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Florent Margnat



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Cylinder aeroacoustics: experimental study of the influence of cross-section shape on spanwise coherence length

Florent Margnat , Wagner Gonçalves da Silva Pinto , Camille Noûs
Acta Acustica, 2023, 7, pp.4. ⟨10.1051/aacus/2022061⟩
Journal articles hal-04443300v1
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Influence of cylinder breadth and shape on the onset of flow unsteadiness and the aeolian tone level

Wagner Pinto , Florent Margnat
Computers and Fluids, 2021, 228, pp.105067. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.105067⟩
Journal articles hal-04214115v1
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Shape optimization for the noise induced by the flow over compact bluff bodies

Wagner José Gonçalves da Silva Pinto , Florent Margnat
Computers and Fluids, 2020, 198, pp.104400. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.104400⟩
Journal articles hal-02413934v1

A shape optimization procedure for cylinders aeolian tone

Wagner José Gonçalves da Silva Pinto , Florent Margnat
Computers and Fluids, 2019, 182, pp.37-51. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.02.002⟩
Journal articles hal-04443503v1

A diagnostic tool for jet noise using a line-source approach and implicit large-eddy simulation data

Florent Margnat , Vasilis Ioannou , Sylvain Laizet
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2018, 346 (10), pp.903-918. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2018.07.007⟩
Journal articles hal-02318789v1
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Hybrid prediction of the aerodynamic noise radiated by a rectangular cylinder at incidence

Florent Margnat
Computers and Fluids, 2015, 109, pp.13-26. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.12.006⟩
Journal articles hal-04443539v1
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The influence of a pressure wavepacket's characteristics on its acoustic radiation

R. Serré , Jean-Christophe Robinet , F. Margnat
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 137 (6), pp.3178-3189. ⟨10.1121/1.4921031⟩
Journal articles hal-02569482v1
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On compressibility assumptions in aeroacoustic integrals: a numerical study with subsonic mixing layers

Florent Margnat , Xavier Gloerfelt
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 135 (6), pp.3252. ⟨10.1121/1.4875561⟩
Journal articles hal-01069755v1
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High Accuracy Volume Flow Rate Measurement Using Vortex Counting

Abdelkader Zaaraoui , Florent Ravelet , Florent Margnat , Sofiane Khelladi
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2013, 33, pp.138-144. ⟨10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2013.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00707329v4

Numerical Study of Mach Number and Thermal Effects on Sound Radiation by a Mixing Layer

C. Moser , Eric Lamballais , Florent Margnat , Véronique Fortuné , Yves Gervais
International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2012, 11 (5-6), pp.555-579. ⟨10.1260/1475-472X.11.5-6.555⟩
Journal articles hal-04443465v1
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An iterative algorithm for computing aeroacoustic integrals with application to the analysis of free shear flow noise

Florent Margnat , Véronique Fortuné
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2010, 128 (4), pp.1656 - 1667. ⟨10.1121/1.3466986⟩
Journal articles hal-04443569v1

Behaviour of an immersed boundary method in unsteady flows over sharp-edged bodies

F. Margnat , V. Moriniere
Computers and Fluids, 2008, Sept 2008. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2008.09.013⟩
Journal articles hal-00372199v1

Noise radiated by flow impingment on a flate pale using DNS with a virtual boundary method

F. Margnat , V. Moriniere , Y. Gervais
International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2005, Vol 4 - issue 1, pp.117-134
Journal articles hal-00017550v1
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Numerical Simulation of Whistling in Flows around Side-View Mirrors

A. Stoffel , Florent Margnat , C. Prax , F. Vanherpe
SIA SIMULATION NUMÉRIQUE, Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile, Apr 2023, Paris, France. 8 p
Conference papers hal-04443951v1
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Investigation of the far field pressure pulse generated by vortex-wedge interaction using Howe’s acoustic analogy

Marios I Spiropoulos , Florent Margnat , Vincent Valeau , Peter Jordan
AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, Jun 2023, San Diego, France. pp.AIAA 2023-4514, ⟨10.2514/6.2023-4514⟩
Conference papers hal-04443659v1
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Extracting Noise Producing Coherent Structures in Cylinder Flows from TR PIV Data

Robin Prinja , Florent Margnat , Peter Jordan
28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, Jun 2023, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.AIAA 2022-3047, ⟨10.2514/6.2022-3047⟩
Conference papers hal-04443829v1
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Acoustics of turbulent eddies impinging on a semi-infinite rigid wedge

Marios I Spiropoulos , Florent Margnat , Vincent Valeau , Peter Jordan
AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, Jun 2023, San Diego, United States. pp.AIAA 2023-3509, ⟨10.2514/6.2023-3509⟩
Conference papers hal-04443650v1
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Effect of the incidence angle of the flow on the acoustic dipolar radiation of rectangular cylinders

