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Dennis Fox



**Current address:** Department of Geography, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNS), 98 Blvd. Edouard Herriot, B.P. 3209, 06204 Nice cedex 3, France. Email: <>; Tel: (33) 4 93 37 55 42. **Degrees:** 2006, HDR, Geography, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. 1994, Ph.D., Geography, University of Toronto, Canada. 1989, M.Sc., Geography, University of Toronto, Canada. 1986, B.Sc., Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. **Main professional positions:** Since 2009 Full Professor, Department of Geography, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNS), Nice, France. 2007-2013 Dean of the Faculty of Geographical Sciences (UFR Espaces et Cultures), University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNS), Nice, France. 2008-2013 Director of the Centre for Canadian Studies, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France. 2006-2010 2002-2004 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Mercantour National Park, Alpes-Maritimes, France. 1998-2008 Associate Professor, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (UNS), Nice, France. 1996-1998 Assistant Professor, Purpan Agricultural College (ESAP), Toulouse, France. 1994-1996 Post-doctoral Fellow, INRA (French Ministry of Agricultural Research), Orleans, France (“Bourse Chateaubriand,” awarded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs). **Teaching:** **Courses:** Soils and soil erosion, Hydrology, Geomorphology, Geomorphology field trips, Introduction to raster GIS. **Other teaching activities:** Organized and accompanied 3 field trips for Nice geography students to Canada: Toronto (2000), Newfoundland (2002), Ottawa/Temagami (2010). Organized a 2 week field trip for Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) geography students in the Nice region of France. PUBLICATIONS ------------ **Peer reviewed journal articles:** Fox D.M., Laaroussi Y., Malkinson L. D., Wittenberg L., Maselli F., Bottai L., 2016. POSTFIRE, a model to map forest fire burn scar and estimate runoff and soil erosion risks. *Remote Sensing Applications – Society and Environment* 4, 83-91. Roy H.G., Fox D.M., Emsellem K., 2016. Dormant category and cell size effects on the perception of change dynamics and model performance in land cover change prediction. *Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography*. Fox D.M., Martin N., Carrega P., Andrieu J., Adnès C., Emsellem K., Ganga O., Moebius F., Tortorollo N., Fox E.A.. 2015. Increases in fire risk due to warmer summer temperatures and wildland urban interface changes do not necessarily lead to more fires. *Applied Geography* 56, 1-12. Roy H.G., Fox D.M., Emsellem K., 2015. Spatial dynamics of land cover change in a Euro-Mediterranean catchment (1950-2008). *Journal of Land Use Science* 10:277-297. Fox D.M., Witz E., Blanc V., Soulié C., Penalver-Navarro M., and Dervieux A., 2012.A case study of land cover change (1950-2003) and runoff in a Mediterranean catchment. *Applied Geography* 32, 810-821. Fox D.M., 2011. Evaluation of the efficiency of some sediment trapping methods after a Mediterranean forest fire. *Journal of Environmental Management*, 92, 258–265. Fox D.M., Maselli F., and Carrega P., 2008. Using SPOT images and field sampling for mapping burn severity and vegetation factors affecting post fire erosion risk. *CATENA* 75, 326-335*.* Darboux F., Robin J.-G., Fox D.M., 2008. Evaluation of two soil conditioners to limit post-fire erosion. Role in a soil conservation strategy. S*oil Use and Management* 24, 366-372. Fox D.M., Darboux F., and Carrega P., 2007. Effects of hydrophobicity on aggregate stability, splash erosion, and hydraulic conductivity for different sieve fractions. *Hydrological Processes* 21:17, 2377-2384. Fox D.M., Berolo W., Carrega P., and Darboux F., 2006. Mapping erosion risk and selecting sites for simple erosion control measures after a forest fire in Mediterranean France. *Earth Surface Processes and Landforms*, 31:5, 606-621. Morschel J., Fox D.M., 2004. Une méthode de cartographie de l’aléa érosif : exemple d’application à un secteur du Lauragais. *MappeMonde* no. 4-2004 (published online at Morschel J., Fox D.M., and Bruno J.