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Faïz Gallouj




Inside the black box of public service innovation networks for social innovation (PSINSIs)

Benoit Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj , Luis Rubalcaba
European Review of Service Economics and Management, 2022, Revue Européenne d’Économie et Management des Services 2022 – 1, n° 13, 2022 – 1 (n° 13), pp.17-49. ⟨10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-13090-1.p.0017⟩
Journal articles hal-03669656v1
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Understandings of Social Innovation within the Danish Public Sector: A Literature Review

Ada Scupola , Lars Fuglsang , Faïz Gallouj , Anne Vorre Hansen
Administrative Sciences, 2021, 11, ⟨10.3390/admsci11020049⟩
Journal articles halshs-03230550v1
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Social entrepreneurs as change makers: expanding public service networks for social innovation

Anne Vorre Hansen , Lars Fuglsang , Faïz Gallouj , Ada Scupola
Public Management Review, In press, ⟨10.1080/14719037.2021.1916065⟩
Journal articles halshs-03230554v1

Public service innovation networks (PSINs)

Benoit Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
European Review of Service Economics and Management, 2020, European Review of Service Economics and Management 2020 – 2, n° 10, 2020 – 2 (n° 10), pp.133-169. ⟨10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-11028-6.p.0133⟩
Journal articles hal-02982501v1
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Towards a servitization of innovation networks: a mapping

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Public Management Review, 2019, ⟨10.1080/14719037.2019.1637012⟩
Journal articles halshs-02498297v1
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Innovation in public services in the light of public administration paradigms and service innovation perspectives

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
European Review of Service Economics and Management, 2019, 8, pp.91-120. ⟨10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-09862-1.p.009⟩
Journal articles halshs-02437350v1
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Users' Involvement in Value Co‐Creation: The More the Better?

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
European Management Review, inPress, ⟨10.1111/emre.12365⟩
Journal articles hal-02354136v1

Understanding social innovation in services industries

Faïz Gallouj , L. Rubalcaba , M. Toivonen , P. Windrum
Industry and Innovation, 2018, Industry and Innovation, 25 (6), pp.551-569
Journal articles hal-02390881v1
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Les réseaux d’innovation public-privé dans les services (RIPPS) : une nouvelle expression des réseaux d’innovation dans une économie des services et du développement durable

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Revue d'économie industrielle , 2018, 161, pp.67-118. ⟨10.4000/rei.6811⟩
Journal articles hal-01672576v1
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Understanding social innovation in services industries

Faïz Gallouj , Luis Rubalcaba , Marja Toivonen , Paul Windrum
Industry and Innovation, inPress
Journal articles halshs-01672451v1
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Book review for International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research João J. Ferreira, Leo-Paul Dana and Vanessa Ratten (eds) (2016), Knowledge Spilloverbased Strategic Entrepreneurship,

Faïz Gallouj
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2017, pp.726 - 730
Journal articles hal-01672545v1
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Book review: Elie Ofek, Eitan Muller and Barak Libai (2016), Innovation equity: assessing and managing the monetary value of new products and services, The University of Chicago Press.

Faïz Gallouj
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2017, pp.212-218
Journal articles hal-01672553v1
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Les lois de l’imitation et de l’invention : Gabriel Tarde et l’économie évolutionniste de l’innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Revue Economique, 2017
Journal articles halshs-01672459v1
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The co-creation of multi-agent social innovations

Paul Windrum , Doris Schartinger , Luis Rubalcaba , Faiz F. Gallouj , Marja Toivonen
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2016, 19 (2), ⟨10.1108/EJIM-05-2015-0033⟩
Journal articles halshs-01322603v1
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Collaborative Value Creation in Service Innovation

Risto Rajala , Faïz Gallouj , Marja Toivonen
Service Science, 2016, 8 (3), pp.1-6
Journal articles hal-01672596v1
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Public Service Innovation: Solid Waste Sector from the Perspective of Clean Development Mechanism Landfill Projects

Silvia Cruz , Sônia Paulino , Faïz Gallouj
Journal of Inspiration Economy, 2015, 2 (2), pp.93-112
Journal articles halshs-01247615v1
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The futures of the service economy in Europe: a foresight analysis

Faïz Gallouj , Matthias Weber , Metka Stare , Luis Rubalcaba
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2015, pp.TSF-18028
Journal articles halshs-01133897v1

The futures of the service economy in Europe: a foresight analysis

Faïz Gallouj , Matthias Weber , Metka Stare , Luis Rubalcaba
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2015, 94, pp.80-96
Journal articles halshs-01247659v1
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A system dynamic and multi-criteria evaluation of innovations in environmental services

Kirsi Hyytinen , Sampsa Ruutu , Mika Nieminen , Faïz Gallouj , Marja Toivonen
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment, 2015, 3
Journal articles halshs-01203646v1
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" Inspiration Economy " : A New Journal

Faïz Gallouj
Journal of Inspiration Economy, 2014, 1 (1), pp.4-9
Journal articles halshs-01247620v1
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Two decades of research on innovation in services: Which place for public services?

