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Eric Laporte




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COVID-19 Infodemic

Vimala Balakrishnan , Lee Zing Hii , Eric Laporte
Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 2023, 36 (1), pp.1-13. ⟨10.22452/mjcs.vol36no1.1⟩
Journal articles hal-04065253v1

Aspecto verbal nas construções com verbo-suporte

Larissa Picoli , Oto Araújo Vale , Eric Laporte
Revista do GEL (Grupo de Estudos Lingüísticos do Estado de São Paulo), 2021, 18 (1), pp.204-229. ⟨10.21165/gel.v18i1.2897⟩
Journal articles hal-03218180v1
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Le lexique-grammaire de noms sous-spécifiés

Eric Laporte , Christiane Marque-Pucheu , Takuya Nakamura
CORELA - COgnition, REprésentation, LAngage, 2021, Les noms sous-spécifiés en français: du lexique au discours, HS-34, ⟨10.4000/corela.13667⟩
Journal articles hal-03475937v1
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Recognizing the vocabulary of Brazilian popular newspapers with a free-access computational dictionary

Maria José Bocorny Finatto , Oto Araújo Vale , Eric Laporte
Alfa Revista de Linguistica, 2019, 63 (1), pp.67-85. ⟨10.1590/1981-5794-1904-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02103083v1
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Uso de uma ferramenta de processamento de linguagem natural como auxílio à coleta de exemplos para o estudo de propriedades sintático-semânticas de verbos

Larissa Picoli , Juliana Pinheiro Campos Pirovani , Elias Silva de Oliveira , Eric Laporte
Linguamática, 2015, 7 (2), pp.35-44
Journal articles hal-01252528v1
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The Science of Linguistics

Eric Laporte
Inference: International Review of Science, 2015, 1 (2), pp.1. ⟨10.37282/991819.15.4⟩
Journal articles hal-01128769v1
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Pattern-and-root inflectional morphology: the Arabic broken plural

Alexis Amid Neme , Eric Laporte
Language Sciences, 2013, 40, pp.221-250. ⟨10.1016/j.langsci.2013.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00831338v1
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Classer et décrire les adjectifs du français

Jacqueline Giry-Schneider , Eric Laporte
Cahiers de Lexicologie, 2011, 98 (1), pp.45-64. ⟨10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-4145-5.p.0045⟩
Journal articles halshs-00620878v1
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Concordanciers et flexion automatique

Eric Laporte
Cahiers de Lexicologie, 2009, 94 (1), pp.91-106. ⟨10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-4141-7.p.0095⟩
Journal articles halshs-00432571v1
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Syntactic variation of support verb constructions

Eric Laporte , Elisabete Ranchhod , Anastasia Yannacopoulou
Lingvisticae investigationes : International Journal of Linguistics and Language, 2008, 31 (2), pp.173-185. ⟨10.1075/li.31.2.04lap⟩
Journal articles hal-00362241v1
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Exemplos atestados e exemplos construídos na prática do Léxico-Gramática

Eric Laporte
Revista (Con)textos Lingüísticos, 2008, 2, pp.26-51
Journal articles halshs-00325926v1
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Preparation and exploitation of bilingual texts

Dusko Vitas , Cvetana Krstev , Eric Laporte
Lux Coreana, 2006, 1, pp.110-132
Journal articles hal-00190958v2
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In memoriam Maurice Gross

Eric Laporte
Archives of Control Sciences, 2005, 15 (3), pp.257-278
Journal articles halshs-00190841v1
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Lexicon management and standard formats

Eric Laporte
Archives of Control Sciences, 2005, 15 (3), pp.329-340
Journal articles hal-00189711v1
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Une classe d'adjectifs de localisation

Eric Laporte
Cahiers de Lexicologie, 2005, 86, pp.145-161. ⟨10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-4338-1.p.0149⟩
Journal articles halshs-00189736v1

Uma descrição sintática e semântica dos adjetivos do francês para aplicaçőes computacionais (A Syntactic-Semantic Description of French Adjectives for Computer Applications)

Eric Laporte
Palavra, 2004, 12 (1), pp.91-105
Journal articles hal-00621520v1
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Acceptability as the source of syntactic knowledge

Eric Laporte
Applied Linguistics (ISSN 1003-5397), 2004, Special Issue, pp.9-22
Journal articles hal-00621588v1
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Reduction of lexical ambiguity

Eric Laporte
Lingvisticae investigationes : International Journal of Linguistics and Language, 2001, 24 (1), pp.67-103
Journal articles halshs-00190852v1

