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Elise Huchard



An early-life challenge: becoming an older sibling in wild mandrills

Axelle Delaunay , Océane Cossu-Doye , Berta Roura-Torres , Loïc Sauvadet , Barthélémy Ngoubangoye
Royal Society Open Science, 2024, 11 (7), ⟨10.1098/rsos.240597⟩
Journal articles hal-04749969v1
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What is the “Least Bad” Control in Comparative Thanatology Studies? A Comment on Arlet et al., 2023

Alecia Carter , Elise Huchard
International Journal of Primatology, 2024, 45 (5), pp.1001-1003. ⟨10.1007/s10764-023-00411-5⟩
Journal articles hal-04784748v1
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Cycle length flexibility: is the duration of sexual receptivity associated with changes in social pressures?

Fragkiskos Darmis , Élise Huchard , Guy Cowlishaw , Alecia J Carter
Royal Society Open Science, 2023, 10 (11), ⟨10.1098/rsos.231307⟩
Journal articles hal-04784300v1
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Assessing the recovery of Y chromosome microsatellites with population genomic data using Papio and Theropithecus genomes

Giacomo Mutti , Gonzalo Oteo-Garcia , Matteo Caldon , Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva , Tânia Minhós
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), pp.13839. ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-40931-x⟩
Journal articles hal-04249609v1

Universities should lead on the plant-based dietary transition

Jochen Krattenmacher , Paula Casal , Jan Dutkiewicz , Elise Huchard , Edel Sanders
Lancet Planetary Health , 2023, 7 (5), pp.E354-E355. ⟨10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00082-7⟩
Journal articles hal-04127870v1
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Evolutionary determinants of non-seasonal breeding in wild chacma baboons

Jules Dezeure , Alice Baniel , Lugdiwine Burtschell , Alecia J Carter , Bernard Godelle
The American Naturalist, 2023, 201 (1), ⟨10.1086/722082⟩
Journal articles hal-03854878v1
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Social network inheritance and differentiation in wild baboons

Vittoria Roatti , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard , Alecia Carter
Royal Society Open Science, 2023, 10 (5), ⟨10.1098/rsos.230219⟩
Journal articles hal-04249572v1
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Transition to siblinghood in a wild chacma baboon population

Axelle Delaunay , Alice Baniel , Jules Dezeure , Alecia J Carter , Guy Cowlishaw
Animal Behaviour, 2023, 199, pp.123-139. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2023.02.011⟩
Journal articles hal-04070047v1
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Socially bonded females face more sexual coercion in a female-philopatric primate

Nikolaos Smit , Jules Dezeure , Loïc Sauvadet , Elise Huchard , Marie Charpentier
iScience, 2023, 26 (10), pp.107358. ⟨10.1016/j.isci.2023.107358⟩
Journal articles hal-04240885v1
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Editorial: Sex and gender effects on power, status, dominance, and leadership – an interdisciplinary look at human and other mammalian societies

Joey T Cheng , Charlotte K Hemelrijk , Tanja Hentschel , Elise Huchard , Peter M Kappeler
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11, pp.1340095. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2023.1340095⟩
Journal articles hal-04784713v1
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Evolutionary determinants of reproductive seasonality: a theoretical approach

Lugdiwine Burtschell , Jules Dezeure , Elise Huchard , Bernard Godelle
Peer Community Journal, 2022, 3, pp.e56. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.286⟩
Journal articles hal-04171855v1
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Dynamics of intersexual dominance in a highly dimorphic primate

Nikolaos Smit , Barthélémy Ngoubangoye , Marie Charpentier , Elise Huchard
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, ⟨10.3389/fevo.2022.931226⟩
Journal articles hal-04198820v1
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Sex and dominance: How to assess and interpret intersexual dominance relationships in mammalian societies

Peter M. Kappeler , Elise Huchard , Alice Baniel , Charlotte Canteloup , Marie J.E. Charpentier
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10, pp.918773. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2022.918773⟩
Journal articles hal-03820273v1
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Immigrant males' knowledge influences baboon troop movements to reduce home range overlap and mating competition

Julien Collet , Nathalie Pettorelli , Alice Baniel , Alecia J Carter , Elise Huchard
Behavioral Ecology, 2022, 33 (2), pp.398-407. ⟨10.1093/beheco/arab145⟩
Journal articles hal-03463550v1
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The effect of dominance rank on female reproductive success in social mammals

