Erica de Vries
Diagrams for Learning to Lead in Salsa DancingDiagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2022, Sep 2022, Rome, Italy. pp.260 - 267, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-15146-0_22⟩
Conference papers
Etude de systèmes d’interaction piétons-voitures autonomesActes de la 32e conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM'20.21), Apr 2021, Virtual Event, France. pp.7:1-6, ⟨10.1145/3450522.3451253⟩
Conference papers
Learning with text and pictures: Effects of cohesion and cross-representational signallingEARLI Special Interest Group 2 Text and Graphics Comprehension meeting, Aug 2018, Freibourg, Germany
Conference papers
Photos in 360° view matter in road crossing decisions in front of traditional and autonomous carsEARLI Special Interest Group 2 “Text and Graphics Comprehension meeting, Aug 2018, Fribourg, Germany
Conference papers
How Cross-Representational Signaling Affects Learning from Text and Picture: An Eye-Tracking Study.Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, Diagrams 2018, Jun 2018, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.725‑728, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-91376-6_68⟩
Conference papers
How to represent energy consumption of household appliances in an era of global warming?EARLI Special Interest Group 2 Text and Graphics Comprehension meeting, Aug 2018, Freibourg, Germany
Conference papers
Jouer et apprendre en classe : Étude des pratiques interactionnelles dans des environnements d’apprentissage hybrides et émergentsJournée d’étude : Jeux Vidéo en pratique, Nov 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Studying initial conceptions of the autonomous car as the groundwork for designing road safety trainingEARLI Special Interest Group 3 "Conceptual change" meeting, Aug 2018, Klagenfurt, Austria
Conference papers
Four reading ability tests as predictors of multimedia document comprehensionBiannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2017, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Complementing theoretical frames for understanding global how-to-video sharingBiannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2017, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Format effects on the comprehension of movement from static graphics in engineering educationBiannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2017, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers
Quelles ressources pour la conception des jeux de formation ? : le cas des Jeux Epistémiques NumériquesICODOC, Jul 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Exploring Representations of Student Time-UseDiagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2016., Aug 2016, Philadelphia, United States. pp.40-47, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-42333-3_4⟩
Conference papers
Constructing knowledge from interactive visualizations: How conceptual understanding influences representational choiceAmerican Educational Research Association, 2016, Washington DC, United States
Conference papers
Reverse engineering how‐to videosEARLI SIG 6 Instructional Design & 7 Technology-Enhanced Learning and Instruction Meeting, 2016, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Visualizations of cultural symbols and values in a reward allocation taskEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, 2016, Genève, Switzerland
Conference papers
The role of comprehension ability in multimedia learningEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meetin, 2016, Genève, Switzerland
Conference papers
Dynamic vs. static visualizations for learning procedural and declarative informationEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, 2016, Genève, Switzerland
Conference papers
Representing Sequence: The Influence of Timeline Axis and Direction on Causal Reasoning in Litigation Law38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Aug 2016, Philadelphia, United States. pp.450-455
Conference papers
Mental comparisons of magnitudes: Numerical vs. graphical formatEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, 2016, Genève, Switzerland
Conference papers
Impact of need for cognition and design of infographics on attitude change: a study on homophobiaConference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, 2015, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers
Fonctions cognitive des représentations mobilisées en séance de créativité14ème colloque national AIP-Primeca, Mar 2015, La Plagne, France
Conference papers
The effect of movie trailers’ rhetorical structures on shared meaning and affinityConference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, 2015, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers
The influence of text coherence and text-graphic correspondence on children’s comprehensionAmerican Educational Research Association, 2015, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Modulation of ambiguity, a cognitive function of representations during idea generation20th Internationale conference on engineering design ICED 15, Aug 2015, Milano, Italy. pp.339
Conference papers
Comprehending text-graphic combinations: text coherence and level of graphical detailConference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2015, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers
Playing with cards; constructing graphical genresEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Grounding Website Navigation: the Effects of Visuospatial Cues on Search BehaviourEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Identifying dimensions of socio-technical tools for innovative design and engineering educationEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Shared representations: dyadic and triadic perspectives in work and trainingcoop'10, May 2010, Aix en Provence, France. pp.253-263
