Look4LTRs: a Long terminal repeat retrotransposon detection tool capable of cross species studies and discovering recently nested repeats
Anthony B. Garza
Emmanuelle Lerat
Hani Z. Girgis
Journal articles
Look4LTRs: a Long terminal repeat retrotransposon detection tool capable of cross species studies and discovering recently nested repeats
Anthony B. Garza
Emmanuelle Lerat
Hani Z. Girgis
Journal articles
SMBE Secretary’s Report
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
MicroAnnot: A Dedicated Workflow for Accurate Microsporidian Genome Annotation
Jérémy Tournayre
Valérie Polonais
Ivan Wawrzyniak
Reginald Florian Akossi
Nicolas Parisot
Journal articles
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
Kathrin Theissinger
Carlos Fernandes
Giulio Formenti
Iliana Bista
Paul Berg
Journal articles
Recent Bioinformatic Progress to Identify Epigenetic Changes Associated to Transposable Elements
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
The Transposable Element Environment of Human Genes Differs According to Their Duplication Status and Essentiality
Margot Correa
Emmanuelle Lerat
Etienne E. Birmelé
Franck Samson
Bérengère Bouillon
Journal articles
Massive colonization of protein-coding exons by selfish genetic elements in Paramecium germline genomes
Diamantis Sellis
Frédéric Guérin
Olivier Arnaiz
Walker Pett
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
An Overview of Duplicated Gene Detection Methods: Why the Duplication Mechanism Has to Be Accounted for in Their Choice
Tanguy Lallemand
Martin Leduc
Claudine Landès
Carène Rizzon
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
On the Importance to Acknowledge Transposable Elements in Epigenomic Analyses
Emmanuelle Lerat
Josep Casacuberta
Cristian Chaparro
Cristina Vieira
Journal articles
Does the Presence of Transposable Elements Impact the Epigenetic Environment of Human Duplicated Genes?
Romain Lannes
Carène Rizzon
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
Population specific dynamics and selection patterns of transposable element insertions in European natural populations
Emmanuelle Lerat
Clément Goubert
Sara Guirao-Rico
Miriam Merenciano
Anne-Béatrice Dufour
Journal articles
Simulation-based estimation of branching models for LTR retrotransposons
Serge Moulin
Nicolas Seux
Stéphane Chrétien
Christophe Guyeux
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
Evolutionary history of LTR-retrotransposons among 20 Drosophila species
N. Bargues
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
TEtools facilitates big data expression analysis of transposable elements and reveals an antagonism between their activity and that of piRNA genes
Emmanuelle Lerat
Marie Fablet
Laurent Modolo
Hélène Lopez-Maestre
Cristina Vieira
Journal articles
The transposable element environment of human genes is associated with histone and expression changes in cancer
Laura Grégoire
Annabelle A. Haudry
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
The Prediction and Validation of Small CDSs Expand the Gene Repertoire of the Smallest Known Eukaryotic Genomes
Abdel Belkorchia
Cyrielle Gasc
Valérie Polonais
Nicolas Parisot
Nicolas Gallois
Journal articles
Specific Activation of an I-Like Element in Drosophila Interspecific Hybrids
Elias a G Carnelossi
Emmanuelle Lerat
Hélène Henri
Sonia Martinez
Claudia M A Carareto
Journal articles
“One code to find them all”: a perl tool to conveniently parse RepeatMasker output files
Marc Bailly-Bechet
Annabelle Haudry
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
Microsporidian Genomes Harbor a Diverse Array of Transposable Elements that Demonstrate an Ancestry of Horizontal Exchange with Metazoans.
Nicolas Parisot
Adrian Pelin
Cyrielle Gasc
Valérie Polonais
Abdel Belkorchia
Journal articles
Hijacking of Host Cellular Functions by an Intracellular Parasite, the Microsporidian Anncaliia algerae
Johan Panek
Hicham El Alaoui
Anne Mone
Serge Urbach
Edith Demettre
Journal articles
A call for benchmarking transposable element annotation methods.
Douglas R Hoen
Glenn Hickey
Guillaume Bourque
Josep Casacuberta
Richard Cordaux
Journal articles
Exploiting the architecture and the features of the microsporidian genomes to investigate diversity and impact of these parasites on ecosystems
E Peyretaillade
D Boucher
N Parisot
C Gasc
R Butler
Journal articles
Subcellular Localization of ENS-1/ERNI in Chick Embryonic Stem Cells
Sophie Blanc
Florence Ruggiero
Anne-Marie Birot
Hervé Acloque
Didier Decimo
Journal articles
The endogenous retrovirus ENS-1 provides active binding sites for transcription factors in embryonic stem cells that specify extra embryonic tissue
A. Mey
Hervé Acloque
Emmanuelle Lerat
S. Gounel
V. Tribollet
Journal articles
A comparative analysis of the amounts and dynamics of transposable elements in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans.
Cristina Vieira
Marie Fablet
Emmanuelle Lerat
Matthieu Boulesteix
Rita Rebollo
Journal articles
Comparative analysis of transposable elements in the melanogaster subgroup sequenced genomes.
Emmanuelle Lerat
Nelly Burlet
Christian Biémont
Cristina Vieira
Journal articles
Genes devoid of full-length transposable element insertions are involved in development and in the regulation of transcription in human and closely related species.