Ziv Lempel compression of huge natural language data tries using suffix arrays

Strahil Ristov , Eric Laporte
Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 2000, 1 (1), pp.241-256
Journal articles hal-00621394v1
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Elimination of lexical ambiguities by grammars

Eric Laporte , Anne Monceaux
Lingvisticae investigationes : International Journal of Linguistics and Language, 1999, 22, pp.341-367
Journal articles hal-00189727v1

L'analyse de phrases adjectivales par rétablissement de noms appropriés

Eric Laporte
Langages, 1997, 31 (126), pp.79-104. ⟨10.3406/lgge.1997.1778⟩
Journal articles hal-02973925v1
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Appropriate Nouns with Obligatory Modifiers

Eric Laporte
Language Research, 1995, 31 (2), pp.251-289
Journal articles hal-00636980v2
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Generating training datasets for legal chatbots in Korean

Changhoe Hwang , Jee-Sun Nam , Eric Laporte
International conference on Law and Society, P. Suresh, Feb 2023, Hanoï, Vietnam. pp.1-4
Conference papers hal-04006155v1
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Building Korean linguistic resource for NLU data generation of banking app CS dialog system

Jeongwoo Yoon , On-yu Park , Changhoe Hwang , Gwanghoon Yoo , Eric Laporte
29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Workshop on Pattern-based Approaches to NLP in the Age of Deep Learning (Pan-DL), Oct 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea. pp.29-37
Conference papers hal-03818541v1

Hybrid Language Processing in the Deep Learning Era

Eric Laporte
International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing, Dec 2022, Trento, Italy
Conference papers hal-04449131v1
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SSP-based construction of evaluation-annotated data for fine-grained aspect-based sentiment analysis

Suwon Choi , Shinwoo Kim , Changhoe Hwang , Gwanghoon Yoo , Eric Laporte
29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). Workshop on Pattern-based Approaches to NLP in the Age of Deep Learning (Pan-DL), Oct 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea. pp.38-44
Conference papers hal-03818540v1

Where Do Aspectual Variants of Light Verb Constructions Belong?

Aggeliki Fotopoulou , Eric Laporte , Takuya Nakamura
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2021), Aug 2021, Online, France. pp.2-12, ⟨10.18653/v1/2021.mwe-1.2⟩
Conference papers hal-03321618v1
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DECO-MWE: Building a Linguistic Resource of Korean Multiword Expressions for Feature-Based Sentiment Analysis

Jaeho Han , Changhoe Hwang , Seongyong Choi , Gwanghoon Yoo , Eric Laporte
13th Workshop on Asian Language Resources, Kiyoaki Shirai, May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. pp.14-20
Conference papers hal-01795167v1

Continuum of Compositionality and Formal Description

Eric Laporte , Fabrice Beltran
I International Congress of Phraseology and Translation in Latin America, Sep 2018, Lima, Peru
Conference papers hal-01890449v1
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A semi-automatic method for constructing MUSE sentiment-annotated corpora

Byoung-Yeol Chae , Dong-Hee Cho , Sairom Kim , Eric Laporte , Jeesun Nam
ICAL, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Dec 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. pp.17-18
Conference papers hal-01526827v1
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Formalization of Malagasy conjugation

Joro Ny Aina Ranaivoarison , Eric Laporte , Baholisoa Simone Ralalaoherivony
Language and Technology Conference, Dec 2013, Poznań, Poland. pp.457-462
Conference papers hal-00910883v1
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Descrição do verbo dar em frases sem sujeito para o processamento automático de linguagem natural (PLN)

Aucione D. Smarsaro , Eric Laporte , Larissa Picoli
Congresso Nacional de Estudos Linguísticos, Oct 2013, Vitória, Brazil. pp.23-25
Conference papers hal-01056183v1
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A new semantically annotated corpus with syntactic-semantic and cross-lingual senses

Myriam Rakho , Eric Laporte , Mathieu Constant
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.597-600
Conference papers hal-00762300v1
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French parsing enhanced with a word clustering method based on a syntactic lexicon

Anthony Sigogne , Mathieu Constant , Eric Laporte
Second Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (SPMRL 2011), Oct 2011, Dublin, Ireland. pp.22-27
Conference papers hal-00722750v1
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Classification of non-analyzable word types in web documents to implement an effective Korean e-learning system

