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Eva Boxenbaum



Eva Boxenbaum examine l'innovation institutionnelle, notamment le rôle des entreprises dans le changement sociétal. Ses recherches portent sur l'émergence de nouvelles pratiques managériales et les formes organisationnelles adaptées à la collaboration publique-privée. Elle s'intéresse aux secteurs de l'énergie renouvelable, la construction durable, et l'architecture. Elle est responsable du projet ANR IMpACT sur l'émergence de nouvelles catégories juridiques (2014-2017).
Eva Boxenbaum conducts research on institutional innovation, notably the role of companies in stimulating societal change. Her research investigates the emergence of new managerial practices and organizational forms adapted to public-private collaboration. She conducts research in the sectors of renewable energy, sustainable construction and architecture. She is PI for the ANR IMpACT project on the emergence of new legal categories (2014-2017).


Just for fun! How experimental spaces stimulate innovation in institutionnalized fields

Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum , Franck Aggeri
Organization Studies, 2019, 40 (1), pp.65-92. ⟨10.1177/0170840617736937⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01615050v1

Authentication as institutional maintenance work

Sylvain Colombero , Eva Boxenbaum
Journal of Management Studies, 2019, Journal of Management Studies, 56 (2), pp.408-440. ⟨10.1111/joms.12413⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01939376v1

Book review. Alaric Bourgoin. Les Équilibristes. Une ethnographie du conseil en management.

Eva Boxenbaum
Organization Studies, inPress
Article dans une revue hal-02290136v1
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Organisations nationales et instruments de gestion de l’amélioration génétique des bovins laitiers : une comparaison entre la France, l’Irlande et les Pays-Bas

Germain Tesniere , Vincent Ducrocq , Eva Boxenbaum , Julie Labatut
INRA Productions Animales, 2019, 32 (1), pp.37-50. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2019.32.1.2430⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02618423v1

Towards an articulation of the material and visual turn in organization studies

Eva Boxenbaum , Candace Jones , Renate E. Meyer , Silviya Svejenova
Organization Studies, 2018, ⟨10.1177/0170840618772611⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01802981v1

The role of verbal and visual text in the process of institutionalization

Renate E. Meyer , Dennis Jancsary , Markus Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
Academy of Management Review, 2018, Academy of Management Review, doi:10.5465/amr.2014.0301 (43(3)), pp.1-27. ⟨10.5465/amr.2014.0301⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01535194v1

Individual responses to multiple logics in hybrid organizing: The role of structural position

Virginie Svenningsen-Berthélem , Eva Boxenbaum , Davide Ravasi
M@n@gement, 2018, 21 (4), pp.1306-1328
Article dans une revue hal-01939388v1
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Individual responses to multiple logics in hybrid organizing: The role of structural position

Virginie Svenningsen-Berthélem , Eva Boxenbaum , Davide Ravasi
M@n@gement, 2018
Article dans une revue hal-02737160v1

Institutions As Multimodal Accomplishments: Towards the Analysis of Visual Registers

Dennis Jancsary , Renate E. Meyer , Markus A. Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2017, Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions, 54A, pp.87-117. ⟨10.1108/S0733-558X2017000054A004⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01678781v1
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Towards a multimodal model of theorization processes

Mélodie Cartel , Sylvain Colombero , Eva Boxenbaum
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2017, Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions, 54A, pp.153 - 182. ⟨10.1108/s0733-558x2017000054a006⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01675124v1

Multimodal Construction of a Rational Myth: Industrialization of the French Building Sector in the Period from 1945 to 1970

Eva Boxenbaum , Thibault Daudigeos , Jean-Charles Pillet , Sylvain Colombero
Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 2017, Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions, Part B, 54B, pp.27-60. ⟨10.1108/S0733-558X2017000054B001⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01678774v1
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Toward a situated stance in organizational institutionalism: Contributions from French pragmatist sociological theory.

