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La différenciation sexuelle des gonades et de l'appareil génitalLa reproduction animale et humaine, Editions Quae, 751 p., 2014, Synthèses (Quae), 978-2-7592-2208-7
Book sections
Des régions non codantes à l'épigénétiqueLa révolution génomique animale, France Agricole, 2011
Book sections
Evolutionary genomics of sex determination in domestic animalsReproductive genomics in domestic animals, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 978-0-8138-1784-2
Book sections
Molecular genetics of sex determinationNormal and abnormal sexual differentiation: From genes to patient, 20 (3), Thieme Medical Publishers, 2002, Seminars in Reproductive Medicine
Book sections
Le déterminisme du sexe : son contrôle génetiqueLa reproduction chez les mammifères et l'homme, INRA Editions Ellipses, 2001
Book sections
DMRT1 is Required For Sex Determination in Rabbits16ème symposium du RQR, Oct 2023, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Rumigen: new breeding tools in a context of climate change74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, INRAE, Aug 2023, Lyon, France. ⟨10.3920/978-90-8686-936-7⟩
Conference papers
Modifications ciblées du génome chez les mammifères domestiques.Séance de l'académie d'agriculture de France : reproduction animale et biotechnologies, Jun 2023, PARIS, France
Conference papers
DMRT1 is a Sex Determining Gene in Rabbits9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Apr 2023, Kona (Hawaii), United States
Conference papers
DMRT1, un gène du déterminisme sexuel chez le lapinReproSciences, May 2023, Paris ( France), France
Conference papers
The Transcription Factor DMRT1 Regulates Germ Cell Differentiation and Meiosis in the Rabbit Fetal Ovary2nd European Symposium on Sex Determination in Vertebrates, Oct 2022, Presqu'île de Giens, France
Conference papers
DMRT1 is Required For Sex Determination in Rabbits2nd European Symposium on Sex Determination in Vertebrates, Oct 2022, Presqu'île de Giens, France
Conference papers
A Journey Through Ovarian Cells Differenciation in Rabbits: From Genetic to Epigenetic mechanisms.The XXIX International Symposium Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Regulatory Processes, Oct 2022, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers
Early mammalian embryo response to environmental changes: should we take the sex into account?From gametes to embryo: basic research and clinical application, ITMO Cell Biology, Nov 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Towards new breeding tools in a context of climate change: first results of the RUMIGEN project on new phenotypes for heat tolerance traits45th ICAR Annual Conference, ICAR, May 2022, Montréal Québec, Canada. pp. 195-202
Conference papers
DMRT1 is Required For Sex Determination in RabbitsFirst Virtual International Symposium on Vertebrate Sex Determination, Oct 2021, kona, hawaii, United States
Conference papers
Caractérisation des trajectoires de différenciation des cellules germinales au cours de la différenciation de l'ovaire fœtal chez le lapinEpiPHASE 6ème journée d'animation scientifique autour de l'épigénétique, Jun 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Différenciation et reprogrammation épigénétique des cellules germinales mâles dans le testicule fœtal bovinEpiPHASE 6ème journée d'animation scientifique autour de l'épigénétique, Jun 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Topaz1 suppression disrupts the expression of testicular long non-coding RNAs during murine spermatogenesis21st European Testis Workshop, May 2021, Virtual edition, Spain
Conference papers
Dynamique de l’épigénome des cellules germinales femelles lors de l’initiation de la méiose dans l’ovaire fœtal de lapin : Analyse des modifications post-traductionnelles des histones par CUT&RUNEpiPHASE 6ème journée d'animation scientifique autour de l'épigénétique, Jun 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Programmation périconceptionnelle par la production in vitro de l'embryon: étude de l'altération de l'expression sexe-dimorphique des gènes dans l'embryon bovin.5ème congrès de la SF-DOHaD, SF-DOHaD, Nov 2021, Jouy en Josas, Yvelines, France
Conference papers
DMRT1 is a Sex-Determining Gene in Rabbits54th SSR Annual Meeting, Dec 2021, Saint-Louis, United States
Conference papers
Transcriptional rewiring, post-transcriptional regulation and neo-functionalization: how the master sex-determining gene of medaka was bornWorkshop: Paradigm shift in sex chromosome evolution, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). DEU., Sep 2019, Berlin, Germany. 42 p., ⟨10.4126/FRL01-006417884⟩
Conference papers
Sdy, the unusual rainbow trout sex determination gene, hijacked the canonical vertebrate gonadal differentiation pathway4. International Conference on Integrative Salmonid Biology, BBSRC Roslin Institute. GBR., Nov 2019, Édimbourg, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Contributions of farm mammlian models to the understanding of sex determination and gonadal differentiationMammalian Reproduction Gordon Research Conference, Gordon Research Conferences (GRC). USA., Jul 2018, Lucca, Italy
