Stabilization of infinite-dimensional linear control systems by POD reduced-order Riccati feedback
Emmanuel Trélat
Gengsheng Wang
Yashan Xu
Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2024, 14 (4), pp.1705--1728
Journal articles
Linear quadratic optimal control turnpike in finite and infinite dimension: two-term expansion of the value function
Veljko Ašković
Emmanuel Trélat
Hasnaa Zidani
Journal articles
Two-term large-time asymptotic expansion of the value function for dissipative nonlinear optimal control problems
Veljko Askovic
Emmanuel Trélat
Hasnaa Zidani
Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2024, 14 (4), pp.1501--1516
Journal articles
Approximate control of parabolic equations with on-off shape controls by Fenchel duality
Camille Pouchol
Emmanuel Trélat
Christophe Zhang
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, 2024, 41 (6), pp.1465--1507. ⟨10.4171/AIHPC/114⟩
Journal articles
Convergence in nonlinear optimal sampled-data control problems
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, 69 (10), pp.7144--7151
Journal articles
Quantum Limits on product manifolds
Emmanuel Humbert
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Linear turnpike theorem
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Constructive exact control of semilinear 1D wave equations by a least-squares approach
Arnaud Munch
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Geometric and probabilistic results for the observability of the wave equation
Emmanuel Humbert
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal de l'École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 2022, Tome 9, pp.431--461. ⟨10.5802/jep.186⟩
Journal articles
Exponential convergence towards consensus for non-symmetric linear first-order systems in finite and infinite dimensions
Laurent Boudin
Francesco Salvarani
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Optimization of vaccination for COVID-19 in the midst of a pandemic
Qi Luo
Ryan Weightman
Sean Mcquade
Mateo Díaz
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Proportional Integral regulation control of a one-dimensional semilinear wave equation
Hugo Lhachemi
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Controlling swarms towards flocks and mills
José A Carrillo
Dante Kalise
Francesco Rossi
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Unified Riccati theory for optimal permanent and sampled-data control problems in finite and infinite time horizons
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Small-time asymptotics of hypoelliptic heat kernels near the diagonal, nilpotentization and related results
Yves Colin de Verdìère
Luc Hillairet
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Nonnegative control of finite-dimensional linear systems
Jérôme Lohéac
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Control of COVID-19 outbreak using an extended SEIR model
Sean T Mcquade
Ryan Weightman
Nathaniel J Merrill
Aayush Yadav
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Pace and motor control optimization for a runner
Amandine Aftalion
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Robustness under control sampling of reachability in fixed time for nonlinear control systems
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
PI Regulation of a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Delayed Boundary Control
Hugo Lhachemi
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Optimal Control of Endo-Atmospheric Launch Vehicle Systems: Geometric and Computational Issues
Riccardo Bonalli
Bruno Hérissé
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Characterization by observability inequalities of controllability and stabilization properties
Emmanuel Trélat
Gengsheng Wang
Yashan Xu
Journal articles
Two-sided space-time $L^1$ approximation and optimal control of polynomial systems
Bruno Després
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Shape turnpike for linear parabolic PDE models
Gontran Lance
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
How to build a new athletic track to break records
Amandine Aftalion
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Feedback stabilization of a 1D linear reaction-diffusion equation with delay boundary control
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Continuity of Pontryagin Extremals with Respect to Delays in Nonlinear Optimal Control
Riccardo Bonalli
Bruno Hérissé
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Spectral shape optimization for the Neumann traces of the Dirichlet-Laplacian eigenfunctions
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Redundancy implies robustness for bang-bang strategies
Antoine Olivier
Thomas Haberkorn
Emmanuel Trélat
Eric Bourgeois
David-Alexis Handschuh
Journal articles
Phase portrait control for 1D monostable and bistable reaction-diffusion equations
Camille Pouchol
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Observability properties of the homogeneous wave equation on a closed manifold
Emmanuel Humbert
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Sparse control of Hegselmann-Krause models: Black hole and declustering
Benedetto Piccoli
Nastassia Pouradier Duteil
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Asymptotic analysis and optimal control of an integro-differential system modelling healthy and cancer cells exposed to chemotherapy
Camille Pouchol
Jean Clairambault
Alexander Lorz
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Transfer Between Invariant Manifolds: From Impulse Transfer to Low-Thrust Transfer
Maxime Chupin
Thomas Haberkorn
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Regularization of chattering phenomena via bounded variation controls
Marco Caponigro
Roberta Ghezzi
Benedetto Piccoli
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Global stability with selection in integro-differential Lotka-Volterra systems modelling trait-structured populations
Camille Pouchol
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2018, 12 (1), pp.872--893
Journal articles
Spectral asymptotics for sub-Riemannian Laplacians. I: Quantum ergodicity and quantum limits in the 3D contact case.
