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Fabien Claveau

Maitre Assistant IMT Atlantique - DAPI LS2N - Equipe CODEX
Affiliations actuelles
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Since 2005, I have been an Assistant Professor with the Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France, and also a member of the Control Team of the Institute of Communications and Cybernetics of Nantes (IRCCyN – UMR CNRS 6597). My research interests are focused on robust control, decentralized and distributed control design methodologies. My main application field is automotive engineering, especially design of driving assistances for conventional or more specific (e.g. narrow tilting) vehicles.


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FEM-based Dynamic Model for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Elasticity and Sagging

Karim Moussa , Eulalie Coevoet , Christian Duriez , Maxime Thieffry , Fabien Claveau
CableCon 2023: 6th International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Jun 2023, Nantes, France. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-32322-5_5⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-04037333v1