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François ROBIN

Francois B Robin, LBD-IBPS group leader
Affiliations actuelles
  • 541754
  • 541771
Identifiants chercheurs


François Robin is the leader of the CADMO team at the LBD-IBPS. His research group studies the dynamics of actomyosin systems during early embryonic development and morphogenesis. His group works to understand how embryos change shape during development: they are interested in the biological processes that control the mechanical properties of cells, focusing on the actomyosin cortex. Specifically, their objective is to understand how actomyosin biochemistry drives the assembly of specific structures that control cell mechanics and eventually morphogenesis. To address this question, they combine a variety of approaches from different fields, and in particular quantitative live cell imaging, genetics, optogenetics, biophysics and biochemistry. François trained in Biology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and in Physical Chemistry at the *École Normale Supérieure de Cachan* (1999-2004). For his PhD, he joined the group of Patrick Lemaire, at the Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille, to study the cellular control of morphogenesis. To gain insight into the molecular and physical mechanisms that control cell shape changes, he then decided to shift model organisms and use the nematode *C. elegans*. To this end, he initiated a post-doc under the mentorship of Ed Munro, first at the University of Washington then at the University of Chicago. During this time, he developed innovative imaging techniques to visualize individual molecules at the cell surface in living embryos (single-molecule microscopy). This approach changed our perspective on how the dynamics of living systems emerge from the coordination of events at the molecular scale. In 2014, François came back to France. In 2016, he was laureate of the ATIP/Avenir program and was recruited on an open call to lead an independent research group at the Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine, in Paris. Since 2016, he is a researcher at Inserm.