Yves Colin de Verdière
Luc Hillairet
Emmanuel Trélat
Duke Mathematical Journal, 2018, 167 (1), pp.109--174
Journal articles
Allee optimal control of a system in ecology
Emmanuel Trélat
Jiamin Zhu
Enrique Zuazua
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2018, 28 (9), pp.1665--1697
Journal articles
Minimal controllability time for finite-dimensional control systems under state constraints
Jérôme Lohéac
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Solving chance constrained optimal control problems in aerospace via Kernel Density Estimation
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Max Cerf
Achille Sassi
Emmanuel Trélat
Hasnaa Zidani
Journal articles
Optimal shape design for 2D heat equations in large time
Emmanuel Trélat
Can Zhang
Enrique Zuazua
Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 2018, 3 (1), pp.255--269
Journal articles
Variational methods for tomographic reconstruction with few views
Maïtine Bergounioux
Isabelle Abraham
Romain Abraham
Guillaume Carlier
Erwan Le Pennec
Milan Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 86 (2), pp.157--200
Journal articles
Value function for regional control problems via dynamic programming and Pontryagin maximum principle
Guy Barles
Ariela Briani
Emmanuel Trélat
Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2018, 8 (3-4), pp.509--533
Journal articles
Integral and measure-turnpike properties for infinite-dimensional optimal control systems
Emmanuel Trélat
Can Zhang
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 2018, 30 (1), pp.30:3
Journal articles
Minimal time spiking in various ChR2-controlled neuron models
Vincent Renault
Michèle Thieullen
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Steady-state and periodic exponential turnpike property for optimal control problems in Hilbert spaces
Emmanuel Trélat
Can Zhang
Enrique Zuazua
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2018, 56 (2), pp.1222-1252
Journal articles
Convergence to consensus of the general finite-dimensional Cucker-Smale model with time-varying delays
Cristina Pignotti
Emmanuel Trélat
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2018, 16 (8), pp.2053--2076
Journal articles
New formulation of predictors for finite-dimensional linear control systems with input delay
Delphine Bresch-Pietri
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Sparse Jurdjevic–Quinn stabilization of dissipative systems
Marco Caponigro
Benedetto Piccoli
Francesco Rossi
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Mean-Field Sparse Jurdjevic–Quinn Control
Marco Caponigro
Benedetto Piccoli
Francesco Rossi
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Minimal controllability time for the heat equation under unilateral state or control constraints
Jérôme Lohéac
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Sub-Riemannian structures on groups of diffeomorphisms
Sylvain Arguillere
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Linear-quadratic optimal sampled-data control problems: convergence result and Riccati theory
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
Automatica, 2017, 79, pp.273--281
Journal articles
A note on sharpness of the local Kato-smoothing property for dispersive wave equations
Shu-Ming Sun
Emmanuel Trélat
Bing-Yu Zhang
Ning Zhong
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2017, 145 (2), pp.653--664
Journal articles
Geometric Optimal Control and Applications to Aerospace
Jiamin Zhu
Emmanuel Trélat
Max Cerf
Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry, 2017, 9 (1), pp.9:8
Journal articles
Nonlinear damped partial differential equations and their uniform discretizations
Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Addendum to Pontryagin's maximum principle for dynamic systems on time scales
Loïc Bourdin
Oleksandr Stanzhytskyi
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Low-Thrust Lyapunov to Lyapunov and Halo to Halo with $L^2$-Minimization
Maxime Chupin
Thomas Haberkorn
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Actuator design for parabolic distributed parameter systems with the moment method
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2017, 55 (2), pp.1128--1152
Journal articles
Optimal control of infinite-dimensional piecewise deterministic Markov processes and application to the control of neuronal dynamics via Optogenetics
Vincent Renault
Michèle Thieullen
Emmanuel Trélat
Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2017, 12 (3), pp.417--459
Journal articles
Geometric control condition for the wave equation with a time-dependent observation domain
Jérôme Le Rousseau
Gilles Lebeau
Peppino Terpolilli
Emmanuel Trélat
Analysis & PDE, 2017, 10 (4), pp.983--1015
Journal articles
Impulse and sampled-data optimal control of heat equations, and error estimates
Emmanuel Trélat
Lijuan Wang
