Influences de multiples composantes des aptitudes maternelles de la truie sur la survie et la croissance précoces de la portée
Océane Girardie
Denis Laloë
Mathieu Bonneau
Yvon Billon
Jean Bailly
Conference papers
Perception des acteurs impliqués dans la préservation des races locales : une enquête du projet européen GEroNIMO
Marie-José Mercat
Andreia Amaral
Riccardo Bozzi
Marjeta Čandek-Potokar
Pedro Fernandes
55es journées de la recherche porcine, Ifip; Inrae, Jan 2023, Saint-Malo (France), France
Conference papers
Old wine in new bottles : Factorial analyses in the age of multi-omics
Denis Laloë
Florence Jaffrezic
Tatiana Zerjal
Andrea Rau
ASPA Meeting, ASPA, Jun 2023, Bari, Italy. pp.1-31
Conference papers
Integrative factorial methods to explore the relationships between genotypes, phenotypes and climate in Holstein cows
Denis Laloë
Filippo Biscarini
Salvatore Mastrangelo
Gabriele Senczuk
Christian Persichilli
ASPA 2023, ASPA, Jun 2023, Monopoli, Italy
Conference papers
Integration of multi-tissues data. An example from bovine embryos.
Denis Laloë
Aurélie Allais-Bonnet
Béatrice Mandon-Pepin
Luc Jouneau
Anne Frambourg
25eme congress of Animal Production Science. ASPA 2023, ASPA, Jun 2023, Bari, Italy
Conference papers
Relationships between sow activity over the days after farrowing and litter weight gain
O. Girardie
Denis Laloë
M. Bonneau
Yvon Billon
J. Bailly
Book of Abstracts of the 74. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, INRAE, Aug 2023, Lyon, France. pp.381
Conference papers
Sow activity patterns elaborated from computer vision data are associated with piglet growth in early lactation
Océane Girardie
Mathieu Bonneau
Denis Laloë
Yvon Billon
Jean Bailly
ISAE, Aug 2023, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.16
Conference papers
Evaluation de la compétence immunitaire innée chez des veaux en période périnatale, en relation avec l’occurence de diarrhées
Sabine Riffault
Luc Jouneau
Denis Laloë
Aurélie Vinet
Rachel Lefebvre
Symposium du Club d'Immunologie et Vaccinologie Vétérinaires (CIVVet), May 2023, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
La biodiversité domestique animale : Constitution, évolution, perspectives
Etienne Verrier
Denis Laloë
Académie des Technologies - Que disent les scientifiques sur l'érosion de la biodiversité ? (12 janvier 2022), Jan 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Valentin Thomas
Thomas C. Clark
Audrey Laurent
Diego Perojil Morata
Mathieu Charles
International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture, Nov 2022, Puerto Varas, Chile
Conference papers
Early mammalian embryo response to environmental changes: should we take the sex into account?
Véronique Duranthon
Catherine Archilla
Ludivine Laffont
Julie Gatien
Anne Aubert-Frambourg
From gametes to embryo: basic research and clinical application, ITMO Cell Biology, Nov 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Selective sweep mapping in the R+ R-chicken lines divergently selected for RFI (residual feed intake)
Frédéric Jehl
Simon Boitard
Jean-Noël Hubert
Denis Laloë
Sandrine Lagarrigue
26. World's Poultry Congress (WPC), Aug 2022, Paris, France. pp.407
Conference papers
Leveraging multi-omic data for integrative exploratory and predictive analyses
Andrea Rau
Fanny Mollandin
Florence Jaffrezic
Denis Laloë
Hallgeir Rui
Journées Math Bio Santé du GDR MATHSAV, Oct 2022, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Effets de l'exposition aux nanoparticules d'or par inhalation sur la fonction placentaire et le phénotype de la descendance
Delphine Rousseau-Ralliard
Valérie Fessard
Michèle Dahirel
John Boere
Christophe Richard
GFP-Groupe de la Francophonie Placentaire, Sep 2021, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Impact d’une restriction alimentaire sur les miRNome et protéome du lait chez la vache laitière
Antoine Leduc
Sandrine Le Guillou
L. Bianchi
Lydie Oliveira Correia
Andrea Rau
Glande mammaire lait / Galactinnov, Nov 2021, En ligne, France
Conference papers
Keynote: Integrative and interactive analyses of multi-omics data
Andrea Rau
Florence Jaffrezic
Denis Laloë
Sumona P. Dhara
Ava J. Udvadia
JOBIM, Jul 2020, Online, France
Conference papers
Effects of maternal au-np exposure by inhalation on foeto-placental development and placental function, in a rabbit model
Delphine Rousseau-Ralliard
Valérie Fessard
John A. Boere
Paul Fokkens
Michèle Dahirel
IPTC, Sep 2019, Salzburg, Austria
Conference papers
Effets de l’exposition maternelle aux nanoparticules d’or par ingestion, pendant la gestation, sur le développement foeto-placentaire et la fonction placentaire, dans un modèle lapin.
