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Frederic Guibal



#### **Chercheur CNRS (CR1) en dendrochronologie** - ##### au Laboratoire de Chrono-Ecologie (Besançon) de 1988 à 1994, ##### - ##### puis à l'Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et de Paléoécologie de 1994 à 2011, ##### - ##### et à l'[Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale ]( 7283 AMU-CNRS-IRD-UAPV) depuis 2012 #### SUJET DE RECHERCHE ##### Approche dendroécologique de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des systèmes écologiques dans le contexte des changements globaux. ##### Impact des changements climatiques et des perturbations locales sur la croissance radiale des arbres. ##### Dendrochronologie et dendroécologie des domaines méditerranéen et sud-alpin. ##### Relations sociétés humaines-bois-forêt en région méditerranéenne depuis l’Age du Bronze.


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202 years of changes in Mediterranean fire regime in Pinus nigra forest, Corsica

Justin Badeau , Frédéric Guibal , Peter Z Fulé , Sandrine Chauchard , Pasquale Moneglia
Forest Ecology and Management, 2024, 554, pp.121658. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121658⟩
Journal articles hal-04405701v1

Enhancing spatiotemporal paleoclimate reconstructions of hydroclimate across the Mediterranean over the last millennium

Kevin Anchukaitis , Ramzi Touchan , David Meko , Dalila Kherchouche , Said Slimani
Climate Dynamics, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s00382-024-07166-6⟩
Journal articles hal-04593713v1

Tree rings reveal the correlation between the Kaindy Lake submerged forest and the historical 1889 M 8.2 Chilik earthquake (Kazakhstan)

Cécile Miramont , Magali Rizza , Frédéric Guibal , Elodie Brisset , Lenka Brousset
Natural Hazards, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s11069-024-06927-0⟩
Journal articles hal-04751355v1
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A radiocarbon spike at 14 300 cal yr BP in subfossil trees provides the impulse response function of the global carbon cycle during the Late Glacial

Edouard Bard , Cécile Miramont , Manuela Capano , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Marschal
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2023, 381 (2261), pp.20220206. ⟨10.1098/rsta.2022.0206⟩
Journal articles hal-04523182v1
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Floristic studies and ecology of Cypress communities (Cupressus sempervirens L.) in Hyrcanian Chorion, north of Iran

Tayebeh Amini , Hamid Ejtehadi , Morteza Djamali , Frédéric Guibal , Habib Zare
Iranian Journal of Botany, 2023, 29 (1), pp.29-38. ⟨10.22092/IJB.2023.129427⟩
Journal articles hal-04152868v1
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Pre- and post-drought conditions drive resilience of Pinus halepensis across its distribution range

Léa Veuillen , Bernard Prévosto , Raquel Alfaro-Sánchez , Vincent Badeau , Giovanna Battipaglia
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023, 339, pp.109577. ⟨10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109577⟩
Journal articles hal-04181161v1
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Ecotype effects on photosynthesis performance using A/PFFD among Pinus nigra Arn.

Sondes Fkiri , Touhami Rzigui , Hanene Ghazghazi , Larbi M. Khouja , Abelhamid Khaldi
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2023, 51 (3), ⟨10.15835/nbha51312599⟩
Journal articles hal-04211049v1
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An absolute radiocarbon chronology for the World Heritage site of Sarvestan (SW Iran); a late Sasanian heritage in early Islamic era

Morteza Djamali , Manuela Capano , Alireza Askari‐chaverdi , Nicolas Faucherre , Frédéric Guibal
Archaeometry, 2022, 64 (2), pp.545-559. ⟨10.1111/arcm.12716⟩
Journal articles hal-03380634v1

Nîmes (Gard). 10-12 rue de l’Horloge [Chronique de fouille]

Odile Maufras , Frédéric Guibal , Marie Rochette , Luc Wozny
Archéologie médiévale, 2021, 51, pp.194. ⟨10.4000/archeomed.41550⟩
Journal articles hal-03673689v1

Nîmes (Gard). 13 rue des Marchands [Chronique de fouille]

Odile Maufras , Marie Rochette , Frédéric Guibal
Archéologie médiévale, 2021, 51, pp.194. ⟨10.4000/archeomed.41560⟩
Journal articles hal-03673693v1

Onset of the Younger Dryas Recorded with 14 C at Annual Resolution in French Subfossil Trees – ERRATUM

