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David Sarramia



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A mediation system for continuous spatial queries on a unified schema using Apache Spark

Thi Thu Trang Ngo , François Pinet , David Sarramia , Myoung-Ah Kang
Big Earth Data, 2024, 8 (1), pp.115-141. ⟨10.1080/20964471.2023.2275854⟩
Journal articles hal-04283788v1

A New Approach Based on ELK Stack for the Analysis and Visualisation of Geo-referenced Sensor Data

Thi Thu Trang Ngo , David Sarramia , Myoung-Ah Kang , François Pinet
SN Computer Science, 2023, 4 (3), pp.241. ⟨10.1007/s42979-022-01628-6⟩
Journal articles hal-04062874v1
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ConnecSenS, a Versatile IoT Platform for Environment Monitoring: Bring Water to Cloud

Laure Moiroux-Arvis , Laurent Royer , David Sarramia , Gil de Sousa , Alexandre Claude
Sensors, 2023, 23 (6), pp.2896. ⟨10.3390/s23062896⟩
Journal articles hal-04071904v1
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CEBA: A Data Lake for Data Sharing and Environmental Monitoring

David Sarramia , Alexandre Claude , Francis Ogereau , Jérémy Mezhoud , Gilles Mailhot
Sensors, 2022, 22 (7), pp.2733. ⟨10.3390/s22072733⟩
Journal articles hal-03635226v1
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From Sensor to Cloud: An IoT Network of Radon Outdoor Probes to Monitor Active Volcanoes

Luca Terray , Laurent Royer , David Sarramia , Cyrille Achard , Etienne Bourdeau
Sensors, 2020, 20 (10), pp.2755. ⟨10.3390/s20102755⟩
Journal articles hal-02572054v1
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Reducing the ionizing radiation background does not significantly affect the evolution of Escherichia coli populations over 500 generations

Nathanael Lampe , Pierre Marin , Marianne Coulon , Pierre Micheau , Lydia Maigne
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), pp.14891. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-51519-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02337251v1
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Understanding low radiation background biology through controlled evolution experiments

Nathanael Lampe , Vincent Breton , David Sarramia , Télesphore Sime-Ngando , David G. Biron
Evolutionary Applications, 2017, 10 (7), pp.658 - 666. ⟨10.1111/eva.12491⟩
Journal articles hal-01624071v1
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Simulating the Impact of the Natural Radiation Background on Bacterial Systems: Implications for Very Low Radiation Biological Experiments

Nathanael Lampe , David Biron , Jeremy M. C. Brown , Sébastien Incerti , Pierre Marin
PLoS ONE, 2016, 11 (11), pp.e0166364. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0166364⟩
Journal articles hal-01610267v1

Decision support for simulating the car park activity in an urban area

Jean-Marie Boussier , David Sarramia , Pascal Estraillier
Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2009, 43 (2), pp. 95-121
Journal articles hal-00411256v1

Innovative In Silico Approaches to Address Avian Flu Using Grid Technology

Vincent Breton , L.A. da Costa , Paul de Vlieger , Y.-M. Kim , L. Maigne
Infectious disorders drug targets, 2009, 9, pp.358-365
Journal articles in2p3-00441054v1

Aide à la décision pour la concept de systèmes complexes : une approche SMA

Michel Augeraud , J.M. Boussier , Fédéric Collé , D. Sarramia
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2008, 13 (2), pp.9 à 32
Journal articles hal-00327008v1
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Innovative in silico approaches to address avian flu using grid technology

Vincent Breton , A.L. da Costa , Paul de Vlieger , L. Maigne , D. Sarramia
Infectious disorders drug targets, 2008, 7 p
Journal articles in2p3-00347411v1

Un modèle et une méthode de conception centrés interaction

Michel Augeraud , Frédéric Collé , David Sarramia
Conception des systèmes d'information patrons et spécifications formelles, 2007, 12 (4), pp.95-114
Journal articles hal-00361090v1

Urban Traffic Systems Information System Modelling Methodology

M. Chabrol , David Sarramia , N. Tchernev
IJPE, International Journal of Production Economics (Elsevier) Control and Management of Productive Systems, 2006, 99 (1-2), pp.156-176
Journal articles hal-00449636v1


M. Chabrol , D. Sarramia , N. Tchernev
Journal articles hal-00118184v1

Une méthodologie de modélisation multiple et incrémentale pour la simulation : Application aux systèmes de trafic urbain

M. Chabrol , David Sarramia
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA), 2006, 40 (1), pp.113-138
Journal articles hal-00449633v1

Agenda Elaboration of Driver Agents in a Virtual City

Michel Augeraud , Jean-Marie Boussier , Pascal Estraillier , David Sarramia
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2006
Journal articles hal-00449618v1


M. Chabrol , D. Sarramia
Génie logiciel : le magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes, 2002, 60, 8 p
Journal articles hal-00119767v1


M. Chabrol , D. Sarramia
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2001, 6-2, pp.121-150
Journal articles hal-00119690v1

FAIR serait bien, bien FAIR”e” serait mieux

Isabelle Charpentier , Cécile Pignol , Wilfried Heintz , Mathias Rouan , David Sarramia
Conference papers hal-03821379v1

GINSENG, une infrastructure de grille au service de l'e-santé et de l'épidémiologie

S. Cipière , S. Gaspard , D. Manset , Jérôme Revillard , D. Sarramia
Journées scientifiques mésocentres et France Grilles, supercalculateurs, grilles et clouds : des outils complémentaires pour la science, Oct 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers in2p3-00781181v1

Development of a metamodel for medical database management on a grid network: Application to Health Watch and epidemiology for cancer and perinatal health.

