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Evangelia PAXINOU
Evangellia Paxinou is engineer architect (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- A.U.TH), owns a DEA Ambiances Architecturales et Urbaines (ENSA de Grenoble) and a Phd in architecture (A.U.TH). Her research axes are the "on the creation of atmosphere in architecture" and "the architectural design of the public spaces". She's actually working as an architect in the public service of Volos city municipaly in charge of public spaces and public building design. She has worked in private offices of Architecture in Greece and in France.
Evangellia Paxinou est architecte ingénieure (Université Aristote de Thessalonique - A.U.TH), titulaire d'un DEA Ambiances Architecturales et Urbaines (ENSA de Grenoble) et d'un doctorat en architecture (A.U.TH). Ses axes de recherche sont «la création des ambiances en architecture» et «la conception architecturale des espaces publics». Elle travaille actuellement comme architecte dans la fonction publique de la ville de Volos, en charge de la conception et la réhabilitation des espaces et des bâtiments publics. Elle a travaillé dans des cabinets privés d'architecture en Grèce et en France.
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Δημιουργία ατμόσφαιρας στην αρχιτεκτονική. Μία πρόκληση στον σχεδιασμό του δημόσιου αστικού χώρουArchitecture, space management. Aristotelus University of Thessaloniki, 2017. Greek. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Sympathy Radio for Vulnerabilities of listening5th International Congress On Ambiances. Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World, Mohammed Boubezari, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon; Cristiane Rose Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ethel Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; International Ambiances Network, Oct 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers
The resounding of ruins as a creative medium for ambiance improvisation5th International Congress On Ambiances. Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World, Mohammed Boubezari, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon; Cristiane Rose Duarte, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Ethel Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; International Ambiances Network, Oct 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers
Infinite Atmospheres for Vulnerabilities of spaces – Ambiances and architectural designBack to Human Scale : Rethinking Human Spaces for Tomorrow, Universidade Lusófona Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nov 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal. http://hdl.handle.net/10437/14051
Conference papers
Infinite Atmospheres. Ambiance as a Praxeological Tool for Public Space DesignProceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Réseau International Ambiances, Dec 2020, e-conference, France. pp. 320-325, ⟨10.48537/hal-03220332⟩
Conference papers
Infinite Atmospheres? Ethical Dimensions of and for the Design of Public Spaces. Session 7 – IntroductionProceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Réseau International Ambiances, Dec 2020, e-conference, France. pp. 318-319, ⟨10.48537/hal-03220330⟩
Conference papers
Happy Atmospheres. Metro Stations as Sound Places of HappinessProceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Réseau International Ambiances, Dec 2020, e-conference, France. pp. 344-348, ⟨10.48537/hal-03220337⟩
Conference papers
Το παιχνίδι με τις ατμόσφαιρες στην πόληInternational and interdisciplinary conference "Children's spaces or spaces for children", May 2017, Thessalonique, Greece
Conference papers
Αναδυόμενες ατμόσφαιρες στον αρχιτεκτονικό σχεδιασμό του δημόσιου χώρουAmbiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Septembre 2016, Volos, Greece, Sep 2016, Volos, Greece. p. 509 - 514
Conference papers
The transparency of ambiances in architectureICTA2016- Internation Conference on Architecture and Transparency - Emerging Complexities, Nov 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
B-AIR Art Infinity Radio. Creating sound art for babies, toddlers and vulnerable groups. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece, Serbia, SloveniaRadio and Television of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia; AAU_CRESSON, Centre de recherche sur l’espace sonore et lćenvironnement urbain, ENSA de Grenoble, Universite Grenoble Alpes; BAZAART Respresentative Association in Culture, Belgrade, Serbia; Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; International Burch University, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Public media institution Radio and Television of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia; RadioTeatar Bajsic and Friends, Zagreb, Croatia; TWIXTlab AMKE, Athens, Greece; University of Eastern Finland / UEF. 2024, pp.440
La communication interpersonnelle dans le bruit : le cas de Volos en Grèce[Travaux universitaires] Nantes (FRANCE) : Ecole polytechnique de l'université de Nantes; Cresson (ENSAG). 2001, 209 p