David Sarramia
FAIR serait bien, bien FAIR”e” serait mieuxLES PROSPECTIVES DE L'INSTITUT ECOLOGIE ET ENVIRONNEMENT DU CNRS (INEE) 2021, Oct 2022, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
GINSENG, une infrastructure de grille au service de l'e-santé et de l'épidémiologieJournées scientifiques mésocentres et France Grilles, supercalculateurs, grilles et clouds : des outils complémentaires pour la science, Oct 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Development of a metamodel for medical database management on a grid network: Application to Health Watch and epidemiology for cancer and perinatal health.CCGrid 2012 -- The 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2012, Ottawa, Canada. pp.892-897, ⟨10.1109/CCGrid.2012.86⟩
Conference papers
GINSENG , une infrastructure de grille au service de l'e-santé et de l'épidémiologieGISEH 2012, Aug 2012, Quebec, Canada. 9 p
Conference papers
GINSENG (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network on Grid)The first EGI community Forum 2012, Mar 2012, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Projet IRIS : Impact des Radiations Ionisantes sur l'évolution des bactéries E.Coli et ADN29èmes journées des LARD (Laboratoires Associés de Radiophysique et de Dosimétrie), Oct 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
GINSENG (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network on Grid)journées scientifiques mésocentres et France Grilles 2012, Oct 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
GINSENG : une grille dédiée à l'e-santé et l'épidémiologieRencontres Scientifiques France Grilles 2011, Sep 2011, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Sentinel network for cancer surveillance on grid infrastructureMICCAI 2009, Sep 2009, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Grid-enabled sentinel network for cancer surveillanceHealthGrid 2009, Jun 2009, Berlin, Germany. pp.289-294
Conference papers
Méthodologie de conception d'une application interactive à exécution adaptative - Conception d'un AIEAHypermedias, Hypertests, Products, Tools and Methods (H2PTM'07), Oct 2007, Hammamet, Tunisie. pp.289-294
Conference papers
Aide à la décision pour la conception de systèmes complexes : une approche multi agents6ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM'06 ), Apr 2006, Rabat, Maroc. pp.785-794
Conference papers
Using agent-based of driver behavior in the context of car park optimization3rd IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems, IEEE-IS'06, Sep 2006, Londres, United Kingdom. pp. 395-400
Conference papers
Conception centrée interaction : Application à la conception de simulation interactiveXXIVème Congrès INFORSID, 2006, Hammamet, Tunisie
Conference papers
Approach to design behavioural models for traffic network users: choice of transport modeInnovation in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Jul 2006, Eindhoven, Netherlands. pp. 151-166
Conference papers
Using agent-based of driver behaviour in the context of car park optimization3th IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems, IEEE-IS'06, Sep 2006, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Approach to design behavioural models for traffic network users : Choice of transport mode8th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, DDSS06, Jul 2006, Eindhoven (Eindhoven University of Technology), Netherlands. pp.CD
Conference papers
A design framework for interactive simulation based on formal specification of scenarios4th Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components and Agents, MOCA'06, 2006, Turku, Finland
Conference papers
Simulation Approach for Urban Traffic System: a multi-agent approachInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2005), May 2005, Marrakech, Morocco. 10 p
Conference papers
Object oriented methodology for urban traffic modelling and simulation14\(^\mboxth\) European Simulation Multiconference - Simulation and Modelling: Enablers for a Better Quality of Life, 2000, Ghent, Belgium. pp.246--250
Conference papers
Eight Years Using Grids for Life SciencesSean Ekins, Maggie A. Z. Hupcey, Antony J. Williams. Collaborative Computational Technologies for Biomedical Research, Wiley J. and Sons, 2011, ⟨10.1002/9781118026038.ch15⟩
Book sections