Yubiao Zhang
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2016, 54 (5), pp.2787--2819
Journal articles
Optimal observability of the multi-dimensional wave and Schrödinger equations in quantum ergodic domains
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2016, 18 (5), pp.1043-1111. ⟨10.4171/JEMS/608⟩
Journal articles
Multiple shape registration using constrained optimal control
Sylvain Arguillère
Emmanuel Trélat
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younes
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2016, 9 (1), pp.344--385
Journal articles
Optimal Neumann control for the 1D wave equation: finite horizon, infinite horizon, boundary tracking terms and the turnpike property
Martin Gugat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Systems and Control Letters, 2016, 90, pp.61--70
Journal articles
Optimal sampled-data control, and generalizations on time scales
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2016, 6 (1), pp.53--94
Journal articles
Randomised observation, control and stabilisation of waves
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2016, 96 (5), pp.538--549
Journal articles
Planar tilting maneuver of a spacecraft: singular arcs in the minimum time problem and chattering
Jiamin Zhu
Emmanuel Trélat
Max Cerf
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2016, 16 (4), pp.1347--1388
Journal articles
Minimum time control of the rocket attitude reorientation associated with orbit dynamics
Jiamin Zhu
Emmanuel Trélat
Max Cerf
Journal articles
Complexity and regularity of maximal energy domains for the wave equation with fixed initial data
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Special issue on New trends in optimal control
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Lars Grüne
Maria Do Rosário de Pinho
Emmanuel Trélat
Hasnaa Zidani
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 2015, Special issue on New trends in optimal control, 35 (9), pp. i - iv ⟨10.3934/dcds.2015.35.9i⟩
Journal articles
Control to flocking of the kinetic Cucker-Smale model
Benedetto Piccoli
Francesco Rossi
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Control and stabilization of steady-states in a finite-length ferromagnetic nanowire
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Shape deformation analysis from the optimal control viewpoint
Sylvain Arguillere
Emmanuel Trélat
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younes
Journal articles
High order variational integrators in the optimal control of mechanical systems
Cédric M. Campos
Sina Ober-Blöbaum
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
The turnpike property in finite-dimensional nonlinear optimal control
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, 258, pp.81--114
Journal articles
Optimal shape and location of sensors for parabolic equations with random initial data
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2015, 216 (3), pp.921--981
Journal articles
Sparse stabilization and control of the Cucker-Smale model
Marco Caponigro
Massimo Fornasier
Benedetto Piccoli
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Sylvain Arguillere
Emmanuel Trélat
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younes
Journal articles
Optimal design of boundary observers for the wave equation
Pierre Jounieaux
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
General Cauchy-Lipschitz theory for Δ-Cauchy problems with Carathéodory dynamics on time scales
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2014, 20 (4), pp.526--547
Journal articles
Optimal sensor location for wave and Schrödinger equations
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Proceedings HYP2012, 2013
Journal articles
Sparse stabilization and optimal control of the Cucker-Smale Model
Marco Caponigro
Massimo Fornasier
Benedetto Piccoli
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Optimal location of controllers for the one-dimensional wave equation
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Optimal observation of the one-dimensional wave equation
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Enrique Zuazua
Journal articles
Pontryagin Maximum Principle for finite dimensional nonlinear optimal control problems on time scales
Loïc Bourdin
Emmanuel Trélat
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2013, 51 (5), pp.3781--3813
Journal articles
Stability properties of steady-states for a network of ferromagnetic nanowires
Stéphane Labbé
Yannick Privat
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Optimal control and applications to aerospace: some results and challenges
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2012, 154 (3), pp.713--758
Journal articles
Continuation from a flat to a round Earth model in the coplanar orbit transfer problem
Max Cerf
Thomas Haberkorn