Camille Rousseau
Delphine Rousseau-Ralliard
Michèle Dahirel
Luc Jouneau
Josiane Aioun
7. Rencontre du Groupe de la Francophonie Placentaire 2019, Groupe de la francophonie Placentaire (GfP). FRA., Mar 2019, Paris, France. 36 p
Conference papers
Evolution of ROH’s distribution along the genome over a decade of genomic selection in dairy cattle
Katy Paul
Anna-Charlotte Doublet
Denis Laloë
Pascal Croiseau
Gwendal Restoux
70tH Annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Aug 2019, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Impact of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer on genetic gain and diversity in dairy cattle
Anna-Charlotte Doublet
Gwendal Restoux
Susanne Fritz
Alexis Michenet
Chris Hozé
70th Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, Aug 2019, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Impact of multiple ovulation and embryo transfer on genetic gain and diversity in dairy cattle
Anna-Charlotte Doublet
Gwendal Restoux
Sébastien Fritz
Alexis Michenet
Chris Hozé
70. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2019, Gant, Belgium
Conference papers
Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis evaluating heat and feed stress in layer chickens
Denis Laloë
Frédéric Jehl
Colette Désert
Morgane Boutin
Sophie Leroux
37. International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) Conference, Jul 2019, Lleida, Spain
Conference papers
Individualized multi-omic pathway deviation scores using multiple factor analysis
Andrea Rau
Florence Jaffrezic
Denis Laloë
Paul L. Auer
Regina Manansala
EuroBioc, Dec 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Individualized multi-omic pathway deviation scores using multiple factor analysis
Andrea Rau
Florence Jaffrezic
Denis Laloë
Paul L. Auer
Hallgeir Rui
EuroBioc, Dec 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Effect of long-term heat stress on production, egg quality and physiological traits in four experimental lines of layers differing in heat tolerance and feed efficiency
Adelie Tholance
Dzidzo Nyuiadzi
Veerle M. Darras
Denis Laloë
Florence Jaffrezic
XVth EUROPEAN POULTRY CONFERENCE, Sep 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Management and use of genetic information for improvement of health in pedigree dogs
Shizhi Wang
Denis Laloë
Etienne Verrier
Erling Strandberg
Grégoire Leroy
11. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Feb 2018, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference papers
Effets de l’exposition maternelle aux nanoparticules d’or par ingestion pendant la gestation, sur le développement foeto-placentaire et la fonction placentaire, dans un modèle lapin
Camille Rousseau
Delphine Rousseau-Ralliard
Michèle Dahirel
Christophe Richard
Luc Jouneau
4. Congrès de la SF-Dohad, Société Francophone-DOHaD. FRA., Nov 2018, Grenoble, France. pp.120
Conference papers
Meta-analysis of public transcriptomics data to understand and phenotype bovine body composition
Jeanne Bazile
Muriel Bonnet
Florence Jaffrezic
Denis Laloë
10. International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH10), Sep 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
Evolution of ROH's distribution along the genome over a decade of genomic selection in dairy cattle
Katy Paul
Anna-Charlotte Doublet
Denis Laloë
Pascal Croiseau
Gwendal Restoux
69. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Ability to grow and survive with 100 % plant-based diet in rainbow trout : contrasted genotypes help to understand underlying mechanisms
Mathilde Dupont-Nivet
Thérèse Callet
Inge Geurden
Laurent Labbé
Denis Laloë
XVI congreso nacional de acuicultura - Journée Franco Espagnole, Oct 2017, Saragosse, Spain
Conference papers
The impact of genomic selection on genetic diversity and genetic gain in French dairy cattle breeds.