-F.. 2004. Limiting sediment deposition on roadways: topographic controls on vulnerable roads and cost analysis of planting grass buffer strips. *Environmental Science and Policy* 7:1, 39-45. Fox D.M., Bryan R.B. and Fox C. A., 2004. Changes in Pore Characteristics with Depth for Structural Crusts. *Geoderma* 120, 109-120. Fox D.M., and Bryan R.B., 1999. The Relationship of Soil Loss to Slope Angle for Interrill Erosion. *Catena* 38:211-222. Fox D.M., LeBissonnais Y., and Bruand A., 1998. The Effect of Ponding Depth on Infiltration in a Crusted Surface Depression. *Catena*, 32:87-100. Fox D.M., LeBissonnais Y., and Quétin P., 1998. The implications of spatial variability in surface seal characteristics for infiltration in a mound and depression microtopography. *Catena*, 32:101-114. Fox D.M., and LeBissonnais Y., 1998. A process-based analysis of the influence of aggregate stability on surface crusting, infiltration, and interrill erosion. *Soil Science Society of America Journal*, 62:717-724. Fox D.M., Bryan R.B., and Price A.G., 1996. The Influence of Slope Angle on Infiltration Rate and Surface Seal Characteristics. *Geoderma***,** 80: 181-194. [doi:10.1016/S0016-7061(97)00075-X]( Fox D.M., and Bryan R.B., 1992. Influence of a Polyacrylamide Soil Conditioner on Runoff Generation and Soil Erosion: Field Tests in Baringo District, Kenya. *Soil Technology*, 5: 101‑119. **Conferences with proceedings:** Roy H.G., Fox D.M., Emsellem K., 2016. Land cover change (1950-2011) in a Mediterranean catchment and impacts on vineyard soil erosion. *Agromed International Conference*, 1-2 December, Avignon, France. Poster with publication submitted to *Land Use Policy*. Garel E., Jaunat J., Huneau F., Robert S., Fox D.M., Garrido M., and Pasqualini V., 2016. Land use and vulnerability of the groundwater. The case of the coastal aquifer of the Biguglia lagoon (Corsica, France). *43rd IAH Congress*, 25-29 September, 2016, Montpellier, France. Robert S., Prévost A., Fox D.M., Pasqualini V. Trémélo M.-L., 2015. Coastal urbanization and land planning in southern France. *Medcoast 15, The Twelfth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment*, 4-10 October 2015, Varna, Bulgaria. Roy H.G., Fox D.M., Emsellem K., 2014. Predicting land cover change in a Mediterranean catchment at different time scales. *Ninth International Conference on Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics, Geog-and-Mod 2014*, 30 June–3 July, 2014, Guimaraes , Portugal. Dhakal S. and Fox D.M., 2014. Hydrological modeling of the potential impact of a forest fire on runoff in a Mediterranean catchment. XXV International Federation of Surveyors Congress, 16-21 June,2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sen Majumder S. Fox D.M., Chakrabarti S., and Bhandari G., 2014. Reduction of livelihood risk for river bank erosion affected villagers. *ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Mid-Term Symposium, Operational Remote Sensing Applications: Opportunities, Progress and Challenges*, 9-12 December, 2014, Hyderabad, India. Carrega P., Fox D.M., Martin N., Morschel J., et Yohia C., 2009. Rétroactions des incendies de forêt sur le vent : exemples mesurés sur parcelles végétales expérimentales dans le sud-est de la France. *Geographia Technica*, N° spécial, *Actes du XXIIeme colloque international de l’AIC*. Cluj-Napoca, sept. 2009, pp. 115-120. Morschel J., Fox D.M. and Richard, J.-F., 2006. Expliquer les organisations spatiales et les flux hydriques dans un bassin versant: apports de l’analyse paysagère à la modélisation hydrologique globable. *Géopoint* 2006, 1-2 juin, Université d’Avignon. Fox D.M., Bryan R.B. and Price A.G., 2004. The Role of Soil Crusting in Desertification and Strategies to Reduce Crusting Impact. *International Workshop on Desertification*, Cape-Town 8-20 April, 2002. Published in G.B. Wiersma (ed.), Special Issue of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 99: 149-159. Fox D.M., Flourou S., and Daideri M., 2001. The Use of Composted Sludge for the Restoration of Soils Degraded by Erosion. *Third International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation, Man and Society in the Third Millenium*, Valencia, March 28-April 1, 2000. King D., Fox D.M., J. Daroussin, LeBissonnais Y., et Danneels V., 1998. Upscaling a simple erosion model from small areas to a large region, *Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales*, Wageningen, August 7-9, 1996. