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Fouad Riane



Professor of Supply chain and Operations Management, Lean management and Six Sigma. Research Director and Coordinator of the Industrial Engineer Curriculum at the Ecole Centrale Casablanca (ECC). Professor of logistics and supply chain management at Settat Faculty of Science and Techniques (FSTS), University Hassan 1st in Morocco. Full professor at the Catholic University of Mons in Belgium during the period 1996-2010.


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An Artificial-Immune-System-Based Algorithm Enhanced with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving Returnable Transport Item Problems

Fatima Ezzahra Achamrah , Fouad Riane , Evren Sahin , Sabine Limbourg
Sustainability, 2022, 14 (10), pp.5805. ⟨10.3390/su14105805⟩
Journal articles hal-03668656v1

Distributed Maintenance: A Literature Analysis and Classification

Ali Attajer , Saber Darmoul , Fouad Riane , Abdelghani Bouras
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2019, 52 (13), pp.619-624. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.089⟩
Journal articles hal-02490035v1

Implémentation d'une armoire automatique de dispensation des médicaments dans un hôpital : une méthodologie pour évaluer la performance.

Chr. Di Martinelly , F. Riane , J. Rappold , A. Guinet
Logistique & Management, 2011, 19 (2), pp.53-68
Journal articles hal-00787097v1

Using simulation for supply network control

Florence Pirard , S. Iassinovski , F. Riane
International Journal of Production Research, 2011, 49 (24), pp.7205-7226
Journal articles hal-00794017v1

Implémentation d’une armoire automatique de dispensation des médicaments dans un hôpital : une méthodologie pour évaluer la performance

Christine Di Martinelly , Fouad Riane , James Rappold , Alain Guinet
Logistique & Management, 2011, 19 (2), pp.53 - 67. ⟨10.1080/12507970.2011.11516988⟩
Journal articles hal-01469574v1

Scheduling an operating theatre under human resource constraints.

B. Roland , Chr. Di Martinelly , F. Riane , Y. Pochet
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2010, 58, pp.212-220
Journal articles hal-00787093v1

A Porter-SCOR modelling approach for the hospital supply chain

Christine Di Martinelly , Fouad Riane , Alain Guinet
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2009, pp.1-20
Journal articles hal-00350675v1

Special Issue Editorial : International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain 2006

Fouad Riane , Jean Pierre Campagne
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2009, 5 (3/4), pp.211-213
Journal articles hal-00204964v1

A porter-SCOR modeling approach for the hospital supply chain.

Chr. Di Martinelly , F. Riane , A. Guinet
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2009, 5 (3/4), pp.436-456
Journal articles hal-00798438v1

A generic scalable simulation model for strategic supply chain management with emphasis on production activities

Florence Pirard , S. Iassinovski , F. Riane
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2008, 21 (4), pp.455-467
Journal articles hal-00794141v1

Special issue editorial : Operations and Supply Chain Management

Valerie Botta-Genoulaz , F. Riane
Journal of Operations and Logistics, 2007, Vol.1 (Issue 3), pp.I1-I2
Journal articles hal-00266988v1
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An isochronic measurement for the analysis of proximity to restaurants and locations of food delivery parking

Ouidad Benhlima , Fouad Riane , Jakob Puchinger , Hicham Bahi
The 9th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’23), Apr 2023, Marrakech (Maroc), Morocco
Conference papers hal-04086908v1

Inventory Routing Problem with Transshipment and Substitution for Blood Products Using the Case of the Belgian Blood Distribution

Christine Di Martinelly , Nadine Meskens , Fouad Riane , Imane Hssini
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), Sep 2021, Nantes, France. pp.87-96, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85914-5_10⟩
Conference papers hal-03610607v1

Collaboration Mechanism for Shared Returnable Transport Items in Closed Loop Supply Chains

Fatima Ezzahra Achamrah , Fouad Riane , Abdelghani Bouras , Evren Sahin
9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES, Feb 2020, Valletta, Malta. ⟨10.5220/0009162402470254⟩
Conference papers hal-02489898v1

Planification centralisée des livraisons et des enlèvements de ressources de transport mobiles partagées

Fatima Ezzahra Achamrah , Fouad Riane , Evren Sahin
Conférence Internationale en Management Opérationnel et de la Chaîne Logistique, Feb 2020, Settat, Morocco
Conference papers hal-04336722v1
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Un tutoriel FlexSim pour évaluer un pilotage distribué sur les produits

Ali Attajer , Saber Darmoul , Fouad Riane
Conférence Internationale en Management Opérationnel et de la Chaîne Logistique - CIMOCL’2020, Feb 2020, Settat, Maroc
Conference papers hal-03442125v1

