00191-018-0571-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01532903v1

Investment hysteresis and potential output: a post-Keynesian-Kaleckian agent-based approach

Federico Bassi , Dany Lang
Economic Modelling, 2016
Journal articles hal-01406441v1

Euro and the European Union

Dany Lang
Kanagawa University Review, 2016
Journal articles hal-01366021v1

Employment Flexibility, Dual Labour Markets, Growth, and Distribution

Dany Lang , Sébastien Charles
Metroeconomica, 2015
Journal articles hal-01366002v1

Financialisation, income distribution and the crisis

Dany Lang
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2015
Journal articles hal-01366004v1

Growth and money in Post Keynesian models

Dany Lang , Louis-Philippe Rochon
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2014
Journal articles hal-01366006v1

Post Keynesian modeling: where are we, and where are we going to?

Angel Asensio , Dany Lang , Sébastien Charles
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2014
Journal articles hal-01366008v1

Post-Keynesian Modelling: where are we, and where are we going to?

Angel Asensio , Dany Lang , Sébastien Charles
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2012, pp.393-412
Journal articles hal-00988845v1

The NAIRU: Still 'Not An Interesting Rate of Unemployment'

Dany Lang
European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 2011
Journal articles hal-01366010v1
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Les développements récents de la macroéconomie post-keynésienne

Angel Asensio , Sébastien Charles , Edwin Le Héron , Dany Lang
Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, 2011, Post-keynésianisme et théorie de la régulation : des perspectives communes, 10, ⟨10.4000/regulation.9372⟩
Journal articles halshs-00664867v1

Keynes and his Battles

Dany Lang
Review of Political Economy, 2010
Journal articles hal-01366015v1

The Financial Crisis, Its Economic Consequences, and How to Get Out of It

Dany Lang , Angel Asensio
International Journal of Political Economy, 2010
Journal articles hal-01366012v1

A strong hysteretic model of Okun’s Law: theory and a preliminary investigation

Dany Lang , Christian de Peretti
International Review of Applied Economics, 2009
Journal articles hal-01366013v1

History versus equilibrium? on the possibility and realist basis of a general critique of traditional equilibrium analysis

Dany Lang , Setterfield Mark
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2008
Journal articles hal-01366019v1

Why Economists should Choose their Inheritance: Physics and Path-independence in Economic Systems

Dany Lang
Review of Political Economy, 2008
Journal articles hal-01366016v1

Stability, equilibrium, and realism: a response to Sardoni

Dany Lang , Setterfield Mark
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2008
Journal articles hal-01366018v1

The Danish (un)employment ‘miracle’: aggregate demand, profitability and labour market policies

Dany Lang , Jespersen Jesper
European studies review, 2006
Journal articles hal-01366022v1

The Danish model of ‘flexicurity’: an example to be followed?

Dany Lang
Problemy Polityki Spolecznej, 2005
Journal articles hal-01366020v1
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Is the market really a good teacher ?

Pascal Seppecher , Isabelle Salle , Dany Lang
20th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies - Towards Pluralism in Macroeconomics? , Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Oct 2016, Berlin, Germany. ⟨10.1007/s00191-018-0571-7⟩
Conference papers hal-01314335v2

The State as the employer of last resort

Cédric Durand , Dany Lang
Struggle in a time of crisis, , 2015, 9780745336213
Book sections hal-01332921v1

L'Euro : le changer ou en sortir ?

Michel Dévoluy , Dany Lang
Les Économistes atterrés. Nouveau manifeste des économistes atterrés : 15 chantiers pour une autre économie, Les Liens qui libèrent, 2015, 979-10-209-0139-2
Book sections hal-01768860v1

Could More Flexibility of Labour Markets Help to Resume Growth?

Sébastien Charles , Amitava Dutt , Dany Lang
Economic Policy and the Financial Crisis, Mamica, L., Tridico, P., Routledge, 2014
Book sections hal-02880366v1