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Didier Josselin

Didier JOSSELIN's CV (click on "Voir plus" for further information)


#### ***Dr. Didier JOSSELIN*** ***Specialist in Spatial Analysis & Geographical Information Science*** **Director of Research (Prof)** in the [French National Center of Research]( (CNRS) Phone : +33 (0)6 07 40 69 38 / +33 (0)4 90 16 26 93 Email : <> Web : <> [ORCID]( ***MAIN SKILLS and ACTIVITIES*** - Spatial Analysis and Exploratory (Geo)-statistics - Mobilities, Demand Responsive Transport Optimization - Robustness, Modifiable Areal Unit Problem - Climate Projection Scaling Models and Environmental Studies - Spatial Data Usability, Spatial Information Quality - Dynamic Cartography &amp; Interactive GIS - Environment, Landscape Ecology, Biodiversity - Geo-economy, Fuzzy Modelling - Methods for Spatial Aggregation and Partitioning - GIS Software : ArcInfo, Geoconcept, Idrisi, GRASS, SmallWorld, PostGIS, QGIS - Development for Geocomputation : LISP(STAT), Pascal, Basic, C (bases) - Language : English (written, spoken), school German, basic knowledge in Spanish - (Co)supervision: 20 phD, 2 post-doct in Transportation, Spatial Modelling, Environment, Computer Science - (Co)leader of 20 interdisciplinary research programs (geography, computer science, maths, agronomy) - Expertise of (inter)national projects for French and Regional Research Agencies (ANR, HCERES, Canadian Research agencies) - Member of the French Network in Geomatics MAGIS, member of the AGILE European Association until 2023 - Research International Committees: AGILE, GEO-AN-MOD, ICC (ICA), SAGEO, TheoQuant, CUPUM... - Co-organization of international conference on GIS: SAGEO (2009, 2011, 2016), AGILE'2012, Spatial Accuracy'2016, JDS'2017, AFGP'2024 - Regular or occasional reviewer fot scientific Journals: JASS, RIG, Remote Sensing, IJAEIS, Transaction in GIS, Télédétection,TSI, International Journal of Cartography, IJGIS, Mappemonde, Revue Internationale de Géomatique... ***MAIN** **APPOINTMENTS*** - 2022 until now: **Director of the Research University School of Avignon University** (federation of 8 laboratories: 6 in social science + mathematics and ciomputer science) - 2011 until now: **Director of Research, CNRS** (UMR ESPACE 6012), Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France - 2018-2023: **Director of the laboratory ESPACE, UMR 7300 in CNRS**, Avignon Université, Université Côte d’Azur, Aix-Marseille-Université + Alès (about 100 members in the lab) - 2017-2022: **Joint Director of the interdisciplinary national research group, GdR MAGIS of CNRS**; more than 50 laboratories and 300 researchers - 2015-2018: **Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania** - 2002– 2010: **Researcher**, **CNRS** (UMR ESPACE 6012), Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France - October 1996– 2002 : **Researcher, CNRS** (UMR THEMA 6049), Université de Franche-Comté, France - 1996: **GIS Engineer in Smallworld Systems**, post-doc, Cambridge (UK) - 1995-1996: **Research Manager,** INRA and Grenoble University - 1992 - 1995: **lecturer** and **PhD in Geography** « La déprise agricole en zone de montagne. Vers un outil d'aide à la modélisation spatiale couplant Systèmes d'Induction et d'Information Géographique », *LAboratoire de la Montagne Alpine (LAMA),* CNRS URA 344, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France ***TEACHING/PARTIPATING in PhD/HDR juries*** - Quantity: average of 120 hours / year in different universities (Avignon, Digne, Nîmes, Aix) - Topics: GI Science, Spatial Optimization and Analysis, Multicriteria Analysis, Spatial Robustness, Landscape Ecology - Degrees: Licence, Master - Supervision: about 6 students per year (3 PhD), in Geography (80%), Statistics, Computer Science - Participation in defense juries: 65 PhD juries (more than half as reviewer), 6 French HDR ***CO-RESPONSABILITY*** ***or*** ***PARTICIPATION*** ***in*** ***SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS*** ***(20******10******-202******3******)*** - Project GEODYN Dynamic graphs and Time Geography, Avignon University, 2021-22, 4 k€ - Projet Carbon-free transportation modes in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region, 2021-22, 15 k€ - Project CliMedScale, Studying climate scales in Mediterranéean areas, 2020-21, 10 k€ - Project Prospective of New Shared and Responsive Transports in the PACA region, 2019, 27 k€ - Project Weak Spatial Signals (WeakSpaSIG) PEPS/CNRS, collaboration in MAGIS research group, 2017, 15 k€ - Project BV-Rage, analysing the voting behavior and profiles according to polling