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj , Ian Miles
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2013, pp.98-117. ⟨10.1016/j.strueco.2013.06.005⟩
Journal articles halshs-01133837v1
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Privatisation du conseil et évolution de la qualité des preuves produites pour les agriculteurs

Pierre Labarthe , Faïz Gallouj , Catherine E. Laurent
Économie rurale, 2013, 7 (337), pp.7-24. ⟨10.4000/economierurale.4074⟩
Journal articles hal-01672632v1
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Public-private innovation networks and innovation activities in French service firms

Rabeh Morrar , Faïz Gallouj , Hakim Hammadou
Journal of innovation economics, 2012, 10, pp.191-217. ⟨10.3917/jie.010.0191⟩
Journal articles halshs-01133806v1
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Au-delà de la productivité : les multiples mondes de la performance dans le commerce

Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj , Marie-Hélène Vigliano
Marché et Organisations, 2012, 15, pp.67-90
Journal articles halshs-01114088v1
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Knowledge intensive business services and long term growth

Benoit Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2012, pp.1-17
Journal articles halshs-00748661v1
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L'innovation dans les services publics

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Revue Française d'Economie, 2012, vol XXVII, pp.97-142
Journal articles hal-00758079v1

Réflexions sur les multiples dimensions de la performance dans le commerce et la distribution

Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj , Marie-Hélène Vigliano
Marché et Organisations, 2012, 15, pp.67-90
Journal articles halshs-01247697v1
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Innovation dans les services, performance et politique publique

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Économie appliquée : archives de l'Institut de science économique appliquée, 2011, Tome LXIV (n°2), pp.53-89
Journal articles halshs-00749594v1
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Elaborating the characteristics-based approach to service innovation: making the service process visible

Faïz Gallouj , Marja Toivonen
Journal of innovation economics, 2011, 8 (2), pp.33-58. ⟨10.3917/jie.008.0033⟩
Journal articles halshs-01133797v1

Innovation dans les services, performance et politique publique

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
Économie appliquée : archives de l'Institut de science économique appliquée, 2011, LXIV (2), pp.53-89
Journal articles halshs-01247709v1
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Invisible innovation and hidden performance in services: a challenge for public policy

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Intereconomics, 2010, 45 (5), pp.278-283
Journal articles hal-01672583v1
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Les services intensifs en connaissances : processeurs de connaissances et producteurs d’innovation

Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2010, 11, pp.105-137
Journal articles halshs-01114097v1

Economia dos Serviços e Inovaçao Technologica : Entrevista com o professor Faïz Gallouj Por Sayonara Leal,

Faïz Gallouj
Revista de Economia Politica de las Tecnologicas de la Informacion y Communication, 2009, 11 (1)
Journal articles halshs-01247732v1
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A model for analysing the innovation dynamic in services: the case of ‘assembled’ services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2008, 9 (3/4), pp.285-304
Journal articles halshs-01114104v1

Innovation et changement institutionnel dans les services de soins aux personnes âgées

Karim Gallouj , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Gérontologie et Société, 2008, 126, pp.11-34
Journal articles halshs-01247796v1

Les services publics à l'épreuve de la productivité et la productivité à l'épreuve des services publics

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Revue d'économie industrielle , 2007, n° 119, p. 25-54
Journal articles halshs-00284686v1

Innovation in hospitals : a survey of the litterature

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
European Journal of Health Economics, 2007, vol.8 (n°3), p. 181-193
Journal articles halshs-00284312v1


Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2007, n° 8, p. 347-351
Journal articles halshs-00284721v1

Les services publics à l'épreuve de la productivité et la productivité à l'épreuve des services publics

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Revue d'économie industrielle , 2007, p. 25-54
Journal articles halshs-00284304v1

Innovation and Employment Effects in Services: a Review of the Literature and an Agenda for Research

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Service Industries Journal, 2007, vol. 27 (n° 3-4), p. 193-213
Journal articles halshs-00284698v1
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Un modèle d’analyse de la dynamique de l’innovation dans les services : le cas des services de types architecturaux

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2006, 7, pp.1973-2010
Journal articles halshs-01114094v1
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La relation innovation-emploi dans les services : un bilan et un agenda de recherche

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Travail et Emploi, 2006, 46 (108), pp.45-56
Journal articles halshs-01247791v1
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La relation innovation-emploi dans les services : un bilan et un agenda de recherche