Pascal Croiseau
Sebastien Fritz
Chris Hozé
Alexis Michenet
Denis Laloë
69. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Influence des races bovines sur la composition en microARN du lait
Sandrine Le Guillou
Johann Laubier
Yves Gallard
Sarah Barbey
Rachel Lefebvre
12. Journées de l’Animation Transversale « Glande Mammaire, lait », Nov 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Mechanisms related to a plant based diet utilization in three isogenic lines of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) assessed by transcriptomic analysis
Thérèse Callet
Mathilde Dupont-Nivet
Inge I. Geurden
Florence Jaffrezic
Denis Laloë
Aquaculture Europe 16. Food for thought, European Aquaculture Society (EAS). BEL., Sep 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 1146 p
Conference papers
Transmission du microARN miR-30b présent dans le lait de souris transgéniques chez le petit
Sandrine Le Guillou
Johann Laubier
Johan Castille
Denis Laloë
Florence Jaffrezic
1. French Society for Extracellular Vesicles meeting, Oct 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Nouveaux marqueurs moléculaires de l'adaptation à des aliments à base de végétaux chez la truite arc en ciel
Thérèse Callet
Marianne Cluzeaud
Mathilde Dupont-Nivet
Edwige Quillet
Inge Geurden
5. Journées de la Recherche Filière Piscicole, Jul 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Impact des microARNs sur la lactation et la régulation nutritionnelle de leur expression dans la glande mammaire
Lenha Mobuchon
Sandrine Le Guillou
Sylvain S. Marthey
Johann J. Laubier
Mekki Boussaha
2. Réunion d'Animation épiPHASE, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Mar 2016, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, France
Conference papers
Interest and limits of a bovine MD chip to study Bos taurus × Bos indicus crossbred animals in India
Dennis Cruz Hidalgo
M. Swaminathan
P.D. Deshpande
Mekki Boussaha
Romain Saintilan
67. Annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science EAAP 2016, Aug 2016, Belfast, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Differences between cloned and non-cloned cows during first lactation
Mohammed Bagher M. B. Montazer Torbati
Marion Boutinaud
Nicolas Brun
Christophe Richard
Valérie V. Hallé
66. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). INT., Aug 2015, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers
Metabolomic analysis revealed differences between bovine cloned embryos with contrasting development abilities
Denis Laloë
Daniel Le Bourhis
Vincent Brochard
A. Fernandez-Gonzales
Delphine Dube
31. Colloque Scientifique de l'AETE, Association Européenne de Transfert Embryonnaire - European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE). FRA., Sep 2015, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Characterisation and comparison of lactating mouse and bovine mammary gland miRNomes
Sandrine Le Guillou
Sylvain Marthey
Denis Laloë
Johann Laubier
Lenha Mobuchon
Gordon Research Conference on Mammary Gland Biology, Jun 2014, Lucca, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
FLPCA: A Fused Lasso PCA-based approach to identify influential markers in differentiated populations from dense SNP data
Denis Laloë
Julien Chiquet
Florence Jaffrezic
Mathieu M. Gautier
International Biometric Conference, Jul 2014, Firenze, Italy
Conference papers
Rna-seq analysis of transcriptome response to VHS-V infection in two target tissues of resistant vs susceptible trout clonal lines
Carine Genet
E.R. Verrier
Céline Ciobotaru
Christophe Klopp
Diane Esquerre
10. World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aug 2014, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers
Design of a custom equine microRNA expression microarray using RNAseq data analysis of various equine tissues
Eric Barrey
Núria Mach
Xavier Mata
Anne Vaiman
Marco Moroldo
Agilent 1. European Animal and Plant Symposium, Feb 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
FLPCA: A Fused-Lasso based approach to identify footprints of selection in differentiated populations from dense SNP data: applications to human and cattle data
Denis Laloë
Julien Chiquet
Florence Jaffrezic
Mathieu Gautier
International Biometry Conference, Jul 2014, Florence, Italy