Sang-Taek Park , Ae-Lim Ahn , Eric Laporte , Jee-Sun Nam
Doing Research in Applied Linguistics, Apr 2011, Bangkok, Thailand. pp.61-68
Conference papers hal-01273394v1
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Integration of Data from a Syntactic Lexicon into Generative and Discriminative Probabilistic Parsers

Anthony Sigogne , Mathieu Constant , Eric Laporte
International conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'11), 2011, Hissar, Bulgaria. pp.363-370
Conference papers hal-00621646v1
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Semantic Polarity of Adjectival Predicates in Online Reviews

Ae-Lim Ahn , Eric Laporte , Jee-Sun Nam
Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL'10), 2010, Seoul, South Korea. 10pp., ⟨10.48550/arXiv.1211.4161⟩
Conference papers hal-00621601v1

Tendances actuelles en traitement des langues

Eric Laporte
3e Colloque associé des Sociétés et Associations coréennes d'études françaises, Les Arts du spectacle de la Francophonie, Université SungKyunKwan, Seoul, Jun 2009, South Korea. pp.57
Conference papers hal-00621634v1
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A French Corpus Annotated for Multiword Nouns

Eric Laporte , Takuya Nakamura , Stavroula Voyatzi
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Workshop Towards a Shared Task on Multiword Expressions, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.27-30
Conference papers halshs-00286552v1
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An Electronic Dictionary of French Multiword Adverbs

Eric Laporte , Stavroula Voyatzi
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Workshop Towards a Shared Task for Multiword Expressions, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.31-34
Conference papers halshs-00286546v1

Classification of Adjectives in French and in Korean

Jacqueline Giry-Schneider , Eric Laporte , Annie Meunier , Jee-Sun Nam
18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL'08), 2008, Seoul, South Korea. 1 page
Conference papers hal-00621491v1
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A French Corpus Annotated for Multiword Expressions with Adverbial Function

Eric Laporte , Takuya Nakamura , Stavroula Voyatzi
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.48-51
Conference papers halshs-00286541v2
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Exemples attestés et exemples construits dans la pratique du lexique-grammaire

Eric Laporte
Observations et manipulations en linguistique : entre concurrence et complémentarité, Jan 2007, Paris, France. pp.11-32
Conference papers halshs-00352695v1
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Evaluation of a Grammar of French Determiners

Eric Laporte
Workshop on Technology on Information and Human Language (TIL), 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp.0167
Conference papers halshs-00190861v1
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Extension of a Grammar of French Determiners

Eric Laporte
26th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar, 2007, Bonifacio, France. pp.65-72
Conference papers halshs-00190859v1

Methodological provisions in the construction of idiom resources

Eric Laporte
Collocations and idioms 2006: linguistic, computational, and psycholinguistic perspectives, Nov 2006, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-00621632v1
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Graphes paramétrés et outils de lexicalisation

Eric Laporte , Sébastien Paumier
Conférence internationale sur le traitement des langues naturelles (TALN), 2006, Louvain, Belgique. pp.532-540
Conference papers hal-00189668v1
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Very strict selectional restrictions

Eric Laporte , Christian Leclère , Maria Carmelita P. Dias
Workshop on Computational Processing of Written and Spoken Portuguese (PROPOR), 2006, Itatiaia, Brazil. pp.225-228, ⟨10.1007/11751984_27⟩
Conference papers halshs-00190856v1

Verbs with very strictly selected complements

Maria Carmelita P. Dias , Eric Laporte , Christian Leclère
The First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, 2006, Joensuu, Finland
Conference papers halshs-00190889v1
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Graphes paramétrés et lexique-grammaire

Eric Laporte
Interface lexique-grammaire et lexiques syntaxiques et sémantiques (Atala Workshop'05), Sylvain Kahane, Mar 2005, Paris, France. 10pp
Conference papers hal-00621509v1
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UNITEX-PB, a set of flexible language resources for Brazilian Portuguese

Marcelo C.M. Muniz , Maria das Graças V. Nunes , Eric Laporte
Workshop on Technology on Information and Human Language (TIL), 2005, São Leopoldo, Brazil. pp.2059-2068
Conference papers halshs-00190857v1

Morphological annotation of Korean with Maintainable Resources

Hyun-Gue Huh , Eric Laporte
Dicora Annual Meeting, 2005, France. pp.14-18
Conference papers hal-00621575v1
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A Lingüística para o processamento das línguas