Eva Boxenbaum
Journal of Management Inquiry, 2014, Journal of Management Inquiry, 23 (3), pp.319-323. ⟨10.1177/1056492613517464⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01102238v1
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The glocalization of responsible investment: Contextualization work in France and Quebec

Jean-Pascal Gond , Eva Boxenbaum
Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, 115 (4), pp.707-721
Article dans une revue hal-00870436v1

New knowledge products as bricolage: Metaphors and scripts in organizational theory

Eva Boxenbaum , Linda Rouleau
Academy of Management Review, 2011, 36 (2), pp.272-296
Article dans une revue hal-00719599v1

Exploring Europeanness in organizational research

Renate E. Meyer , Eva Boxenbaum
Organization Studies, 2010, 31 (6), pp.737-755. ⟨10.1177/0170840610372579⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00719610v1

How actors change institutions : Towards a theory of institutional entrepreneurship

Julie Battilana , Bernard Leca , Eva Boxenbaum
The Academy of Management Annals, 2009, Vol. 3, pp. 65-107. ⟨10.1080/19416520903053598⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00576509v1

Experimental spaces and institutional innovation: The interplay of distancing work and anchoring work

Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum , Franck Aggeri
Ninth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Theme: “Institutions and Organizations: A Process View", Process Organization Studies, Jun 2017, Kos, Greece
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488272v1

Multimodal strategies of theorization: A historical analysis of reinforced concrete

Mélodie Cartel , Sylvain Colombero , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2017, EGOS, Jul 2017, Copenhague, Denmark
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488285v1

Keeping a dream alive: Multimodal study of the construction sector’s industrialization 1945-1970

Thibault Daudigeous , Eva Boxenbaum , Sylvain Colombero , Pillet Jean-Charles
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Aug 2017, Atlanta, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488314v1

How to draw an institution? Towards a structural analysis of visual and multimodal registers

Renate E. Meyer , Dennis Jancsary , Markus Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
New Institutionalism - 13th workshop, Mar 2017, Jerusalem, Israel
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488206v1

Multimodal strategies of theorization: Retracing the fifty year institutionalization of reinforced concrete.

Mélodie Cartel , Sylvain Colombero , Eva Boxenbaum
'New Ways of Seeing' - AMJ paper and idea development workshop, AMJ and Lancaster University, Apr 2017, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488218v1

Enabling and stabilizing institutional bricolage: The BBC Royal Charter, 1920-1937

Bilal Jathol , Charles-Clemens Rüling , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2016, EGOS, Jul 2016, Naples, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368261v1

Exploring multimodal registers in and across organizations and institutional fields: Sketching an approach for larger-scale multimodal analysis

Renate E. Meyer , Dennis Jancsary , Markus Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
2nd International Conference on Visuality, Materiality, Multimodality, Copenhagen Business School, Sep 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Communication dans un congrès hal-01392844v1
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How individuals cope with institutional complexity in organizations: a case study in the energy transition

Virginie Svenningsen , Eva Boxenbaum , Davide Ravasi
32nd EGOS Colloquium (EGOS 2016), Jul 2016, Naples, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01336318v1

Silent struggles: Framing a new understanding of business in society

Verena Girschik , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2016, EGOS, Jul 2016, Naples, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368282v1

A label to regulate: Governing though market experiment in the construction industry

Aurelie Tricoire , Eva Boxenbaum , Brice Laurent , Alexandre Mallard
International workshop on ‘Labelling and the politics of markets’, ANR LAPIN, Oct 2016, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01392840v1

Keeping a dream alive: Sustaining the rational myth of industrialization in the construction industry from 1945 to 1970

Thibault Daudigeos , Eva Boxenbaum , Sylvain Colombero , Pillet Jean-Charles
2nd International Conference: Visuality, Materiality, Multimodality, Copenhagen Business School, Sep 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Communication dans un congrès hal-01392856v1

A hybrid intervention. Public and private interventions in the construction of a label for energy efficiency

Brice Laurent , Eva Boxenbaum , Alexandre Mallard , Aurelie Tricoire
EGOS Colloquium 2016, Jul 2016, Naples, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368274v1

Experimental spaces and institutional innovation: The interplay of distancing work and anchoring work.

Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum , Franck Aggeri
Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2016, Academy of Management, Aug 2016, Anaheim, CA, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368229v1

Silent struggles: Framing a new understanding of business in society

Verena Girschik , Eva Boxenbaum
Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2016, Academy of Management, Aug 2016, Anaheim, CA, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368250v1

The role of visual communication in the process of institutionalization

Renate E. Meyer , Dennis Jancsary , Markus Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
European Theory Development Workshop, Hanken School of Economics; Aalto Business School, Jun 2016, Helsinki, Finland
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368288v1

Towards a concrete model of theorization processes in institutional innovation

Mélodie Cartel , Sylvain Colombero , Eva Boxenbaum
2nd International Conference on Visuality, Materiality, Multimodality, Copenhagen Business School, Sep 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Communication dans un congrès hal-01392852v1

Institutional awareness. Examining agency in institutional theory

Catarina Ahlvik , Eva Boxenbaum
European Theory Development Workshop, Hanken School of Economics, Jun 2016, Helsinki, Finland
Communication dans un congrès hal-01368291v1

A process of collective bricolage: crafting highly diffusable innovations in contexts of high uncertainty

Olga Kokshagina , Eva Boxenbaum , Mélodie Cartel
The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Aug 2015, Vancouver, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-01137264v1
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Collective identity formation in hybrid organizations.

Romain Boulongne , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2015, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Jul 2015, Athens, Greece
Communication dans un congrès hal-01202515v1
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I love my work but how do I make sense of it? The role of emotions in hybrid organizations

Virginie Svenningsen , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2015, Jul 2015, Athens, Greece
Communication dans un congrès hal-01163972v1
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The role of evaluation devices in the creation of new institutions: breeding contracts under the “genomic” era in animal genetics

Julie Labatut , Germain Tesnière , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2015, European Group for Organizational Studies; ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, Jul 2015, Athènes, Greece. 22 p
Communication dans un congrès hal-01135352v2

Let’s get concrete!: How materials and aesthetics drive institutional change

Candace Jones , Eva Boxenbaum
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103155v1
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Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum , Franck Aggeri
AIMS, May 2014, Rennes, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01089472v1

Idea generation in highly institutionalized fields: A dual process model of ideation

Marine Agogue , Eva Boxenbaum
Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Aug 2014, Philadelphia, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103122v1

Institutionalizing new ideas through visualization

Renate E. Meyer , Eva Boxenbaum , Markus Höllerer , Dennis Jancsary
International conference: Giving visual and material form to ideas, identity and imagination: Architecture, urbanism, and sustainable construction, May 2014, Vienna, Austria
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103174v1

Succeeding at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid: Overcoming internal obstacles in multi-national corporations to new social venture creation.

Eva Boxenbaum , Mette L. Olsen
Strategic Management Society (SMS) Extension WORKSHOP Public-Private Governance, Social Value and Innovative Organizational Design, Sep 2014, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103097v1

How standards enable the creation of sustainable construction as a new category

Eva Boxenbaum , Susse Georg , Gabriela Garza de Linde , Satu Reijonen
RETHINKING ORGANIZATIONS WORKSHOP, Grenoble EM, Feb 2014, Grenoble, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01112148v1

A tropological perspective on category emergence

Eero Vaara , Eva Boxenbaum
Third European Theory Development Workshop in OMT and Strategy 2014, Jun 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103148v1

From idea to organizational practice: Institutionalizing innovative ideas through visualization

Renate E. Meyer , Dennis Jancsary , Markus Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2014, Jul 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103129v1
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Policy making as bricolage: the role of platforms in institutional innovation

Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum , Franck Aggeri
EGOS, Jul 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès hal-01089462v1

From idea to organizational practice: Institutionalizing innovative ideas through visualization

Renate E. Meyer , Dennis Jancsary , Markus Höllerer , Eva Boxenbaum
Third European Theory Development Workshop in OMT and Strategy 2014, Jun 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103137v1

Toward a foundation of material approaches in neo-institutional theory: A bricolage approach

Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum
Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Aug 2014, Philadelphia, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01103103v1

Let’s get physical: Materiality as carriers of cognition, vehicles for communication and catalysts for institutional change