Manuela Capano , Cécile Miramont , Lisa Shindo , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Marschal
Radiocarbon, 2020, 62 (4), pp.1119-1119. ⟨10.1017/RDC.2020.87⟩
Journal articles hal-03453746v1
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Onset of the Younger Dryas Recorded with 14 C at Annual Resolution in French Subfossil Trees

Manuela Capano , Cécile Miramont , Lisa Shindo , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Marschal
Radiocarbon, 2020, 62 (4), pp.901-918. ⟨10.1017/RDC.2019.116⟩
Journal articles hal-03048599v1
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The decline of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl in a Mediterranean salt meadow: Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in long-term field experiment

Jean-Philippe Mevy , Frédéric Guibal , Caroline Lecareux , Franco Miglietta
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2020, pp.107068. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107068⟩
Journal articles hal-02980230v1
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Geoarchaeology of the 18th century Qoroq shipwreck, Caspian Sea, Iran: A tale of sailing in a dynamic environment

Abdolmajid Naderi Beni , Hamid Lahijani , Hossein Tofighian , Frédéric Guibal , Keivan Kabiri
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020, 34, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102582⟩
Journal articles hal-03023253v1

Les aménagements « bois-pierre » de la Marronède centrale (Fos-su-Mer) : premières études archéologiques et dendro-archéologiques

Souen Fontaine , Laurent Borel , Mourad El Amouri , Sandra Greck , Frédéric Guibal
Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, 2020, 2019 (52), pp.85-108
Journal articles hal-03227421v1
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Mohamed Sarmoum , Rafael Navarro-Cirrillo , Frédéric Guibal , Fatiha Abdoun
AGROFOR - International Journal, 2020, 5 (2), pp.112-121. ⟨10.7251/AGRENG2002114S⟩
Journal articles hal-03017845v1
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Relationship between climate and growth of two North African varieties of Pinus pinaster Arn

Sondes Fkiri , Frédéric Guibal , Ali El Khorchani , Mohamed Larbi Khouja , Abdelhamid Khaldi
African Journal of Ecology, 2019, 57 (3), pp.327-334. ⟨10.1111/aje.12610⟩
Journal articles hal-02093686v1
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Bilan actuel et rétrospectif du dépérissement du cèdre de l’Atlas dans le Parc national de Theniet El Had (Algérie)

Mohamed Sarmoum , Rafael Navarro-Cerrilo , Frédéric Guibal
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2019, ⟨10.19182/bft2019.342.a31636⟩
Journal articles hal-02353704v1
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Impact of drought and site characteristics on vitality and radial growth of Cedrus atlantica Manetti in the Ouarsenis massif (Algeria)

Mohamed Sarmoum , Rafael Navarro-Cerrillo , Frédéric Guibal , Fatiha Abdoun
AGROFOR - International Journal, 2019, 4 (3), pp.42-52. ⟨10.7251/AGRENG1903042S⟩
Journal articles hal-02467999v1
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Recent, Late Pleistocene fragmentation shaped the phylogeographic structure of the European black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold)

Caroline Scotti-Saintagne , Guia Giovannelli , Ivan Scotti , Anne Roig , Ilaria Spanu
Tree Genetics and Genomes, 2019, 15 (5), pp.76. ⟨10.1007/s11295-019-1381-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02465935v1
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Climate-growth relationships in a Larix decidua Mill. network in the French Alps

Mélanie Saulnier , Christophe Corona , Markus Stoffel , Frédéric Guibal , Jean-Louis Édouard
Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 664, pp.554-566. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.404⟩
Journal articles hal-02092458v1
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La construction en mélèze dans les Alpes du Sud depuis le xe siècle : une nouvelle lecture dendrochronologique de l’occupation humaine en montagne et des ressources forestières, données et méthodologies inédites

Lisa Shindo , Vincent Labbas , Jean-Louis Édouard , Frédéric Guibal
Archeosciences, revue d'Archéométrie, 2018, 42 (2), pp.63-75. ⟨10.4000/archeosciences.5877⟩
Journal articles hal-02050266v1
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Histoire de la vigne sauvage, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, en Camargue

Annik Schnitzler , Claire Arnold , Frédéric Guibal , Jean-Michel Walter
Ecologia mediterranea, 2018, ⟨10.3406/ecmed.2018.2029⟩
Journal articles hal-01885857v1
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Subfossil trees suggest enhanced Mediterranean hydroclimate variability at the onset of the Younger Dryas