Eric Laporte
1o Colóquio de Estudos Lingüísticos, 2000, Vitória (Espírito Santo), Brazil. pp.67-75
Conference papers halshs-00369410v1
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Ziv Lempel Compression of Huge Natural Language Data Tries Using Suffix Arrays

Strahil Ristov , Eric Laporte
Ziv Lempel Compression of Huge Natural Language Data Tries Using Suffix Arrays, 1999, Warwick, United Kingdom. pp.196-211
Conference papers hal-00189726v1
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Context-free parsing with finite-state transducers

Eric Laporte
South American Workshop on String Processing, 1996, Recife, Brazil. pp.171-182
Conference papers hal-00287191v1
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Synthesis of Spoken Messages from Semantic Representations (Semantic-Representation-to-Speech System)

Laurence Danlos , Eric Laporte , Françoise Emerard
Coling, 1986, Bonn, Germany. pp.599-604, ⟨10.3115/991365.991540⟩
Conference papers halshs-00278300v1
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Choosing features for classifying multiword expressions

Eric Laporte
2nd General Meeting on PARSing and Multiword Expressions (PARSEME), Mar 2014, Athens, Greece. , ⟨10.5281/zenodo.1182597⟩
Conference poster hal-01118860v1
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Morphological annotation of Korean with Directly Maintainable Resources

Ivan Berlocher , Hyun-Gue Huh , Eric Laporte , Jee-Sun Nam
Poster session of 5th International conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'06), May 2006, Genoa, Italy. pp.1803-1806, 2006
Conference poster hal-00621506v1
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A Resource-Based Korean morphological annotation system

Hyun-Gue Huh , Eric Laporte
Poster session of International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP'05), Oct 2005, Jeju, South Korea. pp.37-42, 2005
Conference poster hal-00621508v1

A Method for Compressing Lexicons

Strahil Ristov , Eric Laporte
Data Compression Conference (DCC 2002) - Poster Session, Apr 2002, France. pp.451, 2002
Conference poster hal-00621355v1
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'L'idée nous est venue d'écrire ça pour Annibale'… Complex support verb constructions with 'idée'

Aggeliki Fotopoulou , Eric Laporte , Takuya Nakamura
Simona Messina; Virgilio d'Antonio; Antonio Scocozza; Giustino De Bueriis. Comunicazione, Linguaggi e Società. Studi in onore di Annibale Elia, Taurus, pp.237-253, 2022, 978-958-5165-23-6
Book sections hal-03697329v1
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Choosing features for classifying multiword expressions

Eric Laporte
Manfred Sailer; Stella Markantonatou. Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective, Language Science Press, pp.143-186, 2018, 978-3-96110-063-7. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.1182597⟩
Book sections hal-01802489v1
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Concordance Comparison as a Means of Assembling Local Grammars

Juliana P C Pirovani , Elias de Oliveira , Eric Laporte
Aline Villavicencio; Moreira Viviane; Alberto Abad; Helena Caseli; Pablo Gamallo; Carlos Ramisch; Hugo Ricardo Gonçalo Oliveira; Gustavo Henrique Paetzold. Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. 13th International Conference, PROPOR 2018, Canela, Brazil, September 24–26, 2018, Proceedings, 11122, Springer, pp.57-65, 2018, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 978-3-319-99721-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-99722-3_6⟩
Book sections hal-01890393v1
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Intégration des données d'un lexique syntaxique dans un analyseur syntaxique probabiliste

Anthony Sigogne , Mathieu Constant , Eric Laporte
Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa. Penser le Lexique-Grammaire. Perspectives actuelles, Honoré Champion, pp.505-516, 2014, Collection Colloques, congrès et conférences. Sciences du Langage, histoire de la langue et des dictionnaires. 30th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2011, 978-2-7453-2512-9
Book sections hal-00621647v1
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Dictionaries for language processing. Readability and organization of information

Eric Laporte
Laporte, Éric ; Smarsaro, Aucione ; Vale, Oto. Dialogar é preciso. Linguística para processamento de línguas, PPGEL/UFES, pp.119-132, 2013, 978-85-8087-104-3
Book sections hal-00804606v2
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Descrição do verbo cortar para processamento automático de linguagem natural

Wagner Lúcio Pacheco , Eric Laporte
Laporte, Éric ; Smarsaro, Aucione ; Vale, Oto. Dialogar é preciso. Linguística para processamento de línguas, PPGEL/UFES, pp.165-176, 2013, 978-85-8087-104-3
Book sections hal-00804811v1
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Defining a verb taxonomy by a decision tree

