Simulation des écoulements gravitaires avec les modèles d’écoulement en couche mince : état de l’art et exemple d’application aux coulées de débris de la Rivière du Prêcheur (Martinique, Petites Antilles)
Marc Peruzzetto
Gilles Grandjean
Anne Mangeney
Clara Lévy
Yannick Thiery
Journal articles
Seismic signature of a river flooding in La Réunion Island during the tropical cyclone Dumazile (March 2018)
Alicia Gonzalez
Fabrice R. Fontaine
Guilhem Barruol
Alain Recking
Arnaud Burtin
Journal articles
Imaging the lithospheric structure and plumbing system below the Mayotte volcanic zone
Anthony Dofal
Laurent Michon
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Elisa Rindraharisaona
Guilhem Barruol
Journal articles
The crust-mantle transition beneath Northeast China from P–wave receiver functions
Nita Sebastian
Hrvoje Tkalčić
Christian Sippl
Seongryong Kim
Anya M. Reading
Journal articles
Simplified simulation of rock avalanches and subsequent debris flows with a single thin-layer model: Application to the Prêcheur river (Martinique, Lesser Antilles)
Marc Peruzzetto
Clara Levy
Yannick Thiery
Gilles Grandjean
Anne Mangeney
Journal articles
Seismic Signature of Rain and Wind Inferred From Seismic Data
E. Rindraharisaona
A. Réchou
F. Fontaine
G. Barruol
P. Stamenoff
Journal articles
Mayotte seismic crisis: building knowledge in near real-time by combining land and ocean-bottom seismometers, first results
Jean-Marie Saurel
Eric Jacques
Chastity Aiken
Anne Lemoine
Lise Retailleau
Journal articles
Cyclone Signatures in the South-West Indian Ocean from Two Decades of Microseismic Noise
Elisa J Rindraharisaona
Guilhem Barruol
Emmanuel Cordier
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Alicia Gonzalez
Journal articles
Nature of the crust beneath the islands of the Mozambique Channel: Constraints from receiver functions
Anthony Dofal
Fabrice R. R Fontaine
Laurent Michon
Guilhem Barruol
Hrvoje Tkalčić
Journal articles
ReNovRisk: a multidisciplinary programme to study the cyclonic risks in the South-West Indian Ocean
Pierre Tulet
Bertrand Aunay
Guilhem Barruol
Christelle Barthe
Remi Belon
Journal articles
Seismicity of La Réunion island
Zacharie Duputel
Valérie Ferrazzini
Olivier Lengliné
Laurent Michon
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Journal articles
A Significant Increase in Interplate Seismicity near Major Historical Earthquakes Offshore Martinique (FWI)
Jordane Corbeau
O’leary Gonzalez
Nathalie Feuillet
Anne-Marie Lejeune
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Journal articles
Assessing swells in La Réunion Island from terrestrial seismic observations, oceanographic records and offshore wave models
Elisa Josia Rindraharisaona
Emmanuel Cordier
G. Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
M. Singh
Journal articles
Orienting and locating ocean-bottom seismometers from ship noise analysis
A. Trabattoni
G. Barruol
R Dreo
A O Boudraa
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Journal articles
Large-scale flow of Indian Ocean asthenosphere driven by Réunion plume
G. Barruol
K. Sigloch
J.-R. Scholz
A. Mazzullo
E. Stutzmann
Journal articles
Very- and ultra-long-period seismic signals prior to and during caldera formation on La Réunion Island
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
G. Roult
B. Hejrani
Laurent Michon
V. Ferrazzini
Journal articles
SKS splitting in the Western Indian Ocean from land and seafloor seismometers: Plume, plate and ridge signatures
J.-R Scholz
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Alessandro Mazzullo
Jean-Paul Montagner
Journal articles
Electric potential anomaly induced by humid air convection within Piton de La Fournaise volcano, La Réunion Island
Raphaël Antoine
Anthony Finizola
Téodolina Lopez
David Baratoux
Michel Rabinowicz
Journal articles
Orienting Ocean-Bottom Seismometers from P-wave and Rayleigh wave polarizations
J.-R Scholz
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Karin Sigloch
Wayne C. Crawford
Journal articles
Analyses of extreme swell events on La Réunion Island from microseismic noise
Céline Davy
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Emmanuel Cordier
Journal articles
Monitoring austral and cyclonic swells in the “Iles Eparses” (Mozambique channel) from microseismic noise
