Enhanced terrestrial photosynthesis in Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Angela Che Ing Tang
Christophe Flechard
Denis Loustau
Annual Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, May 2022, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Enhanced photosynthesis during the COVID-19 lokcdown in spring 2020.
Angela Che Ing Tang
Denis Loustau
Annual Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, May 2022, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Structure des couverts forestiers et exposition des forêts et arbres forestiers aux sécheresses : enseignements pour la sylviculture
Nathalie Bréda
Denis Loustau
Séance publique de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France., Feb 2022, Paris, France. pp.1-32
Conference papers
La gestion adaptative des écosystèmes forestiers
Denis Loustau
Séminaire inter académies, Académie des Sciences - Académie d'Agriculture de France sur les Forêts., May 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Le rôle des forêts dans le cycle global du carbone
Denis Loustau
Séance de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
DynACof, a model fro growth, yield, carbon, water, energy balances and ecosystem services of Coffea in agroforestry
Rémi Vezy
Guerric Le Maire
Fabien Charbonnier
Mathias Christina
S. Georgiou
4. World Congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. 888 p
Conference papers
Optimising observation networks for the early detection and unequivocal attribution of environmental effects on European forests
Virginie Moreaux
Dario Papale
Bert Gielen
Denis Loustau
25. IUFRO World Congress, Sep 2019, Curitiba, Brazil
Conference papers
ICOS at the dawn of 20200-2024
Denis Loustau
ICOS France Science Day, Nov 2019, Roscoff, France
Conference papers
Enabling the observation networks of European Ecosystems to see the unseen: The sentinel network concept
Virginie Moreaux
Bert Gielen
Dario Papale
Denis Loustau
8. General Assembly – information day, ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre. ITA., May 2019, Saclay, France
Conference papers
DynA_Cof, a model for growth, yield, carbon, water, energy balances and ecosystem services of Coffea in agroforestry
Rémi Vezy
Guerric Le Maire
Fabien Charbonnier
Mathias Christina
Selena Georgiou
4th World congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Les résultats de l’étude INRA-IGN de 2017 sur le rôle de la filière bois sur l’atténuation du changement climatique
Denis Loustau
Cycle de journées d’information et de débat « Carbone et forêt méditerranéenne », Oct 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
The aqui network: soil moisture sites in the “Les Landes” forest and graves vineyards (Bordeaux Aquitaine Region, France)
Jean-Pierre Wigneron
Sylvia Dayau
Alain Kruszewski
Christelle Aluome
Marie Guillot-Ehret
Conference papers
What fluxes are telling us so far ? A naïve reanalysis of CO2 fluxes over the past 18 years
Virginie Moreaux
Paul Berbigier
Daniel Berveiller
Jean-Marc Bonnefond
Christophe Chipeaux
Assemblée Générale ICOS France, Dec 2018, Paris, France. 21 p
Conference papers
Evaluation of mitigation effect from climate-change adapted forests
Denis Loustau
Simon Martel
Delphine Deshors-Picart
Christophe Moisy
Virginie Jacquet
International Workshop of Task 38 IAEA, 2017, Angers, France. pp.22
Conference papers
Effet biophysique des forêts sur le climat
Denis Loustau
Virginie Jacquet
Christophe Moisy
Sebastien Lafont
Delphine Deshors-Picart
Séminaire ADEME : Comment optimiser la contribution des forêts et de la filière bois à l’atténuation du changement climatique ?, Dec 2017, Paris, France. 19 p
Conference papers
Il était une fois... SYFILLIS
Christophe Chipeaux
Tovo Rabemanantsoa
Sylvia Dayau
Laetitia Deyris
Alain Kruszewski
J2M 2016- 14. Journées de la Mesure et de la Métrologie, Oct 2016, Blois, France. 27 pl
Conference papers
Modéliser l’atténuation à partir de scénarios d’adaptation
Simon Martel
Denis Loustau
Olivier Picard
Christophe Moisy
Alexandre Bosc
Séminaire de formation pour les décideurs régionaux « Faire face aux enjeux du changement climatique et se préparer à relever le défi », Sep 2016, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Multi-model approach to evaluate the impact of a future well field on forest production (South-West of France)
Marc Saltel
Delphine Picart
Denis Lousteau
43rd IAH CONGRESS, Sep 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Coupling a 3D light interception with a growth and yield model to adjust shade evel in coffee agroforestry systems simulated under climate change