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 50:143-149, and in Soil and water quality at different scales ; Developments in plant and soil sciences vol. 80, P. Finke, J. Bouma, and M.R. Hoosbeek (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, London. King D., Fox D.M., LeBissonnais Y., and Daneels V., 1996. Scale Issues and a Scale Transfer Method for Erosion Modelling. *Global Change: Modelling Soil Erosion by Water* (NATO Advanced Research Workshop), Oxford, September 11-14, 1995 (ed. by J. Boardman and D. Favis-Mortlock). Fox D.M. and LeBissonnais Y., 1996. Variabilité Spatiale de la Résistance Hydraulique dans les Croûtes de Battance et Conséquences pour l'Infiltration, *20èmes Journées Scientifiques du GFHN*, Marne-la-Vallée, 22-23 Novembre, 1995, Publié dans la revue Géomorphologie. LeBissonnais Y., Benkhadra H., Gallien E., Fox D.M., Eimberck M., Martin P., Ligneau L., Ouvry J.F., 1996a. Genèse du Ruissellement et de l'Erosion Diffuse des Sols Limoneux: Analyse du Transfert d'Echelle du m2 au Versant, *Colloque International: Crues, Versants, et Lits Fluviaux*, Paris, 22-24 Mars, 1995. Géomorphologie, no. 3. LeBissonnais Y., Benkhadra H., Chaplot V., Fox D.M., King D., Daroussin J., Martin P., Ligneau L., 1996b. Crusting Runoff and Sheet Erosion on Silty Loamy Soils at Various Scales and Upscaling from the m2 to small catchments. *European Society for Soil Conservation, Second International Congress: Development and Implementation of Soil Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Land Use*, Munchen, September 1-7, 1996. Soil Technology. LeBissonnais Y., Fox D.M., and Bresson L-M., 1996. Incorporating Crusting in Erosion Models. Published in *Global Change: Modelling Soil Erosion by Water* (NATO Advanced Research Workshop), Oxford, September 11-14, 1995. **Other Conferences:** Fox D.M., Carrega ¨P., Martin N., Ren Y., Bouillon C., Caillouet P. 2016. How firefighting strategy and urban planning mitigate forest fire risk in a context of warmer summer temperatures in SE France. *Impact of Climate Change*, Haifa Israel, 2-3 May, 2016. Fox D.M., Robert S., Tremelo M.-L., Pasqualini V., Garrido M., Balme T., Louet D., 2016. URBALAG–2 L’anthropisation du bassin versant de l’étang de Biguglia depuis 1990 et enjeux sur la qualité des eaux et la sauvegarde du milieu. *Séminaire annuel OHM Littoral*, Marseille 22-23/2016. Fox D.M., Carrega P., Ren Y., Bouillon C., Caillouet P., 2016. Changes in wildland urban interface characteristics, summer weather and fire occurrence in SE France, 1993-2013. *ICFBR*, Alghero, Italy; 26-29 May, 2015. Fox D.M., Robert S., Le Gourrierec M., Balme T., Pasqualini V., 2015. URBALAG - L’anthropisation du bassin versant de l’étang de Biguglia depuis 1990 et enjeux sur la qualité des eaux et la sauvegarde du milieu. *Séminaire annuel OHM Littoral*, Marseille 25-26/2015. Fox D.M., Robert S., Le Gourrierec M., Balme T., Pasqualini V., 2015. Land use/cover change near Bastia, Corsica, 1990-2011. *Environm**ent in the Mediteranean. Statements and prospects for research and society MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales)*, 20-22 October 2015, Marseille, France (Poster). Sen Majumder, S., Fox, D. M., Chakrabari, S., and Bhandari, G.: Intensity of poverty among fluvial erosion affected stakeholders – a micro level study. 