Conference papers
How can we take into account student conceptions of the facial angle in a palaeontology laboratory work?International Conference on learning science, 2008, UTRECHT, Netherlands. pp.567
Conference papers
Do students apply constructivist principles in designing computer-supported learning environments?Proc. 1st joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers, 2004, Tübingen, Germany. pp.73-84
Conference papers
Computer-mediated epistemic interactions for co-constructing scientific notions: Lessons learned from a five-year research programme.European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2001, 2001, Maastricht, Netherlands. pp.89-96
Conference papers
PrésentationCinquième colloque Hypermédias et apprentissages, Apr 2001, Grenoble, France. pp.341-384
Conference papers
Explaining and arguing about science concepts in a computer-based environment for the Confrontation, Negotiation, and Construction of Text (ConNeCT)biannual Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 1999, Gotebörg, Sweden
Conference papers
Designing computer-mediated epistemic interactionsAIED'99: 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1999, Le Mans, France. pp.139-146
Conference papers
Teachers' analysis of and support for students' collaborative problem- solving activity: a study in a CSCL environment for understanding sound in physicsComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference, Dec 1997, Toronto, Canada. pp.175 - 193
Conference papers
Des hypermédias pour quoi faire ? l'apport des modèles de tâches à la conception d'hypermédias pour l'apprentissageTroisièmes journées hypermédias et apprentissages, 1996, Châtenay-Malabry, France
Conference papers
FranceTon de Jong. Graduating around the globe: Protocols, principles, and traditions for PhD graduations - examples from the learning sciences, Twente University, 2021
Book sections
Quelles ressources interactionnelles pour la conception de jeux épistémiques numériques?ICODOC 2017: Les Resources Mobilisees en Interaction, 52, pp.1-16, 2018, ⟨10.1051/shsconf/20185201001⟩
Book sections
Rentrer la figureDu mot au concept : Figure, PUG, 2015
Book sections
Teachers’ thoughts on visualisations in culturally diverse settings: The case of France and PakistanScience teachers’ use of visual representations. Models and Modeling in Science Education, Vol. 8, Springer, 2014
Book sections
Learning with External RepresentationsNorbert M. Seel. Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer US, pp.2016-2019, 2012, ⟨10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_675⟩
Book sections
Convention, ou le partage de l’arbitraireJacques Baillé. Du mot au concept : Convention, Presses Universitaire de Grenoble, pp.113-134, 2010
Book sections
External Representations for LearningNicolas Balacheff; Sten Ludvigsen; Ton Jong; Ard Lazonder; Sally Barnes. Technology-Enhanced Learning, Springer Netherlands, pp.137-153, 2009, ⟨10.1007/978-1-4020-9827-7_9⟩
Book sections
Conversions dans les environnements interactifs d’apprentissage.Jacques Baillé. Du mot au concept : Conversion, Presses Universitaire Grenoble, pp.165-187, 2007, 978-2-7061-1396-3
Book sections
Quelles situations pour l’introduction de la conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) en technologie au collège ?Philippe Dessus; Edouard Gentaz. Apprentissages et enseignement, Dunod, 2006
Book sections
Apprentissage: Référents théoriques pour les EIAHMonique Grandbastien; Jean-Marc Labat. Environnements Informatiques et Apprentissages Humains, Hermès, pp.27-43, 2006, IC2
Book sections
Interactions épistémiques médiatisées par ordinateur pour la co-élaboration des notions scientifiquesC. Deaudelin et Thérèse Nault. Collaborer pour apprendre et faire apprendre, la place des outils technologiques, Presses Universitaires du Québec, pp.121-134, 2003, Education Recherche
Book sections
Educational technology and multimedia from a cognitive perspective: Knowledge from inside the computer, onto the screen, and into our headsHerre van Oostendorp. Cognition in a digital world, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp.155-174, 2003
Book sections
Hypermedia for physics learning: the case of the energy conceptJean-François Rouet; Jarmo J. Levonen; Agnès Biardeau. Multimedia learning: Cognitive and instructional issues, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp.141-154, 2000
Book sections
Évaluer l'utilisation d'hypermédias : intérêts et limites des variables de performanceA. Tricot ; J.-F. Rouet. Les hypermédias, approches cognitives et ergonomiques, Paris : Hermès., pp.175-190, 1998
Book sections
Diagrams for Learning to Lead in Salsa Dancing13462, Springer International Publishing, pp.260-267, 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-15146-0_22⟩
Through the Eyes of an Archeologist: Studying the Role of Prior Knowledge in Learning with Diagrams12909, Springer International Publishing, pp.315-330, 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-86062-2_32⟩
Gamification, Artificial Intelligence and Support to motivation, Actes de conférences2020
Building bridges: Improving our understanding of learning from text and graphics by making the connectionEARLI SIG 2 Comprehension of text and graphics Meeting, Aug 2017, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2014
Higher Education and Mobilities [Special Issue]European journal of higher education, 7 (1), 2017
Special issue