Conference papers
Identification de gènes différentiellement exprimés dans deux tissus cibles de lignées clonales de truite sensibles ou résistantes à la SHV
Carine Genet
E.R. Verrier
Céline Ciobotaru
Christophe Klopp
Diane Esquerre
Séminaire du Département de Génétique animale, Apr 2014, Fréjus, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Nutritional regulation of microRNAs in the lactating goat mammary gland
Lenha Mobuchon
Sylvain Marthey
Sandrine Le Guillou
Denis Laloë
Christine Leroux
Gordon Research Conference on Mammary Gland Biology, Jun 2014, Lucca, Italy
Conference papers
MicroRNAs identification and pattern expression in equine skeletal muscles, heart and liver determined by RNA deep sequencing
Xavier Mata
Anne Vaiman
Rachel Legendre
Sylvain Marthey
Denis Laloë
10. International Equine Genome Mapping Workshop, Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation, Inc. New York, USA., Jul 2013, Furnas, Portugal
Conference papers
Landscape genomics and multivariate analysis: examples and prospects for poultry
Denis Laloë
Tatiana Zerjal
8th European Poultry Genetics Symposium, Sep 2013, Venise, Italy
Conference papers
Using the information collected for genetic evaluation to assess the french ruminant and equine breed's genetic variability
Coralie Danchin-Burge
Liesbeth François
Denis Laloë
Grégoire Leroy
Etienne Verrier
Interbull meeting, Aug 2013, Nantes, France. pp.111-119
Conference papers
Species comparison of lactating mammary gland miRNomes: to the identification of conserved lactation-related microRNA
Sandrine Le Guillou
Sylvain S. Marthey
Denis Laloë
Johann J. Laubier
Jordann J. Domagalski
12th International Meeting - Cellular aspects of mRNA fate, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC). FRA., Jun 2013, Paris, France. pp.1
Conference papers
Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNAs expression during gonad differentiation in bovine
Maëlle Pannetier
Luc Jouneau
Christophe Klopp
Denis Laloë
Maeva M. El Zaiat
EMBL Symposia The non coding genome, EMBO. DEU., Oct 2013, Heidelberg, Germany. 1 p
Conference papers
MicroRNA identification and pattern expression in equine skeletal muscles, heart and liver determined by small RNA deep sequencing
Xavier Mata
Anne Vaiman
Rachel Legendre
Sylvain Marthey
Denis Laloë
RNA metabolism, Cancer, Development & Diseases, Dec 2013, Nice, France
Conference papers
La monotraite induit la méthylation d'une région régulatrice distale en amont du gène de la caséine- S1
Minh Nguyen
Marion Boutinaud
Barbara Petridou
Sophie Chat
Stephan Bouet
20. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, Institut de l'Elevage (IDELE). FRA. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)., Dec 2013, Paris, France. pp.79-81
Conference papers
Analyse à grande échelle des ARN non codants longs exprimés au cours de la différenciation gonadique chez le bovin
Maëlle Pannetier
Luc Jouneau
Christophe Klopp
Denis Laloë
Maeva El Zaiat
Journées d'Animation Scientifique Phase 2013, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Oct 2013, Paris, France. pp.1-2
Conference papers
Using genomic information provided by selection schemes to assess French dairy breeds diversity
Denis Laloë
Sophie Allais
Guillaume G. Baloche
Francis F. Barillet
Jérôme Raoul
63. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia. 476 p., ⟨10.3920/978-90-8686-761-5⟩
Conference papers
Over-expression of miR-30b provokes mammary gland development defect
Sandrine Le Guillou
Nezha Sdassi
Johann Laubier
Bruno Passet
Johan Castille
Mammary Gland Biology Gordon Conference, 2012, Lucca, Italy
Conference papers
Analyse multivariée de la variabilité de la qualité de viande de porc selon la race et le système
Btissam Salmi
Catherine Larzul
Marie Damon
Louis Lefaucheur
Jacques Mourot
43. Journées de la Recherche Porcine, Feb 2011, Paris, France. pp.51-52
Conference papers
Interbeef genetic evaluation of Charolais and Limousine weaning weights.
Eric Venot
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
Flavio Forabosco
A. Fogh
T. Pabiou
Inconnu, Aug 2009, Barcelona
Conference papers
Beef without borders: genetic parameters for Charolais and Limousine Interbeef genetic evaluation of weaning weights.