Hussein Mortada
Cristina Vieira
Emmanuelle Lerat
Journal articles
Genomic environment influences the dynamics of the tirant LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila.
Marie Fablet
Emmanuelle Lerat
Rita Rebollo
Béatrice Horard
Nelly Burlet
Journal articles
Infra- and Transspecific Clues to Understanding the Dynamics of Transposable Elements
Cristina Vieira
M. Fablet
E. Lerat
genome dyn stab, 2009, --, pp.115-123
Journal articles
Genomic environment influences the dynamics of the tirant LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila
M. Fablet
E. Lerat
R. Rebollo
B. Horard
N. Burlet
FASEB Journal, 2009, 23, pp.54-62
Journal articles
The evolutionary dynamics of the Helena retrotransposon revealed by sequenced Drosophila genomes.
Adriana Granzotto
Fabrício R Lopes
Emmanuelle Lerat
Cristina Vieira
Claudia M A Carareto
Journal articles
Identification of expressed transposable element insertions in the sequenced genome of Drosophila melanogaster
M. Deloger
F.M.G. Cavalli
E. Lerat
C. Biémont
M.-F. Sagot
Gene, 2009, 439, pp.55-62
Journal articles
Identifying repeats and transposable elements in sequenced genomes: how to find your way through the dense forest of programs
E. Lerat
Heredity, 2009, --, pp.1-14
Journal articles
Losing helena: The extinction of a drosophila line-like element
Rita Rebollo
Emmanuelle Lerat
Liliana Lopez Kleine
Christian Biémont
Cristina Vieira
Journal articles
Maintenance in the chicken genome of the retroviral-like cENS gene family specifically expressed in early embryos
Emmanuelle Lerat
Anne-Marie Birot
Jacques Samarut
Anne Mey
Journal articles
Influence of the transposable element neighborhood on human gene expression in normal and tumor tissues
E. Lerat
M. Sémon
Gene, 2007, 396, pp.303-311
Journal articles
A bunch of fun-guys: the whole-genome view of yeast evolution
H. Ochman
Vincent Daubin
E. Lerat
Trends in Genetics, 2005, 21, pp.1-3
Journal articles
Examining bacterial species under the specter of gene transfer and exchange
H. Ochman
E. Lerat
Vincent Daubin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005, 102, pp.6595-6599
Journal articles
Recognizing the pseudogenes in bacterial genomes
E. Lerat
H. Ochman
Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, 33, pp.3125-3132
Journal articles
Evolutionary origins of genomic repertoires in bacteria
E. Lerat
Vincent Daubin
H. Ochman
N.A. Moran
PLoS Biology, 2005, 3, pp.0807-0814
Journal articles
$Psi$-$Phi$: Exploring the outer limits of bacterial pseudogenes
E. Lerat
H. Ochman
Genome Research, 2004, 14, pp.2273-2278
Journal articles
Reversing gene erosion: Reconstructing ancestral bacterial genomes from gene-content and order data
J.V. Earnest-Deyoung
E. Lerat
B.M.E. Moret
incollection, 2004, 3240, pp.1-13
Journal articles
Hypervariable and highly divergent intron/exon organizations in the chordate Oikopleura dioica
R. Edvardsen
E. Lerat
A.D. Maeland
M. Flat
R. Tewari
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2004, 59, pp.448-457
Journal articles
The evolutionary history of quorum-sensing in bacteria
E. Lerat
N.A. Moran
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2004, 21, pp.903-913
Journal articles
Ψ-Φ: Exploring the outer limits of bacterial pseudogenes
E. Lerat
H. Ochman
Genome Research, 2004, 14, pp.2273--2278
Journal articles
From gene trees to organismal phylogeny in prokaryotes: the case of the gamma-Proteobacteria
Emmanuelle Lerat
Vincent Daubin
Nancy Moran
Journal articles
The source of laterally transferred genes in bacterial genomes
Vincent Daubin
E. Lerat
G. Perrière
Genome Biology, 2003, 4, pp.R57.1-R57.12
Journal articles
Sequence divergence within transposable element families in the Drosophila melanogaster genome
E. Lerat
C. Rizzon
C. Biémont
Genome Research, 2003, 13, pp.1889-1896
Journal articles
The relative abundance of dinucleotides in transposable elements in five species
E. Lerat
P. Capy
C. Biémont
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2002, 19, pp.964-967
Journal articles
Codon usage by transposable elements and their host genes in five species
E. Lerat
P. Capy
C. Biémont
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 2002, 54, pp.625-637
Journal articles
Comparaison de séquences d`éléments transposables et de gènes d`hôtes chez cinq espèces : A. Thaliana C. Elegans D. Melanogaster H. Sapiens S. Cerevisiae
E. Lerat
incollection, 2001, --, pp.347-354
Journal articles
Codon usage and the origin of P elements
E. Lerat
C. Biémont
P. Capy
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2000, 17, pp.467-468
Journal articles
Is the evolution of transposable elements modular?
E. Lerat
F. Brunet
C. Bazin
P. Capy
Genetica, 1999, 107, pp.15-25
Journal articles
Retrotransposons and retroviruses: analysis of the envelope gene
E. Lerat
P. Capy
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 1999, 16, pp.1198-1207
Journal articles