Rémi Vezy
Delphine Deshors-Picart
Mathias Christina
Maxime Soma
Selena Georgiou
32. Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society (AMS). USA., Jun 2016, Salt Lake City, United States
Conference papers
Le carbone en forêt et la sylviculture dans le contexte des changements climatiques
Denis Loustau
Conférence UICN-France, groupe Forêts, May 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Effect of shade on temperature mitigation and canopy assimilation of coffee agroforestry systems
Rémi Vezy
Delphine Deshors-Picart
Mathias Christina
Selena Georgiou
Fabien Charbonnier
European Agroforestry Conference, 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Improving energy partitioning and the nighttime energy balance by implementation of a multi-layer energy budget in ORCHIDEE-CAN
Yiying Chen
James Ryder
Kim Naudts
Matthew J. Mcgrath
Juliane Otto
EGU 2015, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, European Geosciences Union (EGU). DEU., Apr 2015, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Comprendre, simuler et gérer l'impact climatique des forêts
Denis Loustau
Simon Martel
Olivier Picard
D. Picard
Alexandre Bosc
Colloque du RMT AFORCE, Nov 2015, Paris, France. 20 p
Conference papers
Agriculture, sylviculture et gaz à effet de serre : observations du réseau Ecosystèmes-Fr de l’infrastructure ICOS
Denis Loustau
Sebastien Lafont
Bernard Longdoz
Eric Ceschia
Tiphaine Tallec
Carbones atmosphériques naturels et anthropiques. Chaire Évolution du climat et de l'océan du Collège de France, May 2015, Paris, France. pp.39 slides
Conference papers
COFFEE-FLUX (Costa Rica): observatory for monitoring and modeling carbon, nutrients, water and sediment ecosystem services in coffee agroforestry systems; mitigation and adaptation to climate changes through ecosystem manipulation
Olivier Roupsard
Karel van den Meersche
Bruno Rapidel
Elias de Melo
Fabien Charbonnier
Journée de l'Infrasctructure nationale AnaEE France, AnaEE Analyses et Expérimentations sur les Ecosystèmes - France., Dec 2015, Toulouse, France. pp.1
Conference papers
Climate and drought effects on forest carbon balance: lesson from three case studies
Denis Loustau
Damien Bonal
Changement climatique, agriculture et forêt. Symposium bilatéral franco-allemand, May 2014, berlin, Germany. 22 p
Conference papers
Climate change and French managed forests. Challenges, urgencies and management
Denis Loustau
Alexandre Bosc
Christophe Moisy
Virginie Moreaux
Delphine Deshors-Picart
RISK-GO Kick off meeting, Jan 2014, Freiburg, Germany. 13 pl
Conference papers
Energy, water and carbon balance of managed forests: comparing the future to the past
Denis Loustau
Virginie Moreaux
Christophe Moisy
Delphine Deshors-Picart
Sebastien Lafont
EGU European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Apr 2014, Vienne, Austria. 1 p
Conference papers
The French ICOS ecosystem monitoring sites: an overview
Sebastien Lafont
Denis Loustau
Tiphaine Tallec
Damien Bonal
Eric Ceschia
1st ICOS Science Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles, Sep 2014, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers
Past and future changes in water and carbon fluxes in temperate managed Pine forests from Southern France : attribution to climate, management and biophysical drivers
Denis Loustau
Virginie Moreaux
46th AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) ecosystem network: current state and future perspectives
Bert Gielen
Maarten Op de Beeck
Reinhart Ceulemans
Ivan Janssens
Denis Loustau
46th AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Evaluating the predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes integrating long term eddy-covariance and biometric observations with multi-model ensembles
Nuno Carvalhais
Marcel van Oijen
Trevor F. Keenan
Natasha L. Macbean
Philippe Peylin
46th AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2013, San Francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Modeling nitrous oxide emissions from tile-drained winter wheat fields in Central France
Jiangxin Gu
Denis Loustau
Catherine Hénault
Philippe Rochette
Pierre Cellier
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2013, Vienna, Austria. EGU 2013-10787, poster
Conference papers
Biogeochemical cycles in forest ecosystems
Laurent Saint-André
André A. Granier
Denis Loustau
Laurent Augusto
Challenge - Biogeochemical Cycles in Forest Ecosystems, Jul 2013, pp.21 slides