Candace Jones , Callen Anthony , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS Colloquium 2013, EGOS, Jul 2013, Montreal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488184v1

Idea generation in highly institutionalized fields: how individuals become aware of field frames

Marine Agogué , Eva Boxenbaum
EGOS, 2013, Montréal, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-00825290v1

How standards enable the emergence of sustainable construction as a new organizational field

Eva Boxenbaum , Susse Georg , Satu Reijonen , Gabriela Garza de Linde
Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2013, Academy of Management, Aug 2013, Orlando, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-01488163v1
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Eva Boxenbaum , Aurélien Acquier , Rebecca Pinheiro-Croisel , Gabriela Garza de Linde
PUCA, Jun 2011, France. pp.1-36
Communication dans un congrès halshs-00743372v1
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Standards and innovation in emerging fields: Pushing breakthrough innovation or enrolling actors? An analysis of eco-district standards in France and Denmark

Aurélien Acquier , Eva Boxenbaum , Rebecca Pinheiro-Croisel
Academy of Management Meeting 2011, Jun 2011, United States. pp.1-33
Communication dans un congrès halshs-00743376v1
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Eva Boxenbaum , Susse Georg , Gabriela Garza de Linde , Satu Reijonen , Franck Aggeri
CONSTRUCTIONS MATTER - Managing Complexities, Decisions and Actions in the Building Process, May 2010, Denmark. pp.1-50
Communication dans un congrès halshs-00743393v1
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Policy making as collective bricolage: the role of the electricity sector in the making of the European carbon market

Mélodie Cartel , Eva Boxenbaum , Franck Aggeri , Jean-Yves Caneill
Christina Garsten, Adrienne Sörbom. Power, policy and profit: corporate engagement in politics and governance, Edward Elgar, 2017, 978-1-78471-120-7
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01615460v1

Le tournant “materiel” dans la theorie neoinstitutionnaliste.

Eva Boxenbaum , Isabelle Huault , Bernard Leca
F.-X. de Vaujany; A. Hussenot; J.-F. Chanlat. Théories des organisations: Nouveaux tournants. , Economica, pp. 227-238, 2016, 978-2-7178-6826-5
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-01368077v1

Micro-strategies of contextualization: Glocalizing responsible investment in France and Quebec.

Eva Boxenbaum , Jean-Pascal Gond
G.S. Drori, M.A. Höllerer, P. Walgenbach. Global themes and local variations in organizations and management: Perspectives on glocalization., Routledge, pp.311-324, 2014, 978-0-415-80768-5
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00826505v1

Institutional Logics in Action.

Michael Lounsbury , Eva Boxenbaum
M. Lounsbury & E. Boxenbaum. Institutional Logics in Action, Part A., 39A, Emerald, pp.3-24, 2013, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 978-1-78190-918-8
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00826521v1

The immateriality of material practices in institutional logics.

Candace Jones , Eva Boxenbaum , Callen Anthony
M. Lounsbury & E. Boxenbaum. Institutional Logics in Action, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39A, Emerald, pp.51-75, 2013, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39A, 978-1-78190-918-8
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00870440v1

Diversity management in Denmark: Evolutions from 2002 to 2009

Eva Boxenbaum , Monica Gjuvsland , Clarissa E. Leon
Stefan Gröschl. Diversity in the Workplace: Multi-disciplinary and International Perspectives, Gower Publishing, pp.101-118, 2011
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00719617v1

Sosiale konstruksjoner som en reguleringsmekanisme: Rekonstruering av CSR i Danmark. (Social construction as a mode of regulation: Reconstructing CSR in Denmark)

Eva Boxenbaum
A. Kakabadse & M. Morsing. Bedrifters samfunnsansvar: Hvordan forene ønsker og praksis? (Corporations social responsibility: How to reconcile desires and practice?), Tapir Academisk Forlag, Trondheim, Norway, pp.165-176, 2010
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-00719624v1

Patrimoine architectural : quand modernité rime avec authenticité.

Sylvain Colombero , Eva Boxenbaum
Patrimoine architectural : quand modernité rime avec authenticité., 2019
Autre publication scientifique hal-02290107v1