station location and shape, 2016-17, 6 k€ - Project Tchekoff, optimised cultural routing in museums and festivals, 2015-16, 6 k€ - Projet ESTOC - Electrical Stations and Transport Optimisation for Citizens, 2014, UAPV, 13 k€ - Project CartoMuse (relation between Music and Cartography), 2013-2014, geography, computer science, 4 k€ - Project Urbi &amp; Orbi (biomimicry: orbital networks from orbweb of spiders applied to human networks), 2013-2014, PEPS/CNRS, geography, ecology, mathematics, computer science, 5 k€ - Project Mobilities in South-Essonne, « Leave your Vehicle in your Garage » (LVG) ; SAS Prorentsoft, Chamber of Commerce of Essonne, Sous-Préfecture d'Etampes, SA Faurecia, 2012-2013, 70 k€ - Project ROLSES, Robust and Optimal Locations for Sustainable Environment and Systems, ANR SYSCOMM n° SYSC-010-01, 2009-2012; geography, statistics et mathematics, 250 k€ - Project MODULOBUS, Prototypes and new models and apporaches for urban and rural dynamic optimized demand responsive tranportation, ANR PREDIT TSFA n° 0766C0246, ADEME, 2008-2011, geography, computer science, 450 k€ ***P******h******D CO-SUPERVISION*** ***(******2******0******, with*** ***part of supervision)*** - Transportation (9, Geography): C. Genre-Grandpierre (2000, 20%), A. Banos (2002, 90%), T. Thévenin (2003, 90%), J. Bolot (2006, 80%), E. Castex (2007, 80%), R. Chevrier (2008, 80%), J. Prud'homme (2013, 70%), A. Lammoglia (2013, 80%), L. Garcin (2021..., 80%) - Land & property (2, Geography): T. Lecourt (2020..., 20%), P. Le Brun (2020..., 10%) - Environment (3, Geography) : I. Mahfoud (2009, 80%), R. Louvet (2014, aborted, 50%), S. Jourani (2023..., 30%) - Agiculture (1, Agronomy): M. Moulery (2000, 40%) - Optimisation and Routing (4, Computer Science) : T. Garaix (2007, 40%), M. A. Ait Ouahmed (2018, 50%), S. Boularouk (2018, 70%), M. Mathias (2014, 20%), - Heritage (1, History) : M. Ferrand (2022, 30%) ***AWARDS*** - Awards of the best paper (4): FCTA’2011, ICCSA’2017 (session), ICOR’2017, AGILE’2016 - Invitation to present in a plenary session of an international conferences or colloquium: Morocco (RSG'2013), Vietnam (VIAMC'2017), Russia (SSORA'2018 international summer school), Tunisia (ISG'2019), Spain (IWUA-ICE'2019). - Nominated for the CNRS silver medal by section 39 in 2023 (not awarded). ***EDUCATION and DIPLOMA*** - **2010** : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherche (HDR), Géographie, UMR ESPACE, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (UAPV), France - **1995** : Thèse de doctorat, Géographie, Laboratoire de la Montagne Alpine (LAMA), Université Joseph Fourier (UJF), Grenoble, France - **1991** : Dipôme d'Etude Approfondie (DEA), Gestion des espaces montagnards, Laboratoire de la Montagne Alpine (LAMA), Université Joseph Fourier (UJF), Grenoble, France - **1989** : Maîtrise Sciences Naturelles, Université Joseph Fourier (UJF), Grenoble, France - **1987** : Diplôme d'Etude Universitaire Générale (DEUG), Série B, Biologie-Géologie, Université de Limoges, France - **1987** : Diplôme d'Etude Universitaire des Sciences et des technologies (DEUST), Agro-alimentaire, Université de Limoges, France - **1986** : Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture (Angers, réorientation) - **1984** : Baccalauréat, Série D (biologie, environnement), Lycée Jean-Giraudoux, Châteauroux, France ***Other*** Music player: acoustic and electronic drums, saxophone and cello ; practice in orchestra (grand harmony orchestra, jazz bigband and chamber orchestra) ; design of electronic instruments. Sport and leisure: cycling, running, motorbike (trail monocylinder BMW 650 GS), travels. Association: member of CEN PACA (environmental conservatory of the PACA region), member of the Fondation Frédéric Gaillanne (seeing-eye guide dog education for blind kids).



Analyse exploratoire de la robustesse des indicateurs de prix fonciers - Effet des agrégations spatiales

Delphine Blanke , Guilhem Boulay , Laure Casanova Enault , Mathieu Coulon , Didier Josselin
57è colloque de l'Association de Sciences Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), ESPACE - CNRS - Université d'Avignon, Jun 2021, Avignon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03503737v1

Uncertainties Related to Real Estate Price Estimation Scales

Didier Josselin , Delphine Blanke , Mathieu Coulon , Guilhem Boulay , Laure Casanova Enault
François Pinet; Mireille Batton-Hubert; Eric Desjardin. Geographical Data Imperfection 2: Use Cases, 2, Wiley; ISTE, pp.127-163, 2024, 9781786302984. ⟨10.1002/9781119507352⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-04481114v1