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David Gibus

Associate Professor


Power boundaries in resonant electrodynamic wireless power transfer systems

Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Adrien Badel
Journal of Vibration and Control, inPress, ⟨10.1177/10775463241261751⟩
Journal articles hal-04626598v1
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Predictive lumped model for a tunable bistable piezoelectric energy harvester architecture

Aya Benhemou , David Gibus , Thomas Huguet , Adrien Morel , Quentin Demouron
Smart Materials and Structures, 2024, 33 (4), pp.045033. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ad2c6a⟩
Journal articles hal-04627094v1
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A low-power MCU-based MPPT architecture with a fast impedance measurement for broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting

Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Nicolas Decroix , Adrien Badel
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024, 39 (11), pp.14815-14826. ⟨10.1109/TPEL.2024.3434548⟩
Journal articles hal-04699929v1
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Increasing the robustness of electrodynamic WPT systems with hybrid electromechanical transduction

Adrien Ameye , Nicolas Decroix , David Gibus , Nicolas Garraud , Pierre Gasnier
Smart Materials and Structures, 2024, 33 (2), pp.025002. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ad1baa⟩
Journal articles hal-04469280v1

Analytical design of 2-DOF piezoelectric cantilevers for vibration energy harvesting

David Gibus , Adrien Morel , Pierre Gasnier , Ludovic Charleux , Fabien Formosa
Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 317, pp.118852. ⟨10.1016/j.enconman.2024.118852⟩
Journal articles hal-04674735v1
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A comparative analysis of parallel SSHI and SEH for bistable vibration energy harvesters

Quentin Demouron , Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Aya Benhemou , Adrien Badel
Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 32 (12), pp.125025. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ad0d10⟩
Journal articles hal-04626722v1
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Combining orbit jump and potential wells optimizations for nonlinear vibration energy harvesters

C Saint-Martin , A Morel , L Charleux , E Roux , D Gibus
Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 33 (1), pp.01LT01. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ad0f34⟩
Journal articles hal-04565000v1
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Non-linear losses study in strongly coupled piezoelectric device for broadband energy harvesting

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Nicolas Garraud , Adrien Badel
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 165, pp.108370. ⟨10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108370⟩
Journal articles hal-03335253v1
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Discrete Optimal Couple Tracking: a control scheme for electrical-tuning of strong coupling piezoelectric energy harvesters

Adrien Morel , Gaël Pillonnet , David Gibus , Adrien Badel
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2022, 34 (7), pp.785-799. ⟨10.1177/1045389X221104179⟩
Journal articles hal-03680541v1
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Electrical Efficiency of SECE-based Interfaces for Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting

Adrien Morel , Alexis Brenes , David Gibus , Gaël Pillonnet , Adrien Badel
Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31 (1), pp.01LT01. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ac3ebe⟩
Journal articles hal-03460385v1
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Simple analytical models and analysis of bistable vibration energy harvesters

Adrien Morel , Ludovic Charleux , Quentin Demouron , Aya Benhemou , David Gibus
Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31 (10), pp.105016. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ac8d3d⟩
Journal articles hal-03765636v1
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A comparative study of electrical interfaces for tunable piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting

Adrien Morel , Alexis Brenes , David Gibus , Elie Lefeuvre , Pierre Gasnier
Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ac54e8⟩
Journal articles hal-03575992v1
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High performance piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting by electrical resonant frequency tuning

David Gibus , Adrien Morel , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Ameye , Adrien Badel
Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31 (12), pp.125012. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ac9d74⟩
Journal articles hal-03845270v1
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Strongly coupled piezoelectric cantilevers for broadband vibration energy harvesting

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Fabien Formosa , Ludovic Charleux
Applied Energy, 2020, 277, pp.115518. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115518⟩
Journal articles hal-02961037v1
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Large-bandwidth piezoelectric energy harvesting with frequency-tuning synchronized electric charge extraction

Alexis Brenes , Adrien Morel , D. Gibus , C.-S. Yoo , P. Gasnier
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2020, 302, pp.111759. ⟨10.1016/j.sna.2019.111759⟩
Journal articles hal-03348327v1
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Fast-Convergence Self-Adjusting SECE Circuit With Tunable Short-Circuit Duration Exhibiting 368% Bandwidth Improvement

