Effet des motifs spatiaux et des proportions de semis dans les associations céréales-légumineuses sur le contrôle des adventices
Pierre Lebreton
Laurent Bedoussac
C Bonnet
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
25ème Conférence du COLUMA - Journées internationnales sur la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes, Dec 2023, Orleans, France
Conference papers
Changes in grain ionome composition in pea-wheat intercropping are associated with the abundance of Pseudomonas spp. and Enterobacterales
Amelie Semblat
Turanoglu, Cem
Valérie Dufayet
Céline Faivre-Primot
Damien Marchand
Journée doctorants UMR Agroécologie, Nov 2023, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Changes in grain ionome composition in pea-wheat intercropping are associated with the abundance of Pseudomonas spp. and Enterobacterales
Amélie Semblat
Turanoglu, Cem
Valérie Dufayet
Céline Faivre-Primot
Damien Marchand
12th International PGPR Workshop 2023, May 2023, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Holobiont interactions occurring in pea-wheat intercropping impact both plant phenotype and the associated microbiota
Amélie Semblat
Juliette Martin
Valérie Dufayet
Jean-Paul Lemaitre
Turanoglu, Cem
miCROPe 2022, international Symposium microbe-assisted crop production opportunities, challenges & needs, Jun 2022, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Améliorer et utiliser les associations bénéfiques plantes x microorganismes
Virginie Bourion
Sandra Bensmihen
Alia Dellagi
Benoit Lefevre
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Plant2pro, Sep 2021, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Conference papers
Climate change impacts and possibilities of adaptation for soybean cultivation in France
P Debaeke
Elana Dayoub
Pierre Maury
Céline Shoving
Matthieu Abella
Landscape 2021 - Diversification for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, Sep 2021, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Climate change impacts and possibilities of adaptation for soybean cultivation in France
Philippe Debaeke
Elana Dayoub
Pierre Maury
Céline Shoving
Matthieu Abella
2021 Landscape Conference "Diversification for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture", Sep 2021, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Soybean introduction in Mediterranean cropping systems can reduce their carbon footprint
Simon-Miquel Genis
Carlos Cantero-Martinez
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Daniel Plaza-Bonilla
ESA 2020. XVI European Society for Agronomy Congress, Sep 2020, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Contribution of cereal-legume intercropping agroecological weed management
Thomas Forestier
Laurent Bedoussac
Catherine Bonnet
Didier Raffaillac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
16. European society for agronomy congress, Sep 2020, Séville, Spain. 20p
Conference papers
The SCAR/WAVE complex protein API controls the timely establishment of infection-conducive cell wall properties
Aleksandr Gavrin
R. Thomas
Thomas A Torode
J. Toulotte
A. Chatterjee
18th Congress of International-Society-for-Molecular-Plant-Microbe-Interactions (IS-MPMI), International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Jul 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.110-110
Conference papers
The competitiveness to form nodules shapes the capacities of Rhizobium leguminosarum sv viciae communities to promote symbiosis with specific hosts
Stéphane Boivin
Nassima Ait Lahmidi
D. Sherlock
D Dijon
Karine Heulin-Gotty
International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics ICLGG 2019, May 2019, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Yield gap analysis extended to marketable grain reveals the profitability of organic lentil-spring wheat intercrops
Loic Viguier
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
15. European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Aug 2018, Genève, Switzerland. 180 p
Conference papers
Productivity and pre-crop effects of various legume species in agricultural conditions in three french regions
Guenaelle Hellou
François Janus
Martine Mauline
Rim Baccar
Mathieu Lorin
15. European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), Aug 2018, Genève, Switzerland. 180 p
Conference papers
Towards agroecological cropping systems: the role of diversification in time and space for supporting the crop production
Eric Justes
Lionel L. Alletto
Laurent Bedoussac
Catherine Bonnet
Antoine Couëdel
15. ESA Congress, Aug 2018, Genève, Switzerland. 180 p
Conference papers
Évaluation de systèmes de culture avec et sans légumineuses
Laurent Bedoussac
Hélène Tribouillois
Daniel Plaza Bonilla
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
Colloque de restitution LEGITIMES, Jul 2018, Paris, France. 12 p
Conference papers
Assessment of the impact of climate change in temperate zone on grain legume yield and N2 fixation
Gatien Falconnier
Anthony Vermue
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Laurent Bedoussac
Eric Justes
15. ESA Congress, Aug 2018, Genève, Switzerland. 180 p
Conference papers
A trait-based approach to understand and predict the performance of arable annual mixed crops
Rémi Mahmoud
Noemie Gaudio
Pierre Casadebaig
Xavier Gendre
Laurent Bedoussac
International Conference on Ecological Sciences (Sfécologie 2018), Oct 2018, Rennes, France. 825 p
Conference papers
Faciliter la production de légumineuses à graines en y associant une céréale: Cas de la lentille et du lupin blanc d’hiver
Nicolas Carton
Loic Viguier
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Christophe Naudin
2. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses (RFL2), Oct 2018, Toulouse, France. 17 p
Conference papers
Quantifier pour optimiser les performances et services rendus de différentes espèces de légumineuses en exploitations agricoles
Guenaelle Hellou
Elise Pelzer
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Colloque de restitution LEGITIMES, Jul 2018, Paris, France. 30 p
Conference papers
Does a mixture of pea varieties with different leaf morphology improve crop performance?
