Franziska SCHMIDT
Numerical modeling of pavement deflection behavior under the Traffic Speed DeflectometerIFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2024
Projet de recherche ANR SSHEAR sur les affouillements (Janvier 2015-Septembre 2019): journée publique de restitution[Rapport de recherche] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2019, 40p
Extensive Infrastructure Design Criteria Review[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2018, 42 p
Definition of Representative Road Network Library[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2018, 66 p
Definition and Validation of a Smart Infrastructure Access Policy utilising Performance-Based Standards[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2018, 150 p
Update of the theoretical validation of the driving controls strategy and safety/stability assessment by simulation and benchmarking and result of Task 4.4.4.[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 67 p
Recommendations for EC Wide regulatory framework (legislation) on dimensions and loads of vehicles[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 10 p
Effects on bridges of the various vehicle configurations[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2017, 58 p
Theoretical validation of the driving controls strategy and safety/stability assessment by simulation and benchmarking[Research Report] IFSTTAR - Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux. 2016, 102 p
AI-based Model for the Estimation of Pavement Elastic Modulus from Deflection Velocity MeasurementJournées Techniques Routes 2024, Feb 2024, Nantes, France
Conference poster
ML-based Model for the Estimation of Pavement Elastic Modulus from Deflection Velocity MeasurementConference poster hal-04733418v1 |
H2020 Project HERON10th conference Transport Research Arena (TRA 2024), Apr 2024, Dublin, Ireland. 2024
Conference poster
WIM data for investigation of truck weights and dimensionsConference poster hal-01512675v2 |
ML-Based Model for the Estimation of the Pavement Elastic Modulus via DeflectionTransport Research Arena (TRA), Apr 2024, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
UAV-based Localization of Removable Urban Pavement Elements Through Deep Object Detection MethodsPETRA '24: 17th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Jun 2024, Crète, Greece. pp.440-448, ⟨10.1145/3652037.3663934⟩
Conference papers
Adjustment of sensitivity factors for the assessment of reinforced concrete Open Frame underpass short span bridge15th fib PhD Symposium, fib (Fédération international du béton), Aug 2024, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Subsurface characterization of Removable Urban Pavements (RUP) using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)20th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2024), Jilin University, Jun 2024, Changchun, China. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/2887/1/012071⟩
Conference papers
Assessment of Tsunami Damage to Buildings in Resilient Byblos City and Uncertainty ConsiderationsICASP14, Jul 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Sensitivity Analysis of Adjusted Partial Factors for the Assessment of an Existing Reinforced Concrete BridgeICASP14, 14th International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Jul 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Approche basée sur l'apprentissage automatique pour la détection d'anomalies lors de la surveillance d'ouvrages8ème congrès international francophone Diagnobéton 2023, Université Gustave Eiffel; Institut de recherche en Génie civil et Mécanique - GEM; Confédération Française pour les Essais Non Destructifs - COFREND, Oct 2023, Nantes, France. pp.169-177, ⟨10.26168/ajce.41.4.20⟩
Conference papers
Probabilistic Framework for Assessment of Existing Bridges Under Abnormal LoadsICASP14, Jul 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Analyse et prédiction de séries temporelles multivariées pour la surveillance de la santé d'ouvrages d'artGRETSI 2023, XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Aug 2023, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Weather condition effect on the road surface friction: A Preliminary assessment based on sensor dataIALCCE2023, Politecnico di Milano, Jul 2023, Milan, Italy. 9 p
Conference papers
Semi-probabilistic methods for the assessment of existing concrete structures: An overviewEighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2023, Politecnico di Milano, Jul 2023, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
Machine learning-based modelling for numerical evaluation of the traffic speed deflectometer performanceYRS2023 - 11th Young Researchers Seminar, May 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.8010830⟩
Conference papers