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Travail et Emploi, 2006, 108 (octobre-décembre), pp.45-56
Journal articles halshs-01114077v1

Un modèle d'analyse de la dynamique de l'innovation dans les services : Le cas des services de types architecturaux

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2006, p.1973-2010
Journal articles halshs-00284689v1

La relation innovation-emploi dans les services, Travail et Emploi

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Travail et Emploi, 2006, p.45-56
Journal articles halshs-00284679v1

Un modèle d'analyse de la dynamique de l'innovation dans les services : Le cas des services de types architecturaux

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2006, n° 7, p. 1973-2010
Journal articles halshs-00284707v1

Innovation in care services for the Elderly

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
Service Industries Journal, 2005, vol.26 (n°3), p.303-327
Journal articles halshs-00284700v1

Mapping innovation dynamics in hospitals

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Researh policy, 2005, p.817-835
Journal articles halshs-00284705v1

Un nouveau cap pour EGS (Economie et Gestion des Services) (Editorial)

Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2005, n° 7, p. 1919-1922
Journal articles halshs-00284722v1

La dynamique de l'innovation et du changement dans les services de soins aux personnes âgées

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2004, vol.58 (n°3), p.139-169
Journal articles halshs-00284713v1
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De l’hôpital fonction de production à l’hôpital service complexe et nœud de réseau : les différentes facettes de l’innovation hospitalière

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2004, 51 (1), pp.223-248
Journal articles halshs-01114049v1
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La dynamique de l’innovation et du changement dans les services de soins aux personnes âgées

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj , Karim Gallouj
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2004, 47 (3), pp.139-169
Journal articles halshs-01247781v1
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De l'hôpital-fonction de production à l'hôpital service complexe et noeud de réseaux : Les différentes facettes de l'innovation hospitalière

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2004, 51 (1), pp.223-248
Journal articles halshs-01247786v1
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Vive la société de services !

Faïz Gallouj
Revue Sociétal, 2004, 46
Journal articles hal-01672598v1

De l'hôpital fonction de production à l'hôpital service complexe et nœud de réseau : les différentes facettes de l'innovation hospitalière

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2004, n° 1, p. 223-248
Journal articles halshs-00284715v1

De l'hôpital fonction de production à l'hôpital service complexe et nœud de réseau : les différentes facettes de l'innovation hospitalière

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal , Karim Gallouj
Revue française des affaires sociales, 2004, vol.58 (n°1), p.223-248
Journal articles halshs-00284719v1
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L’innovation dans les services et par les services: un bilan des travaux français récents (1999-2002)

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 2003, 5, pp.1979-1999
Journal articles halshs-01114092v1

L'innovation dans les services en France : un bilan (1999-2002)

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Économies et sociétés, 2003, 5, pp.1979-1999
Journal articles halshs-00006724v1

Revising the definition of research and development in the light of the specificities of services

Faridah Djellal , D. Francoz , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj , Y. Jacquin
Science and public policy, 2003, 30 (6), pp.415-430
Journal articles halshs-00006723v1

Innovation in services and the attendant myths

Faïz Gallouj
The Journal of Socio-Economics, 2002, 31, pp.137-154
Journal articles halshs-00006854v1

Innovation Surveys for Service Industries : a Review

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Innovation papers, 2002, 18, pp.70-87
Journal articles halshs-00196596v1
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L’organisation du processus d’innovation dans les services : les résultats d’une enquête postale

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Éducation & formations, 2001, 59 (avril-juin), pp.41-49
Journal articles hal-01672636v1

L’organisation du processus d’innovation dans les services : les résultats d’une enquête postale

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Éducation & formations, 2001, 59 (avril-juin), pp.41-49
Journal articles halshs-01247790v1
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Patterns of innovation organisation in service firms: postal survey results and theoretical models

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Science and public policy, 2001, 28 (1), pp.57-67
Journal articles halshs-01133139v1
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Le “ casse-tête ” de la mesure de l’innovation dans les services : enquête sur les enquêtes

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Revue d'économie industrielle , 2000, 93 (4), pp.7-28
Journal articles halshs-01133737v1
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Services and the search for relevant innovation indicators: a review of national and international surveys

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Science and public policy, 1999, 26 (4), pp.218-232
Journal articles halshs-01133132v1
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Les trajectoires de l’innovation dans les services : vers un enrichissement des taxonomies évolutionnistes

Faïz Gallouj
Economies et Sociétés. Série EGS, Economie et gestion des services , 1999, 1 (5), pp.143-169
Journal articles halshs-01114090v1
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L'innovation dans les services et ses mythes

Faïz Gallouj
Éducation permanente, 1998, 134 (Février), pp.67-77
Journal articles hal-01672617v1
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Formes et coûts de la production de cohésion sociale dans les relations de service public : le cas des guichets à la Poste

Jean Gadrey , Edwige Ghillebaert , Faïz Gallouj , Delphine Duplaa
Lien social et Politiques, 1998, 40, ⟨10.7202/005110ar⟩
Journal articles hal-01672602v1
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Towards a Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of Innovation in Services ?