Conference papers
Estrogens are key differentiating hormones in rabbits8. International Symposium on Vertebrate Sex Determination, Apr 2018, Kona, Kawaii, United States. pp.146
Conference papers
Using genome editing approaches to decipher the gonadal differentiation pathway in non-rodent mammalsBiomedical Livestock and Artificial Reproduction Application Seminar, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute (TLRI). CHN., Oct 2018, Tainan, Taiwan
Conference papers
The rabbit as experimental model for studying the functions of genes using the new genome editing technologies: the example of AROMATASE-/- RabbitsLarge Animal Genetic Engineering Summit (LAGE), Utah State University (USU). USA., Jun 2018, Park City Utah, United States. pp.56
Conference papers
L’édition du génome des animaux d’élevage dans le monde: quelles applications, quelles règlementationsLa révolution CRISPR-Cas 9 en élevage: Les nouvelles techniques de ré-écriture du génome des animaux de rente par mutagénèse ciblée ont elles une place en Elevage, Académie d'Agriculture de France (AAF). FRA., Oct 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Epigenetic reprogramming in the male germ line of ruminantsFrance-Japan Epigenetics Workshop 2017, ATouT. Com. FRA., Nov 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
In vitro studies of the long-range regulation of FOXL2 expression by epigenome editing3. Journée de Séminaires du Département Phase sur l'Epigénétique EpiPhase, May 2017, Jouy-en-Josas, France. 1 p
Conference papers
"SdY", the bizarre master sex determinant of salmonids, triggers its action by directly hijacking the conserved gonadal differentiation pathway1. European Symposium on Sex Determination in Vertebrates, Mar 2017, Dinard, France
Conference papers
Reprogrammation de la méthylation de l’ADN des cellules germinales au cours du développement testiculaire chez Capra Hircus3. Journée de Séminaires du Département Phase sur l'Epigénétique EpiPhase, May 2017, Jouy-en-Josas, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Génétique et développement sexuel19. Journées nationales de la Socièté de Médecine de la Reproduction, Société de Médecine de la Reproduction. FRA., Jun 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Modifications ciblées du génome des animaux de rentes : comment et pourquoi ?Colloque ARET 2017 "Les OGM : Des risques et des enjeux?", Association pour la Recherche en Toxicologie (ARET). FRA., Jun 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Gonad differentiation in goatsiBV - Institute of Biology Valrose Seminars, Institut de Biologie Valrose (IBV). FRA., Dec 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers
Conserved genomic signature defines fetal sertoli cell fate in mammals7. International Symposium on Vertebrate Sex Determination, University of Hawaii. USA., Apr 2015, Kona, Hawaii, United States
Conference papers
How does, SDY, the unusual master sex determining factor of salmonids, triggers testicular differentiation?7. International Symposium on the Biology Vertebrate Sex Determination, Apr 2015, Kona, Hawaï, United States
Conference papers
Genetic cascade of sex determination in goats7. International Symposium on the Biology Vertebrate Sex Determination, The Endocrine Society. USA., Apr 2015, Kona, Hawaii, United States
Conference papers
DMRT1 turns on testicular differentiation during XX sex-reversal in the goat18. European Testis Workshop, May 2014, Elsinore, Denmark. 1 p
Conference papers
FOXL2, a critical regumator of steroid synthesis, acts as a female sex-determining gene in goats27. Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, European Society of Endocrinology (ESE). GBR., Aug 2014, Rennes, France
Conference papers
FOXL2 is a female sex-determining gene in the goatOpening Conference "COST Action BM1308. Sharing Advances on Large Animal Models", European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). BEL., Dec 2014, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Invalidation du gène FOXL2 chez la chèvre; démonstration de son rôle de déterminant ovarien chez les bovidésJournées d'Animation Scientifique Phase 2013, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Oct 2013, Paris, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNAs expression during gonad differentiation in bovineEMBL Symposia The non coding genome, EMBO. DEU., Oct 2013, Heidelberg, Germany. 1 p
Conference papers
Effects of Dmxl2 invalidation on murine ovaries5. Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département Phase (JAS Phase 2013), Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Oct 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Analyse à grande échelle des ARN non codants longs exprimés au cours de la différenciation gonadique chez le bovinJournées d'Animation Scientifique Phase 2013, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Oct 2013, Paris, France. pp.1-2
Conference papers
Le lapin : un nouveau modèle pour l'étude des mécanismes moléculaires qui régulent la différenciation des gonades au cours du développement précoceJournées d'Animation Scientifique Phase 2013, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UAR Département Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage (0558)., Oct 2013, Paris, France. pp.1-2
Conference papers
A fine genetic analysis of congenital diseases in pig33. ISAG Conference of the International Society for Animal Genetics, Jul 2012, Cairns, Australia
Conference papers
SwAn, anomalies congénitales chez le porc ; cartographie génétique fine des gènes sous-jacents9. Colloque Agenae / ANR, Colloque Génomique Animale et Microbienne, AGENAE - Analyse du Génome des Animaux d'Elevage (AGENAE). FRA., Mar 2012, La Rochelle, France. 90 p
Conference papers
The rabbit as an efficient model for functional studies of gonad differentiation6. International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Vertebrate-biosex. USA., Apr 2012, Kona, Hawai, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
Involvment of [i]DMRT1[/i] in XX sex-reversed polled goats6. International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Vertebrate-biosex. USA., Apr 2012, Kona, Hawai, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
Goat genome assembly, availability of an international 50K SNP chip and RH panel: an update of the international goat genome consortium projects20. Conference of the Plant & Animal Genome, Plant & Animal Genome (PAG). USA., Jan 2012, San Diego, United States. 28 diapositives
Conference papers
SwAn - anomalies congénitales chez le porc ; cartographie génétique fine des gènes sous-jacents7. Colloque Agenae/Genanimal, Mar 2012, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
FOXL2 endometrial expression is impacted by P4 and not IFNT in cattleSRF Conference 2012, Socoety for Reproduction and Fertility (SRF). GBR., Jul 2012, Edinbourg, United Kingdom. 1 p
Conference papers
Long non-coding RNAs and sex-differentiating genes in bovines1.Course on non coding genome, Institut Curie. Paris, FRA., Jun 2012, Paris, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Long non coding RNAs and sex determining gene regulation in ruminants6. International Symposium on The Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Vertebrate-biosex. USA., Apr 2012, Kona, Hawai, France. 1 p
Conference papers
FOXL2 invalidation in goats6. International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Vertebrate-biosex. USA., Apr 2012, Kona, Hawaï, United States
Conference papers
GENIDOV: Gene network involved in ovarian development in goat and mouse9. Colloque Agenae / ANR, Colloque Génomique Animale et Microbienne, AGENAE - Analyse du Génome des Animaux d'Elevage (AGENAE). FRA., Mar 2012, La Rochelle, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Towards a high density SNP International Goat ChipPlant and Animal Genome, Jan 2011, San Diégo, United States
Conference papers
Invalidation génique chez la chèvre : pourquoi et comment ?2. Séminaire du Réseau EFOR "Nouvelles Technologies pour les Etudes Fonctionnelles chez les Organismes Modèles ", réseau EFOR (Etude Fonctionnelle chez les Organismes Modèles). FRA., Feb 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers
Long non-coding RNAs and chromatin modifications control long-range regulation of FOXL2, the key gene for ovarian differentiation in goat.Epigenetics and development programming conference, Mar 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Recherche de causes génétiques des anomalies congénitales majeures chez le porc43. Journées Recherche Porcine, Feb 2011, Paris, France. pp.7-12
Conference papers
Effect of maternal periconceptional undernutrition on male offspring physiology and testicular developmentAnnual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society, Jan 2011, Orlando (Florida), United States. pp.219
Conference papers
Maternal periconceptional undernutrition in sheep: effects on male lambs' physiology and reproduction13. International Symposium on Perinatal Nephrology:Early Determinants of Renal Function & Disease at Adulthood, Jun 2010, Marseille, France. pp.*
Conference papers
Maternal periconceptional undernutrition in sheep: effects on male lambs' physiology and reproduction26. Annual Meeting AETE (Association Européeenne de Transfert Embryonnaire), Sep 2010, Kuopio, Finland
Conference papers
The use of sheep as biomedical models61. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Aug 2010, Heralkion, Greece
Conference papers
Effect of maternal periconceptional undernutrition on male offspring physiology and testicular development: a sheep model3. General Meeting of GEMINI:Maternal Communication with Gametes and Embryo, Oct 2010, Soustons, France
Conference papers
New long non-coding RNAs are associated with long-range regulation of FOXL2 in goatEMBL Advanced Training Centre -The Non-Coding Genome, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Heidelberg,, DEU., Oct 2010, Heidelberg, Germany. 1 p
