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Determinants of employe stock ownership adoption in FranceMid-year Kelso fellows' workshop in honor of Louis Kelso, Rutgers University school of management and labor relations, Jan 2024, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
Conference papers
Identifying Start-Up Success : Testing-The-Waters Policy with Hypothetical InvestmentFinancial Management Association (FMA) 2020 Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association (FMA), Oct 2020, New-York (Virtuel), United States
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L’édito du rapport de développement durable : un signal prédictif d’inclusion d’une entreprise dans un indice de performance RSE ?18ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, Ecole de Droit de l’Université de Mons au travers de son institut de recherche humanOrg en collaboration avec la Faculté de Droit et de Criminologie de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), May 2019, Bruxelles, Belgique
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L’édito du rapport de développement durable : un signal prédictif d’inclusion d’une entreprise dans un indice de performance RSE ?16ème Congrès de l'ADERSE : Éthique, Gouvernance et RSE, Association pour le Développement et l'Enseignement de la Responsabilité Sociale, Mar 2019, Aix-en-Provence, France
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Determinants of Individual Investment Decisions in Investment-Based Crowdfunding3rd Entrepreneurial Finance Conference, School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, Jun 2018, Milan, Italy
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Determinants of Individual Investment Decisions in Investment-Based Crowdfunding2018 FMA Asia/Pacific Conference, Financial Management Association International, May 2018, Hong Kong, China
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Hypothetical bias in equity crowdfunding55th Annual Meeting of the EFA (Eastern Finance Association), Eastern Finance Association, May 2018, Miami, United States
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Hypothetical bias in equity crowdfunding2nd Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance Conference, School of Business (Stevens Institute of Technology) et the Stevens Venture Center, May 2018, Hoboken, NJ, United States
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Hypothetical bias in equity crowdfunding3rd Entrepreneurial Finance Conference, School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, Jun 2018, Milan, Italy
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Does crowdfunding make the world go round?Crowdfunding Workshop, EM Lyon Business School’s Research Centre for Entrepreneurial Finance (ReCEntFin), May 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Le crowdfunding favorise-t-il l’innovation ?22e Congrès des économistes, Centre interuniversitaire de formation permanente (Liège), Nov 2017, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers
Do Crowdfunders Prefer Round Numbers?Crowdfunding Workshop Armin Schwienbacher (SKEMA), EM Lyon Business School’s Research Centre for Entrepreneurial Finance (ReCEntFin), May 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Determinants of Individual Investment Decisions in Investment-Based CrowdfundingSecond Annual Conference on Alternative Finance, The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance with the support of the CME Group Foundation, Jun 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Investor Motivations in Investment-Based Crowdfunding2017 FMA European Conference : 27th Annual European Conference of the Financial Management Association International, Jun 2017, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
Voting in Equity Crowdfunding ProjectsCrowdfunding Workshop Armin Schwienbacher (SKEMA), EM Lyon Business School’s Research Centre for Entrepreneurial Finance (ReCEntFin), May 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Les éditos des rapports de développement durable apportent-ils des informations sur la performance RSE des entreprises françaises cotées?XIVème congrès de l'Association pour le Développement et l'Enseignement de la Responsabilité Sociale (ADERSE) et les XIVes journées Humanisme & Gestion, Association pour le Développement et l'Enseignement de la Responsabilité Sociale, Apr 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Les éditos des rapports de développement durable apportent-ils des informations sur la performance RSE des entreprises françaises cotées?16ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance (CIG) de l’Association Académique Internationale de Gouvernance (AAIG), HEC Lausanne et Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, May 2017, Lausanne, Suisse
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The impact of Gender and Local Environment on Equity and Real Estate Crowdfunding33rd International Conference of the French Finance Association, HEC Management School-University of Liege, May 2016, Liège, Belgium
Conference papers
Investor Motivations in Investment-Based CrowdfundingEntrepreneurial Finance (ENTFIN) Conference 2016, Aurélie Sannajust, Alexander Groh, Jul 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Cas en finance d'entrepriseEditions EMS / In Quarto, pp.192, 2019, Etudes de cas, 978-2-37687-266-5