Multisensory temporal binding induces an illusory gap/overlap that reduces the expected audiovisual interactions on saccades but not manual reaction times
Manuel Vidal
Françoise Vitu
PLoS ONE, 2022, 17 (4), pp.e0266468
Journal articles
Linguistic processes do not beat visuo-motor constraints, but they modulate where the eyes move regardless of word boundaries: Evidence against top-down word-based eye-movement control during reading
Claire Albrengues
Frédéric Lavigne
Carlos Aguilar
Eric Castet
Françoise Vitu
Journal articles
A Model of the Superior Colliculus Predicts Fixation Locations during Scene Viewing and Visual Search
Hossein Adeli
Françoise Vitu
Gregory Zelinsky
Journal articles
The magnification factor accounts for the greater hypometria and imprecision of larger saccades: Evidence from a parametric human-behavioral study
Françoise Vitu
Soazig Casteau
Hossein Adeli
Gregory Zelinsky
Eric Castet
Journal articles
Integration of Parafoveal Orthographic Information during Foveal Word Reading: beyond the sub-lexical level?
Joshua Snell
Françoise Vitu
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
On the optimal viewing position for object processing
Lotje van Der Linden
Françoise Vitu
Journal articles
No Evidence for a Saccadic Range Effect for Visually Guided and Memory-Guided Saccades in Simple Saccade-Targeting Tasks
Antje Nuthmann
Françoise Vitu
Ralf Engbert
Reinhold Kliegl
Journal articles
Modeling attention and saccade programming in realworld contexts
Gregory Zelinsky
Hossein Adeli
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2016, 45 (2), pp.77-78
Journal articles
Is the remote distractor effect on saccade latency greater when the distractor is less eccentric than the target?
Soazig Casteau
Françoise Vitu
Robin Walker
Perception, 2016, 45 (2), pp.23
Journal articles
Large Pupils Predict Goal-Driven Eye Movements
Sebastiaan Mathôt
Alisha Siebold
Mieke Donk
Françoise Vitu
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2015, 144 (3), pp.513-521. ⟨10.1037/a0039168⟩
Journal articles
On the reduced influence of contour on saccade metrics and its competition with stimulus size (vol 101, pg 158, 2014)
Delphine Massendari
Christophe Tandonnet
Françoise Vitu
Journal articles
The role of object affordances and center of gravity in eye movements toward isolated daily-life objects
Lotje van Der Linden
Sebastiaan Mathôt
Françoise Vitu
Journal articles
The Pupillary Light Response Reflects Eye-Movement Preparation
Sebastiaan Mathôt
Lotje van Der Linden
Jonathan Grainger
Françoise Vitu
Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 2015, 41 (1), pp.28-35. ⟨10.1037/a0038653⟩
Journal articles
Inter-word eye behaviour during reading is not invariant to character size: Evidence against systematic saccadic range error in reading
Marina Yao-N'Dré
Eric Castet
Françoise Vitu
Journal articles
The pupillary light response reveals the focus of covert visual attention
Sebastiaan Mathôt
Lotje van Der Linden
Jonathan Grainger
Françoise Vitu
Journal articles
Word processing speed in peripheral vision measured with a saccadic choice task.
Myriam Chanceaux
Françoise Vitu
Luisa Bendahman
Simon Thorpe
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Fixation positions after skipping saccades: A single space makes a large difference
Andre Kruegel
Françoise Vitu
Ralf Engbert
Journal articles
Eye movements in reading as the expression of distributed spatial coding in oculomotor-centre maps
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2012, 41 (S), pp.13
Journal articles
The uncertainty of target location: A tool to explore the neural mechanisms involved in the computation of vertical saccades in humans
S. Casteau
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2011, 40 (S), pp.152
Journal articles
Are letters the correct unit to measure eye behaviour in reading? Testing the effect of character size on the launch site effect
Marina Yao-N'Dré
Eric Castet
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2011, 40 (1), pp.121
Journal articles
Lateral interactions influence WHERE but not WHEN the eyes move
Soazig Casteau
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2011, 40 (1), pp.121
Journal articles
Larger stimuli do not attract more the gaze
C. Tandonnet
D. Massendari
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2010, 39 (S), pp.173
Journal articles
An attempt to generate vertical saccades with pairs of contralateral stimuli
S. Casteau
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2010, 39 (S), pp.33-34
Journal articles
Saccade-like global spatial-integration processes in a hand-pointing task in baboons
Françoise Vitu
J. Fagot
Perception, 2010, 39 (S), pp.49-50
Journal articles
Ultra-fast processing of printed words?
L. A. Bendahman
Françoise Vitu
J. Grainger
Perception, 2010, 39 (S), pp.147
Journal articles
About the global effect and the critical role of retinal eccentricity: Implications for eye movements in reading.
Françoise Vitu
Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2008, 2 (3, SI)
Journal articles
Differential effects of target onset and target uncertainty on saccade latency distributions in the gap and overlap tasks
M. Rolfs
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2008, 37, pp.151
Journal articles
Saccadic eye movements in two-stimulus visual displays: foveal and peripheral distractor stimuli are not equal
Françoise Vitu
S. Casteau
Perception, 2008, 37, pp.131-132
Journal articles
Strategic changes in children's two-digit addition problem solving
Patrick Lemaire
Sophia Callias
Françoise Vitu
International Journal of Psychology, 2008, 43 (3-4), pp.530
Journal articles
Failure to reveal a global effect with distractor stimuli in the foveal region
Françoise Vitu
D. Lancelin
A. Jean
Perception, 2006, 35 (S), pp.20
Journal articles
On the imited role of target onset in the gap task: Support for the motor-preparation account
M. Rolfs
Françoise Vitu
Perception, 2006, 35 (S), pp.237
Journal articles
Eye movements in reading isolated words: Evidence for strong biases towards the center of the screen
Françoise Vitu
Denis Lancelin
Zoï Kapoula
Frédéric Lavigne
Vision Research, 2004, 44(3), pp.321-338
Journal articles
The influence of semantic context on initial eye landing sites in words
Frédéric Lavigne
Géry d'Ydewalle
Françoise Vitu
Acta Psychologica, 2000, 104 (2), pp.191-214
Journal articles