Analyse des problématiques liées à l’évaluation structurale des ouvrages existantsJFMS 2023, 12èmes journées de fiabilité des matériaux et des structures, AUGC, Jun 2023, La Rochelle, France. pp.167-176, ⟨10.26168/ajce.41.3.18⟩
Conference papers
SHM analysis for damage detection using time series analysis methodsIALCCE 2023, Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Fabio Biondini, Dan M. Frangopol, Jul 2023, Milan, Italy. pp.2227-2234, ⟨10.1201/9781003323020-272⟩
Conference papers
A comparison of the French and Japanese scour risk assessment procedures for railway infrastructure11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Sep 2023, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers
Database Construction based upon Numerical Modelling of Pavement Deflection Behaviour under the Traffic Speed Deflectometer25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Monitoring of Real Sites affected by Scour: Observation, Analysis and Feedback of Field DataProceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, Jun 2022, Grenade, Spain. 10 p., photos, graph., bibliogr
Conference papers
Features detection using vibration analysis: Monitoring of a French Bridge3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, ICONHIC 2022, National Technical University of Athens, Jul 2022, Athens, Greece
Conference papers
A review of Soils, Structures and Hydraulics: Expertise and Applied Research (SSHEAR) projectICSE10, 10th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Oct 2021, on line, United States. pp.477-486
Conference papers
Dynamic response of a cracked multi-span continuous beam subjected to a moving multi-axle vehicle loadInternational Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Jun 2021, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Some elements about scale effect on scour studies38th IAHR World Congress, Sep 2019, Panama city, Panama. 7p, ⟨10.3850/38WC092019-0748⟩
Conference papers
Self-diagnosis of road networks : An enabling technology of the 5th generation roadsInternational Symposium on roads, Bridges and Tunnels (ISRBT'19), University of Thessaloniki, Nov 2019, Thelassonique, Greece
Conference papers
A French experience of Structural Health Monitoring of scour affecting river infrastructuresPIANC - Smart Rivers 2019, Sep 2019, Lyon, France. 3p
Conference papers
Soils, Structures and Hydraulics: Expertise and Applied Research (SSHEAR) ProjectWCRR2019, 12th World Congress on Railway Research, Oct 2019, Tokyo, Japan. 6p
Conference papers
Scour monitoring on bridge pier - methodology and implementationRiver Flow 2018 - 9th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Sep 2018, Lyon, France. 8p, ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/20184003020⟩
Conference papers
Research program SSHEAR: Recent advances on the understanding and the control of scour phenomena9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Nov 2018, TAIPEI, Taiwan. 7p
Conference papers
FALCON IV: Validation of Smart Infrastructure Access Policy15th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicule Transport Technology : HVTT 15, Oct 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 14 p
Conference papers
FALCON II. : Input for a european PBS definition : review of vehicle legislations and infrastructure design criteria15 th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicule Transport Technology : HVTT 15, Oct 2018, Rotterdam (NL), Netherlands. 13 p
Conference papers
Pavement and Bridge Impact Assessment of vehicles within project Falcon15 th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicule Transport Technology : HVTT 15, Oct 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 11 p
Conference papers
FALCON III: Defining a performance-based standards framework for high capacity vehicles in Europe15th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicule Transport Technology : HVTT 15, Oct 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 13 p
Conference papers
Extreme effects on bridges caused by traffic and wind23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2017, LILLE, France. 4 p., bibliogr
Conference papers
Compréhension et maîtrise des risques d'affouillements: développements récentsGEORAIL 2017, 3ème Symposium International, Nov 2017, Marne la Vallée, France. 10p
Conference papers
Compréhension et maîtrise des risques d'affouillements : développements récentsICSMGE 2017, 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sep 2017, Séoul, Corée du Sud. 4p
Conference papers
Investigation of Truck Weights and Dimensions using WIM Data6th European Transport Research Conference: "Moving Forward Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow's Mobility", Apr 2016, VARSOVIE, Poland. pp.811-819, ⟨10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.029⟩
Conference papers
Utilisation des ponts routiers pour le pesage et le contrôle des poids lourdsATEC ITS France, Jan 2016, Montrouge, France. 8 p