Louise Chiocchetti , David Marx , Florent Margnat , Vincent Valeau
Forum Acusticum, Sep 2023, Torino, Italy. pp.4551-4558, ⟨10.61782/fa.2023.0471⟩
Conference papers hal-04443631v1
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Modeling Aeolian Tones by Global Instability Modes

Robin Prinja , Peter Jordan , Florent Margnat
28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference, Jun 2022, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.AIAA 2022-2917, ⟨10.2514/6.2022-2917⟩
Conference papers hal-04443811v1
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Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Whistling in Flows around Side-View Mirrors

Arnaud Stoffel , Florent Margnat , Christian Prax , François van Herpe
16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-03848128v1
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Influence of the Length of a Cylinder on its Aeolian Tone Level: Measurement and Modelling

W. Pinto , F. Margnat , C. Noûs
14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress, Jan 2021, Virtual conference, France. ⟨10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.178⟩
Conference papers hal-04220829v1
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Experimental study of the aerodynamic noise produced by flow-body interaction by synchronous PIV and microphone array measurements

Yoann Beausse , Vincent Valeau , Florent Margnat , Laurent-Emmanuel Brizzi , François Ollivier
e-Forum Acusticum 2020, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.735-740, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0425⟩
Conference papers hal-03229451v1
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Aeolian tone level as a consequence of distance to the onset of unsteadiness: influence of bluff-body shape on the critical Reynolds number

Wagner Gonçalves Pinto , Florent Margnat , Camille Nous
Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.2619-2626, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0761⟩
Conference papers hal-03242471v1
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Experimental study of the influence of the shape on the spanwise coherence length of the flow over a bluff body

Wagner Gonçalves Pinto , Florent Margnat , Camille Noûs
Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1515-1522, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0763⟩
Conference papers hal-03215258v1
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Effect of cross-section on flow three-dimensionality for prismatic bodies and the associated noise emission

Wagner Pinto , Florent Margnat , Yves Gervais
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 2019, Delft, Netherlands. pp.2019-2531, ⟨10.2514/6.2019-2531⟩
Conference papers hal-04443850v1
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Modeling aeroacoustic excitations by subsonic wave packets in the Kirchhoff formalism

Ronan Serré , Florent Margnat
CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03439016v1
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Modeling aeroacoustic excitations by subsonic wave packets in the Kirchhoff formalism

Romain Serre , Florent Margnat
Congrès français de mécanique (21 ; 2013 ; Bordeaux (Gironde))., Aug 2013, France. pp.1-6
Conference papers hal-00879587v1
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A Morphological Approach to the Aeroacoustic Fields of a Flute with Density Gradient Correlation

Yasuo Obikane , Florent Margnat
20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jun 2011, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.2514/6.2011-3683⟩
Conference papers hal-04443902v1
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A Fast Procedure for Computations of Acoustic Fields Given by Retarded-Potential Integrals

Florent Margnat
16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Jun 2010, Stockholm, Sweden. ⟨10.2514/6.2010-3708⟩
Conference papers hal-04443879v1
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A Mixing-Layer Flow Noise Analysis by Retarded-time Filtering of the Source Field

Florent Margnat
10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Apr 2010, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00542602v1
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Retarded-time source field analysis of vortex-pairing noise

Florent Margnat
International Conference on Acoustics NAG/DAGA 2009, Mar 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04443934v1

Analysis of free-shear flow noise through a decomposition of the Lighthill source term

F. Margnat , V. Fortune , P. Jordan , Y. Gervais
ICCFD 5 Seoul, 2008, 2008, Séoul, South Korea
Conference papers hal-00406141v1

A recursive scheme for the computation of aeroacoustics integrals – application to the analysis of free shear flow noise

F. Margnat , V. Fortune , P. Jordan , Y. Gervais
ICCFD5, Seoul, Korea, July 7-11 2008., 2008, Séoul, South Korea
Conference papers hal-00406144v1

Decomposition of the Lighthill source term and analysis of acoustic radiation from mixing layers

F. Margnat , V. Fortune , P. Jordan , Y. Gervais
ASA-EAA-SFA Acoustics'08, Paris, France, June 29-July 4, 2008., 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00417280v1

Analysis of acoustic source mechanisms in free shear flows

F. Margnat , M. Cabana , V. Fortune , P. Jordan
13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 2007, 2007, Rome, Italy. AIAA Paper 2007-3601
Conference papers hal-00177476v1

Generation of reliable aerodynamic data for computation of wall-bounded turbulent flows noise

F. Margnat , V. Moriniere , Y. Gervais
Conference papers hal-00017118v1

Noise radiated by flow impingement on a flat plate using DNS with a virtual boundary method

F. Margnat , V. Morinière , Y. Gervais
EUROMECH Colloquium n° 449 “Computational Aeroacoustics : from acoustic sources modeling to far-field radiated noise prediction, Dec 2003, Chamonix, France
Conference papers hal-00147109v1