Adrien Morel , A. Quelen , C. Berlitz , D. Gibus , P. Gasnier
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, 2020, 3, pp.222-225. ⟨10.1109/LSSC.2020.3012340⟩
Journal articles hal-02915548v1

Efficient optimal load and maximum output power determination for linear vibration energy harvesters with a two-measurement characterization method

O Freychet , S. Boisseau , F Frassati , A Morel , P. Gasnier
Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, 29 (1), pp.015003. ⟨10.1088/1361-665X/ab516f⟩
Journal articles hal-02382668v1

Optimizing Energy Harvesting by Bistable Piezoelectric Devices through Nonlinear Energy Extraction Circuit

Quentin Demouron , Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Aya Benhemou , Adrien Badel
Nonlinear Micro/Nanosystems, May 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-04199502v1

Power limits of electrodynamic wireless power transfer using piezoelectric materials

Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Guillaume de Sainte Maresville , Michael Dosol , Ludovic Charleux
X ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2023, Jul 2023, Patras, Greece
Conference papers hal-04139950v1
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Resistive Load Influence on the Power and Bandwidth of Bistable Energy Harvesters

Quentin Demouron , Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Aya Benhemou , Adrien Badel
RTSI 2022 (7th Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Innovation), Aug 2022, Paris, France. pp.198-203, ⟨10.1109/RTSI55261.2022.9905162⟩
Conference papers hal-03764595v1
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Performance Enhancement of Bistable Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Using Non-Linear Energy Extraction Circuit

Quentin Demouron , Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Aya Benhemou , Adrien Badel
2022 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Dec 2022, Salt Lake City, United States. pp.58-61, ⟨10.1109/PowerMEMS56853.2022.10007580⟩
Conference papers hal-03948517v1
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Load resistance impact on the electromechanical dynamic of bistable piezoelectric energy harvesters

Quentin Demouron , Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Aya Benhemou , Adrien Badel
JNRSE 2022 (Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage de l’Energie), Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03720912v1
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Design approach for post-buckled beams in bistable piezoelectric energy harvesters

Aya Benhemou , Thomas Huguet , David Gibus , Aurélien Carré , Camille Saint-Martin
IEEE Wireless Power Week (WPW 2022), Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France. pp.136-140, ⟨10.1109/WPW54272.2022.9853996⟩
Conference papers hal-03780330v1
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Exploring the power-limit of multi-modes multi-electrodes vibration energy harvesters

Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Adrien Badel
2022 IEEE Wireless Power Week Conference (WPW 2022), Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France. pp.126-131, ⟨10.1109/WPW54272.2022.9853955⟩
Conference papers hal-03718683v1
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Predictive Modelling Approach for a Piezoelectric Bistable Energy Harvester Architecture

Aya Benhemou , Thomas Huguet , David Gibus , Camille Saint-Martin , Adrien Morel
21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2022), Dec 2022, Salt Lake City, United States. pp.106-109, ⟨10.1109/PowerMEMS56853.2022.10007567⟩
Conference papers hal-04199523v1
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Design approach for post-buckled beams in bistable piezoelectric energy harvesters

Aya Benhemou , Aurélien Carre , Ludovic Charleux , Thomas Huguet , Camille Saint-Martin
IEEE Wireless Power Week (WPW) 2022, Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France. ⟨10.1109/WPW54272.2022.9853996⟩
Conference papers hal-03790554v1
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Design of a vibration energy harvester with two close resonant frequencies

David Gibus , Adrien Morel , Ludovic Charleux , Aya Benhemou , Adrien Badel
WPW 2022 - IEEE Wireless Power Week, Jul 2022, Bordeaux, France. pp.132-135, ⟨10.1109/WPW54272.2022.9853894⟩
Conference papers hal-03775628v1
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Opportunities for electrically-based frequency tuning of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters

Adrien Morel , David Gibus , Gael Pillonnet , Adrien Badel
2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Dec 2021, Exeter, United Kingdom. pp.236-239, ⟨10.1109/PowerMEMS54003.2021.9658360⟩
Conference papers hal-03505561v1
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Effect of the initial conditions on the performance of a non-harmonically driven bistable Vibration Energy Harvester