Shivani M , Elise Huchard , Dieter Lukas
Peer Community In Ecology, 2022, 2, pp.e48. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.158⟩
Journal articles hal-03768139v2
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Fitness effects of seasonal birth timing in a long-lived social primate living in the equatorial forest

Jules Dezeure , Marie Charpentier , Elise Huchard
Animal Behaviour, 2022, 185, pp.113-126. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.01.002⟩
Journal articles hal-03768630v1
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La frontière entre humains et autres espèces redessinée par les sciences comportementales

Élise Huchard , Cécile Huchard
Communications [EHESS], 2022, 110, pp.75-85. ⟨10.3917/commu.110.0075⟩
Journal articles hal-03768130v1
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The eco-evolutionary landscape of power relationships between males and females

Eve Davidian , Martin Surbeck , Dieter Lukas , Peter Kappeler , Elise Huchard
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2022, 37 (8), pp.706 - 718. ⟨10.1016/j.tree.2022.04.004⟩
Journal articles hal-03768153v1
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Honest signaling in mouse lemur vocalizations?

Claudia Fichtel , Peter M Kappeler , Martine Perret , Elise Huchard , Pierre-Yves Henry
International Journal of Primatology, 2022, 43, pp.752-773. ⟨10.1007/s10764-021-00265-9⟩
Journal articles hal-03463866v1
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Stable isotopes reveal the effects of maternal rank and infant age on weaning dynamics in wild chacma baboons

Silvia Carboni , Jules Dezeure , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard , Harry H Marshall
Animal Behaviour, 2022, 193, pp.21-32. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.08.010⟩
Journal articles hal-03854810v1
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The submissive pattern of postconflict affiliation in asymmetric relationships: a test in male and sexually coerced female baboons.

Alice Baniel , Christine Webb , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Animal Behaviour, 2021, 175, pp.87-97. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.02.014⟩
Journal articles hal-03192677v1
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Birth timing generates reproductive trade-offs in a non-seasonal breeding primate

Jules Dezeure , Alice Baniel , Alecia J Carter , Guy Cowlishaw , Bernard Godelle
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2021, 288 (1950), pp.20210286. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2021.0286⟩
Journal articles hal-03254769v1
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Ecological, parasitological and individual determinants of plasma neopterin levels in a natural mandrill population

Serge Ely Dibakou , Alain Souza , Larson Boundenga , Laurent Givalois , Séverine Mercier-Delarue
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2020, 11, pp.198-206. ⟨10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.02.009⟩
Journal articles hal-02995775v1
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The Study That Made Rats Jump for Joy, and Then Killed Them

Christine Webb , Peter Woodford , Elise Huchard
BioEssays, 2020, 42 (6), pp.2000030. ⟨10.1002/bies.202000030⟩
Journal articles hal-02995689v1
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Ecological, parasitological and individual determinants of plasma neopterin levels in a natural mandrill population

Serge Ely Dibakou , Alain Souza , Larson Boundenga , Laurent Givalois , Séverine Mercier-Delarue
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 2020, 11, pp.198-206. ⟨10.1016/j.ijppaw.2020.02.009⟩
Journal articles hal-04504643v1
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Developmental transitions in body color in chacma baboon infants: Implications to estimate age and developmental pace

Jules Dezeure , Julie Dagorrette , Alice Baniel , Alecia Carter , Guy Cowlishaw
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2020, ⟨10.1002/ajpa.24118⟩
Journal articles hal-02995912v1
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Baboon thanatology: responses of filial and non-filial group members to infants' corpses

Alecia Carter , Alice Baniel , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Royal Society Open Science, 2020, 7 (3), pp.192206. ⟨10.1098/rsos.192206⟩
Journal articles hal-02995782v1
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Animal Ethics and Behavioral Science: An Overdue Discussion?