Conference papers
Inverse optimization of the land surface model JSBACH using multiple constrainsts and long term observations
Nuno Carvalhais
Sönke Zaehle
Gregor Schürmann
Christian Beer
André Granier
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Modeling the ecohydrological processes in the Landes de Gascogne, SW France
Ajit Govind
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Jyothi Kumari
Christophe Moisy
Denis Loustau
2012 IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (Pma), Oct 2012, Shangai, China. ⟨10.1109/PMA.2012.6524824⟩
Conference papers
Biophysical effects of forest management on surface temperature
Mathilde Jammet
Bert Gielen
Eddy Moors
Serge Rambal
Denis Loustau
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
The french long-term intensive observation and experimentation network for environmental research in forest ecosystems
Louis Mareschal
Olivier Roupsard
Frédéric Gay
Yann Nouvellon
Serge Rambal
Séminaire forêts hétérogènes du GIP ECOFOR, 2012, NA, France. 1 p
Conference papers
ICOS, Integrated Carbon Observing System, a Research Infrastructure to Integrate Greenhouse Gas observations in Europe
Philippe Ciais
Jean-Daniel Paris
Leonard Rivier
Reinhart Ceulemans
Johannes Dolmann
AGU Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). USA., Dec 2012, San Francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Ecohydrology of a maritime-pine dominated landscape in Southern France
Ajit Govind
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Alexandre Bosc
Jyothi Kumari
Marie Guillot
AGU Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). USA., Dec 2011, San Francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
What chrono-sequences can tell us about water use by forests
Denis Loustau
International Conference "Forests and the environment", Apr 2011, Bologna, Italy. n.p
Conference papers
Canopy carbon and water exchanges on forest sites with contrasting soil water availability
Denis Loustau
Marion Devaux
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Eric Lamaud
Alexandre Bosc
IUFRO Workshop “Canopy processes in a changing climate”, Oct 2010, Hobart, Australia. n.p
Conference papers
Seasonal variations of the amount of carbon allocated to respiration after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of trees
Daniel D. Epron
Masako M. Dannoura
Jérome J. Ngao
Caroline C. Plain
Daniel Berveiller
Fall Meeting AGU, Dec 2010, San francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Effets des tempêtes sur le fonctionnement des forêts
Denis Loustau
Forest and storms: what forestry policy could be implemented after a major climatic event, Nov 2010, Bazas, France. 31 p
Conference papers
Tracing the transfer of recently assimilated carbon after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of trees for a better understanding of belowground carbon allocation in forests
Daniel D. Epron
Masako M. Dannoura
Jérome J. Ngao
Caroline Plain
Daniel Berveiller
COST Action FP0803 Conference, Jan 2010, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Conference papers
Le cycle du carbone en forêt et son rôle dans le cycle biogéochimique global des gaz à effet de serre
Denis Loustau
Le bilan carbone des forêts : enjeux scientifiques et écologiques, Sep 2010, Magny-les-Hameaux, France. 47 pl
Conference papers
Photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination and its relationship to the carbon isotope signals of stem, soil and ecosystem respiration
Lisa Wingate
Jérôme Ogée
Régis Burlett
Alexandre Bosc
Marion Devaux
AGU Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). USA., 2010, San Francisco, California, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Seasonal variations of the amount of carbon allocated to respiration after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of trees
Daniel Epron
Masako Dannoura
Jérome Ngao
Caroline Plain
Daniel Berveiller
Symposium on the usage of new techniques to understand gas exchange and carbon dynamics in the forest ecosystem, Nov 2010, Kyoto, Japan
Conference papers
Water energy and carbon exchanges in young coniferous plantations: effect of the presence of gorses
Virginie Moreaux
Eric Lamaud
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Alexandre Bosc
Denis Loustau
IUFRO Workshop "Canopy processes in a changing climate", Oct 2010, Hobart, Australia. 26 p
Conference papers
Does a strong seasonal disequilibrium exist between the oxygen isotope signals of leaf and soil CO2 exchange?