Returnable Transport Items Management: A New Approach to Sidestep Shortage

Fatima Ezzahra Achamrah , Abdelghani Bouras , Fouad Riane , Saber Darmoul
7th International Conference IEEE on Advanced Logistics and Transport, 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco
Conference papers hal-02489891v1
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Written press logistics : How clustering and sales forecasting can levitate an industry's distribution

Asmaa Sabiri , Fouad Riane , Alami Semma
Xème Conférence Internationale : Conception et Production Intégrées, Dec 2015, Tanger, Morocco
Conference papers hal-01260701v1
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Hakim Nissoul , Fouad Riane , Ahmed Mousrij
Xème Conférence Internationale : Conception et Production Intégrées, Dec 2015, Tanger, Maroc
Conference papers hal-01260710v1
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Enjeux financiers dans la gestion des chaînes logistiques

Fadéla El Miloudi , Halima Semma , Fouad Riane
Xème Conférence Internationale : Conception et Production Intégrées, Dec 2015, Tanger, Maroc
Conference papers hal-01260678v1
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Hakim Nissoul , Fouad Riane
MOSIM 2014, 10ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation, Nov 2014, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01166631v1

Comparison of Heuristics Procedures for An Integrated Model for Production and Distribution Planning in an Environment of Shared Resources

Géraldine Strack , Bernard Fortz , Fouad Riane
Proc. 8`eme Congr~A¨s International de G'enie Industriel, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01255544v1

Heuristic Approaches for Integrated Production and Distribution Planning

Géraldine Strack , Bernard Fortz , Fouad Riane
nternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01255550v1
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Etude de la mise en place d'armoires automatiques de distribution des médicaments dans un service d'urgence

Christine Di Martinelly , James Rappold , Fouad Riane , Frederique Bonvoisin , Alain Guinet
7ème Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Jun 2007, Trois-Rivières, Canada. Actes CDROM, 14 p
Conference papers hal-00173009v1

Strategic design for the supply network of multi-site enterprises : a mathematical model and solving approaches

F. Pirard , F. Riane , S. Iassinovski , Valerie Botta-Genoulaz
International Conference on Information systems, May 2006, Lyon, France. pp.827-840
Conference papers hal-00267012v1


Christine Di Martinelly , Alain Guinet , Fouad Riane
Conférence GISEH 2006, Sep 2006, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.177-186
Conference papers hal-00201854v1
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Chaîne logistique en milieu hospitalier : modélisation des processus de distribution de la pharmacie

Christine Di Martinelly , Alain Guinet , Fouad Riane
6e Congrès international de génie industriel, Jun 2005, Besançon (France), France. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00377589v1

Business Process Improvement using Simulation: An industrial application

Anthony Valla , Valerie Botta-Genoulaz , Alain Guinet , Fouad Riane
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, May 2005, Marrakech (Morocco), Morocco. pp.1-10
Conference papers hal-00377614v1
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Benchmarking Simulation Software Capabilities Against Distributed Control Requirements: FlexSim Vs AnyLogic

Ali Attajer , Saber Darmoul , Sondès Chaabane , Fouad Riane , Yves Sallez
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future, Proceedings of SOHOMA 2020, Springer, 2021, 9783030693732. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-69373-2_38⟩
Book sections hal-03383779v1

Discrete-event simulation for supply chain management

Valerie Botta-Genoulaz , Jacques Lamothe , F. Pirard , F. Riane , A. Valla
C. Thierry, A. Thomas and G. Bel. Extrait de : Simulation for supply chain management (chap.3) / sous la dir. de C. THIERRY, A. THOMAS et G. BEL, ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp.PP. 69-101, 2008, 978-1-84821-090-5
Book sections hal-00267687v1

Simulation à événements discrets pour la gestion de chaînes logistiques

Valerie Botta-Genoulaz , Jacques Lamothe , Florence Pirard , Fouad Riane , Anthony Valla
C. Thierry, A. Thomas et G. Bel. Extrait de : La simulation pour la gestion des chaînes logistiques (chap.3) / sous la dir. de C. THIERRY, A. THOMAS et G. BEL, Lavoisier Hermès Ed., p.93-129, 2008, 978-2-7462-1843-7
Book sections hal-00343823v1

Reconfiguration des réseaux logistiques : problématique, modélisation et résolution

Florence Pirard , Fouad Riane , Valerie Botta-Genoulaz
P. Lievre et N. Tchernev. La logistique entre management et optimisation, Hermès Science Publication, Lavoisier, p.285-295, 2004
Book sections hal-00343827v1