Faïz Gallouj
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 1997, 24 (6), pp.405-420
Journal articles halshs-01133121v1
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L’innovation dans les services et le modèle du "cycle du produit inversé"

Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Revue Française de Gestion, 1997, N°113, mars-avril-mai, pp.82-97
Journal articles halshs-01114040v1
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Innovation in services

Faïz Gallouj , Olivier Weinstein
Research Policy, 1997, 26 (4-5), pp.537-556
Journal articles halshs-01133098v1
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Le processus de production de l'innovation dans les service de conseil

Faïz Gallouj
Revue Française de Gestion, 1995, N° 103 mars-avril-mai, pp.109-119
Journal articles halshs-01114039v1
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Cycles économiques et innovations de service : quelques interrogations à la lumière de la pensée schumpeterienne

Faïz Gallouj
Revue Française d'Economie, 1994, pp.169-213
Journal articles halshs-01133084v1
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Les déterminants de l'innovation dans les activités de conseil

Faïz Gallouj
Revue Française du Marketing, 1994, 149, pp.33-51
Journal articles halshs-01114036v1
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Collaborating for social innovation in public services: inside the black box of public service innovation networks for social innovation (PSINSIs)

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
30th RESER/COVAL International Congress. Value Co-creation and Innovation in the New Service Economy, Jan 2021, Madrid (virtual), Spain
Conference papers halshs-03177910v1
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Which innovation regime for public service innovation networks for social innovation (PSINSIs)? lessons from a European cases database

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
30th RESER/COVAL International Congress. Value Co-creation and Innovation in the New Service Economy, Jan 2021, Madrid (virtual), Spain
Conference papers halshs-03177933v1
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Innovation in Public Services in the Light of Public Administration Paradigms and Service Innovation Perspectives

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
XXIXth International RESER Conference, “Services and the future of the workforce”, Sep 2019, Ceuta, Spain
Conference papers halshs-03177989v1
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Public service innovation networks (PSINs): an instrument for collaborative innovation and value co-creation in public service(s)

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
R-D Management conference "The innovation challenge: bridging research, industry and society, Ecole Polytechnique, HEC, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers halshs-03177995v1
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Mapping Social Innovation Networks (Preliminary draft) *

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faiz F. Gallouj
XXIXth International RESER Conference, “Services and the future of the workforce”, Ceuta, Sep 2019, Ceuta, Spain
Conference papers halshs-03270326v1
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Mapping Social Innovations: Konwledge Intensive Social Services (KISS) as Systems Builders

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faiz F. Gallouj
R-D Management conference “The innovation challenge: bridging research, industry and society", Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers halshs-03270368v1
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Towards a servitization of innovation networks: from traditional innovation networks to public service innovation networks for social innovation

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
INTEGRATE conference "Research and innovation in work for people with complex needs", Nov 2019, Lillehammer, Norway
Conference papers halshs-03177975v1
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Services in innovation networks and innovation networks in services: from traditional innovation networks (TINs) to public service innovation networks (PSINs)

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
28th RESER Conference, “Services in the age of contested globalization", Sep 2018, Gotheborg, Sweden
Conference papers halshs-01934282v1
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Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
The 28th International RESER Conference, Services in the Age of Contested Globalization, Sep 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference papers halshs-03270383v1
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A multi-criteria and multi-actor perspective for the evaluation of sustainability services

Kirsi Hyytinen , Faïz Gallouj , Marja Toivonen
5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, Jul 2014, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers halshs-01133963v1
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The Growth of the Service Sector in Palestine: The productivity challenge

Rabeh Morrar , Faïz Gallouj
Finding Growth Through Service Activities In Barren Times, RESER-Aix-Marseille Université, Sep 2013, Aix en Provence, France
Conference papers halshs-01222937v1
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Two decades of research on innovation in services: which place for public services?

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
1st International EIBURS-TAIPS Conference on: Innovation in the public sector and public e-services, Apr 2012, Urbino, Italy
Conference papers halshs-00960624v1
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Privatization of advisory services and the quality of evidence for farmers?

Pierre P. Labarthe , Faiz F. Gallouj , Catherine E. Laurent
10. European IFSA Symposium, Producing and reproducing farming systems: New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, International Farming Systems Association (IFSA). AUT., Jul 2012, Aarhus, Denmark. pp.1-11
Conference papers hal-01001328v1
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Challenging the myth of non-materiality. Energy consumption in service industries.