27th Annual conference of IGI and National cum International *Seminar on geomorphology and geospatial technology in environment management and societal development*, Digha, India, 2014 Roy H.G., Fox D.M., Emsellem K., 2013. Land use change in a Mediterranean catchment: implications for soil erosion. *8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology*, Paris, 27-31 August, 2013 (Poster). Fox D., Adnès C., Morschel J., and Darboux F., 2011. Modelling infiltration into a water repellent soil using a crust-type infiltration equation. *Fire Effects on Soil Properties (FESPIII)*, 15-19 March, 2011, Guimarães, Portugal (Poster). Fox D., Mir J. et Carrega P., 2010. Comparing post forest fire erosion to erosion in vineyards in a Mediterranean environment. *Annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union*, Vienna 2-7 May, 2010 (Poster). Fox D. et Penalver-Navarro M., 2009. Mapping river bank erosion and channel deposition to determine management priorities. *Geomorphology 2009, 7th International Conference on Geomorphology: Ancient Landscapes – Modern Perspectives*, 6-11 July 2009, Melbourne, Australia. (Poster) Morschel J., Fox D.M. et Richard J-F., 2008. Expliquer les organisations spatiales et les flux hydriques dans un bassin versant : apports de l'analyse paysagère à la modélisation hydrologique globale. *Géopoint 2006 : Demain la Géographie - Permanences, Dynamiques, Mutations: Pourquoi? Comment?* pp. 319 – 327. Darboux F., Fox D., Robin J.G., et Carrega P., 2007. Érosion des sols à la suite d'un feu de forêt : conséquences sur l'érodibilité et pour la conservation des sols. *9è Journées Nationales de l'Etude des Sols*, Angers, France. 02-05 avril 2007. Association Française pour l'Etude du Sol. Fox D.M. et Carrega P., 2006. Post forest fire erosion control: a modelling strategy to shorten response time. *V International Conference on Forest Fire Research.* 27-30 November, 2006, Coimbra, Portugal. (Poster) Carrega P., et Fox D.M., 2006. Detailed measurements of natural and wind generated fires in the field: first conclusions of experiments conducted in Alpes-Maritimes, France (2004-2006). *V International Conference on Forest Fire Research*. 27-30 November, 2006, Coimbra, Portugal. Robin J.-G., Carrega P., et Fox D.M., 2006. Modelling fire ignition in the Alpes-Maritimes Department, France. *V International Conference on Forest Fire Research*. 27-30 November, 2006, Coimbra, Portugal. (Poster) Morschel J., Fox D.M., and Richard J.-F., 2006. Le cheminement de l’eau dans un bassin versant de la Dorsale Tunisienne. *The Future of Drylands, UNESCO Conference*, 21-23 June, Tunis. (Poster) Fox D.M., Carrega P. and Darboux F., 2006. Topographic controls on landuse and soil properties affecting erosion and redistribution in a mixed forested-agricultural Mediterranean catchment. *Annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union*, Vienna 2-7 April, 2006. Carrega P., and Fox D.M., 2006. Wind and fire propagation experiments conducted in the field: examples from the Alpes-Maritimes department, France. *Annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union*, Vienna 2-7 April, 2006. (Poster) Fox D.M., 2005. Evaluating the efficiency of some post forest fire soil erosion control measures. *Sixth International Geomorphology Conference*. Zaragossa, Spain, September 7-11, 2005. Fox D.M., Darboux F., and Carrega P., 2005. Effects of hydrophobicity on aggregate stability, splash erosion, and hydraulic conductivity for different sieve fractions. *Annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union*, Vienna 24-29 April, 2005. (Poster) **Book chapters or edited:** **Allard P., Fox D., Picon B., (éds), 2008. *L’incertitude et l’environnement*. Edisud.** **Le Bissonnais Y., Cerdan O. Fox D., Gascuel-Odoux C., Martin P., Planchon O., Rajot J.-L., and Revel J.-C., 2005. L’érosion des sols (chapitre 25). In**Girard M-C., Walter C., Remy J.C., Berthelin J., Morel J.L. (éditeurs), *Sols et environnement*. DUNOD 816p. Bruno J.-F., and Fox D., 2004. L’érosion en rigoles dans les coteaux du Sud-Ouest. In Monestiez, S. Lardon, B. Seguin (éditeurs), *Organisation Spatiale des Activités Agricoles et Processus Environnementaux*. INRA Editions, Paris. **Web sites:** Global Soil degradation (French): <>. Online in 2012; 57,359 connections in 2015. Regional geography of Canada and multiculturalism (French): [\_canada]( Online in 2014; 4,024 connections in 2016.