Conference papers
Assessment of effect in bridge loading of changes in Traffic regulationsICWIM7 - 7th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion, Nov 2016, FOZ DO IGUACU, France. 9 p
Conference papers
Direct enforcement of overload by WIMICWIM7 - 7th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion, Nov 2016, FOZ DO IGUACU, France. 10 p
Conference papers
Use of B-WIM for Monitoring Traffic on a Specific Route on FranceICWIM7 - 7th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion, Nov 2016, FOZ DO IGUACU, France. 7 p
Conference papers
Automated overload enforcement by WIM25 ème congrès de l'AIPCR, Nov 2015, SEOUL, France. 14 p
Conference papers
Heavy vehicle traffic and overload monitoring and applications in France25ème Congrès de l'AIPCR, Nov 2015, SEOUL, France. 12 p
Conference papers
Random materials modeling : Statistical approach proposal for recycling materialsCongrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2015, Lyon, France. 3 p
Conference papers
Accurate and up-to-date evaluation of extreme load effects for bridge assessmentTRA - Transport Research Arena, Apr 2014, France. 8p
Conference papers
Bridge weigh-in-motion on steel orthotropic decks and application to bridge assessmentTRB annual meeting 2013, Jan 2013, France. 17p
Conference papers
A peaks-over-threshold analysis of extreme traffic load effects on bridgesYoung Research Seminar 2013, Jun 2013, France. 13p
Conference papers
Applying Weigh-in-motion traffic data to reliability based assessment of bridge structuresICOSSAR2013, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Jun 2013, France. 8p
Conference papers
Experimentation of a bridge WIM system in France and applications for bridge monitoring and overload detectionInternational Conference on Weigh-In-Motion ICWIM6, Jun 2012, France. 8p
Conference papers
Extrapolation of traffic data for development of traffic load models: assessment of methods used during background works of EurocodeIABMAS2012, 6th Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Jul 2012, LAC DE COME, Italy. 7p
Conference papers
Designing WIM data aggregating systemsInternational Conference on Weigh-In-Motion ICWIM6, Jun 2012, France. 11p
Conference papers
Analysis of B-WIM Signals acquired in Millau Orthotropic Viaduct Using Statistical ClassificationInternational Conference on Weigh-in-Motion, Jun 2012, France. pp 43-52
Conference papers
Bridge weigh-in-motion on steel orthotropic decks and application to bridge assessmentTransportation Research Board 91th Annual Meeting, Jan 2012, France. 17p
Conference papers
Impact of longer and heavier trucks on bridges12th International symposium on heavy vehicle transport technology, Sep 2012, France. 10p
Conference papers
Estimation statistique des charges extrêmes de trafic sur les ouvrages d’artJournées Ouvrages d'Art 2012, May 2012, France. 21p
Conference papers
Assessing confidence intervals of extreme traffic loadsInternational Conference on Weigh-In-Motion ICWIM6, Jun 2012, France. 8p
Conference papers
Heavy Vehicle Weights Limitations for Bridge Safety and Durability: Needs and requirements Toward Advanced Bridge FormulaeTRB / Truck Size and Weight Committee, Jan 2011, France. 32p
Conference papers
Investigation on existing Bridge Formulae and background for the development of a European Bridge FormulaPIARC World Congress, Sep 2011, Mexico. 12p
Conference papers
Assessment of a Bridge WIM System on Integral Concrete Bridges and on Steel Orthotropic Decks1o Seminario Internacional de Pesagem en Movimento, Apr 2011, France. 9p
Conference papers
Current International Bridge Formulae: Who Uses What?Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Truck Size and Weight Committee Meeting, Jan 2011, France. 20p
Conference papers
WIM data to assess consequences of new traffic regulationsThe Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2010, Jul 2010, France. 6p
Conference papers
Effet du trafic sur les ouvrages d’art : Projet Européen TEAMJournées Ouvrages d'Art 2010, Jun 2010, France. 11p
Conference papers
Accurate and Up-to-Date Evaluation of Extreme Load Effects for Bridge Assessment, In: Materials and Infrastructures 1Accurate and Up-to-Date Evaluation of Extreme Load Effects for Bridge Assessment, In: Materials and Infrastructures 1, ISTE Editions; WILEY, pp 175-184, 2016, 978-1-78630-029-4
Book sections
Proceedings of the International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion, ICWIM6Proceedings of the International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion, ICWIM6, INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR WEIGH-IN-MOTION, 548p, 2012
Book sections
Proceedings of the International Conference on Weigh-in-MotionICWIM7 - 7th International Conference on Weigh-In-Motion, Nov 2016, FOZ DO IGUACU, France. International Society for Weigh-In-Motion, 459 p., 2016