Charlotte Fourcroy , Faïz Gallouj , Fabrice Decellas
9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. Advancing Ecological Economics, European Society for Ecological Economics, Jun 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers halshs-01114002v1

Services and Innovation

Faïz Gallouj
The 1st Brazilian Symposium on Services Science, University of Brasilia, Nov 2009, Brasilia, Brazil
Conference papers halshs-01113947v1
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Les réseaux d’innovation public-privé dans les services (RIPPS) ne sont pas des réseaux d’innovation (RI) comme les autres : quels enseignements pour les politiques publiques ?

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
The XXth International RESER Conference “The Resilience of the Global Service Economy“,, RESER and University of Gothenburg, Sep 2009, Gothenburg, Suède
Conference papers halshs-01113944v1

Innovation in services: a review of the debate and a research agenda

Faïz Gallouj
33ème congrès de l’ANPAD (Associaçao Nacional de Pos-Graduaçao e Pesquisa em Administraçao), ANPAD, Sep 2009, Sao Polo, Brazil
Conference papers halshs-01113912v1

The innovation gap and the performance gap in the service economies : a trouble for public policy

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
The spirit of innovation III, 2008, France
Conference papers halshs-00286991v1

Innovation dans les services et entrepreneuriat : au-delà des conceptions industrialistes et technologistes du développement durable

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
3ème Forum L'esprit de l'innovation, 2008, Poitiers, France
Conference papers halshs-00287005v1

Evolution des métiers dans les services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
regards croisés sur l'entreprise, 2007, Cachan, France
Conference papers halshs-00287040v1

Services, technologies de l'information et développement régional

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Joint Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and Association de Science Régiona&le de Langue Française, 2007, Paris, France
Conference papers halshs-00287037v1

Towards an integrative theory of innovation in services and manufacturing

Faïz Gallouj
17ème conférence internationale du RESER, Service Competitiveness and Cohesion-Balancing Dynamics in the Knowledge Society, RESER and University of Tampere, Sep 2007, Tampere, Finland
Conference papers halshs-01113878v1

Innovation in services : a characteristics-based approach

Faïz Gallouj
DIME Conférence (Demand, Product Characteristics and Innovation), University of Jena, Oct 2007, Jena, Germany
Conference papers halshs-01113882v1

The relationship between innovation and employment in services: a review of the literature and an agenda for research

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Innovation in Services, 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers halshs-00288458v1

l'innovation dans les services en économie et en gestion: l'âge de la majorité ?

Faïz Gallouj
Conférence BMO-Innovation, L’innovation dans l’économie et la gouvernance, ESG-UQAM, Dec 2006, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers halshs-01113865v1

Les services publics à l'épreuve de la productivité et la productivité à l'épreuve des services publics,

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
16ème conférence internationale du RESER, Services Governance and Public Policy, 2006, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers halshs-00287044v1

The relationship between innovation and employment in services: a review of the literature and an agenda for research

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Innovation in Services, 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers halshs-00287969v1

Innovation, services, emplois

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
l'innovation, l'entrepreneuriat et la créativité, 2006, Brasilia, Brésil
Conference papers halshs-00288003v1

Essai de caractérisation des espaces de coordination des firmes de services aux entreprises : le cas de la métropole lilloise

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Villes et territoires face aux défis de la mondialisation, Sep 2005, Dijon, France
Conference papers halshs-00288459v1
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Les lois de l’imitation et de l’invention : Gabriel Tarde et l’économie évolutionniste de l’innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
11ème colloque international de l'ACGEPE (Association Charles Gide pour l’étude de la pensée économique) « Y a-t-il des lois en économies ? », Association Charles Gide pour l’étude de la pensée économique, Sep 2005, Lille, France
Conference papers halshs-01114114v1

Les lois de l ‘imitation et de l'invention : Gabriel Tarde et l'économie évolutionniste de l'innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Y a-t-il des lois en économie, Sep 2005, Lille, France
Conference papers halshs-00288012v1

Vers une approche servicielle de l'innovation hospitalière

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
2ème conférence francophone en gestion et ingénierie des systèmes hospitaliers, Sep 2004, Mons, Belgique
Conference papers halshs-00288460v1

Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les services de soins aux personnes âgées (SSPA)

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les services de soins aux personnes âgées (SSPA), Sep 2004, Toulouse, France
Conference papers halshs-00288461v1
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L’hôpital : de l’innovation médicale à l’innovation de service

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Services and Innovation, RESER, University of Manchester (UMIST), Sep 2002, Manchester, France
Conference papers halshs-01113818v1
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L’innovation interactionnelle : un modèle néoschumpeterien