Conference papers
TEGOD: Transgenic studies of early acting genes in ovarian development in mouse and goats (2007-2009)8. Journées AGENAE, Nov 2010, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
SRY protein expression during testis development in goat16. European Testis Workshop, May 2010, La Biodola, Italy. 1 p
Conference papers
The use of ruminant models in biomedical researchERIN Stakeholders' Conference, Polish National Research Institute of Animal Production. POL., Mar 2010, Cracow-Balice, Poland
Conference papers
Invalidation de Foxl2 et R-spondin1 chez la souris: étude de deux voies de différenciation ovarienne3. Journées d’Animation Scientifique du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage, Oct 2009, Tours, France
Conference papers
Rspo1 is essential to normal mammary gland development6. International Symposium Milk Genomics & Human Health, Sep 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers
Identification of transcripts involved in meiosis and follicle formation during ovine ovary development6. Workshop on Mammalian Folliculogenesis and oogenesis : from basic science to the clinic, Oct 2009, Potsdam, Germany. p:18
Conference papers
Etude de l’expression de la protéine SRY au cours du développement testiculaire chez le bouc.3. Journées d’Animation Scientifique du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage, Oct 2009, Tours, France
Conference papers
Goats, an alternative sex-determination model within mammals5. International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebreate Sex Determination, Apr 2009, Kona, United States. pp.*
Conference papers
Assessment of the role of R-spondin genes in mammary gland development11. Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies, Jun 2009, Paris, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Genomic instability following somatic cell nuclear transfer in cattle60. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Aug 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
TEGOD : Transgenic studies of Early acting Genes in Ovarian Development in mouse and goats.7. Colloque Agenae-Genanimal, Oct 2009, Tours, France. n.p
Conference papers
Goats as an alternative sex-determination model within mammals26. Journée Jean-Claude Dreyfus "La reproduction humaine" Institut Cochin, Sep 2009, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
R-spondin1 and Foxl2 double invalidation in mice: toward an understanding of the molecular interactions between two major ovarian differentiating pathways5. International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebreate Sex Determination, Apr 2009, Kona, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Gonadal differentiation in mammals: the goat as an alternative modelSéminaire de l'IGMC, Nov 2009, Strasbourg, France. n.p
Conference papers
R-spondin1 is required to normal epithelial morphogenesis during mammary gland developmentMammary Gland Biology Gordon Conference, Jun 2009, Salve Regina, United States
Conference papers
Goat as a Model for Studying R-Spondin Involvement in Ovarian Differentiation in Mammals20. International Congress of Zoology, Aug 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers
SRY protein expression during testis development in goatFifth International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Apr 2009, Kona, United States. n.p
Conference papers
Development of a goat-specific anti-SRY antibody: Preliminary rsults ongoat SRY protein expression20. International Congress of Zoology, Aug 2008, Paris, France. ⟨10.1159/000195677⟩
Conference papers
Évaluation du rôle des gènes R-spondin au cours du développement de la glande mammaire2. Journées de restitution des projets financés sur crédits Incitatifs en 2006 et 2007 du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d'Elevage, Nov 2008, Tours, France
Conference papers
Goat as model for studying ovarian differentiation in mammals16. International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Jul 2008, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Phenotypic effects of the Polled Intersex Syndrome (PIS mutation) in goatsMoleda Summer School: "Non-viral gene transfer into muscle and skin", Sep 2007, Evry, France. 2 p
Conference papers
Complete sequencing of this pis locus in goat (500 KB) leads to the discovery of new pis-regulated transcripts expressed in ovaries4. International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination, Apr 2006, Hawaii, United States. 1 p
Conference papers
XX sex-reversal in mouse transgenic for a 90 KB-fragment encompassing the goat sry gene6. Transgenic Technology Meeting (TT2005), Sep 2005, Barcelone, Spain. 1 p
Conference papers
L'homologue du gène FOXL2 chez le poulet. L'étude comparative des profils d'expression des gènes CFOXL2 et aromatase dans les gonades d'embryons de poulet après l'inversion sexuelle induite par un inhibiteur d'aromatase ou l'oestradiol |