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Electroleaching and electrodeposition of silver in ethaline 1 : 2 and propeline 1 : 3: transport properties and electrode phenomena

Calogera Bertoloni , Sophie Legeai , Stéphanie Michel , Eric Meux , François Lapicque
Environmental Science: Advances, 2024, 3 (6), pp.875-884. ⟨10.1039/d4va00042k⟩
Journal articles hal-04608106v1
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Halide based ionic liquid mixture for a sustainable electrochemical recovery of precious metals

Benoit Villemejeanne , Sophie Legeai , Eric Meux , Sandrine Dourdain , Hakima Mendil‐jakani
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10 (1), pp.107063. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2021.107063⟩
Journal articles hal-03932714v1
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ElectroLeaching-ElectroChemical Deposition (EL-ECD) of gold and palladium in a deep eutectic solvent (DES)

Benoit Villemejeanne , Sophie Legeai , Eric Meux , Sandrine Dourdain , Hakima Mendil-Jakani
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10 (3), pp.108004. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2022.108004⟩
Journal articles hal-03720676v1

Use of Phytic Acid for the Removal of Iron in Hot Acidic Leachate from Zinc Hydrometallurgy

Julien Comel , Eric Meux , Nathalie Leclerc , Sebastien Diliberto , Philippe Pierrat
JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2021, 73 (6), pp.1652-1660. ⟨10.1007/s11837-021-04640-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03246734v1
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Greening effect of slag cement-based concrete: Environmental and ecotoxicological impact

Julien Couvidat , Cécile Diliberto , Eric Meux , Sylvie Cotelle , Clement Bojic
Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2021, 22, pp.101467. ⟨10.1016/j.eti.2021.101467⟩
Journal articles hal-03291838v1
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Greening effect of concrete containing granulated blast-furnace slag composite cement: Is there an environmental impact?

Julien Couvidat , Cécile Diliberto , Eric Meux , Laurent Izoret , André Lecomte
Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 113, pp.103711. ⟨10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103711⟩
Journal articles hal-02894613v1
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Recovery of Metals from Secondary Raw Materials by Coupled Electroleaching and Electrodeposition in Aqueous or Ionic Liquid Media

Nathalie Leclerc , Sophie Legeai , Maxime Balva , Claire Hazotte , Julien Comel
Metals, 2018, 8 (7), pp.556. ⟨10.3390/met8070556⟩
Journal articles hal-01924859v1

A zero-waste process for the management of MSWI fly ashes: production of ordinary Portland cement

Cécile Diliberto , Eric Meux , Sebastien Diliberto , Laetitia Garoux , Eric Marcadier
Environmental Technology, 2018, pp.1-10. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2018.1525434⟩
Journal articles hal-02445829v1

Hydrodemetallation and Hydrodesulfurization Spent Catalysts Elemental Analysis: Comparison of Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence and Atomic Emission Spectrometries

Laetitia Garoux , Sébastien Gourhand , M. Hebrant , Michel Schneider , Sebastien Diliberto
Applied Spectroscopy, 2017, 71 (8), pp.1884-1893. ⟨10.1177/0003702817694382⟩
Journal articles hal-03198809v1
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Environmentally friendly recycling of fuel-cell membrane electrode assemblies by using ionic liquids

Maxime Balva , Sophie Legeai , Nathalie Leclerc , Emmanuel Billy , Eric Meux
ChemSusChem, 2017, 10 (14), pp.2922-2935. ⟨10.1002/cssc.201700456⟩
Journal articles hal-01840639v1

Direct recovery of cadmium and nickel from Ni-Cd spent batteries by electroassisted leaching and electrodeposition in a single-cell process

Claire Hazotte , Nathalie Leclerc , Eric Meux , François Lapicque
Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 162, pp.94 - 103. ⟨10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.02.019⟩
Journal articles hal-01924813v1

Dismantling and chemical characterization of spent Peltier thermoelectric devices for antimony, bismuth and tellurium recovery

Maxime Balva , Sophie Legeai , Laetitia Garoux , Nathalie Leclerc , Eric Meux
Environmental Technology, 2016, 38 (7), pp.791 - 797. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2016.1211748⟩
Journal articles hal-01494611v1

End-of-life nickel-cadmium accumulators: characterization of electrode materials and industrial Black Mass

Claire Hazotte , Nathalie Leclerc , Sebastien Diliberto , Eric Meux , François Lapicque
Environmental Technology, 2015, 36 (6), pp.796-805. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2014.962621⟩
Journal articles hal-01267208v1

Electroassisted leaching of black mass solids from Ni–Cd batteries for metal recovery: Investigation of transport and transfer phenomena coupled to reactions

Claire Hazotte , Eric Meux , Nathalie Leclerc , François Lapicque
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2015, 96, pp.83 - 93. ⟨10.1016/j.cep.2015.08.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01924788v1

End-of-life nickel–cadmium accumulators: characterization of electrode materials and industrial Black Mass