Georg Carlsson
Laurent Bedoussac
Branko Cupina
Vuk Djordjevic
Noemie Gaudio
International Conference on advances in grain legume cultivation and use, Sep 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia
Conference papers
Intercropping lentil with spring wheat to improve productivity and income in organic farming
Loic Viguier
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
2. International Legume Society Conference (ILS2), Oct 2016, Troia, Portugal. 358 p
Conference papers
“Ecological precision farming” - reintegrating spatial crop diversity and ecological principles in agricultural cropping systems
Erik Steen Jensen
Laurent Bedoussac
Georg Carlsson
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
5. International Ecosummit “Ecological Sustainability : Engineering Change”, Aug 2016, Montpellier, France. 8p
Conference papers
Synthesis on the effects of grain legume insertion and cereal-grain legume intercrops in low input cropping systems in Southern France
Eric Justes
Daniel Plaza Bonilla
Laurent Bedoussac
André Gavaland
Etienne-Pascal Journet
2. International Legume Society Conference (ILS2), Oct 2016, Troia, Portugal. 358 p
Conference papers
Designing and evaluating arable systems. Cash and cover crop legumes in sole crop and intercrop to improve nitrogen use efficiency
Laurent Bedoussac
Hélène Tribouillois
Daniel Plaza Bonilla
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
19. Nitrogen workshop, Jun 2016, Skara, Switzerland. 464 p
Conference papers
Les légumineuses à graines
Marie-Benoît Magrini
Gérard Duc
Marie-Helene Jeuffroy
Jean-Michel Chardigny
Stephane Walrand
1. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses: Année Internationale des Légumineuses, May 2016, Dijon, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Intercropping cereal and grain legume:10 years of experiments from field to plate
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen
Christophe Naudin
International Workshop of Intercropping for Agronomy and Ecology, Aug 2015, Xian, China. 36 p
Conference papers
Design and ex ante assement of cropping systems with legumes in four European countries
Céline Bourlet
Elise Pelzer
G. Carlsson
E. Steen Jensen
Etienne-Pascal Journet
5. International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, AGRO2015., Sep 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Enhanced yields in organic crop production through crop diversification intensifying the role of eco-functionality
Eric-Steen Jensen
Georg Carlsson
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Eric Justes
Innovations in organic food systems for sustainable production and enhanced ecosystem services, Nov 2014, Long Beach, United States. 189 p
Conference papers
Facilitation of P acquisition by intercropping cereal and grain legumes in field conditions
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Laurent Bedoussac
Elodie Betencourt
Julie Campguilhem
Philippe Hinsinger
4th Sustainable Phosphorus Summit, SPS 2014, Sep 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Intercropping legume and non-legume, an innovative way to valorize N2 fixation and soil mineral sources in low inputs cropping systems.