Emmanuel Trélat
Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2012, 33 (6), pp.654--675
Journal articles
Min-max and min-min Stackelberg strategies with closed-loop information structure
Marc Jungers
Emmanuel Trélat
Hisham Abou-Kandil
Journal articles
Convergence results for smooth regularizations of hybrid nonlinear optimal control problems
Thomas Haberkorn
Emmanuel Trélat
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2011, 49 (4), pp.1498--1522
Journal articles
Eight-shaped Lissajous orbits in the Earth-Moon system
Grégory Archambeau
Philippe Augros
Emmanuel Trélat
MathematicS In Action, 2011, 4 (1), pp.1--23
Journal articles
Smooth regularization of bang-bang optimal control problems
Cristiana J. Silva
Emmanuel Trélat
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55 (11), pp.2488--2499
Journal articles
Théorie du contrôle, points de Lagrange, et exploration spatiale
Emmanuel Trélat
Images des Mathématiques, 2010, http://images.math.cnrs.fr/Theorie-du-controle-points-de.html
Journal articles
A variational method using fractional order Hilbert spaces for tomographic reconstruction of blurred and noised binary images
Maïtine Bergounioux
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2010, 259, pp.2296--2332
Journal articles
Asymptotic approach on conjugate points for minimal time bang-bang controls
Cristiana J. Silva
Emmanuel Trélat
Systems and Control Letters, 2010, 59, pp.720--733
Journal articles
A la conquête des points de Lagrange
Emmanuel Trélat
Microscoop : Un regard sur les laboratoires en Centre Limousin Poitou-Charentes (CNRS), 2009, Hors Série (18), pp.24--25
Journal articles
On the stabilization problem for nonholonomic distributions
Ludovic Rifford
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2009, 11, pp.223--255
Journal articles
Smooth control of nanowires by means of a magnetic field
Gilles Carbou
Stéphane Labbé
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
O controlo optimo e as suas multiplas aplicações
Cristiana J. Silva
Delfim Torres
Emmanuel Trélat
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat., 2009, 61, pp.11-37
Journal articles
Numerical study of optimal trajectories with singular arcs for an Ariane 5 launcher
Pierre Martinon
J. Frederic Bonnans
Julien Laurent-Varin
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2009, 32 (1), pp.51--55
Journal articles
Nonlinear optimal control via occupation measures and LMI-relaxations
Jean-Bernard Lasserre
Didier Henrion
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2008, 47 (4), pp.1643--1666
Journal articles
Control for Fast and Stable Laminar-to-High-Reynolds-Numbers Transfer in a 2D Navier-Stokes Channel Flow
Rafael Vazquez
Emmanuel Trélat
Jean-Michel Coron
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2008, 10 (4), pp.925--956
Journal articles
Control of travelling walls in a ferromagnetic nanowire
Gilles Carbou
Stéphane Labbé
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Singular arcs in the generalized Goddard's Problem
J. Frederic Bonnans
Pierre Martinon
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2008, 139 (2), pp.439--461
Journal articles
Singular trajectories of control-affine systems
Yacine Chitour
Frédéric Jean
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Théorie du contrôle: contrôle optimal et stabilisation
Emmanuel Trélat
Microscoop : Un regard sur les laboratoires en Centre Limousin Poitou-Charentes (CNRS), 2008, 55, pp.14--15
Journal articles
A penalization approach for tomographic reconstruction of binary axially symmetric objects
Romain Abraham
Maïtine Bergounioux
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
On two hybrid robust optimal stabilization problems
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, 2007, 6 (S07), pp.86--91
Journal articles
Second order optimality conditions with applications
Bernard Bonnard
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Emmanuel Trélat
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 2007, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Proceedings of the 6th AIMS International Conference,, pp.145--154
Journal articles
Second order optimality conditions in the smooth case and applications in optimal control
Bernard Bonnard
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Emmanuel Trélat
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2007, 13 (2), pp.207--236
Journal articles
Tout est sous contrôle
Jean-Michel Coron
Emmanuel Trélat
Matapli, 2007, 83, pp.59--73
Journal articles
Global subanalytic solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi type equations
Emmanuel Trélat
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, 2006, 23 (3), pp.363--387
Journal articles
Uniform controllability of semidiscrete approximations of parabolic control systems
Stéphane Labbé
Emmanuel Trélat
Systems and Control Letters, 2006, 55 (7), pp.597--609
Journal articles
Global steady-state stabilization and controllability of 1-D semilinear wave equations
Jean-Michel Coron
Emmanuel Trélat
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2006, 8 (4), pp.535--567
Journal articles
Commande mixte $H_2/H_\infty$ : une approche par la stratégie de Stackelberg
Marc Jungers
Emmanuel Trélat
Hisham Abou-Kandil
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2006, 40 (No. spécial "La synthèse multi-objectifs", no. 9-10), pp.1113--1139
Journal articles
Robust stabilization in the Martinet case
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
Control and Cybernetics, 2006, 35 (4), pp.923--945
Journal articles
Quasi-optimal robust stabilization of control systems
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2006, 45, pp.1875-1897
Journal articles
Controllability of Couette flows
Michael Wi Schmidt
Emmanuel Trélat
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2006, 5 (1), pp.201--211
Journal articles
Singular trajectories and subanalyticity in optimal control and Hamilton-Jacobi theory
Emmanuel Trélat
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino, 2006, 64 (1), pp.97--109
Journal articles
Genericity results for singular curves
Yacine Chitour
Frédéric Jean
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal articles
Morse-Sard type results in sub-Riemannian geometry
Ludovic Rifford
Emmanuel Trélat
Mathematische Annalen, 2005, 332 (1), pp.145--159
Journal articles
Robust optimal stabilization of the Brockett integrator via a hybrid feedback
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 2005, 17 (3), pp.201--216
Journal articles
Optimal control of the atmospheric arc of a space shuttle and numerical simulations with multiple-shooting method
Bernard Bonnard
Ludovic Faubourg
Emmanuel Trélat
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2005, 15 (1), pp.109--140
Journal articles
Geometric optimal control of elliptic Keplerian orbits
Bernard Bonnard
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Emmanuel Trélat
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 2005, Series B, 5 (4), pp.929--956
Journal articles
Tout est sous contrôle
Jean-Michel Coron
Emmanuel Trélat
Plein Sud, 2004, Spécial Recherche, pp.126--131
Journal articles
Global steady-state controllability of 1-D semilinear heat equations
Jean-Michel Coron
Emmanuel Trélat
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2004, 43 (2), pp.549--569
Journal articles
Generic properties of singular trajectories
Yacine Chitour
Frédéric Jean
Emmanuel Trélat
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique, 2003, 337 (1), pp.49--52
Journal articles
Optimal control with state constraints and the space shuttle re-entry problem
Bernard Bonnard
Ludovic Faubourg
Geneviève Launay
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2003, 9 (2), pp.155--199
Journal articles
Optimal control of a space shuttle and numerical simulations
Emmanuel Trélat
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 2003, suppl., pp.842--851
Journal articles
Solutions sous-analytiques globales de certaines équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi
Emmanuel Trélat
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique, 2003, 337 (10), pp.653--656
Journal articles
Une approche géométrique du contrôle optimal de l'arc atmosphérique de la navette spatiale
Bernard Bonnard
Emmanuel Trélat
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2002, 7, pp.179--222
Journal articles
Introduction au contrôle optimal
Emmanuel Trélat
Revue de Math. Spé, Math. Concrètes, 2002, 3, pp.248--288
Journal articles
Asymptotics of accessibility sets along an abnormal trajectory
Emmanuel Trélat
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2001, 6, pp.387--414
Journal articles
The transcendence needed to compute the sphere and wave front in Martinet sub-Riemannian geometry
Bernard Bonnard
Geneviève Launay
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2001, 103 (6), pp.686-708
Journal articles
Non subanalyticity of sub-Riemannian Martinet spheres
Emmanuel Trélat
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série I, Mathématique, 2001, 332, pp.527--532
Journal articles
On the role of abnormal minimizers in sub-Riemannian geometry
Bernard Bonnard
Emmanuel Trélat
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques., 2001, 6 (10) 3, pp.405--491
Journal articles
Some properties of the value function and its level sets for affine control systems with quadratic cost
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2000, 6 (4), pp.511--541
Journal articles
Sub-Riemannian geometry: one-parameter deformation of the Martinet flat case
Bernard Bonnard
Monique Chyba
Emmanuel Trélat
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 1998, 4 (1), pp.59--76
Journal articles