Lisa Wingate
Régis R. Burlett
Alexandre Bosc
John Grace
Denis Loustau
Second mini symposium on the use of stable isotopes in tree physiology and forest ecology, Jul 2009, Nancy, France. n.p
Conference papers
Continuous measurement of 13C C18O fractionation during evapotranspiration, photosynthesis and respiration
Lisa Wingate
Jérôme Ogée
Régis R. Burlett
Alexandre Bosc
Marion Devaux
Joint research symposium between France (INRA) - Japan (JSPS) on the use of stable carbon isotopes to understand the carbon cycle in forests, Labo/service de l'auteur, Ville service, Pays service., Nov 2009, Kyoto, Japan. n.p
Conference papers
Estimation du stock du carbone dans les forêts de pin maritime (Pinus pinaster Soland.Subsp. Renoui H. del Villar) en Tunisie
Olfa Shaiek
B. Bachtobji
Denis Loustau
M.H. El Aouni
19. Journées Nationales de Biologie de la SSNT "Biologie et Changements Climatiques", Nov 2009, Hammamet, Tunisie. 1 p
Conference papers
Belowground carbon allocation: recovery of 13C in root growth and respiration after in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling
Masako M. Dannoura
Alexandre Bosc
Pierre Trichet
Christophe Chipeaux
Michel Sartore
7th ISRR Symposium 'Root Research and Applications' - RootRAP, Sep 2009, Vienna, Austria. 2 p
Conference papers
Can intra-annual stable isotope signals in tree-ring cellulose be used to extend Fluxnet data-model analysis to larger temporal and spatial scales?
Jérôme Ogée
Lisa Wingate
Julien Jouanguy
Didier Bert
Catherine Lambrot
6. EGU, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2009, Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Carbon balance of a maritime pine forest over a 10-year long period
Denis Loustau
Jérôme Balesdent
Paul Berbigier
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Alexandre Bosc
6. Annual CarboEurope-IP Project Meeting, CarboEurope-IP., Sep 2008, Jena, Germany. n.p
Conference papers
Carbon balance of a maritime pine forest over a 11-year long period
Denis Loustau
Paul Berbigier
Bertrand Guillet
Jean-Robert Disnar
Jérôme Balesdent
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2008, Vienne, Austria. 2 p
Conference papers
Répartition des flux de carbone et d'énergie entre le sous bois et le houppier d'une forêt de pins maritimes pendant une année subissant un fort déficit en eau
Nathalie Jarosz
Yves Brunet
Eric Lamaud
Mark Rankin M. R. Irvine
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
10. Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Apr 2008, La Grande Motte, France
Conference papers
Understanding seasonal oxygen isotope signals of photosynthesis and respiration at the ecosystem scale using a chamber TDL system
Jérôme Ogée
Lisa Wingate
Alexandre Bosc
Marion Devaux
Denis Loustau
Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting, JESIUM 2008, Aug 2008, Presqu’île de Giens, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Seasonal dynamics of the carbon isotope composition of phloem sap and CO2 fluxes in a mature pine forest
Marion Devaux
Didier Bert
Jaleh Ghashghaie
Jérôme Ogée
Lisa Wingate
Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting, JESIUM 2008, Aug 2008, Presqu’île de Giens, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Measuring carbon and oxygen isotope signals of photosynthesis and respiration: first field results from a chamber system coupled to tunable diode laser spectrometer
Lisa Wingate
Régis R. Burlett
Alexandre Bosc
A. Cross
Marion Devaux
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Apr 2008, Vienne, Austria. 2 p
Conference papers
Effets de la fertilisation et de l’irrigation sur le statut P du sol et les activités phosphatases
Arif Ali Muhammad
Céline Meredieu
Mark Ronald M. R. Bakker
Pierre Trichet
Jacques Guinberteau
9èmes Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2007, Biarritz, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Effets croisés de l’irrigation et de la fertilisation sur la productivité et l’allocation de biomasse d’un peuplement de Pins maritime de 14 ans
Pierre Trichet
Denis Loustau
Frédéric Bernier
Frédéric F. Lagane
Catherine Lambrot
9èmes Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2007, Biarritz, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Mesures simultanées des échanges de dioxyde de carbone, d’eau et d’énergie au-dessus de différents écosystèmes caractérisant la région des Landes
Nathalie Jarosz
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Yves Brunet