S. Cipiere , Paul de Vlieger , D. Sarramia , D. Hill , L. Maigne
CCGrid 2012 -- The 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 2012, Ottawa, Canada. pp.892-897, ⟨10.1109/CCGrid.2012.86⟩
Conference papers in2p3-00781037v1

GINSENG , une infrastructure de grille au service de l'e-santé et de l'épidémiologie

S. Cipière , Paul de Vlieger , S. Gaspard , D. Manset , Jérôme Revillard
GISEH 2012, Aug 2012, Quebec, Canada. 9 p
Conference papers in2p3-00781158v1

GINSENG (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network on Grid)

S. Cipière , Paul de Vlieger , D. Sarramia , D. Hill , L. Maigne
The first EGI community Forum 2012, Mar 2012, Munich, Germany
Conference papers in2p3-00781170v1

Projet IRIS : Impact des Radiations Ionisantes sur l'évolution des bactéries E.Coli et ADN

P. Micheau , A. Taravaud , G. Warot , T. Hindré , M. Zampaolo
29èmes journées des LARD (Laboratoires Associés de Radiophysique et de Dosimétrie), Oct 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers in2p3-00840075v1
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GINSENG (Global Initiative for Sentinel E-health Network on Grid)

Sébastien Cipière , Sébastien Gaspard , David Manset , Jérôme Revillard , David Sarramia
journées scientifiques mésocentres et France Grilles 2012, Oct 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00766082v1
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GINSENG : une grille dédiée à l'e-santé et l'épidémiologie

Paul de Vlieger , Sylvain Planche , David Manset , Jérôme Revillard , David Sarramia
Rencontres Scientifiques France Grilles 2011, Sep 2011, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00657712v1

Sentinel network for cancer surveillance on grid infrastructure

Paul de Vlieger , Jean-Yves Boire , Vincent Breton , Yannick Legre , D. Manset
MICCAI 2009, Sep 2009, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers in2p3-00450936v1
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Grid-enabled sentinel network for cancer surveillance

Paul de Vlieger , Jean-Yves Boire , Vincent Breton , Yannick Legre , Jérôme Revillard
HealthGrid 2009, Jun 2009, Berlin, Germany. pp.289-294
Conference papers in2p3-00441127v1

Méthodologie de conception d'une application interactive à exécution adaptative - Conception d'un AIEA

David Sarramia , Ronan Champagnat , Pascal Estraillier
Hypermedias, Hypertests, Products, Tools and Methods (H2PTM'07), Oct 2007, Hammamet, Tunisie. pp.289-294
Conference papers hal-00361069v1

Aide à la décision pour la conception de systèmes complexes : une approche multi agents

Michel Augeraud , Jean-Marie Boussier , Fédéric Collé , David Sarramia
6ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM'06 ), Apr 2006, Rabat, Maroc. pp.785-794
Conference papers hal-00449044v1

Using agent-based of driver behavior in the context of car park optimization

Jean-Marie Boussier , Pascal Estraillier , David Sarramia , Michel Augeraud
3rd IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems, IEEE-IS'06, Sep 2006, Londres, United Kingdom. pp. 395-400
Conference papers hal-00449019v1

Conception centrée interaction : Application à la conception de simulation interactive

Michel Augeraud , Fédéric Collé , David Sarramia
XXIVème Congrès INFORSID, 2006, Hammamet, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-00449052v1

Approach to design behavioural models for traffic network users: choice of transport mode

Jean-Marie Boussier , Pascal Estraillier , David Sarramia , Michel Augeraud
Innovation in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Jul 2006, Eindhoven, Netherlands. pp. 151-166
Conference papers hal-00449237v1

Using agent-based of driver behaviour in the context of car park optimization

Jean-Marie Boussier , Pascal Estraillier , David Sarramia , Michel Augeraud
3th IEEE Conference On Intelligent Systems, IEEE-IS'06, Sep 2006, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00449239v1

Approach to design behavioural models for traffic network users : Choice of transport mode

Jean-Marie Boussier , Pascal Estraillier , David Sarramia , Michel Augeraud
8th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, DDSS06, Jul 2006, Eindhoven (Eindhoven University of Technology), Netherlands. pp.CD
Conference papers hal-00449030v1

A design framework for interactive simulation based on formal specification of scenarios

Michel Augeraud , Fédéric Collé , Pascal Estraillier , David Sarramia
4th Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components and Agents, MOCA'06, 2006, Turku, Finland
Conference papers hal-00449048v1

Simulation Approach for Urban Traffic System: a multi-agent approach

Michel Augeraud , Jean-Marie Boussier , Frédéric Collé , David Sarramia
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2005), May 2005, Marrakech, Morocco. 10 p
Conference papers hal-00451279v1

Object oriented methodology for urban traffic modelling and simulation

Michelle Chabrol , David Sarramia , Nikolay Tchernev
14\(^\mboxth\) European Simulation Multiconference - Simulation and Modelling: Enablers for a Better Quality of Life, 2000, Ghent, Belgium. pp.246--250
Conference papers hal-02086255v1

Eight Years Using Grids for Life Sciences

Vincent Breton , L. Maigne , D. Sarramia , David R.C. Hill
Sean Ekins, Maggie A. Z. Hupcey, Antony J. Williams. Collaborative Computational Technologies for Biomedical Research, Wiley J. and Sons, 2011, ⟨10.1002/9781118026038.ch15⟩
Book sections in2p3-00643936v1