Maren Pauly , Gerhard Helle , Cécile Miramont , Ulf Büntgen , Kerstin Treydte
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp.Article n° 13980. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-32251-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01884902v1
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Fir expansion not controlled by moderate densities of large herbivores: a Mediterranean mountain grassland conservation issue

Sandrine Chauchard , Christopher Carcaillet , Frédéric Guibal
Annals of Forest Science, 2018, 75 (4), pp.94. ⟨10.1007/s13595-018-0774-y⟩
Journal articles hal-01988992v1
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Wood 14C Dating with AixMICADAS: Methods and Application to Tree-Ring Sequences from the Younger Dryas Event in the Southern French Alps

Manuela Capano , Cécile Miramont , Frédéric Guibal , Bernd Kromer , Thibaut Tuna
Radiocarbon, 2018, 60 (01), pp.51-74. ⟨10.1017/RDC.2017.83⟩
Journal articles hal-01683046v1
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Une évolution singulière, de la terre vers l’eau : la dendrochronologie

Frédéric Guibal
Archaeonautica, 2018, 20, pp.225-232. ⟨10.4000/archaeonautica.372⟩
Journal articles hal-02083783v1
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Tree-rings to climate relationships in nineteen provenances of four black pines sub-species ( Pinus nigra Arn.) growing in a common garden from Northwest Tunisia

Sondes Fkiri , Frédéric Guibal , Bruno Fady , Ali El Khorchani , Abdelhamid Khaldi
Dendrochronologia, 2018, 50, pp.44 - 51. ⟨10.1016/j.dendro.2018.05.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01887088v1
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Dendroecological study of Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinea in northeast coastal dunes in Tunisia according to distance from the shoreline and dieback intensity

Beya Bachtobji Bouachir , Ali Khorchani , Frédéric Guibal , Mohamed Hedi El Aouni , Abdelhamid Khaldi
Dendrochronologia, 2017, 45, pp.62-72. ⟨10.1016/j.dendro.2017.06.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01681580v1

Montpellier, hôtel Richer de Belleval une maison médiévale et ses modifications (milieu XIIIe-XIXe siècle)

F. Loppe , Bernard Sournia , Frédéric Guibal
Études héraultaises, 2017, 49, pp.112-126
Journal articles hal-03532968v1
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Recent climate hiatus revealed dual control by temperature and drought on the stem growth of Mediterranean Quercus ilex

Morine Lempereur , Jean-Marc Limousin , Frédéric Guibal , Jean-Marc Ourcival , Serge Rambal
Global Change Biology, 2017, 23 (1), pp.42-55. ⟨10.1111/gcb.13495⟩
Journal articles hal-01681557v1
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On the chronology and use of timber in the palaces and palace-like structures of the Sasanian Empire in “Persis” (SW Iran)

Morteza Djamali , Alireza Askari Chaverdi , Silvia Balatti , Frédéric Guibal , Coralie Santelli
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2017, 12, pp.134 - 141. ⟨10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.01.030⟩
Journal articles hal-01772543v1
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Late glacial and early Holocene hydroclimate variability in northwest Iran (Talesh Mountains) inferred from chironomid and pollen analysis

Cyril Aubert , Elodie Brisset , Morteza Djamali , Arash Sharifi , Philippe Ponel
Journal of Paleolimnology, 2017, 58 (2), pp.151-167. ⟨10.1007/s10933-017-9969-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01681624v1
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Climate controls on tree growth in the Western Mediterranean

Ramzi Touchan , Kevin J. Anchukaitis , David M Meko , Dalila Kerchouche , Said Slimani
The Holocene, 2017, 27 (10), pp.1429 - 1442. ⟨10.1177/0959683617693901⟩
Journal articles hal-01773445v1
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Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of larch budmoth outbreaks in the French Alps over the last 500 years

Mélanie Saulnier , Alain Roques , Frédéric Guibal , Philippe Rozenberg , Ginette Saracco
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2017, 47 (5), pp.667 - 680. ⟨10.1139/cjfr-2016-0211⟩
Journal articles hal-01605939v1
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Deep Soil Conditions Make Mediterranean Cork Oak Stem Growth Vulnerable to Autumnal Rainfall Decline in Tunisia

