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Fabien Mieyeville



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Evaluation of Recycled Cardboard Paper as an Eco-Friendly Substrate for Rectenna and Ambient Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Application

Pangsui Usifu Linge , Anvesh Pandey , Tony Gerges , Jean-Marc Duchamp , Philippe Benech
Electronics, 2024, 13 (13), pp.2499. ⟨10.3390/electronics13132499⟩
Journal articles hal-04626085v1
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Evaluation of Polylactic Acid Polymer as a Substrate in Rectenna for Ambient Radiofrequency Energy Harvesting

Pangsui Usifu Linge , Tony Gerges , Pascal Bevilacqua , Jean-Marc Duchamp , Philippe Benech
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 2023, 13 (2), pp.34. ⟨10.3390/jlpea13020034⟩
Journal articles hal-04287495v1
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Microbial fuel cell as battery range extender for frugal IoT

Carlos Augusto Berlitz , Andrea Pietrelli , Fabien Mieyeville , Gaël Pillonnet , Bruno Allard
Energies, 2023, 16 (18), pp.6501. ⟨10.3390/en16186501⟩
Journal articles cea-04523476v1
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Radio-Frequency Energy Harvesting Using Rapid 3D Plastronics Protoyping Approach: A Case Study

Xuan Viet Linh Nguyen , Tony Gerges , Pascal Bevilacqua , Jean-Marc Duchamp , Philippe Benech
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 2023, 13 (1), pp.19. ⟨10.3390/jlpea13010019⟩
Journal articles hal-04495752v1
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Evaluation of the Leak Detection Performance of Distributed Kalman Filter Algorithms in WSN-Based Water Pipeline Monitoring of Plastic Pipes

Valery Nkemeni , Fabien Mieyeville , Pierre Tsafack
Computation, 2022, 10 (4), pp.55. ⟨10.3390/computation10040055⟩
Journal articles hal-03670831v1

A Distributed Computing Solution Based on Distributed Kalman Filter for Leak Detection in WSN-Based Water Pipeline Monitoring

Valery Nkemeni , Fabien Mieyeville , Pierre Tsafack
Sensors, 2020, 20 (18), pp.5204. ⟨10.3390/s20185204⟩
Journal articles hal-03670846v1

A Distributed Active Vibration Control System Based on the Wireless Sensor Network for Automotive Applications

M. Zielinski , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , O. Bareille
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017, 461, pp.235-253. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-44354-6_14⟩
Journal articles hal-01947049v1
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Design thinking : le design en tant que management de projet

Jean-Patrick Péché , Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier
Entreprendre & Innover, 2016, 28 (1), ⟨10.3917/entin.028.0083⟩
Journal articles hal-01719249v1
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Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Wan Du , David Navarro , Fabien Mieyeville
International Journal of Communication Systems, 2015, 28 (10), pp.1657-1674. ⟨10.1002/dac.2756⟩
Journal articles hal-01489892v1
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Quantitative robust linear parameter varying H∞ vibration control of flexible structures for saving the control energy

Kai Zhang , Gérard Scorletti , Mohamed Ichchou , F. Mieyeville
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2015, 26 (8), pp.1-22. ⟨10.1177/1045389X14538529⟩
Journal articles hal-01009959v1
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Modeling and simulation of networked low-power embedded systems: a taxonomy

Wan Du , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Ian O'Connor , Laurent Carrel
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014, 2014 (1), ⟨10.1186/1687-1499-2014-106⟩
Journal articles hal-01489900v1
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Simulation of Hardware and Software in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

David Navarro , Fabien Mieyeville , Mihai Galos , Laurent Carrel
International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, 2014, 7, pp.97-107
Journal articles hal-01489888v1
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Robust active vibration control of piezoelectric flexible structures using deterministic and probabilistic analysis

Kai Zhang , Gérard Scorletti , Mohamed Ichchou , F. Mieyeville
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2014, 25 (6), pp.10.1177/1045389X13500574. ⟨10.1177/1045389X13500574⟩
Journal articles hal-00859441v1

SystemC fine-grained HW–SW fully heterogeneous WSN simulation and UML metamodel behavioural extraction

Mihai Galos , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Ian O'Connor
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2013, 77 (2), pp.123-133
Journal articles hal-01957390v1
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Phase and gain control policies for robust active vibration control of flexible structures

Kai Zhang , Gérard Scorletti , Mohamed Ichchou , F. Mieyeville
Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, pp.075025. ⟨10.1088/0964-1726/22/7/075025⟩
Journal articles hal-00839744v1
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Wireless sensor networks for active vibration control in automobile structures

F. Mieyeville , Mohamed Ichchou , Gérard Scorletti , D. Navarro , Wan Du
Smart Materials and Structures, 2012, 21 (7), pp.Article number075009. ⟨10.1088/0964-1726/21/7/075009⟩
Journal articles hal-00793946v1
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IDEA1: A validated SystemC-based system-level design and simulation environment for wireless sensor networks