Eric Venot
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
Flavio Forabosco
A. Fogh
T. Pabiou
Inconnu, Aug 2009, Barcelona
Conference papers
Level of connectedness and reliability in international beef evaluation
Eric Venot
Marie-Noelle Fouilloux
Peter Sullivan
Denis Laloë
Interbull Meeting, Jun 2008, Niagara Falls, United States. pp.3-7
Conference papers
Fattening beef for froggies: post-weaning evaluations in French beef breeds
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
Eric Venot
Denis Laloë
Congres Interbull, Jun 2008, Niagara Falls, United States. pp.8-12
Conference papers
Caractérisation de populations à partir de l'analyse de régions chromosomiques potentiellement sélectionnées en comparaison à la diversité neutre : étude conjointe de lignées expérimentales de poules et des quatres sous-populations ovines de race Lacaune
Isabelle Palhiere Palhière
Valérie Loywyck
Magali San Cristobal
Denis Laloë
Yves Amigues
7. Colloque National - Les Ressources Génétiques à l'heure des Génomes, Oct 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
First steps towards a European joint genetic evaluation of the Limousine breed
Eric Venot
Thierry Pabiou
Denis Laloë
Brian Wickham
Marie Noël Fouilloux
2006 Interbull Meeting, Jun 2006, Kuopio, France
Conference papers
Premiers pas vers une évaluation génétique européenne de la race Limousine.
Eric Venot
T. Pabiou
Denis Laloë
B. Wickham
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
13èmes Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, Dec 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Comparison of farrowing characteristics between Meishan and French pig breeds.
Denis Laloë
Laurianne L. Canario
Yvon Billon
Jean Pierre Bidanel
8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aug 2006, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. pp.1 volume
Conference papers
Apprécier la connexion dans une évaluation génétique internationale. L'exemple des races Montbéliarde et Simmental
Stephanie Minery
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
Sophie S. Mattalia-Elie
Denis Laloë
13. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les ruminants, Dec 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Mise en place d'un nouveau critère de connexion génétique dans l'espèce caprine
B. Bluet
Virginie Clément
P. Martin
Denis Laloë
M.N. Fouilloux
13. Rencontres Recherches Ruminants, Dec 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Characterisation of six Asian local chicken breeds: performances and polymorphism from microsatellite markers
C.F. Chen
Cécile Berthouly
Xavier X Rognon
K.H. Chang
Denis Laloë
29.International Conference on International Society of Animla Genetics, Sep 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Estudio de las relaciones genéticas entre el bovino creole de Guadeloupe y otras razas taurinas y cebuínas de distintas origenes, por marcadores bioquimicos.
Michel Naves
Denis Laloë
Katayoun Moazami-Goudarzi
A. Debus
VI Congreso iberoamericano de razas criollas y autoctonas, 2003, Inconnu, pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
A first attempt of an international genetic evaluation of beef breeds in Europe.
Gilles G. Renand
Denis Laloë
Raquel Quintanilla
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
Interbull Meeting, 2003, Rome
Conference papers
Méthodes K-tableaux et structures génétiques entre populations
Denis Laloë
Katayoun Moazami-Goudarzi
D. Chessel
34. Journées de Statistiques, May 2002, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers
Contribution of individual markers to the analysis of the relationships among breeds by correspondence analysis
Denis Laloë
Katayoun Moazami-Goudarzi
D. Chessel
7. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aug 2002, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Heterogeneity of variances across regions for weaning weight in Charolais breed
Raquel Quintanilla
Denis Laloë
Gilles G. Renand
7. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aug 2002, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Heteroskedascity and genotype by environment interaction across European countries for weaning weight in Charolais breed.
Raquel Quintanilla
Denis Laloë
Gilles G. Renand
33rd ICAR Session, 2002, Interlaken
Conference papers
Genetic evaluation using commercial carcass data in french beef cattle
Marie-Noelle M.-N. Fouilloux
Gilles G. Renand
Denis Laloë
7. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aug 2002, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Improving genetic merit of suckling herds and beef breeds in France.