Claire Hazotte , Nathalie Leclerc , Sebastien Diliberto , E Meux , François Lapicque
Environmental Technology, 2014, 36 (6), pp.796-805. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2014.962621⟩
Journal articles hal-04293394v1

Hydrometallurgical Treatment for Valuable Metals Recovery from Spent CoMo/Al 2 O 3 Catalyst. 1. Improvement of Soda Leaching of an Industrially Roasted Catalyst

Vincent Ruiz , Eric Meux , Sébastien Diliberto , Michel Schneider
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2011, 50 (9), pp.5295-5306. ⟨10.1021/ie102414d⟩
Journal articles hal-04228776v1

Hydrometallurgical extraction of zinc from zinc ferrites

Nathalie Leclerc , E Meux , Jean-Marie Lecuire
Hydrometallurgy, 2003, 70 (1-3), pp.175-183. ⟨10.1016/S0304-386X(03)00079-3⟩
Journal articles hal-04290475v1
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Recherche d’un procédé hydrométallurgique de valorisation des poussières d’aciérie électrique

Nathalie Leclerc , Eric Meux , Jean Marie Lecuire
Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 2001, N°23 - 3ème Trimestre 2001, pp.30-34. ⟨10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.1373⟩
Journal articles hal-03180685v1

Propeline: a green alternative to Ethaline for electrometallurgy of precious metals ?

Sophie Legeai , Calogera Bertoloni , François Lapicque , S. Michel , E Meux
EUCHEMSIL 2024, EUCHEMSIL, Apr 2024, Santiago de Compostella, Spain
Conference papers hal-04608150v1

Propeline: a green alternative to Ethaline for electrochemical recovery of precious metals

Calogera Bertoloni , Vitalys Mba Ekomo , S. Michel , Emmanuel Billy , Hakima Mendil‐jakani
COIL 9, Apr 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04161395v1

Propeline : a new candidate for precious metal recovery 3rd International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems, Lisbonne, 19-22 juin 2023

Calogera Bertoloni , Vitalys Mba Ekomo , Stéphanie Michel , Emmanuel Billy , Hakima Mendil‐jakani
3rd International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems, Jun 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04161295v1

Recovery of precious metals from WEEE in deep eutectic solvents by electro-leaching and electrodeposition: a mechanistic and kinetic study

Calogera Bertoloni , F. Lapicque , Eric Meux , Sophie Legeai
74th Annual Meeting ISE, International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04161251v1

Coupling electrochemical leaching and electrodeposition in ionic solvents for critical and precious metals recovery

Benoît Villemejeanne , Calogera Bertoloni , Emmanuel Billy , François Lapicque , S. Michel
EUCHEMSIL 2022, Jun 2022, Patras, Greece
Conference papers hal-04161403v1

Mass transport in Ionic Solvents during electrodeposition of gold and palladium

Benoit Villemejeanne , Emmanuel Billy , Sophie Legeai , Eric Meux , Hakima Mendil‐jakani
ILMAT 6, Nov 2021, Obernai, France
Conference papers hal-04161427v1

Electrochemical recovery of precious metals in Ionic Liquid mixtures or Deep Eutectic Solvents

Benoit Villemejeanne , Sophie Legeai , Emmanuel Billy , Eric Meux , Sandrine Dourdain
IMIL 2021, May 2021, On line, France
Conference papers hal-04161977v1

Récupération électrochimique en milieu liquide ionique de nanoparticules de platine contenues dans les électrodes de PEMFC

Sophie Legeai , Maxime Balva , Nathalie Leclerc , Eric Meux , Emmanuel Billy
Journées d’Electrochimie 2017, Jun 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01840699v1

An electrochemical route for the recovery of platinum from spent proton exchange membrane fuel cells using ionic liquid melts

Sophie Legeai , Maxime Balva , Eric Meux , Nathalie Leclerc , Emmanuel Billy
68th Annual Meeting ISE, Aug 2017, Providence, United States
Conference papers hal-01840705v1

Environmentally friendly recycling of fuel cell's membrane electrode assembly using ionic liquids

Maxime Balva , Sophie Legeai , Nathalie Leclerc , Emmanuel Billy , Eric Meux
2nd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference, May 2017, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-01494647v1

Récupération électrochimique en milieu liquide ionique de nanoparticules de platine provenant de piles à combustibles usagées

Maxime Balva , Sophie Legeai , Nathalie Leclerc , E Meux , Emmanuel Billy
Journée Scientifique CPER SusChemProc, Dec 2016, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04230209v1

Les liquides ioniques pour l’hydrométallurgie : application à la récupération du platine à partir des assemblages membranaires des piles à combustible en fin de vie

Maxime Balva , Sophie Legeai , Nathalie Leclerc , E Meux , Emmanuel Billy
Journée scientifique "Métallurgie, Recyclage et Environnement", Dec 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04230210v1

Traitement hydrométallurgique de matériaux thermoélectriques en fin de vie

Maxime Balva , Sophie Legeai , Nathalie Leclerc , E Meux
Ateliers scientifiques de l’Institut Carnot Énergie et Environnement en Lorraine, May 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04230230v1