Wan Du , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Ian Connor
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011, 2011 (1), ⟨10.1186/1687-1499-2011-143⟩
Journal articles hal-01957420v1

System-level graphical simulations for wireless sensor networks design space exploration

David Navarro , Wan Du , Fabien Mieyeville
The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks - MEDJCN, 2011, 7 (14), pp.266-273
Journal articles hal-01957414v1

A behavioural opto-electro-thermal VCSEL model for simulation of optical links

Fabien Mieyeville , G. Jacquemod , F. Gaffiot , M. Belleville
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , 2001, 88 (3), pp.209-219
Journal articles hal-01947279v1
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On-device learning for ultra-low-power wireless sensors: evaluating the effects of data subsampling

Antoine Bonneau , Fabien Mieyeville , Frédéric Le Mouël
Journées Colloque National du GDR SoC2, GDR SOC2; INL Lyon, Jun 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04110297v1
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Energy-efficient in-situ monitoring using on-device and distributed learning

Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Fabien Mieyeville
Green Days, Mar 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04035287v1
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Intelligence artificielle et Objets Cyber-physiques : convergence pour la ville intelligente

Fabien Mieyeville , Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Olivier Bareille
TERINT 2023 : 2ième rencontres scientifiques sur les territoires intelligents, Jul 2023, Ajaccio, France
Conference papers hal-04140704v1
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Addressing limitations of TinyML approaches for AI-enabled Ambient Intelligence

Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Fabien Mieyeville
Workshop on Simplification, Compression, Efficiency and Frugality for Artificial intelligence (SCEFA), in conjunction with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Politecnico di Torino; CENTAI, Sep 2023, Turin, Italy
Conference papers hal-04250026v1
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Apprentissage fédéré pour l'intelligence ambiante : une approche système embarqué, distribuée et intermittente

Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Fabien Mieyeville
Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Systèmes (ComPAS'2023), Jul 2023, Annecy, France
Conference papers hal-04133151v1
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Ultra Low Power Ambient Artificial Intelligence

Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Fabien Mieyeville
Journées sur la recherche en apprentissage frugal (JRAF), Grenoble INP; Inria; EcoInfo, Nov 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-03986104v1

VIBRO3 (Vibro-supply, Vibro-Communication and Vibro-Inspection): a Global Multifunctional System for Wireless Supply, Communication and Sensing

Mickaël Lallart , Fabien Mieyeville , Olivier Bareille , David Navarro , Stéphane Ndoga
IWPMA 2021, Oct 2021, online, United States
Conference papers hal-04612385v1

Distributed Kalman Filter Investigation and Application to Leak Detection in Water Pipeline Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks with Nonintrusive Sensors

Fabien Mieyeville , Pierre Tsafack , Valery Nkemeni , Jacques Verdier
The Thirteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, SENSORCOMM 2019, Oct 2019, Nice, France. pp.13-20
Conference papers hal-03670865v1

Structural health monitoring using piezo-based sensors and embedded distributed systems (Plenary)

Olivier Bareille , Manuel Collet , Michelle Salvia , Fabien Mieyeville , Mohamed Ichchou
Second International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2018, Hammamet, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-02389768v1

Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network for Distributed Active Control

Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Olivier Bareille , Mateusz Zielinski
VPPC, Dec 2017, Belfort, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/VPPC.2017.8330909⟩
Conference papers hal-02074232v1
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Renewing Design Teaching: Learning from an Innovative Graduate Programme

Fabien Mieyeville , Jean-Patrick Péché , Philippe Silberzahn , Marie Goyon
The Virtuous Circle, Design culture and experimentation, Cumulus Milano, 2015, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-01994031v1

A design-based approach research on innovation : from multidisciplinarity to transdisciplinarity

Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier , Jean-Patrick Péché , Philippe Silberzahn
EAD11: 11th Conf of the European Academy of Design : The value of design research, Apr 2015, Paris, France. pp.1-13
Conference papers hal-02074419v1

A low power Wireless Sensor Node with Vibration Sensing and Energy Harvesting capability

Mateusz Zieliński , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Olivier Bareille
2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Sep 2014, Warsaw, Poland. pp.1065-1071, ⟨10.15439/2014F246⟩
Conference papers hal-02074382v1

Design of a low power wireless sensor network node for distributed active vibration control system

M. Zielinski , Fabien Mieyeville , D. Navarro , O. Bareille
2014 10th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Jun 2014, Grenoble, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/PRIME.2014.6872743⟩
Conference papers hal-02074393v1

Conception et réalisation d'un nœud sans fil pour un système distribué de contrôle actif des vibrations

Mateusz Zielinski , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Olivier Bareille
colloque du GDR SOC-SIP, 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01489861v1
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How do we Know we Train Innovators Effectively? Developing the Assessment Criteria of a New Design Thinking Msc Program.