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Predicting Future Urban Flood Risk Using Land Change and Hydraulic Modeling in a River Watershed in the Central Province of Vietnam

Huu Duy Nguyen , Dennis Fox , Dinh Kha Dang , Le Tuan Pham , Quan Vu Viet Du
Remote Sensing, 2021, 13 (2), pp.262. ⟨10.3390/rs13020262⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03601285v1
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A framework to analyse urban sprawl in the French Mediterranean coastal zone

Samuel Robert , Dennis Fox , Guilhem Boulay , Antoine Grandclement , Marie Garrido
Regional Environmental Change, 2019, 19 (2), pp.559-572. ⟨10.1007/s10113-018-1425-4⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01893178v1

Combinations of geoenvironmental data underline coastal aquifer anthropogenic nitrate legacy through groundwater vulnerability mapping methods

Jessy J. Jaunat , E. Garel , F. Huneau , M. Erostate , S. Santoni
Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 658, pp.1390-1403. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.249⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02553115v1

How wildfire risk is related to urban planning and Fire Weather Index in SE France (1990–2013)

Dennis Fox , Pierre Carrega , Y. Ren , P. Caillouet , C. Bouillon
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 621 (avril 2018), pp.120 - 129. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.174⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01802897v1
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Impacts of vineyard area dynamics on soil erosion in a Mediterranean catchment (1950-2011)

Hari G Roy , Dennis Fox , Karine Emsellem
Journal of Land Use Science, 2017, 13 (1-2), pp.118-129. ⟨10.1080/1747423X.2017.1385654⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572357v1
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POSTFIRE: A model to map forest fire burn scar and estimate runoff and soil erosion risks

Dennis Fox , Y. Laaroussi , L D Malkinson , F Maselli , Julien Andrieu
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 2016, 4, pp.83-91. ⟨10.1016/j.rsase.2016.07.002⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02566494v1
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Dormant categories and spatial resolution affect the perception of land cover change model performance

Hari G Roy , Dennis Fox , Karine Emsellem
Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, 2016, ⟨10.4000/cybergeo.27794⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572351v1

Increases in fire risk due to warmer summer temperatures and wildland urban interface changes do not necessarily lead to more fires

Dennis Fox , Nicolas Martin , Pierre Carrega , Julien Andrieu , Cyriel Adnès
Applied Geography, 2014, pp.12. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.10.001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01133187v1
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Spatial dynamics of land cover change in a Euro-Mediterranean catchment (1950-2008)

Hari Gobinda Roy , Dennis Fox , Karine Emsellem
Journal of Land Use Science, 2014, ⟨10.1080/1747423X.2014.898105⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572347v1
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Predicting Land Cover Change in a Mediterranean Catchment at Different Time Scales

Hari Gobinda Roy , Dennis Fox , Karine Emsellem
Transactions on Computational Science, 2014, 8582, pp.315 - 330
Article dans une revue hal-02572363v1
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A case study of land cover change (1950–2003) and runoff in a Mediterranean catchment

