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Eliaou Sellem

Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL eliaou-sellem
  • ORCID 0000-0001-9251-9077
  • Google Scholar :




Contribution of sperm methylome to bull fertility and interactions with DNA polymorphism

Hélène Kiefer , Jean-Philippe Perrier , Eli Sellem , Audrey Prézelin , François Piumi
2018 ASAS-CSAS, American Society of Animal Science (ASAS). USA., Jul 2018, Vancouver, Canada. pp.522, ⟨10.1093/jas/sky404.815⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02733892v1

Long term effects of cloning by nuclear transfer on monocytes methylome in dairy Cattle

Hélène Jammes , Maxime Gasselin , Laura Notebaert , Gilles Foucras , Jean-Philippe Perrier
12. World Conference on Animal Production (WCAP) - ASAS-CSAS Annual meeting & Trade Show, Jul 2018, Vancouver, Canada. American Society of Animal Science, Journal of Animal Science, 96 suppl n°3, pp.522, 2018, Abstracts 2018- ASAS-CSAS Annual. ⟨10.1093/jas/sky404.835⟩
Poster de conférence hal-02734979v1