François Ménissier
L. Journaux
Denis Laloë
14th International Limousin Congress, 2001, Limoges-Lanaud, pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
Genetic characterization of Southwestern European bovine breeds. A reassessment with a set of 16 microsatellites (consortium FAIR1 CT950702).
A. Beja-Pereira
P. Alexandrino
I. Bessa
Yolande Carretero
Susana Dunner
II Congresso Ibérico sobre Recursos Genéticos Animais, Vale de Santarém, 2000, Portugal, pp.Inconnu
Conference papers
The use of microsatellites for measuring genetic diversity of European local beef cattle breeds for conservation purposes.
Justine Canon
P. Alexandrino
A. Beja-Pereira
I. Bessa
C. Carleos
27th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Jul 2000, Minnesota
Conference papers
Genetic relationships between nine French horse breeds.
J-Claude J.-C. Meriaux
Xavier X Rognon
Denis Laloë
27th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Jul 2000, Minnesota
Conference papers
Towards a strategy for the conservation of the genetic diversity of European cattle.
J.A. Lenstra
P. Ajmone-Marsan
D.G. Bradley
B. Danell
Gaudenz Dolf
27th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Jul 2000, Minnesota
Conference papers
Polymorphism of retroviral insertions and genetic diversity between european chicken breeds sampled within european research project AVIANDIV
Michèle Tixier-Boichard
V. Contamin
Jean-Luc J.-L. Coville
Denis Laloë
Xavier X Rognon
Poultry genetics symposium, Oct 1999, Mariensee, Germany
Conference papers
Analyse des correspondances et biodiversité dans les races domestiques.
Denis Laloë
Katayoun Moazami-Goudarzi
P. Souvenir Zafindrajaona
Séminaire Journées 1999 de la Société Française de Biométire, May 1999, Grenoble, 5 p
Conference papers
La connexion dans l'évaluation en ferme des ruminants allaitants.
Laurent Tiphine
Eric Hanocq
Denis Laloë
L. Journaux
6. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, Dec 1999, Paris, France
Conference papers
Génétique de la reproduction et des qualités maternelles chez les ruminants. 2. Allaitement et croissance avant sevrage chez les bovins allaitants
François Ménissier
Jacques Agabriel
P. d'Hour
Jean Sapa
Alain Boissy
5. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, Dec 1998, Paris, France
Conference papers
CaDBase - a cattle diversity database.
G.A. Russell
K. Sandberg
A. Barre-Dirie
M. Basedow
S.C. Blott
XXVI International Conference on Animal Genetics, Aug 1998, Auckland
Conference papers
Breed assignment in cattle using microsatellites.
Katayoun Moazami-Goudarzi
Sylvain Piry
Denis Laloë
M. Solignac
J.M. Cornuet
XXVI International Conference on Animal Genetics, International Society for Animal Genetics, 1998, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference papers
Relations observées en races à viande entre les valeurs génétiques des taureaux d'insémination artificielle estimées en station et à partir des performances jusqu'au sevrage de leurs veaux en ferme (Iboval)
François Ménissier
Denis Laloë
Jean Sapa
J. Gaillard
4. Meeting "Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants", Dec 1997, Paris, France
Conference papers
Improving genetic merit of suckling herds and beef breeds in France
L. Journaux
François Ménissier
Denis Laloë
E. Rehben
Jean Sapa
International Limousin council. Working group, Nov 1996, Athens, United States
Conference papers
"IBOVAL": Une révolution tranquille dans l'évaluation génétique des bovins allaitants en France
François Ménissier
L. Journaux
Denis Laloë
E. Rehben
C. Lecomte
3. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, Dec 1996, Paris, France
Conference papers
Appréciation de la qualité d'une évaluation "BLUP" par le CD. Application à l'optimisation
Denis Laloë
Séminaire du Département de Génétique animale, Apr 1996, Saint-Martin de Ré, France
Conference papers
Logiciel d'analyse de généalogie
Didier Boichard
Denis Laloë
Séminaire du Département de Génétique animale, Apr 1996, Saint-Martin de Ré, France
Conference papers
Description et évaluation génétique de la morphologie des bovins allaitants en France.