Dennis Fox , Emmanuelle Witz , Violaine Blanc , Cécile Soulié , Marc Penalver-Navarro
Applied Geography, 2012, 32 (2), pp.810-821. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.07.007⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572197v1

Using SPOT images and field sampling to map burn severity and vegetation factors affecting post forest fire erosion risk

Dennis Fox , F. Maselli , P. Carrega
CATENA, 2008, 75 (3), pp.326-335. ⟨10.1016/j.catena.2008.08.001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572223v1

Effects of fire-induced water repellency on soil aggregate stability, splash erosion, and saturated hydraulic conductivity for different size fractions

Dennis Fox , Frédéric Darboux , Pierre Carrega
Hydrological Processes, 2007, 21 (17), pp.2377-2384. ⟨10.1002/hyp.6758⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02666312v1
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Effects of fire-induced water repellency on soil aggregate stability, splash erosion, and saturated hydraulic conductivity for different size fractions

Dennis Fox , F. Darboux , P. Carrega
At Process, 2007, 21, pp.2377 - 2384
Article dans une revue hal-02572231v1
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Mapping erosion risk and selecting sites for simple erosion control measures after a forest fire in Mediterranean France

Dennis Fox , W Berolo , Pierre Carrega , Frédéric Darboux
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2006, 31, pp.606-621. ⟨10.1002/esp.1346⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572238v1
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Etude et cartographie de l'érosion des sols dans un vignoble du Sud-Est de la France

Dennis Fox , Claude Martin , Julien Grosso , Jean Morschel
Etudes de Géographie Physique, 2006, XXXIII, pp.23-32
Article dans une revue hal-00326606v1
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Changes in pore characteristics with depth for structural crusts

Dennis Fox , R B Bryan , C A Fox
Article dans une revue hal-02572275v1
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Limiting sediment deposition on roadways: topographic controls on vulnerable roads and cost analysis of planting grass buffer strips

J Morschel , Dennis Fox , J.-F Bruno
Environmental Science & Policy, 2004, 7, pp.39 - 45. ⟨10.1016/j.envsci.2003.10.003⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572331v1
Image document

Limiting sediment deposition on roadways: topographic controls on vulnerable roads and cost analysis of planting grass buffer strips

Jean Morschel , Dennis Fox , Jean-François Bruno
Environmental Science & Policy, 2004, 7, pp.39-45
Article dans une revue hal-00532799v1
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Une méthode de cartographie du risque érosif : exemple d'application aux collines du Terrefort lauragais.

Jean Morschel , Dennis Fox
M@ppemonde, 2004, 76, pp.1 - 11
Article dans une revue hal-00532809v1
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Une méthode de cartographie du risque érosif : application aux collines du Terrefort lauragais

Jean Morschel , Dennis Fox
M@ppemonde, 2004
Article dans une revue hal-02572329v1
Image document

The relationship of soil loss by interrill erosion to slope gradient

Dennis Fox , Rorke B Bryan
CATENA, 1999, 38, pp.211 - 222
Article dans une revue hal-02572294v1

Crusting, runoff and sheet erosion on silty loamy soils at various scales and upscaling from m2 to small catchments

Yves Le Bissonnais , H. Benkhadra , V. Chaplot , Dennis Fox , D. King
Soil and Tillage Research, 1998, 46, pp.69-80
Article dans une revue hal-01461040v1
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The effect of ponding depth on infiltration in a crusted surface depression

Dennis Fox , Yves Le Bissonnais , Ary Bruand
CATENA, 1998, 32, pp.87 - 100
Article dans une revue hal-02572261v1
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The implications of spatial variability in surface seal hydraulic resistance for infiltration in a mound and depression microtopography

Dennis Fox , Yves Le Bissonnais , Philippe Quétin
CATENA, 1998, 32 (2), pp.101 - 114. ⟨10.1016/S0341-8162(98)00043-5⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02572282v1
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Crusting, runoff and sheet erosion on silty loamy soils at various scales and upscaling from m 2 to small catchments