Guilhem Barruol
Céline Davy
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Vera Schlindwein
Karin Sigloch
Acta Oecologica, 2016, Îles Éparses (French Scattered Islands, SW Indian Ocean) as reference ecosystems for environmental research, 72, ⟨10.1016/j.actao.2015.10.015⟩
Journal articles
Crustal and uppermost mantle structure variation beneath La Réunion hotspot track
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Guilhem Barruol
Hrvoje Tkalcic
Ingo Wölbern
Georg Rümpker
Journal articles
Sources of secondary microseisms in the Indian Ocean
Céline Davy
Eléonore Stutzmann
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Martin Schimmel
Journal articles
Crustal and mantle structure beneath the Terre Adélie Craton, East Antarctica: insights from receiver function and seismic anisotropy measurements
Gaëlle Lamarque
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Jérôme Bascou
René-Pierre Ménot
Journal articles
The 2007 eruptions and caldera collapse of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island) from tilt analysis at a single very broadband seismic station
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Geneviève Roult
Laurent Michon
Guilhem Barruol
Andrea Di Muro
Journal articles
Tracking major storms from microseismic and hydroacoustic observations on the seafloor
Céline Davy
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Karin Sigloch
Eléonore Stutzmann
Journal articles
Tide-induced microseismicity in the Mertz glacier grounding area, East Antarctica
Guilhem Barruol
Emmanuel Cordier
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Jérôme Bascou
Benoit Legrésy
Journal articles
Crustal complexity in the Lachlan Orogen revealed from teleseismic receiver functions
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Hrvoje Tkalcic
Brian L. N. Kennett
Journal articles
Imaging crustal structure variation across southeastern Australia
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Hrvoje Tkalčić
Brian L. N. Kennett
Journal articles
Mantle flow beneath La Réunion hotspot track from SKS splitting
Guilhem Barruol
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Journal articles
AusMoho: the variation of Moho depth in Australia
B. L. N. Kennett
M. Salmon
E. Saygin
N. Rawlinson
S. Pozgay
Journal articles
Mapping upper mantle flow beneath French Polynesia from broadband ocean bottom seismic observations
Guilhem Barruol
D. Suetsugu
H. Shiobara
H. Sugioka
S. Tanaka
Journal articles
Upper mantle anisotropy beneath Australia and Tahiti from P wave polarization: Implications for real-time earthquake location
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Guilhem Barruol
Brian L N Kennett
Goetz H R Bokelmann
Dominique R Reymond
Journal articles
Influence of melt viscosity of basaltic and andesitic composition on seismic attenuation in partially molten gabbronorite
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
D. R. Neuville
Benoit Ildefonse
David Mainprice
Journal articles
Upper-mantle flow beneath French Polynesia from shear wave splitting
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Guilhem Barruol
Andrea Tommasi
Götz H.R. Bokelmann
Journal articles
Characterizing swells in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic noise analyses
Guilhem Barruol
Dominique R Reymond
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Olivier Hyvernaud
Vincent Maurer
Journal articles
Shear-wave splitting beneath the Galápagos archipelago
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Emilie E. E. Hooft
Peter G. Burkett
Douglas R. Toomey
Sean C. Solomon
Journal articles
Temperature dependence of shear wave attenuation in partially molten gabbronorite at seismic frequencies
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Benoit Ildefonse
Nickolai Bagdassarov
Journal articles
Physikalische Eigenschaften teilgeschmolzener Gesteine an der mittelozeanischen Spreizungsachse
N Bagdassarov
J Maumus
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
H. Schmeling
Benoit Ildefonse
Mitteilungen der Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaf, 2003, 3, pp.2-16
Journal articles
PLUME investigates South Pacific Superswell
G. Barruol
Delphine Bosch
Fabrice R. R. Fontaine
Marguerite Godard
Catherine Thoraval
Journal articles