Philippe Silberzahn , Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier , Jean-Patrick Péché
21st IPDMC International Product Development Management Conference, European Institute for Advance Studies in Management, Jun 2014, Limerick, Ireland
Conference papers hal-02074454v1

Design Thinking Education as a Way to Promote Innovative Practices in Management: The Case of the IDEA Graduate Program.

Philippe Silberzahn , Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier , Jean-Patrick Péché
3rd Interreg Conference, University of Southampton and EM Normandie, Nov 2013, Deauville, France
Conference papers hal-02074484v1

Robust vibration control of flexible structures using smart materials with uncertainties

Kai Zhang , Mohamed Ichchou , Gérard Scorletti , F. Mieyeville
6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Sep 2012, Vienne, Austria. pp.75-92
Conference papers hal-00793952v1
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A cycle-accurate transaction-level modelled energy simulation approach for heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Mihai Galos , David Navarro , Fabien Mieyeville , Ian O'Connor
2012 IEEE 10th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Jun 2012, Montreal, Canada. pp.209-212, ⟨10.1109/NEWCAS.2012.6328993⟩
Conference papers hal-02074106v1
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Dynamic Reconfiguration for Software and Hardware Heterogeneous Real-time WSN

Fabien Mieyeville , Mihai Galos , David Navarro
SENSORCOMM 2012 : The Sixth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, IARIA, Aug 2012, Rome, Italy. pp.95-100
Conference papers hal-02074128v1
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Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Simulation

David Navarro , Mihai Galos , Fabien Mieyeville , Wan Du
SENSORCOMM 2012 : The Sixth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Aug 2012, Rome, Italy. pp.292-295
Conference papers hal-02109177v1

Reprogramming hardware-software heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Mihai Galos , Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Ian O'Connor
2011 The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), IEEE, Oct 2011, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-02074211v1

Wireless Sensor Networks for active control noise reduction in automotive domain

Fabien Mieyeville , Wan Du , Idris Daikh , David Navarro
2011 The 14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), IEEE, Oct 2011, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-02074362v1
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Design Framework for Heterogeneous Hardware and Software in Wireless Sensor Networks

David Navarro , Fabien Mieyeville , Wan Du , Mihai Galos , Nanhao Zhu
ICSNC 2011 : The Sixth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, Oct 2011, Barcelone, Spain. pp.111-116
Conference papers hal-02109236v1
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Hardware and software system-level simulator for wireless sensor networks

David Navarro , Wan Du , Fabien Mieyeville , Laurent Carrel
Eurosensors XXIV, Sep 2010, Linz, Austria. pp.228-231, ⟨10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.089⟩
Conference papers hal-02109274v1

Heterogeneous Modelling of an Optical Network-on-Chip with SystemC

M. Briere , E. Drouard , Fabien Mieyeville , D. Navarro , Ian O'Connor
16th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'05), Jun 2005, Montreal, France. pp.10-16, ⟨10.1109/RSP.2005.25⟩
Conference papers hal-02077107v1

A VHDL-AMS library of hierarchical optoelectronic device models

F. Mieyeville , M. Briere , Ian O'Connor , Frédéric Gaffiot , G. Jacquemod
Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL 03), Sep 2003, Frankfurt, Germany. pp.7-18
Conference papers hal-00984154v1
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Ultra Low Power Ambient Artificial Intelligence

Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Fabien Mieyeville
Journées non thématiques du GDR RSD, Jan 2023, Villeurbanne, France
Conference poster hal-03986137v1

A Smart Territory, the key to resilient territory

Thierry Antoine-Santoni , Oumaya Baala , Manuele Kirsch Pinheiro , Fabien Mieyeville , Bertrand Mocquet
Zaheer Allam; Didier Chabaud; Catherine Gallart; Florent Pratlong; Carlos Moreno. Resilient and Sustainable Cities, Elsevier, inPress, 9780323917186
Book sections hal-03877369v1

Energy-centric simulation and design space exploration for wireless sensor networks

Fabien Mieyeville , David Navarro , Wan Du , Mihai Galos
Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Nabil Ali Alrajeh. Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Status and Future Trends, CRC PRESS, pp.215-252, 2012, 9781138199873
Book sections hal-02074548v1

A VHDL-AMS library of hierarchical optoelectronic device models

F. Mieyeville , M. Briere , I. O'Connor , F. Gaffiot , G. Jacquemod
Kluwer academic publishers. Languages for system specifications, Christoph Grimm, pp.183-199, 2004
Book sections hal-00090478v1
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Usability and Performance Analysis of Embedded Development Environment for On-device Learning

Enzo Scaffi , Antoine Bonneau , Frédéric Le Mouël , Fabien Mieyeville
CITI - CITI Centre of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of services; INSA Lyon. 2024
Reports hal-04505241v1
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Radio-Enabled Low Power IoT Devices for TinyML Applications

Antoine Bonneau , Fabien Mieyeville , Frédéric Le Mouël , Regis Rousseau
CITI - CITI Centre of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of services. 2023
Reports hal-04325986v1