Yves Le Bissonnais , H. Benkhadra , V. Chaplot , Dennis Fox , D. King
Soil and Tillage Research, 1998, 46, pp.69 - 80
Article dans une revue hal-02572311v1
Image document

The influence of slope angle on final infiltration rate for interrill conditions

Dennis Fox , R B Bryan , A G Price
Geoderma, 1997, 80, pp.181 - 194
Article dans une revue hal-02572289v1

Genèse du ruissellement et de l'érosion diffuse sur sols limoneux : analyse du transfert d'échelle du m2 au bassin-versant élémentaire agricole

Yves Le Bissonnais , H. Benkhadra , E. Gallien , Micheline Eimberck , Dennis Fox
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 1996, 3, pp.51-64
Article dans une revue hal-02699070v1

Loss of Agricultural Soils to Urban & Suburban Development in France (2000-2018)

Dennis Fox , Matteo Caglioni , Belén Benitez , Sofie Hillen , Alina Vogt
Journée thématique de l'Académie 5 Axe 2 "Les contributions des SHS aux études sur l’environnement", Apr 2023, Nice, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04078540v1
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Projet FORESEE: Enseignements de la tempête Alex et proposition de méthode de diagnostic territorial

Jean-Christophe Teobaldi , Dennis Fox , Margot Chapuis
MARALEX : Les bassins maralpins face aux changements, Académie 3 :, Jul 2023, Nice, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04167477v1

Etude morphodynamique suite à des opérations de restauration sur des rivières en tresses

Lise Devreux , Margot Chapuis , Barbara Belletti , Dennis Fox
Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Feb 2020, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02532988v1
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CONCERT’EAUX : Consultation transfrontalière de la vallée de la Roya aux stratégies d'adaptation au changement climatique

Margot Chapuis , Julien Andrieu , Cyriel Adnès , Pierre Brigode , Pierre Carrega
Journée Thématique 3 : Risques en Zone Nord-Méditerranéenne, Academie 3: Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience, Mar 2019, Nice, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04111792v1

PACA-TRENDS : Tendances historiques de la couverture terrestre et du climat afin de prévoir l'évolution des risques d'inondation, d'incendie de forêt et d'érosion des sols

Dennis Fox
Journée Thématique 3 : Risques en Zone Nord-Méditerranéenne, Academie 3: Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience, Mar 2019, Nice, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04111788v1
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Évolution des flux sédimentaires des frayères dans un torrent alpin

Margot Chapuis , Mendy Martins , Fabien Tourade , Cyriel Adnès , Matthieu Vignal
Rencontres SHF - Changement global et morphodynamique des rivières, des bassins versants à la mer, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02960437v1
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Modelling complex systems in Archaeology: general issues and first insights from the ModelAnSet project

Frédérique Bertoncello , Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi , Célia da Costa Pereira , Andrea Tettamanzi , Louise Purdue
Complex Systems Academy of Excellence, Nice, 2018, M. Argentina; S. Barland; P. Reynaud-Bouret; F. Cauneau; K. Guillouzouic; U. Kuhl; T. Passot; F. Planchon, Jan 2018, Nice, France. pp.145-154
Communication dans un congrès hal-02014645v1

Land use and vulnerability of the groundwater (2016) The case of the coastal aquifer of the Biguglia lagoon (Corsica, France)

E. Garel , Jessy J. Jaunat , F. Huneau , Samuel Robert , Dennis Fox
43rd IAH International Congress “Groundwater and Society: 60 years of IAH”, 2016, Montpellier, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01790225v1

Land use/cover change near Bastia, Corsica, 1990-2011

Dennis Fox , Samuel Robert , M. Le Gourrierec , T. Balme , Vanina Pasqualini
International Conférence Mistral, Oct 2015, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01301347v1

Rétroactions des incendies de forêt sur le vent : exemples mesurés sur parcelles végétales expérimentales dans le sud-est de la France.