Lobna Zribi , Florent Mouillot , Frédéric Guibal , Salwa Rejeb , Mohamed N. Rejeb
Forests, 2016, 7 (10), ⟨10.3390/f7100245⟩
Journal articles hal-01444036v1
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Etat sanitaire des peuplements de pin d’Alep (Pinus halepensis Mill.) dans le massif forestier de Senalba (Djelfa, Algérie)

Brahim Guit , Bouzid Nedjimi , Gahdab Chakali , Frédéric Guibal
Revue d'Écologie, 2016, 71 (2), pp.156-167
Journal articles hal-03437791v1
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Ancient juniper trees growing on cliffs: toward a long Mediterranean tree-ring chronology

Coralie Mathaux , Jean-Paul Mandin , Christine Oberlin , Jean-Louis Édouard , Thierry Gauquelin
Dendrochronologia, 2016, 37, pp.79--88. ⟨10.1016/j.dendro.2015.12.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01444067v1

Landscape evolution and agro-sylvo-pastoral activities on the Gorgan Plain (NE Iran) in the last 6000 years

Lyudmila Shumilovskikh , Kristen Hopper , Morteza Djamali , Philippe Ponel , Franҫois Demory
The Holocene, 2016, 26 (10), pp.1676 - 1691. ⟨10.1177/0959683616646841⟩
Journal articles hal-01691283v1

An Early Bronze Age pile-dwelling settlement of discovered in Alepu lagoon (municipality of Sozopol, department of Burgas), Bulgaria

Clément Flaux , Pauline Rouchet , Tzvetana Popova , Myriam Sternberg , Frédéric Guibal
Méditerranée : revue géographique des pays méditerranéens, 2016, 126, pp.57-70. ⟨10.4000/mediterranee.8203⟩
Journal articles hal-03504006v1
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Effet des facteurs stationnels sur la croissance radiale et la réponse du pin d’Alep au climat dans le massif de l’Ouarsenis, Algérie

Mohamed Sarmoum , Frédéric Guibal , Fatiha Abdoun
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 2016, 329 (3), pp.17-27
Journal articles hal-01444081v1
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Ecology of vertical life in harsh environments: The case of mycorrhizal symbiosis with secular cliff climbing trees (Juniperus phoenicea L.)

Hervé Sanguin , Coralie Mathaux , Frédéric Guibal , Yves Prin , Jean-Paul Mandin
Journal of Arid Environments, 2016, 134, pp.132--135. ⟨10.1016/j.jaridenv.2016.07.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01444638v1
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Modelling the climatic drivers determining photosynthesis and carbon allocation in evergreen Mediterranean forests using multiproxy long time series

G Gea-Izquierdo , F Guibal , R Joffre , J. M. Ourcival , G Simioni
Biogeosciences, 2015, 12 (12), pp.3695-3712. ⟨10.5194/bg-12-3695-2015⟩
Journal articles hal-01232222v1

Dating the bridge at Avignon (south France) and reconstructing the Rhone River fluvial palaeo-landscape in Provence from medieval to modern times

Matthieu Ghilardi , David Sanderson , Tim Kinnaird , Andrew Bicket , Simone Balossino
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015, 4, pp.336-354. ⟨10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.10.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01242844v1
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Impacts of more frequent droughts on a relict low-altitude Pinus uncinata stand in the French Alps

Christophe Corona , Jérôme Lopez Saez , Markus Stoffel , Georges Rovera , Jean-Louis Édouard
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2015, 2, pp.82. ⟨10.3389/fevo.2014.00082⟩
Journal articles hal-01131635v1
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Données nouvelles sur la chronologie de la déglaciation dans la vallée du haut-Verdon (alpes françaises du sud)

Elodie Brisset , Cécile Miramont , Frédéric Guiter , Fabien Arnaud , Edward J. Anthony
Quaternaire, 2014, 25 (2), pp.147-156. ⟨10.4000/quaternaire.7028⟩
Journal articles hal-02046381v1

Land-use legacies: multi-centuries years-old management control of between-stands variability at the landscape scale in Mediterranean mountain forests, France

Sandrine Chauchard , Frédéric Guibal , Christopher Carcaillet
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, 2013, 59 (1), pp.1-7
Journal articles hal-02643600v1

Analyse xylologique de la coque et du fardage

Frédéric Guibal , Sandra Greck , Carine Cenzon-Salvayre
Archaeonautica, 2012, BOETTO, Giulia, RADIĆ ROSSI, Irena, MARLIER, Sabrina et BRUSIĆ, Zdenko (éd.), L’épave de Pakoštane, Croatie (fin IVe – début Ve siècle apr. J.-C.). Résultats d’un projet de recherche franco-croate, 17, pp.134-140
Journal articles halshs-00816932v1