Eric Lamaud
Denis Loustau
9èmes Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2007, Biarritz, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Impact du changement climatique sur la production des forêts françaises : résultats du projet CARBOFOR
Alexandre Bosc
Denis Loustau
Jérôme Ogée
Hendrik Davi
Christophe François
9èmes Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2007, Biarritz, France. 1 p
Conference papers
L’observation des effets du changement global sur les écosystèmes continentaux
Denis Loustau
Fête de la Science - Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l'Univers, Nov 2007, Talence, France. 27 p
Conference papers
Measuring carbon and oxygen isotope signals of photosynthesis and respiration: first field results from a chamber system coupled to tunable diode laser spectrometers
Lisa Wingate
Régis R. Burlett
Alexandre Bosc
A. Cross
Marion Devaux
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec 2007, San francisco, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Spring and autumnal P availability, fine root properties and functional mycorrhizal diversity across Pinus pinaster stands with different productivity in southwest France
Claude C. Plassard
Mark Ronald M. R. Bakker
Pierre Trichet
Céline Meredieu
Frederic F. Danjon
4. International Symposium on Dynamics of Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants, Sep 2007, Bangor, United Kingdom. 1 p
Conference papers
Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems: facts and methods
Denis Loustau
CLIMA euro-asian research and training in climate change management, Nov 2007, Paris, France. 67 pl
Conference papers
A single-substrate model to interpret high-resolution intra-annual stable isotope signals in tree ring cellulose
Jérôme Ogée
Margaret M. Barbour
Roderick Dewar
Lisa Wingate
Didier Bert
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2007, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Différences de dynamiques entre la formation du cerne, de l’écorce et leurs enregistrements chez Pinus pinaster
Didier Bert
Alexandre Bosc
Jérôme Ogée
Pierre Trichet
Michel Sartore
9. Journées d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2007, Biarritz, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Adaptations of fine roots to fertilization and irrigation in Pinus pinaster
Mark Ronald M. R. Bakker
E. Jolicoeur
Pierre Trichet
Laurent Augusto
Denis Loustau
4. International symposium on dynamics of physiological processes in roots of woody plants, Sep 2007, Bangor, United Kingdom. 1 p
Conference papers
P availability, fine root properties and functional mycorrhizal diversity across Pinus pinaster stands with different productivity in South-western France
Claude C. Plassard
Céline Meredieu
Mark Ronald M. R. Bakker
Frederic F. Danjon
Pierre Trichet
Rhizosphere 2. International conference, Aug 2007, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Détermination de la biomasse aérienne du sous-bois de peuplements adultes de Pin maritime : contribution à la quantification des stocks de carbone forestier à l'aide d'indicateurs de couvert
Annabel A. Porte
Raphaël Dulhoste
Sandra Lopez
Alexandre Bosc
Céline Meredieu
8. Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2006, Nouan-le-Fuzelier, France
Conference papers
Evapotranspiration of a maritime pine forest estimated by eddy covariance and sap flow methods
Nathalie Jarosz
Yves Brunet
Eric Lamaud
Denis Loustau
Alexandre Bosc
3. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Apr 2006, Vienne, Austria. pp.1 CD
Conference papers
Simultaneous measurements of carbon dioxide, water and energy exchange above four different ecosystems
Nathalie Jarosz
Yves Brunet
Eric Lamaud
Denis Loustau
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
3. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Apr 2006, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Mesure rapide (10Hz) des isotopomères du CO2 atmosphérique par diode laser modulable (TDL)
Régis R. Burlett
Jérôme Ogée
Alexandre Bosc
Lisa Wingate
Denis Loustau
9. Journées de la Mesure, Oct 2006, Balaruc-les-Bains, France
Conference papers
Simultaneous measurements of carbon dioxide, water and energy exchange above four different ecosystems
Nathalie Jarosz
Jean-Marc J.-M. Bonnefond
Yves Brunet
Eric Lamaud
Denis Loustau
Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Nov 2006, Sissi-Lassithi, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers
Mesures, analyse et interprétation de la composition isotopique du carbone de la cellulose du cerne annuel des arbres à haute résolution temporelle : le cas du Pin maritime
Jérôme Ogée
Margaret Barbour
Paul Berbigier
Didier Bert
Alexandre Bosc
8. Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, Mar 2006, Nouan-le-Fuzelier, France
Conference papers
The European terrestrial biosphere affected by the 2005 and 2003 climate anomalies: comparative analysis of processes and spatial patterns
Markus Reichstein
N. Viovy
Philippe Ciais
M. Mahecha
M. Aubinet
Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Nov 2006, Sissi-Lassithi, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers
Partitioning forest carbon fluxes with overstory and understory edd-covariance measurements: a synthesis based on FLUXNET data
Laurent Misson
Dennis Baldocchi
T.A. Black
Peter D. Blanken
Yves Brunet
Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Nov 2006, Sissi-Lassithi, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers
Management effects on the annual carbon balance of forests: an analysis of a global database
Denis Loustau
John Grace
André A. Granier
Ilaria Inglima
Ivan Janssens
Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Nov 2006, Sissi-Lassithi, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers
Relationships between GPP, NPP, NEP, Ra and Rh in forest ecosystems
Sebastiaan Luyssaert
Ivan Janssens
G. Matteucci
Lisa Wingate
C. Beer
Open Science Conference on the GHG cycle in the Northern Atmosphere, Nov 2006, Sissi-Lassithi, Greece
Conference papers
Exchange of CO2 and water fluxes at two levels in a maritime pine forest
Nathalie Jarosz
Yves Brunet
Eric Lamaud
Mark Rankin M. R. Irvine
Denis Loustau
Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Nov 2006, Sissi-Lassithi, Greece. 1 p
Conference papers
Forêts et climat : rôle des forêts dans le cycle des gaz à effet de serre et les échanges d'énergie avec l'atmosphère
Denis Loustau
Jean-Luc Dupouey
8. Colloque ARBORA, Dec 2005, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Micrometeorology and flux partitioning between forest understorey and overstorey: a synthesis based on FLUXNET data
Laurent Misson
D.D. Baldocchi
T.A. Black
Yves Brunet
J.R. Dorsey
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2005, San Francisco, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
F-ORE-T, l'Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes forestiers
Guy Landmann
Damien Maurice
André Granier
Serge Rambal
Jacques Ranger
De l'observation des écosystèmes forestiers à l'information sur la forêt, Feb 2005, Paris, France. 13 p
Conference papers
CERES, the CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy in les Landes, South West France, May-June 2005
A.J. Dolman
J. Noilhan
P. Durand
Charlotte Sarrat
Aurore Brut
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2005, San Francisco, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
Quel impact attendre du changement climatique sur la production des forêts françaises ? : résultats du projet CARBOFOR
Alexandre Bosc
Denis Loustau
Jérôme Ogée
Hendrik Davi
C. François
8. Colloque ARBORA, Dec 2005, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Détermination de la biomasse aérienne du sous-bois de peuplements adultes de Pin maritime : contribution à la quantification des stocks de carbone forestier à l'aide d'indicateurs de couvert
Annabel A. Porte
Raphaël Dulhoste
S. López
Alexandre Bosc
Céline Meredieu
8. Colloque ARBORA, Dec 2005, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Fixation nette de carbone dans la biomasse d'un peuplement de Pin maritime, dans les Landes de Gascogne
Pierre Trichet
Denis Loustau
P. Pastuzska
Yves Lesgourgues
D. Merzeau
8. Colloque ARBORA, Dec 2005, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Impacts régionalisés : cycle du carbone, hydrologie, production forestière des forêts de plaine
Denis Loustau
Alexandre Bosc
Antoine Colin
Nathalie Bréda
André A. Granier
La forêt face aux changements climatiques : acquis et incertitudes, Dec 2005, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
Aquitaine forests in a changing climate
Richard Michalet
Jean-Michel Carnus
Denis Loustau
Jean-Luc Dupouey
Conference "Trees in a changing climate", Jun 2005, Guildford, United Kingdom. pp.inc
Conference papers
Observation du cycle du carbone des forêts : où va le carbone fixé ?