Christine Webb , Peter Woodford , Elise Huchard
Bioscience, 2019, 69 (10), pp.778-788. ⟨10.1093/biosci/biz082⟩
Journal articles hal-02170684v1
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The evolution of infanticide by females in mammals

Dieter Lukas , Elise Huchard
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2019, ⟨10.1101/405688⟩
Journal articles hal-02114584v1
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Friend or foe: Reconciliation between males and females in wild chacma baboons

Christine E Webb , Alice Baniel , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Animal Behaviour, 2019, 151, pp.145-155. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.03.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02114573v1
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Oestrous females avoid mating in front of adult male bystanders in wild chacma baboons

Alice Baniel , Axelle Delaunay , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Royal Society Open Science, 2019, 6 (1), pp.181009. ⟨10.1098/rsos.181009⟩
Journal articles hal-02114590v1
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Determinants of Variations in Fecal Neopterin in Free-Ranging Mandrills

Serge Ely Dibakou , Didier Basset , Alain Souza , Marie Charpentier , Elise Huchard
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 7, pp.368. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2019.00368⟩
Journal articles hal-02305339v1
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Interventionnisme et faune sauvage

Virginie Maris , Elise Huchard
Les Ateliers de l'Ethique, 2018, 13, pp.115-142. ⟨10.7202/1055121ar⟩
Journal articles hal-01950031v1
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Jealous females? Female competition and reproductive suppression in a wild promiscuous primate

Alice Baniel , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2018, 285 (1886), pp.20181332. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2018.1332⟩
Journal articles hal-01950037v1
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Context dependence of female reproductive competition in wild chacma baboons

Alice Baniel , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Animal Behaviour, 2018, 139, pp.37-49. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.03.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01950023v1
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The inbreeding strategy of a solitary primate, Microcebus murinus

Elise Huchard , S. Schliehe-Diecks , P. M Kappeler , C. Kraus
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2017, 30 (1), pp.128-140. ⟨10.1111/jeb.12992⟩
Journal articles hal-01950125v1
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Patterns of MHC-dependent mate selection in humans and nonhuman primates: a meta-analysis

Jamie Winternitz , J.L. Abbate , Elise Huchard , J. Havlicek , L. Z. Garamszegi
Molecular Ecology, 2017, 26 (2), pp.668-688. ⟨10.1111/mec.13920⟩
Journal articles hal-01601137v1
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Male Violence and Sexual Intimidation in a Wild Primate Society

Alice Baniel , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Current Biology - CB, 2017, 27 (14), pp.2163-2168.e3. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01950144v1

Shared evolutionary origin of major histocompatibility complex polymorphism in sympatric lemurs

Anni Hämäläinen , Eva Kaesler , Peter M Kappeler , Markus Brameier , Janina Demeler
Molecular Ecology, 2017, 26 (20), pp.5629-5645. ⟨10.1111/mec.14336⟩
Journal articles hal-01950068v1
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Competitive growth in a cooperative mammal

Elise Huchard , Sinead English , Matt B V Bell , Nathan Thavarajah , Tim Clutton-Brock
Nature, 2016, 533 (7604), pp.532-534. ⟨10.1038/nature17986⟩
Journal articles hal-01950170v1
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Stability and strength of male-female associations in a promiscuous primate society

Alice Baniel , Guy Cowlishaw , Elise Huchard
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2016, 70 (5), pp.761-775. ⟨10.1007/s00265-016-2100-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01950152v1

MHC class II variation in a rare and ecological specialist mouse lemur reveals lower allelic richness and contrasting selection patterns compared to a generalist and widespread sympatric congener

Eva Pechouskova , Melanie Dammhahn , Markus Brameier , Claudia Fichtel , Peter M Kappeler
Immunogenetics, 2015, 67 (4), pp.229-245
Journal articles hal-01950196v1
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Additive genetic variance and developmental plasticity in growth trajectories in a wild cooperative mammal

E. Huchard , Anne Charmantier , S. English , A. Bateman , J. F Nielsen
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2014, 27 (9), pp.1893-1904. ⟨10.1111/jeb.12440⟩
Journal articles hal-01950247v1
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The evolution of infanticide by males in mammalian societies

Dieter Lukas , Elise Huchard
Science, 2014, 346 (6211), pp.841-844. ⟨10.1126/science.1257226⟩
Journal articles hal-01950230v1

Junior scientists are sceptical of sceptics of open access: a reply to Agrawal

Alecia Carter , Nicholas P.C. Horrocks , Elise Huchard , Corina Logan , Dieter Lukas
Trends in Plant Science, 2014, 19 (6), pp.339-340
Journal articles hal-01950214v1