Challenging process to make the Lateglacial tree-ring chronologies from europe absolute – an inventory

Klaus Felix Kaiser , M. Friedrich , C. Miramont , B. Kromer , M. Sgier
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2012, 36 (12 March 2012), pp.78-90
Journal articles hal-02233326v1
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Pinus halepensis Mill. crown development and fruiting declined with repeated drought in Mediterranean France

François Girard , Michel Vennetier , Frédéric Guibal , Christophe Corona , Samira Ouarmim
European Journal of Forest Research, 2012, 131 (4), p. 919 - p. 931. ⟨10.1007/s10342-011-0565-6⟩
Journal articles hal-00726738v1
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Relationships between climate and radial growth in black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. salzmannii (Dunal) Franco) from the south of France

Thomas Amodei , Frédéric Guibal , Bruno Fady
Annals of Forest Science, 2012, 70 (1), pp.41-47. ⟨10.1007/s13595-012-0237-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01201458v1
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Climate/growth relationships in a Pinus cembra high-elevation network in the Southern French Alps

Saulnier , Edouard , Corona , Guibal
Annals of Forest Science, 2011, 68 (1), pp.189-200. ⟨10.1007/s13595-011-0020-3⟩
Journal articles hal-00930756v1

Can climate variations be inferred from tree-ring parameters and stable isotopes from Larix decidua? Juvenile effects, budmoth outbreaks, and divergence issue

V. Daux , Jean-Louis Édouard , Valérie Masson-Delmotte , M. Stievenard , G. Hoffmann
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2011, 309 (3-4), pp.221-233. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2011.07.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02472988v1

Long-term summer (AD751-2008) temperature fluctuation in the French Alps based on tree-ring data

Christophe Corona , Jean-Louis Édouard , Frédéric Guibal , Joel Guiot , Sylvain Bernard
Boreas, 2011, 40 (2), pp.351-366. ⟨10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00185.x⟩
Journal articles hal-01457751v1

L’étalonnage du temps du radiocarbone par les cernes des arbres. L’apport des séries dendrochronologiques du gisement de bois subfossiles du torrent des Barbiers (Alpes Françaises du Sud)

Cécile Miramont , Olivier Sivan , Frédéric Guibal , Berne Kromer , Sara Talamo
Quaternaire, 2011, 22 (3), pp.261-271. ⟨10.4000/quaternaire.5991⟩
Journal articles hal-02233328v1

Caractérisation de la croissance racinaire d'essences ligneuses implantées sur des digues fluviales

C. Zanetti , F. Guibal , M. Brugier , M. Vennetier , P. Mériaux
Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie, 2010, 11, pp.115-122
Journal articles hal-02595626v1

Indian Summer Monsoon variations could have affected the early-Holocene woodland expansion in the Near East

Morteza Djamali , Hossein Akhani , Valérie Andrieu-Ponel , Pascale Braconnot , Simon Brewer
The Holocene, 2010, 20 (5), pp.813-820. ⟨10.1177/0959683610362813⟩
Journal articles hal-03025992v1
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Rapid changes in plasticity across generations within an expanding cedar forest

Delphine Fallour-Rubio , F. Guibal , Etienne K. Klein , Michel M. Bariteau , Francois Lefèvre
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2009, 22 (3), pp.553-563. ⟨10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01662.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02668572v1
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Has global change induced divergent trends in radial growth of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus halepensis at their bioclimatic limit? The example of the Sainte-Baume forest (south-east France)

Bruno Vila , Michel Vennetier , Christian Ripert , Olivier Chandioux , Eryuan Liang
Annals of Forest Science, 2008, 65 (7), pp.1
Journal articles hal-00883434v1

Has global change induced opposite trends in radial growth of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus halepensis at their bioclimatic limit? The example of the Sainte-Baume forest (south-east France)

B. Vila , M. Vennetier , C. Ripert , O. Chandioux , E. Liang
Annals of Forest Science, 2008, 65, pp.9
Journal articles hal-02591019v1

Impact of climate change on pinus forest productivity and on the shift of a bioclimatic limit in a mediterranean area

