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Fabien Mieyeville




A design-based approach research on innovation : from multidisciplinarity to transdisciplinarity

Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier , Jean-Patrick Péché , Philippe Silberzahn
EAD11: 11th Conf of the European Academy of Design : The value of design research, Apr 2015, Paris, France. pp.1-13
Conference papers hal-02074419v1
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How do we Know we Train Innovators Effectively? Developing the Assessment Criteria of a New Design Thinking Msc Program.

Philippe Silberzahn , Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier , Jean-Patrick Péché
21st IPDMC International Product Development Management Conference, European Institute for Advance Studies in Management, Jun 2014, Limerick, Ireland
Conference papers hal-02074454v1

Design Thinking Education as a Way to Promote Innovative Practices in Management: The Case of the IDEA Graduate Program.

Philippe Silberzahn , Fabien Mieyeville , Renaud Gaultier , Jean-Patrick Péché
3rd Interreg Conference, University of Southampton and EM Normandie, Nov 2013, Deauville, France
Conference papers hal-02074484v1