Faïz Gallouj
6èmes journées de l’IFRESI, IFRESI-CNRS, Apr 1999, Lille, France
Conference papers halshs-01114022v1
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Les trajectoires de l’innovation dans les services : vers un enrichissement des taxonomies évolutionnistes

Faïz Gallouj
colloque de l’IRIS : “ Changement institutionnel et dynamique de l’innovation ”, Université Paris Dauphine, Dec 1998, Paris, France
Conference papers halshs-01114020v1

A Research Agenda for Service Innovation

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
Edward Elgar Publishers, 2018
Books hal-02390919v1

Services and Innovation

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
2015, 978-1-78347-293-2
Books halshs-01247624v1

Le DRH innovateur: Management des ressources humaines et dynamiques d'innovation

Faïz Gallouj , François Stankiewicz
P.I.E. Lang, 2014, 2034-5402
Books hal-01111762v1

Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services: the dynamics of cooperation in service innovation

Faïz Gallouj , Luis Rubalcaba , Paul Windrum
Edward Elgar, 2013, 978 1 78100 265 0
Books halshs-01112002v1

L’innovation verte

Sophie Boutillier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj , Blandine Laperche , Dimitri Uzunidis
P.I.E Peter Lang, 3, pp.406, 2012, Business and Innovation, 978-90-5201-864-5
Books halshs-01112008v1

La productivité à l'épreuve des services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
P.I.E Peter Lang, 2012, 2034-5402
Books hal-01111741v1

The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
Edward Elgar, 2010, 978 1 84720 504 9
Books hal-01111763v1

Measuring and Improving Productivity in Services: Issues, Strategies and Challenges

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Edward Elgar, 2008, 978 1 84720 269 7
Books hal-01111758v1

L'hôpital innovateur : de l'innovation médicale à l'innovation de service

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj , Karim Gallouj
Masson, 195 p., 2004
Books halshs-00284731v1

L’hôpital innovateur : de l'innovation médicale à l'innovation de service

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj , Karim Gallouj
Masson, 2004, 2 294 01606 8
Books hal-01111760v1

Innovation in the Service Economy: the New Wealth of Nations

Faïz Gallouj
Edward Elgar, 2002, 978 1 84064 670 2
Books hal-01111977v1

Nouvelle économie des services et innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
L'Harmattan, pp.306, 2002, Economie et innovation
Books halshs-00198313v1

Innovation in the service economy: the new wealth of nations

Faïz Gallouj
Edward Elgar, pp.226, 2002
Books halshs-00198409v1

Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge in Services. New Economic and Socio-Economic Approaches

Jean Gadrey , Faïz Gallouj
Edward Elgar, pp.307, 2002
Books halshs-00198351v1

L'innovation dans les services

Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Economica, 1996, 2 7178 3162 2
Books hal-01111983v1

Economie de l'innovation dans les services

Faïz Gallouj
L'Harmattan, Logiques économiques, 1994, 2-7384-2829-0
Books hal-01111989v1

Manager le conseil: stratégies et relations des consultants et de leurs clients

Jean Gadrey , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj , Flavia Martinelli , Frank Moulaert
Ediscience International, 1992, 2 84074 003 6
Books halshs-01111998v1
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Services, Service Innovation and the Ecological Challenge

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Faïz Gallouj; Faridah Djellal. A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.27-45, 2018, 978-1-78990-772-8
Book sections hal-01672570v1

Fifteen challenges for service innovation studies

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
A Research Agenda for Service Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.1-26, 2018
Book sections hal-02399274v1
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Fifteen Advances in Service Innovation Studies

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
in Ada Scupola and Lars Fuglsang. (eds) (2018), Integrated Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research-Emerging and Established Trends, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2018
Book sections hal-01672567v1
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Open innovation: the different pathways towards openness

Faïz Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
in Richardson D., Castree N., Goodchild M.F., Kobayashi A., Liu W. and Marston R.A. (eds), The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, John Wiley and sons , 2017
Book sections hal-01710988v1
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L’innovation comme valeur : quelle GRH pour développer les compétences dynamiques ?

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Le DRH innovateur : management des ressources humaines et dynamiques d’innovation, Peter Lang, pp.100-131, 2014, 978-2-87574-196-7
Book sections halshs-01672481v1
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L'innovation comme valeur : quelle GRH pour développer les compétences dynamiques ?