M. Vennetier , B. Vila , E.Y. Liang , F. Guibal , A. Thaabet
Options Méditerranéennes. Série A : Séminaires Méditerranéens, 2007, 75, pp.189-197
Journal articles hal-02590580v1

Patterns of land-use abandonment control tree-recruitment and forest dynamics in mediterranean mountains

Sandrine Chauchard , Christopher Carcaillet , Frédéric Guibal
Ecosystems, 2007, 10 (6), pp.936-948. ⟨10.1007/s10021-007-9065-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02658119v1
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Impact du changement climatique et de la canicule de 2003 sur la productivité et l’aire de répartition du pin sylvestre et du pin d’Alep en région méditerranéenne

Michel Vennetier , Bruno Vila , Er-Yuan Liang , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Ripert
Rendez-vous Techniques de l'ONF, 2006, hors-série 3, pp.67-73
Journal articles hal-03976091v1

Les changements climatiques modifient l'équilibre pin sylvestre / pin d'Alep

M. Vennetier , B. Vila , E. Liang , F. Guibal , C. Ripert
Forêt Entreprise, 2006, 169, pp.47-51
Journal articles hal-02587992v1

Les changements climatiques modifient l’équilibre pin sylvestre/pin d’Alep.

Michel Vennetier , Bruno Vila , E.Y. Liang , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Ripert
Forêt Entreprise, 2006, 169, pp.47-51
Journal articles hal-03974486v1
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Impact du changement climatique sur la productivité forestière et le déplacement d'une limite bioclimatique en région méditerranéenne française

M. Vennetier , B. Vila , E.Y. Liang , F. Guibal , C. Ripert
Ingénieries eau-agriculture-territoires, 2005, 44, p. 49 - p. 61
Journal articles hal-00601077v1

First evidence of “in situ” Eemian sediments on the high plateau of Evian (Western Alps, France) : implications for the chronology of the Last Glaciation

Frédéric Guiter , Anne Triganon , Valérie Andrieu-Ponel , Philippe Ponel , Jean-Pierre Hebrard
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2005, 24, pp.35-47. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.06.011⟩
Journal articles hal-00123228v1

Last-millennium summer-temperature variations in western Europe based on proxy data

Joel Guiot , A Nicault , C Rathgeber , Jl Edouard , F Guibal
The Holocene, 2005, 15 (4), pp.489-500. ⟨10.1191/0959683605hl81rp⟩
Journal articles hal-01457698v1

Impact du changement climatique sur la productivité forestière et le déplacement d'une limite bioclimatique en région méditerranéenne française.

Michel Vennetier , Bruno Vila , E.Y. Liang , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Ripert
Ingénieries EAT, 2005, 44, pp.49-61
Journal articles hal-03976095v1

Can we reconstruct deer browsing history and how? Lessons from Gaultheria shallon Pursh

B. Vila , F. Guibal , F. Torre , J. L. Martin
Annals of Forest Science, 2005, 62 (2), pp.153-162. ⟨10.1051/forest:2005007⟩
Journal articles hal-01451826v1
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Can we reconstruct deer browsing history and how? Lessons from Gaultheria shallon Pursh

Bruno Vila , Frédéric Guibal , Franck Torre , Jean-Louis Martin
Annals of Forest Science, 2005, 62 (2), pp.153-162
Journal articles hal-00883870v1

Changes in European precipitation seasonality and in drought frequencies revealed by a four-century-long tree-ring isotopic record from Brittany, western France.

Valérie Masson-Delmotte , G. Raffalli-Delerce , P.A. Danis , Pascal Yiou , M. Stievenard
Climate Dynamics, 2005, 24, pp.57-69. ⟨10.1007/s00382-004-0458-1⟩
Journal articles halshs-00067886v1

Can we reconstruct browsing history and how far back? Lessons from Vaccinium parvifolium Smith in Rees

B. Vila , F. Torre , F. Guibal , J. L. Martin
Forest Ecology and Management, 2004, 201 (2-3), pp.171-185. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2004.06.026⟩
Journal articles hal-01451829v1

Assessing spatial variation in browsing history by means of fraying scars

B. Vila , F. Guibal , F. Torre , J. L. Martin
Journal of Biogeography, 2004, 31 (6), pp.987-995. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01040.x⟩
Journal articles hal-01451830v1

Response of young Tsuga heterophylla to deer browsing: developing tools to assess deer impact on forest dynamics