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen
Christophe Naudin
Guenaelle Corre - Hellou
18. Nitrogen workshop "The nitrogen challenge: building a blueprint for nitrogen use effiiency and food security", Jun 2014, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.573, ⟨10.13140/2.1.3836.2249⟩
Conference papers
Is P acquisition facilitated by intercropping of durum wheat and grain legumes in field conditions?
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Laurent Bedoussac
Elodie Betencourt
Julie Campguilhem
Philippe Hinsinger
5th International Symposium Phosphorus in Soils and Plants PSP5 2014 - Facing Phosphorus Scarcity, Aug 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
La complémentarité pour l’acquisition des ressources abiotiques dans les associations végétales : quels processus en jeu expliquant les performances ?
Laurent Bedoussac
Eric Justes
Philippe Hinsinger
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Gaëtan Louarn
CIAG 2014 : Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique "Associations Végétales", Nov 2014, Angers, France
Conference papers
Cultures associées et cultures intermédiaires plurispécifiques : une application des principes de l’agro-écologie pour valoriser les ressources naturelles et produire divers services écosystémiques
Eric Justes
Elise Pelzer
Laurent Bedoussac
Pablo Cruz
Marie-Helene Jeuffroy
Séminaire Ingénieries Agroécologiques, Dec 2013, Montpellier, France. 19 p
Conference papers
Are durum wheat-grain legume and sunflower-soybean intercrops efficient solutions to produce legume in low input systems?
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Hélène Tribouillois
Grégory Vericel
David Champclou
1. Legume Society Conference 2013 : A Legume Odyssey, May 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia. 330 p
Conference papers
Rhizosphere microbial community in intercropped durum wheat and faba bean as affected by phosphorus fertilizer history
Xiaoyan Tang
Florent Dayde
Laetitia Bernard
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Philippe Hinsinger
17. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), Aug 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Is intercropping an efficient solution to design low input systems ? The examples of durum wheat-grain legume and sunflower-soybean intercrops
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Hélène Tribouillois
David Champclou
Nathalie Landé
12. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2012, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Durum wheat-grain legume intercrops an innovative way to design low inputs cropping systems
Laurent Bedoussac
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Patrice Rouet
Eric E. Justes
11. Congress of European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2010, Montpellier, France. 1049 p
Conference papers
Genetic and molecular dissection of NOD factor signalling in Medicago truncatula
J.M. Ané
J.F. Arrighi
Besma Ben Amor
Cécile Bres
Frederic Debellé
5. European conference on grain legumes, Jun 2004, Dijon, France
Conference papers
The Medicago truncatula hypernodulating sunn mutant encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase
E. Schnabel
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Gérard Duc
Julia Frugoli
Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel
5. European Conference on Grain Legumes and ICLGG 2004, Jun 2004, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Supernodulation mutants of Pisum sativum and Medicago truncatula : characterization of the mutants and their symbiosis with Rhizobium and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Gérard Duc
Sandrine Cros-Arteil
E.P. Journet
Dominique Morandi
Sergio Ochatt
Molecular genetics of model legumes, Jun 2000, Norwich, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Nod factor signal transduction in the Medicago truncatula Nod/Myc mutants TR25/26
Vanessa Vernoud
J.L. Pingret
M. Chabaud
Annick Dedieu
Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel
9. International congress on molecular plant-microbe interactions, Jul 1999, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Signal transduction of the Rhizobium Nod factor at the Medicago root surface
J.L. Pingret
E.P. Journet
M. Chabaud
D.G. Barker
Atelier Medicago truncatula et organismes associés, Jul 1997, Paris, France
Conference papers
Manipulation of Medicago truncatula as a whole plant
E.P. Journet
Atelier Medicago truncatula et organismes associés, Jul 1997, Paris, France
Conference papers
Expression of MtENOD genes during the arbuscular mycorrhizal interaction
E.P. Journet
Vanessa Vernoud
Pascal Gamas
D.G. Barker
C. Calantzis
Atelier Medicago truncatula et organismes associés, Jul 1997, Paris, France
Conference papers
Role of surface factors in plant-microbe interactions: involvement of Rhizobium meliloti exopolysaccharide during early infection events in alfalfa
J.A. Leigh
D.G. Barker
E.P. Journet
G. Truchet
7. International symposium on molecular plant-microbe interactions, Jun 1994, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers