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Florence Curie



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Spatio-temporal controls of C-N-P dynamics across headwater catchments of a temperate agricultural region from public data analysis

Stella Guillemot , Ophélie Fovet , Chantal Gascuel , Gérard Gruau , Antoine Casquin
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2021, 25 (5), pp.2491-2511. ⟨10.5194/hess-25-2491-2021⟩
Journal articles hal-03266520v1
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Regional trends in eutrophication across the Loire river basin during the 20th century based on multi-proxy paleolimnological reconstructions

Anthony Foucher , Olivier Evrard , Sylvain Huon , Florence Curie , Irène Lefèvre
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2020, 301, pp.107065. ⟨10.1016/j.agee.2020.107065⟩
Journal articles hal-02877523v1
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QUAL-NET, a high temporal-resolution eutrophication model for large hydrographic networks

Camille Minaudo , Florence Curie , Yann Jullian , Nathalie Gassama , Florentina Moatar
Biogeosciences, 2018, 15 (7), pp.2251--2269. ⟨10.5194/bg-15-2251-2018⟩
Journal articles hal-02377285v1

Annual agricultural N surplus in France over a 70-year period

Cécile Poisvert , Florence Curie , Florentina Moatar
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2017, 107 (1), pp.63--78. ⟨10.1007/s10705-016-9814-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02377288v1
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Elemental properties, hydrology, and biology interact to shape concentration-discharge curves for carbon, nutrients, sediment, and major ions

Florentina Moatar , Benjamin W. Abbott , Camille Minaudo , Florence Curie , Gilles Pinay
Water Resources Research, 2017, 53 (2), pp.1270-1287. ⟨10.1002/2016WR019635⟩
Journal articles hal-01507692v1

T-NET, a dynamic model for simulating daily stream temperature at the regional scale based on a network topology.

Aurélien Beaufort , Florence Curie , Florentina Moatar , Agnès Ducharne , Emmanuel Melin
Hydrological Processes, 2016, ⟨10.1002/hyp.10787⟩
Journal articles hal-01287170v1

River temperature modelling by Strahler order at the regional scale in the Loire River basin, France

Aurélien Beaufort , Florentina Moatar , Florence Curie , Agnès Ducharne , Vincent Bustillo
River Research and Applications, 2016, 2015-03-15, 32 (4), pp.597-609. ⟨10.1002/rra.2888⟩
Journal articles hal-01244909v1

Transferring measured discharge time series: Large-scale comparison of Top-kriging to geomorphology-based inverse modeling

Alban de Lavenne , J. O. O Skøien , Christophe Cudennec , Florence Curie , Florentina Moatar
Water Resources Research, 2016, 52 (7), pp.5555-5576. ⟨10.1002/2016wr018716⟩
Journal articles hal-01377887v1

Using recent high-frequency surveys to reconstitute 35 years of organic carbon variations in a eutrophic lowland river

Camille Minaudo , Florentina Moatar , Alexandra Coynel , Henri Etcheber , Nathalie Gassama
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016, 188 (1), pp.41. ⟨10.1007/s10661-015-5054-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02377291v1
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Quantification of the contribution of the Beauce groundwater aquifer to the discharge of the Loire River using satellite infrared imaging

Eric Lalot , Florence Curie , V Wawrzyniak , F. Baratelli , Susanne Schomburgk
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015, 19 (11), pp.4479-4492. ⟨10.5194/hess-19-4479-2015⟩
Journal articles halshs-01334170v1

Eutrophication mitigation in rivers: 30 years of trends in spatial and seasonal patterns of biogeochemistry of the Loire River (1980-2012)

C. Minaudo , M. Meybeck , F. Moatar , N. Gassama , F. Curie
Biogeosciences, 2015, 12, pp.2549-2563. ⟨10.5194/bg-12-2549-201510.5194/bgd-11-17299-2014⟩
Journal articles hal-04110411v1
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Eutrophication mitigation in rivers: 30 years of trends in spatial and seasonal patterns of biogeochemistry of the Loire River (1980–2012)

Camille Minaudo , M Meybeck , Florentina Moatar , N Gassama , Florence Curie
Biogeosciences, 2015, 12, pp.2549-2563. ⟨10.5194/bg-12-2549-2015⟩
Journal articles hal-01152849v1

River flux uncertainties predicted by hydrological variability and riverine material behaviour

Florentina Moatar , Michel Meybeck , Sébastien Raymond , François Birgand , Florence Curie
Hydrological Processes, 2013, 27 (25), pp.3535--3546. ⟨10.1002/hyp.9464⟩
Journal articles hal-02377302v1

Assessing N emissions in surface water at the national level: Comparison of country-wide vs. regionalized models

Chantal Gascuel , Rémi Dupas , Florence Curie , Florentina Moatar , Magalie Delmas
Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 443, pp.152 - 162. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.10.011⟩
Journal articles hal-01209137v1

Spatialization of denitrification by river corridors in regional-scale watersheds: Case study of the Seine river basin

Florence Curie , Agnès Ducharne , Hocine Bendjoudi , Gilles Billen
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Parts A/B/C, 2011, Man and River Systems: From pressures to physical, chemical and ecological status, 36 (12), pp.530-538. ⟨10.1016/j.pce.2009.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-01347118v1

Denitrification in a hyporheic riparian zone controlled by river regulation in the Seine river basin (France)

Florence Curie , Agnès Ducharne , Mathieu Sebilo , Hocine Bendjoudi
Hydrological Processes, 2009, 23, pp.655-664. ⟨10.1002/hyp.7161⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00363363v1

Denitrification in a hyporheic riparian zone : Influence of river regulation.

Florence Curie , Agnès Ducharne , Mathieu Sebilo , Hocine Bendjoudi
Hydrological Processes, 2008, 23 (5), pp.655-664. ⟨10.1002/hyp.7161⟩
Journal articles bioemco-00319374v1

Geomorphological methods to characterise wetlands at the scale of the Seine watershed

Florence Curie , Stephan Gaillard , Agnès Ducharne , Hocine Bendjoudi
Science of the Total Environment, 2007, 375, pp.59 - 68
Journal articles hal-00282149v1

Transposing discharge measured time series: large comparison of top-kriging with geomorphology-based inverse modeling

Alban de Lavenne , Jon Olav Skøien , Christophe Cudennec , Florence Curie , Florentina Moatar
7th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS, May 2016, Bochum, Germany
Conference papers hal-04347289v1

Characterization of spatial variability of river temperature using airborne thermal infrared imagery (TIR)

Eric Lalot , Florentina Moatar , Florence Curie , Stéphane Rodrigues , Nicolas Flipo
International Conference HydroEco, Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers halshs-01618880v1
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Conception of a GIS platform to simulate urban densification based on the analysis of topographic data

Anne Ruas , Julien Perret , Florence Curie , Anabelle Boffet-Mas , Anne Puissant
25th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association, Jul 2011, Paris, France. 12 p., ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-19214-2⟩
Conference papers halshs-00627005v1
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Simulation of urban blocks densification

Florence Curie , Julien Perret , Anne Ruas
13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, May 2010, Guimarães, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04193548v1
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Simuler la densification du tissu urbain au moyen de processus de peuplement

Florence Curie , Annabelle Mas , Julien Perret , Anne Puissant , Anne Ruas
Conférence Internationale de Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale SAGEO'10, Nov 2010, Toulouse, France. pp.108-123
Conference papers halshs-00627649v1

Classification et typologie fonctionnelle des zones humides riveraines à l'échelle du bassin de la Seine : élimination et rétention des nitrates

Florence Curie , Agnès Ducharne , Hocine Bendjoudi , Stephan Gaillard , Mathieu Sebillo
Colloque PIREN - Seine, 2003, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00369940v1