B. Vila , F. Torre , J. L. Martin , F. Guibal
Trees - Structure and Function, 2003, 17 (6), pp.547-553. ⟨10.1007/s00468-003-0272-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01451834v1

Growth change of young Picea sitchensis in response to deer browsing

B. Vila , F. Torre , F. Guibal , J. L. Martin
Forest Ecology and Management, 2003, 180 (1-3), pp.413-424. ⟨10.1016/s0378-1127(02)00655-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01451832v1

Disentangling the causes of damage variation by deer browsing on young Thuja plicata

Gwenaël Vourc’h , Bruno Vila , Dominique Gillon , José Escarré , Frédéric Guibal
Oikos, 2002, 98, pp.271-283. ⟨10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.980209.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00192207v1
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Influence of browsing cessation on Picea sitchensis radial growth

Bruno Vila , Thierry Keller , Frédéric Guibal
Annals of Forest Science, 2001, 58 (8), pp.853-859. ⟨10.1051/forest:2001168⟩
Journal articles hal-00883326v1

Assessing browsing influence in forest understory using dendrochronology on Haida Gwaii archipelago (British Columbia, Canada)

Bruno Vila , Frédéric Guibal
Dendrochronologia, 2001, 19 (1), pp.139-151
Journal articles hal-03973164v1

Simulated responses of Pinus halepensis forest productivity to climatic change and CO2 increase using a statistical model

C Rathgeber , A Nicault , Joel Guiot , T Keller , F Guibal
Global and Planetary Change, 2000, 26 (4), pp.405-421. ⟨10.1016/S0921-8181(00)00053-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01457725v1
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CASAC -Cernes d'Arbres et Séismes en Asie Centrale : datation des séismes par la dendrochronologie

Cécile Miramont , Rizza Magali , Frédéric Guibal , Elodie Brisset , Frédéric Guiter
Journée Restitution de l’Appel d’Offre Interne 2020, eccorev, Jun 2024, Aix en Provence, France
Conference papers hal-04751924v1
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Demographic and evolutionary history of the European black pine (Pinus nigra Arn)

Guia Giovannelli , Caroline Scotti-Saintagne , Ivan Scotti , Anne Roig , Ilaria Spanu
Réunion du groupe AFORGEN, Alpine Forest Genomics Network (AFORGEN). INT., Jun 2018, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
Conference papers hal-01925625v1
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Dendrology and Dendrochronology of Ancient Shipwrecks from Caska (Pag Island, Croatia): New Data for the Definition of Adriatic Shipbuilding Traditions

Alba Ferreira Dominguez , Frédéric Guibal , Irena Radic Rossi , Giulia Boetto
15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology - ISBSA 15, Giulia Boetto; Patrice Pomey; Pierre Poveda, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers halshs-01978912v1

An Overview of Three Decades of Dendrochronology Applied to Ancient Mediterranean Shipwrecks in SE France

Frédéric Guibal , Alba Ferreira Dominguez , Giulia Boetto , Lisa Shindo , Sandra Greck
15th Intemational Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology -ISBSA 15, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01981116v1

Aménager une lagune à la fin de l’âge du Bronze : usage du bois et génie végétal sur le site de la Motte

Thibault Lachenal , Jean Gascó , Benoît Devillers , Sandra Greck , Frédéric Guibal
Bois et architecture dans la Protohistoire et l’Antiquité (XVIe av. J.-C. – IIe s. ap. J.-C). Grèce, Italie, Europe occidentale. Approches méthodologiques et techniques, S. Lamouille, P. Péfau, S. Rougier-Blanc (Dirs), Apr 2018, Journée d’étude, Toulouse, France
Conference papers halshs-02315155v1

Datation 14C à résolution annuelle d’arbres subfossiles du Dryas Récent

Manuella Capano , Cécile Miramont , Lisa Shindo , Frédéric Guibal , Christian Marschal
6ème journée du RÉseau Francophone du RADIOCARBONE:Analyses et InterprétatioN, Nov 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01981108v1

5A-01 Annual ¹⁴C dating of floating dendrochronological sequences. Implication for the interhemispheric offset during the Younger Dryas event

Manuela Capano , Cécile Miramont , Lisa Shindo , Frédéric Guibal , Christian R. Marshall
23rd International Radiocarbon Conference, Jun 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Conference papers hal-03551972v1

Subfossil trees from the Southern French Alps: Lateglacial wood and 14C measurements from Aix-en-Provence Content

Manuela Capano , Cécile Miramont , Frédéric Guibal , Bernd Kromer , Thibaut Tuna
The 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Aug 2017, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers hal-03550318v1

Un habitat de la fin de l’âge du Bronze entre lagune et fleuve : le site immergé de la Motte (Agde, Hérault)

Thibault Lachenal , Jean Gascó , Benoît Devillers , C. Tourette , V. Baudot
Colloque International SPF-APRAB : Entre Terres et eaux, Les sites littoraux de l’Âge du Bronze, spécificités et relations avec l’arrière-pays, Thibault Lachenal, Yves Billaud, Oct 2017, Agde, France
Conference papers halshs-02156537v1

Hydroclimatic changes in Iran, during the Lateglacial/Holocene transition, based on chironomid analysis: Comparison of records from Lake Neor (NW Iran) and Lake Arjan (SW Iran)

C Aubert , M. Djamali , F. Guibal , H. Lahijani , A. Naderi Beni
Congrès annuel de l’Ecole Doctorale Sciences de l’Environnement, ED 251, May 2017, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-02390998v1

Echantillonnage et archéobotanique en Istrie (Croatie) : les données fournies par le vivier à poissons antique de Busuja (Poreč)

Núria Rovira , Margaux Tillier , Charlotte de Bruxelles , Frédéric Guibal , Marie-Brigitte Carre
XIIe Rencontres d’Archéobotanique, Jun 2017, Perpignan, France
Conference papers halshs-02125513v1

Réponse homogène de l'architecture des arbres au climat dans de nombreux biomes : conséquences sur l'adaptation des forêts au changement climatique

M. Vennetier , F. Girard , F. Buissard , Yves Caraglio , Sylvie-Annabel Sabatier
Ecoveg: Congrès International Francophone en Écologie Végétale, Sep 2017, Forêt Montmorency, Canada. pp.38
Conference papers hal-02607966v1

Hydroclimatic changes in Talesh Mts, NW-Iran, during the Lateglacial and Holocene, based on chironomid and pollen analyses

Cyril Aubert , Morteza Djamali , Frédéric Guibal , Hamid Lahijani , A Naderi
European Pollen Database Meeting, Jun 2016, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-02391148v1

Hydroclimatic changes in Talesh Mts, NW-Iran, during the Lateglacial-early Holocene transition, based on chironomid and pollen analyses

Cyril Aubert , Morteza Djamali , Frédéric Guibal , Hamid Lahijani , A Naderi
Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUA 2016: "Paléoclimats et environnements quaternaires, quoi de neuf sous le soleil?", Feb 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-02391192v1

Hydroclimatic changes in Talesh Mts, NW Iran, during the last 15,000 years, based on a chironomid analysis

Cyril Aubert , Morteza Djamali , Frédéric Guibal , Hamid Lahijani , A. Naderi Beni
Sfécologie 2016, International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Oct 2016, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-02391058v1

Etude dendrochrono-écologique de constructions traditionnelles dans les Alpes du Sud

Lisa Shindo , Vincent Labbas , Jean-Louis Édouard , Frédéric Guibal
Archéométrie 2015, Apr 2015, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-01981058v1

Old viticulture in the southern alpine French Alps

Lisa Shindo , Jean-Louis Édouard , Frédéric Guibal
TRACE 2015, May 2015, Sevilla, Spain
Conference papers hal-01981044v1

Croissance radiale des pins d’Alep sur différents terrils du Bassin Minier de Provence

Frédéric Guibal
Journée « Terrils du Bassin Minier de Provence », Dec 2015, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers hal-04627126v1

PIN D’ALEP : Croissance des pins d’Alep sur différents milieux post-industriels du Bassin Minier de Provence

Frédéric Guibal
Séminaire annuel de restitution de l’Observatoire Hommes-Milieux du Bassin Minier de Provence, Oct 2015, Trets, France
Conference papers hal-04623247v1

Dendrochrono-ecological and archaeological study of traditonal buildings in the southern French Alps

Lisa Shindo , Jean-Louis Édouard , Frédéric Guibal
International Symposium WoodSciCraft 2014, Sep 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01981060v1
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Constructions en bois et habitat rural rupestre en Basse-Provence au Moyen Âge. Dendrologie, anthracologie et archéologie

Claire Venot-Tisserand , Frédéric Guiba