Pierre Carrega , Dennis Fox , Nicolas Martin , Jean Morschel , Christophe Yohia
XXIIe colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie (AIC), Sep 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie. pp.115-120
Communication dans un congrès hal-00470013v1
Image document

Érosion des sols à la suite d'un feu de forêt : conséquences sur l'érodibilité et pour la conservation des sols

Frédéric Darboux , Dennis Fox , Jean-Guillaume Robin , Pierre Carrega
9. Journées Nationales de l'Etude des Sols, Apr 2007, Angers, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02756648v1
Image document

Expliquer les organisations spatiales et les flux hydriques dans un bassin versant : apports de l'analyse paysagère à la modélisation hydrologique globale

Jean Morschel , Dennis Fox , Jean-François Richard
GÉOPOINT, Jun 2006, France. pp.319 - 326
Communication dans un congrès hal-00532830v1
Image document

Maîtrise de l'érosion hydrique des sols cultivés phénomènes physiques et dispositifs d'action

Yves Le Bissonnais , Alain Couturier , Olivier Cerdan , François Papy , Philippe Martin
Journées d'échanges et prospectives. De la recherche des sols à la décision publique : le programme Gessol (Gestion Durable des Sols), un support à la Directive Cadre sur la Protection des Sols, Nov 2006, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01829199v1

Cartographie des chemins de l'eau dans un paysage semi-aride de la Dorsale Tunisienne

Jean Morschel , Dennis Fox , Jean-François Richard
Communication dans un congrès hal-00532821v1

Incorporating the results of crusting studies into erosion models

Yves Le Bissonnais , Dennis Fox , Olivier Cerdan , Joël J. Daroussin , D. King
GCTE Soil Erosion Network Conference, Apr 1997, Utrecht, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès hal-02770715v1

Transfert de particules par érosion diffuse à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée et du petit bassin versant agricole

Yves Le Bissonnais , H. Benkhadra , E. Gallien , Micheline Eimberck , Dennis Fox
16. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Apr 1996, Orléans, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02768064v1

Incorporating crusting in erosion models

Yves Le Bissonnais , L.M. Bresson , Dennis Fox , D. King
NATO advanced research workshop, Sep 1995, Oxford, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-02775686v1

De la gestion des plantes aquatiques envahissantes : intervenir pour quoi, pour qui, avec quelles modalités ? Ou comment agir malgré la variabilité des situations et des enjeux : application à la gestion des jussies

Alain Dutartre , M.J. Menozzi , P. Allard , Dennis Fox , B. Picon
Incertitude et environnement : la fin des certitudes scientifiques, Edisud, pp.371-382, 2008, Ecologie humaine, 978-2-7449-0733-3
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02590394v1

L'incertitude scientifique explique-t-elle la défiance ? Le cas de la réception des résultats du suivi scientifique du loup

Isabelle Mauz , C. Granjou , P. Allard , Dennis Fox , B. Picon
Incertitude et environnement : la fin des certitudes scientifiques, Edisud, pp.383-396, 2008, 978-2-7449-0733-3
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02590486v1

Risques naturels en montagne : aspects juridiques de l'affichage de l'incertitude dans les expertises

J.M. Tacnet , E. Lacroix , M. Batton-Hubert , P. Allard , Dennis Fox
Incertitude et environnement : la fin des certitudes scientifiques, Edisud, pp.281-291, 2008, Ecologie humaine, 978-2-7449-0733-3
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02590485v1

L'érosion des sols.

Yves Le Bissonnais , Olivier Cerdan , Dennis Fox , Chantal Gascuel , Philippe Martin
Sols et Environnement. Cours, exercices et études de cas., Dunod, 2005, 978-2-1005-1695-7
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02831902v1

Incorporating crusting processes in erosion models

Yves Le Bissonnais , Dennis Fox , L.M. Bresson
Modelling soil erosion by water, I55, Springer-Verlag, 1998, NATO ASI Series. Subseries 1, Global Environmental Change
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02838537v1