The Major Histocompatibility Complex and Primate Behavioral Ecology: New Tools and Future Questions

Elise Huchard , Eva Pechouskova
International Journal of Primatology, 2014, 35 (1), pp.11-31
Journal articles hal-01950259v1

Paternal effects on access to resources in a promiscuous primate society

Elise Huchard , Marie Charpentier , Harry Marshall , Andrew King , Leslie Knapp
Behavioral Ecology, 2013, 24 (1), pp.229-236. ⟨10.1093/beheco/ars158⟩
Journal articles hal-02079637v1

Distribution of Affiliative Behavior Across Kin Classes and Their Fitness Consequences in Mandrills

Marie Charpentier , Elise Huchard , Anja Widdig , Olivier Gimenez , Bettina Sallé
Ethology, 2012, 118 (12), pp.1198-1207. ⟨10.1111/eth.12026⟩
Journal articles hal-02079623v1

Mutual mate choice in a female-dominant and sexually monomorphic primate

Doris Gomez , Elise Huchard , Pierre-Yves Henry , Martine Perret
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2012, 147 (3), pp.370-379. ⟨10.1002/ajpa.21653⟩
Journal articles hal-03879187v1

Convenience polyandry or convenience polygyny? Costly sex under female control in a promiscuous primate

Elise Huchard , Cindy Canale , Chloé Le Gros , Martine Perret , Pierre-Yves Henry
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012, 279 (1732), pp.1371-1379. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2011.1326⟩
Journal articles hal-03879388v1

Reproductive Resilience to Food Shortage in a Small Heterothermic Primate

Cindy Canale , Elise Huchard , Martine Perret , Pierre-Yves Henry
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (7), pp.e41477. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0041477⟩
Journal articles hal-03879128v1

A rule-of-thumb based on social affiliation explains collective movements in desert baboons

Andrew J. King , Cédric Sueur , Elise Huchard , Guy Cowlishaw
Animal Behaviour, 2011, 82 (6), pp.1337-1345. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.09.017⟩
Journal articles hal-00631172v1

Detective mice assess relatedness in baboons using olfactory cues

Aurélie Célérier , Elise Huchard , Alexandra Alvergne , Delphine Féjan , Floriane Plard
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2010, 213 (9), pp.1399-1405. ⟨10.1242/jeb.038349⟩
Journal articles hal-04219547v1

Studying shape in sexual signals: the case of primate sexual swellings

Elise Huchard , Julio Benavides , Joanna Setchell , Marie Charpentier , Alexandra Alvergne
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2009, 63 (8), pp.1231-1242. ⟨10.1007/s00265-009-0748-z⟩
Journal articles hal-02079550v1
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Human Ability to Recognize Kin Visually Within Primates

Alexandra Alvergne , Elise Huchard , Damien Caillaud , Marie Charpentier , Joanna Setchell
International Journal of Primatology, 2009, 30 (1), pp.199-210. ⟨10.1007/s10764-009-9339-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02079548v1

Dominance and Affiliation Mediate Despotism in a Social Primate

Andrew J. King , Caitlin M.S. Douglas , Elise Huchard , Nick J.B. Isaac , Guy Cowlishaw
Current Biology - CB, 2008, 18 (23), pp.1833-1838. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2008.10.048⟩
Journal articles halsde-00475843v1

Polymorphism, haplotype composition, and selection in the Mhc-DRB of wild baboons

Elise Huchard , Mylene Weill , Michel Raymond , Leslie Knapp , Guy Cowlishaw
Immunogenetics, 2008, 60 (10), pp.585-598. ⟨10.1007/s00251-008-0319-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01945504v1

Molecular study of Mhc-DRB in wild chacma baboons reveals high variability and evidence for transspecies inheritance

Elise Huchard , Guy Colishaw , Michel Raymond , Mylène Weill , L.A. Knapp
Immunogenetics, 2006, 58 (10), pp.805-816. ⟨10.1007/s00251-006-0156-8⟩
Journal articles halsde-00184690v1
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Acetylcholinesterase genes within the Diptera: takeover and loss in true flies

Elise Huchard , Michel Martinez , Haoues Alout , Emmanuel J.P. Douzery , Georges Lutfalla
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2006, 273 (1601), pp.2595-2604. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2006.3621⟩
Journal articles hal-01945529v1