Eric Laporte
Kozué Ogata. Autour des verbes. Constructions et interprétations, John Benjamins, pp.87-108, 2013, Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa, 978 90 272 3139 0
Book sections hal-00860386v1
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Conversion of Lexicon-Grammar tables to LMF. Application to French

Eric Laporte , Elsa Tolone , Mathieu Constant
Gil Francopoulo. LMF. Lexical Markup Framework, ISTE - Wiley, pp.157-187, 2013, 978-1-84821-430-9
Book sections hal-00803800v1
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Um recurso linguístico para processamento automático de linguagem natural. Descrição do verbo passar

Aucione D. Smarsaro , Eric Laporte , Lúcia Helena P. Rocha
CARMELINO, Ana Cristina; MEIRELES, Alexsandro Rodrigues; YACOVENCO, Lilian Coutinho. Questões linguísticas: diversidade teórica, PPGEL/UFES, pp.141-156, 2012, 978-85-66063-00-4
Book sections hal-00751425v1
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Is the Lexicon-Grammar exploitable for language processing?

Eric Laporte
Zheng Ding-Ou (郑定欧). Lexicon-Grammar: 50 years, World Publishing Corporation, pp.261-270, 2012, 978-7-5100-4713-8
Book sections hal-00858302v1
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Corpus linguistics and phraseo-paremiology

Eric Laporte
ALVAREZ, Maria Luisa Ortíz. Tendências atuais na pesquisa descritiva e aplicada em fraseologia e paremiologia. Anais, Pontes Editores, pp.255-268, 2012, 978-85-7113-422-5
Book sections hal-00797852v1

Questions/réponses sur la grammaire francaise

Eric Laporte
Conenna Mirella. La salle de cours, 11 (11), Peter Lang, pp.85-90, 2010, Etudes contrastives
Book sections hal-00639312v1
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Le lexique-grammaire est-il exploitable pour le traitement des langues ?

Eric Laporte
Takuya Nakamura, Eric Laporte, Anne Dister, Cédrick Fairon. Les Tables. La grammaire du français par le menu. Mélanges en hommage à Christian Leclère, Presses universitaires de Louvain, pp.207-218, 2010, Cahiers du Cental
Book sections halshs-00462422v1
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Lexicons and grammars for language processing: industrial or handcrafted products?

Eric Laporte
Letícia Marcondes Rezende, Bento Carlos Dias da Silva, Juliana Bertucci Barbosa. Léxico e gramática: dos sentidos à construção da significação, Cultura acadêmica, pp.51-84, 2009, Trilhas Lingüísticas, 16
Book sections halshs-00400986v1

Outilex, plate-forme logicielle de traitement de textes écrits

Olivier Blanc , Mathieu Constant , Eric Laporte
Cédrick Fairon. 13ème Colloque sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'06), 2(1) (1), UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp.83-92, 2006, Cahiers du CENTAL
Book sections hal-00621507v1
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Symbolic Natural Language Processing

Eric Laporte
Lothaire. Applied Combinatorics on Words, Cambridge University Press, pp.164-209, 2005
Book sections hal-00145253v1
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Restructuration and the subject of adjectives

Eric Laporte
Christian Leclère, Eric Laporte, Mireille Piot, Max Silberztein. Syntax, Lexis and Lexicon-Grammar. Papers in honour of Maurice Gross, Benjamins, pp.373-388, 2004, Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24, ⟨10.1075/lis.24.30lap⟩
Book sections halshs-00190850v1


Eric Laporte
Leclère Christian, Laporte Éric, Piot Mireille, Silberztein Max. Syntaxe, Lexique et Lexique-Grammaire. Papers in Honour of Maurice Gross, Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins, pp.xi-xxi, 2004, Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24
Book sections hal-00621529v1
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Resolução de ambiguidades

Eric Laporte
Elisabete Ranchhod. Tratamento das Línguas por Computador. Uma introdução à Linguística Computacional e suas aplicações, Caminho, pp.49-89, 2001, Colecção Universitária - Série Linguística
Book sections halshs-00369424v1
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Mots et niveau lexical

Eric Laporte
Jean-Marie Pierrel. Ingénierie des langues, Hermès, pp.25-49, 2000, Informatique et systèmes d'information
Book sections hal-00189725v1
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Rational Transductions for Phonetic Conversion and Phonology

Eric Laporte
E. Roche & Y. Schabès. Finite-State Language Processing, MIT Press, pp.407-429, 1997, Language, Speech and Communication series
Book sections hal-00145251v1