Aya Benhemou , Thomas Huguet , David Gibus , Camille Saint-Martin , Emile Roux
Journées nationales sur la récupération et le stockage d'énergie (JNRSE), Jun 2021, Grenoble - visio, France
Conference papers hal-03790546v1
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A strong electromechanically coupled and low-damped harvester for resonant frequency tuning

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Adrien Ameye , Adrien Badel
2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Dec 2021, Exeter, United Kingdom. pp.68-71, ⟨10.1109/PowerMEMS54003.2021.9658406⟩
Conference papers hal-03513179v1

Combination of a static finite elements approach and dynamic lumped model for bistable vibration energy harvester modelling

Aya Benhemou , Thomas Huguet , David Gibus , Aurélien Carré , Camille Saint-Martin
International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA 2021), Oct 2021, web conference (oral), France
Conference papers hal-03790559v1
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Highly coupled hybrid transduction for lowfrequency electrodynamic wireless power transfer

Adrien Ameye , Nicolas Garraud , Pierre Gasnier , David Gibus , Adrien Badel
2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Dec 2021, Exeter, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/PowerMEMS54003.2021.9658332⟩
Conference papers hal-03760291v1
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Nonlinear modelling of strongly coupled piezoelectric harvesters

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Adrien Badel
10th National Days on Energy Harvesting and Storage, Jun 2021, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-03258913v2

32.2 Self-Tunable Phase-Shifted SECE Piezoelectric Energy-Harvesting IC with a 30nW MPPT Achieving 446% Energy-Bandwidth Improvement and 94% Efficiency

Adrien Morel , Anthony Quelen , Carlos Augusto Berlitz , David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier
2020 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC), Feb 2020, San Francisco, France. pp.488-490, ⟨10.1109/ISSCC19947.2020.9062972⟩
Conference papers hal-02915554v1
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High electromechanical coupling of a broadband PZT-based vibration energy harvester

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Sebastien Boisseau , Adrien Badel
International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA 2019), Oct 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02948282v1
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A self-powered integrated solution for frequency tuning of piezoelectric energy harvesters

Adrien Morel , Anthony Quelen , David Gibus , Gaël Pillonnet , Adrien Badel
9th National Days on Energy Harvesting and Storage (JNRSE) 2019, May 2019, Blois, France
Conference papers hal-03198007v1
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Highly-coupled PZT-based vibration energy harvester for broadband applications

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Sebastien Boisseau , Adrien Badel
9th National Days on Energy Harvesting and Storage (JNRSE) 2019, May 2019, Blois, France
Conference papers hal-02948293v1

Nonlinearities influences on performances of a strongly-coupled piezoelectric generator for broadband vibration energy harvesting

David Gibus , Pierre Gasnier , Adrien Morel , Sébastien Boisseau , Adrien Badel
2019 19th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), Dec 2019, Krakow, France. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/PowerMEMS49317.2019.61547410359⟩
Conference papers hal-02961063v1

An integrated electrical interface for frequency tuning of vibrational energy harvesters

Adrien Morel , Anthony Quelen , David Gibus , Gaël Pillonnet , Adrien Badel
Groupement de Recherche Systems on Chips 2019, 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03363419v1
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Modelling and design of highly coupled piezoelectric energy harvesters for broadband applications

D Gibus , P. Gasnier , A. Morel , S. Boisseau , A. Badel
PowerMEMS 2018, Dec 2018, Daytona Beach, United States. pp.012009, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1407/1/012009⟩
Conference papers hal-02055654v1
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A 120°C 20G-compliant vibration energy harvester for aeronautic environments

P. Gasnier , M Boucaud , M. Gallardo , J. Willemin , S. Boisseau
18th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, Dec 2018, Daytona Beach, United States. pp.012118, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1407/1/012118⟩
Conference papers hal-02350981v1
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Short Circuit Synchronized Electric Charge Extraction (SC-SECE): a tunable interface for wideband vibration energy harvesting

Adrien Morel , Adrien Badel , Pierre Gasnier , David Gibus , Gaël Pillonnet
JNRSE 2018, May 2018, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-01819770v1