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Le DRH innovateur : management des ressources humaines et dynamiques d'innovation, n°11, pp.105-136, 2014, Business and innovation, 2034-5402
Book sections hal-01101518v1

Innovation dynamics in hospitals : applied case studies in french hospitals

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
in P. Windrum et P. Koch (eds), « Innovation in public services : management creativity and entrepreneurship », Edward Elgar, p. 139-161, 2008
Book sections halshs-00284735v1

Survey of research on health sector innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
in P. Windrum et P. Koch (eds), « Innovation in public services : management creativity and entrepreneurship », Edward Elgar, p. 64-86, 2008
Book sections halshs-00284741v1

Economia da Inovaçao : um balanço dos debates recentes

Faïz Gallouj
in Bernardes R.C. et Andreassi T. (eds), Inovação em Serviços Intensivos em Conhecimento, São Paulo, ed. Saraiva, p. 3-27, 2007
Book sections halshs-00284753v1
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Les services : une économie de la performance et de l’innovation

Faïz Gallouj
MONNOYER M.C. et TERNAUX P. (éd), Mondialisation des services, innovation et dynamiques territoriales, Editions L’Harmattan, Collection La Librairie des Humanités, p. 15-22., L'Harmattan, pp.15-22, 2007
Book sections halshs-01116589v1

Les services : une économie de la performance et de l'innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
in Monnoyer M.C. et Ternaux P. (éd), Mondialisation des services, innovation et dynamiques territoriales, L'Harmattan, Collection La Librairie des Humanités, p. 15-22, 2007
Book sections halshs-00284747v1

Les services et l'innovation

Faïz Gallouj
Encyclopédie de l'innovation, Economica, p. 109-130, 2003
Book sections halshs-00198417v1

Encourager la recherche-développement et l'innovation dans les services

Faïz Gallouj
Des idées pour la croissance, Economica, pp.181-184, 2003
Book sections halshs-00198423v1
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L’innovation interactionnelle : un modèle neoschumpeterien

Faïz Gallouj
DJELLAL F., GALLOUJ F. (eds), Nouvelle économie des services et innovation, L'Harmattan, pp.253-283, 2002
Book sections halshs-01114131v1
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Jean Gadrey , Faïz Gallouj
GADREY J., GALLOUJ F. (eds), Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge in Services, Edward Elgar, 2002
Book sections halshs-01116573v1

Interactional innovation: a neoschumpeterian model

Faïz Gallouj
Innovation as strategic reflexivity, Routledge, pp.29-56, 2002
Book sections halshs-00198413v1
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Introduction générale : Hisser la question de l’innovation dans les services hors de la “ trappe de compétence ”

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
DJELLAL F., GALLOUJ F. (eds), Nouvelle économie des services et innovation, L’Harmattan, pp.7-17, 2002
Book sections halshs-01114128v1

A propos de la nature de l'innovation dans les services : les enseignements d'une enquête postale

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Nouvelle économie des services et innovation, L'Harmattan, pp.135-163, 2002
Book sections halshs-00198321v1

L'innovation interactionnelle : un modèle néoschumpétérien

Faïz Gallouj
Nouvelle économie des services et innovation, L'Harmattan, pp.255-283, 2002
Book sections halshs-00198414v1

Hisser la question de l'innovation dans les services hors de la trappe de compétence

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Nouvelle économie des services et innovation, L'Harmattan, pp.7-17, 2002
Book sections halshs-00198328v1
Image document

Les enquêtes sur l’innovation dans les services : un bilan

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Recherche et innovation : la France dans la Compétition mondiale, La Documentation Française, pp.319-331, 1999, 2 11 004432 2
Book sections halshs-01114122v1
Image document

L’innovation dans les services : les premiers résultats d’une enquête postale exploratoire

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
L’innovation dans les services : une invitation à l’insurrection intellectuelle, Economica, pp.55-74, 1999, 2717839364
Book sections halshs-01114118v1

The innovation gap and the performance gap in the service economies : a trouble for public policy

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00284760v1

Innovation dans les services et entrepreneuriat : au-delà des conceptions industrialistes et technologistes du développement durable

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00284763v1

L'innovation à l'hôpital : au-delà de l'innovation médicale

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00287994v1

Innovation in services : a characteristics-based approach

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00287995v1

Towards a theory of innovation in services

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288010v1

Innovation in « assembled » services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288004v1

Innovating in the service economy

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288002v1

Les stratégies de productivité dans les services : assimilation, particularisme et intégration

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288001v1

Towards an integrative theory of innovation in services and manufacturing

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00287998v1

Les services publics à l'épreuve de la productivité et la productivité à l'épreuve des services publics

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00199653v1

La productivité dans les services administratifs

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288052v1

Innovation, services, emplois

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00199647v1

Innovation, services, emplois

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288013v1

L'innovation dans les services en économie et en gestion : l'âge de la majorité ?