L. Journaux
E. Rehben
J.N. Bonnet
François Ménissier
Denis Laloë
29th Biennal Session of International Committee for Animal Production (ICAR), Milk and beef recording : State of the Art, 1995, Ottawa
Conference papers
Validation of the rule of publication of french beef bulls genetic values from field data evaluation.
Denis Laloë
François Ménissier
46th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, 1995, Prague
Conference papers
Application du modèle animal aux bovins allaitants
Denis Laloë
Modèle animal, Sep 1994, La Colle-sur-Loup, France
Conference papers
State of breeding methodology for beef cattle in France : application of a BLUP model animal technology to on-farm records of calf preweaning performance.
François Ménissier
Denis Laloë
Jean Sapa
L. Journaux
J.N. Bonnet
29th Biennal Session of International Committee for Animal Production, Milk and beef recording : State of the Art, 1994, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers
Description et évaluation génétique de la morphologie des bovins allaitants en France.
L. Journaux
E. Rehben
J.N. Bonnet
François Ménissier
Denis Laloë
29th Biennal Session of International Committee for Animal Production, Milk and beef recording : State of the Art, 1994, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers
Multi-trait estimation of direct and maternal parameters on preweaning traits in the french limousin cattle breed
M.J. Shi
Denis Laloë
François Ménissier
Gilles G. Renand
43. Annual meeting, Sep 1992, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Complications des modeles d'evaluation: exemple des performances repetees et des effets maternels
Denis Laloë
Elements de genetique quantitative et application aux populations animales, Oct 1991, Port d'Albret, France
Conference papers
Comparison of two methods for variance and covariance estimation for maternally influenced traits applied to french beef cattle field data
M.J. Shi
Denis Laloë
42. Annual meeting, Sep 1991, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Survey and management of the genetic variability of a cattle breed of small population size : a successful program in the Parthenaise breed
L. Giraudeau
E. Verrier
Hubert de Rochambeau
François Ménissier
Denis Laloë
42. Annual meeting, Sep 1991, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Survey and management of the genetic variability of a cattle breed of small population size: a successful program in the Parthenaise breed
Jacqueline Vu Tien Khang Bourgoin
Hubert de Rochambeau
Didier Casane
L. Giraudeau
E. Verrier
42. Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Sep 1991, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Use of the relationship matrix in the french beef cattle natural service sires evaluation with planified matings
Denis Laloë
Jean Sapa
François Ménissier
Gilles G. Renand
41. Annual Meeting, Jul 1990, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Application of an animal model on a national basis in the french beef cattle industry
Denis Laloë
François Ménissier
4. World Congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Jul 1990, Edimbourg, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Genetic parameters among preweaning calf performance for beef breeds in french field record programs
Denis Laloë
Gilles G. Renand
François Ménissier
J.M. Astruc
J. Gaillard
3. Congrès mondial de reproduction et sélection des ovins et bovins à viande, Jun 1988, Paris, France
Conference papers
Note sur l'age et le mode de renouvellement des verrats utilisés par les sélectionneurs francais.
Denis Laloë
Louis Ollivier
19èmes Journées de la Recherche porcine en France, Feb 1987, Paris, France
Conference papers
Relations génétiques entre le contrôle individuel en station et le contrôle en ferme chez le porc.
Pierre P. Sellier
R. Gueblez
Denis Laloë
J.P. Runavot
Louis Ollivier
17èmes Journées de la Recherche porcine en France, 1985, Paris, France
Conference papers
Relations génétiques entre le contrôle individuel en station et le contrôle en ferme chez le porc.
Pierre P. Sellier
R. Gueblez
Denis Laloë
J.P. Runavot
Louis Ollivier
17èmes Journées de la Recherche porcine en France, 1985, Paris, France
Conference papers
Estimates of genotype x environment interactions in the national pig breeding programme in France.
Louis Ollivier
R. Gueblez
Denis Laloë
J.P. Runavot
Pierre P. Sellier
35ème Réunion Annuelle de la Fédération Européenne de Zootechnie, La Haye, Aug 1984, La Haye, France
Conference papers
Efficacite theorique de la selection sur la prolificite chez le porc. Possibilites de modifier l'indice actuel.
Gerard Bolet
M. Tartar
Denis Laloë
Christian Felgines
16emes Journees de la Recherche porcine en France, Feb 1984, Paris, France
Conference papers