Denis Loustau
Séminaire «De l'observation des écosystèmes forestiers à l'information sur la forêt», Groupement d’Intérêt Public "Ecosystèmes Forestiers" (GIP ECOFOR). Labo/service de l'auteur, Paris, FRA., Feb 2005, Paris, France. 27 pl
Conference papers
Evaluation des stocks de carbone dans la biomasse de peuplements de pin maritime : application à l'échelle régionale
Céline Meredieu
Antoine Colin
Rémi Teissier Du Cros
Annabel A. Porte
Denis Loustau
8e Colloque ARBORA, Dec 2005, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Forêt et climat : rôle des forêts dans le cycle des gaz à effet de serre et les échanges d'énergie avec l'atmosphère
Denis Loustau
Jean-Luc Dupouey
8. Colloque ARBORA "Carbone, forêt, bois : impacts du changement climatique, stratégies pour la filière?", Dec 2005, Bordeaux, France. 13 p
Conference papers
Le cycle du carbone en forêt, questions et inconnues, travaux en cours, réponses
Denis Loustau
Colloque annuel de la MICCES, Mission Changement Climatique et effet de serre, Jan 2004, Isle-sur-Sorgue, France. 7 p
Conference papers
Quelles représentations des interactions climat-diversité et fonctionnement biologiques à l'échelle globale
Jean-Francois Soussana
Jérôme Balesdent
Laurent Bopp
Denis Loustau
Atelier du Savoir : Comment étudier les interactions entre dynamique du climat et dynamique des systèmes écologiques, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). FRA., Nov 2004, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France. 10 p
Conference papers
Modelling the regional impacts of climate change on wood production and carbon storage in the plains French forests : results from the CARBOFOR project
Denis Loustau
Alexandre Bosc
A. Colin
A. Bakker
Céline Meredieu
International conference on modelling Forest production, Apr 2004, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Modelling as a forest management decision tool in response to climate change regional impacts of climate change on wood production and carbon storage in temperate forests
Denis Loustau
Alexandre Bosc
A. Colin
Jérôme Ogée
Michel Déqué
Meeting the challenge: silvicultural research in a changing world, Jun 2004, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Fluxnet and regional carbon flux modeling, spatial integration and regional fluxes, spatial scales of coherence, network-scale analysis
Philippe Ciais
Markus Reichstein
Kenneth Davis
Toshinobu Machida
Dario Papale
FLUXNET Workshop "Celebrating 10 years Since La Thuile and Planning for the Future", Dec 2004, Firenze, Italy. 58 pl
Conference papers
Improving remote sensing based GPP estimates (MODIS-MOD 17) through inverse parameter estimation with CARBOEUROPE eddy covariance flux data
Markus Reichstein
R. Valentini
S. Running
J. Tenhunen
M. Aubinet
1. CarboEurope-IP integrated project meeting, Jan 2004, Spoleto, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
The drought of 2003 in Western Europe: consequences on forest ecosystems functioning
André Granier
Paul Berbigier
Reinhart Ceulemans