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288038v1

Les services publics à l'épreuve de la productivité et la productivité à l'épreuve des services publics

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288048v1

La productivité dans les services administratifs

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00199651v1

The relationship between innovation and employment in services: a review of the literature and an agenda for research Institute of Innovation Research (IoIR)

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288041v1

Innovation dynamics in package-services :
an analytical framework applied to hospital services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288059v1

Les lois de l ‘imitation et de l'invention : Gabriel Tarde et l'économie évolutionniste de l'innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288061v1

Innovation in the services sector : issues at stake and trends

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00284765v1

Les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les services de soins aux personnes âgées (SSPA)

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288066v1

Innovation in the services sector : issues at stake and trends

Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288070v1

L'innovation à l'hôpital : Une grille d'analyse et des études de cas

Faïz Gallouj , Camal Gallouj , Faridah Djellal
Other publications halshs-00288073v1

Vers une approche servicielle de l'innovation hospitalière

Faridah Djellal , Camal Gallouj , Faïz Gallouj
Other publications halshs-00288067v1
Image document

Innovation in public services in the light of public administration paradigms and service innovation perspectives

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01934280v1
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Public service innovation networks (PSINs): an instrument for collaborative innovation and value co-creation in public service(s)

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01934284v1
Image document

L'innovation dans les services publics à la lumière des paradigmes de l'administration publique et des perspectives des Service Innovation Studies

Benoit Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01934287v1
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Les réseaux d'innovation de service public (RISP) : un instrument d'innovation collaborative et de co-création de valeur dans le(s) service(s) public(s)

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01934290v1
Image document

Les services dans les réseaux d'innovation et les réseaux d'innovation dans les services : des réseaux d'innovation traditionnels (RIT) aux réseaux d'innovation de service public (RISP)

Benoit Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01934289v1
Image document

Taking into account hidden innovation in innovation networks: the role of public-private innovation networks in services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01191137v1
Image document

KIBS and the Dynamics of Industrial Clusters: a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01188568v1
Image document

Service innovation for sustainability: paths for greening through service innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-01188530v1
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The laws of imitation and invention: Gabriel Tarde and the evolutionary economics of innovation

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-00960607v1
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Beyond Productivity Measurement and Strategies: Performance Evaluation and Strategies in Services

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-00748099v1
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Les réseaux d'innovation public-privé dans les services (RIPPS) ne sont pas des réseaux d'innovation (RI) comme les autres : quels enseignements pour les politiques publiques ?

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-00657601v1
Image document

Politiques environnementales et éco-innovations des firmes de services : un modèle d'adaptation multi-agents

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01101509v1
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Innovation sociale et innovation de service : première ébauche d’un dialogue nécessaire

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01111706v1
Image document

Innovation dans les services et entrepreneuriat : au-delà des conceptions industrialistes et technologistes du développement durable

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01111716v1
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D 6.1: “4th empirical approach to value co-creation in public services: structural transformations”, “Co-VAL [770356] Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations”, WP6 Structural transformations: public-private innovation networks and social innovation in public services

Céline Merlin-Brogniart , Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Lars Fuglsang , Faïz Gallouj
[Research Report] Université de Lille. 2021
Reports hal-04598186v1
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Public Service Innovation Networks (PSINs): Collaborating for Innovation and Value Creation

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
[Research Report] University of Lille; European Commision. 2019
Reports halshs-02445373v1
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Les réseaux d’innovation de service(s) public(s) (RISP) : collaborer pour l’innovation et la création de valeur

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
[Rapport de recherche] Université de Lille; Commission Européenne. 2019
Reports halshs-02445390v1
Image document

Public Service Innovation Networks (PSINs): Collaborating for Innovation and Value Creation

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
[Research Report] Université de Lille. 2018
Reports halshs-01934275v1
Image document

Les réseaux d’innovation de service(s) public(s) (RISP) : collaborer pour l’innovation et la création de valeur 

Benoît Desmarchelier , Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
[Rapport de recherche] Université de Lille. 2018
Reports halshs-01934277v1
Image document

Service: innovation, performance and public policy

Faïz Gallouj
[Research Report] European Commission, Directorate General For Research & Innovation Innovation for Growth (I4G). 2012
Reports hal-01111765v1
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La productivité dans les services administratifs

Faridah Djellal , Faïz Gallouj
[Research Report] Université Lille 1, CLERSE. 2006
Reports hal-01111803v1
Image document

Analyser les prestations de cohésion sociale « hors cadre » des services publics et leur coût. Le cas des relations de guichet à La Poste

Jean Gadrey , Edwige Ghillebaert , Faïz Gallouj
[Rapport de recherche] Université Lille 1, CLERSE. 1997
Reports hal-01111932v1
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La recherche-développement et l'innovation dans les activités de conseil : synthèse sectorielle et études de cas

Faïz Gallouj
[Rapport de recherche] Université Lille 1, CLERSE. 1993
Reports hal-01111956v1